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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. And you fail again. That should be a t. =O NOT IF YOU SPELL IT THE WAY COOL KIDS SPELL IT, WHICH IS WITH A D AND NOT A T. :rolleyes: LOL... a - Kat - who thinks fast on her feet! LOL Nice try.
  2. You have to look at the back of the card and tell me who made that card... PLEASE!!!!! Also if there is a number. I need a bunch of those cards!!!!! hallmark Thank you! I got one! Am I happy now!!!! I dunno. you tell us. xD That was a statement, not a question.
  3. :blink: Oh my !!!! Oh, wow, H. I just went back and looked. xD Our Horatio's poor little eyes are getting careless? I remember that now. :blush:
  4. *bell goes off* DING, DING, DING !!! We have a winner!!!!!!!!!!!! *hands Jesse the ultimate prize of all... one year's worth of fresh, straight from the kitchen micicles, in a variety of flavours* Here is your trophy! I thought it was pretty cool as it is right along the edge and luckily when I started looking, I went down the left side of the K first and was pretty happy I didn't have to search through all those names in the middle of the K or the R. *wonders what other winners would have done with the ultimate prize* Oh well...*grabs a strawberry micicle* Mmmmm! Lucky you, looking there first. My eyes were pretty strained after looking through all those billions of names (some of which are just crazy..."Doofus"? ) If you started from the top, my friend Neal D Donohue is also there about the middle of the K (between top and bottom) and the second name to the right on the left side, about 15 rows above my name.
  5. Oh I did. I also got grounded but they didn't enforce it. You were pretty lucky, so thank goodness your parents didn't enforce it.
  6. Good luck at the concert and have lots of fun. I hope to see you tomorrow.
  7. Aww. why? He's great guy but he deserves someone who can saw i love you too and he deserves someone who can care about him as much as he cares about me. He was too clingy and he called like 32 times a week. I didsn't want to but I felt the need. I was Like, *sigh* Mike I really don't want to this but I think it would be better for you and maybe me if we broke up. I'm Sorry I think you were very smart about taking control of your life. Good for you. Mega Wolf would be proud! Bad thig about it is I got over it in like 5 minutes and it took him till yesterday. The difference is that you had been thinking about this for quite some time and it came as a surprise to him. Did you look at Cheesemaster's post in this topic. He needs your input. Thanks. oh guess what he still in love with me and I feel so bad cause now I'm going out with one of his beat friends..... :[ but I like the guy. Mike was talking to my cousin and was like I thought I was fine once she broke up with me but then I started to realize how much she ment to me and what a difference she made in my life now that she's gone I feel so empty, alone, and helpless... I feel like such a female dog. > Don't feel bad. Don't let this guy manipulate your feelings. Be happy with your new relationship and put the past in the past.
  8. Gesundheit! thanks. So nice to see you again.
  9. *wonders if Hoops, while lurking around, has seen we have a winner*
  10. *bell goes off* DING, DING, DING !!! We have a winner!!!!!!!!!!!! *hands Jesse the ultimate prize of all... one year's worth of fresh, straight from the kitchen micicles, in a variety of flavours* Here is your trophy! I thought it was pretty cool as it is right along the edge and luckily when I started looking, I went down the left side of the K first and was pretty happy I didn't have to search through all those names in the middle of the K or the R.
  11. You have to look at the back of the card and tell me who made that card... PLEASE!!!!! Also if there is a number. I need a bunch of those cards!!!!! hallmark Thank you! I got one! Am I happy now!!!!
  12. Here is where my name will be located: Logo Right :blink: :blink: *wonders why no one looks here* *wonders if Mushroom_king found my name* *wonders why Mushroom_king does not answer*
  13. Is that some kind of secret code? A while back (February), I posted about a Yellow Meat Grinder at an antique store. I was hoping it was some spy code. Are you going to buy it? my mom wouldn't let me back in February. Were you using her money? If it is your money, your mother really should not say how you spend your money, unless it is something that is illegal. But if it were my thinking, a yellow meat grinder would eventually be worth money as they are not made anymore. So I would think it is a great investment.
  14. Here is where my name will be located: Logo Right :blink: :blink: *wonders why no one looks here* *wonders if Mushroom_king found my name*
  15. bleh, american history opposite of bleh, world history, mainly southern asia. and south america Niall Ferguson writes books about world history. You can find one of his books on almost any area of the world you want to read about.
  16. I am reading Colossus The Rise And Fall Of The American Empire by Niall Ferguson. About one-quarter of the way into it. Very, very interesting.
  17. thank you! i will make sure that he stays fully in my imaginings and out of yours. thanks again, ~Liz How you could solve this is by changing the names to protect the innocent. You would then know who the characters really are, but we would not know. How does this sound?
  18. I don't believe there is anything wrong with you. I think there are things wrong with society. Extreme pressure is put on young people adding undue stress to their life. Once you move on into college, I do guarantee that things get better. High school is tough and a long four years. I would suggest that when you get out of college you try the Peace Corps. If you want to feel great about yourself, here is one way to accomplish this. In addition to helping others, you see part of the world you would not have had the opportunity to and you walk away having completed the goals set and meeting and developing new and fabulous friendships. I think you would really like this. Plus, it looks really phenomenal on a resume. the three reasons im SO EXCITED to go to college: 1. i will be in control of the food around me. if i go shopping and all i buy is salads and shove them in my mini fridge, with the ocasional dining hall and pizza delivery, ill be set 2.to get out of this town and this house its really stuck up around here and im over it and as for my house.. i just need out, ya kno? its a highly stressful unhappy environment and im just not built for it 3.i can smoke. freely. without worrying about breaking my mom's heart i cant wait. but at the same time, i so can.. idk its just hard to deal, i wanna pack up and start over meet new people, real, mature PEOPLE but just highschool preps and witchy wannabes i want to weed out my things i dont want this much i want to be simplistic i just want some order idk im done ranting happy halloween! Happy Halloween! Ranting is good. Getting out of your house sounds like it will be good for you. yea tomorrow my ocd friend is comig over and im giving her a pack and 3 dollars (=$10) to help me clean my room and sort out my life. lol im so glad i have fridays off. ugh so tired. Sorting out your life is always good. lol well my room is clean as heck but i dont feel good about it. eh wutever.. "the faultfinder will find faults in anything" thats me :[[ This sounds crazy, but what or why do you not feel good about a clean room? It intrigues me to have a better understanding of your feelings underlying this. cuz its like.. for instance.. having papers everywhere that are all about differenet stuff id rather have them spread out n stuff cuz i know where they are then have them all neatly put in a pile of random stuff idk its like reverse ocd or like.. the pile is.. a folder,some papers,a flattened thing of throat drops,a mag,a notebook, a thing of pins,a little bag, and ipodbox guts the pile is nice and neat and aside on my desk but it feels so messy and throw together to me i like the chaos of my room it seems plain cept for the walls man i have the best walls we should have a HD comp. where people take a pic of there room and we vote on best cuz thats one thing i have a shot at. my room is amazing just part of me wants to minimize it.. idk. everything is too random to put 'alike' things together besides like books and clothes i mean like.. notecards i might need or a coupon or one random candle im just bad at making things look good i guess idk i just want to be happy LOL... I understand. Let me guarantee you this... the pile will return to little piles soon. When you decide you need to look for something, you will spread out the big pile back to little piles.
  19. Horatio

    My place. :)

    We will keep you all in our prayers. Hopefully it won't be too rough. When you feel like talking, we are here for you. When you pass my town, wave. I will be in my cage looking for you. Thanks again. This will be my first time on a commercial airline, so I'm kinda excited about that. I can't say I expect it to be *fun* what with airport security and all, but it's a good experience to have. I'm really going to miss my friends while I'm gone though, I won't see them until Wednesday. Christina went home earlier tonight, so I've got the room to myself. And Marius is leaving for home tomorrow morning, so unless he gets back early on Sunday, I won't see him even tomorrow, which is sad, because out of everyone, he's been here for me the most. I hate to sound all mushy and stuff, but I honestly couldn't have expected to have a better friend. Ah well, I need to finish my day-of-trip pack list. It's amazing the things they list on the federal list of stuff you can't have in a carryon. I mean really, cattle prods? Hand grenades? Fire extinguishers? The airline flying will be fun for you. Security is not bad. Just remember to put everything from your pockets into the little tray or into your bag. When you set off the detector, this just jams up the line. Most important, do not carry any water bottles, coffee drinks, soda or other liquid, through security. It will be confiscated. Even if the bottles are sealed, they are confiscated. Once you get past security, they will sell these same items. Once you are on board, if you get cold easily, make sure to bring a sweater, sweatshirt or other item to keep you warm. Blankets are many times not put on board as too many are being stolen and it costs the airline too much. So, they just decided to remove them. Checking luggage is good as it cuts down on stuff you have to carry. Plus, it makes going through security easier. Carry-on... now that made me laugh. Keep those cattle prods, hand grenades and fire extinguishers home. LOL You would be surprised what you will see people trying to take with them. Trust me on this one... you cannot imagine what people think is acceptable carry-on. If you are a chef and take your personal collection of knives with you when you travel, those would need to be in your checked luggage. Can you imagine the look on the faces of the security people when you tried to get through security with those??? It is just much easier when you check your bag with all those extras. Having the room to yourself is nice on occasion, I hope Marius sees you again before you leave. lol yeah, when I saw "meat cleavers" on there I was like, "Darn, you mean I can't bring my meat cleaver collection?" Although I am kinda bummed about not being able to have my pocketknife on me. I'll have to remember to take that out of my camera case. As for the selling beverages past the security line, gee, coca-cola corportation couldn't have has any say in that now could they? Haha. I'm probably going to keep all my stuff in one carryon if I can. It might be more annoying with security, but my dad's done it before, and that way I get to keep everything in my posession so I don't have to worry about it getting lost. It's all going in my backpacking backpack, so it won't be too tough to carry. The stories about lost luggage are really overblown. The thing to check with your backpacking backpack is to make sure it fits in the overhead bin. Your father would know for sure about this. Just don't take anything you don't want taken away. They can xray your camera so there is no need to take it out of the case, unless the case is metal. If it is in your backpack, and you tell them you have a camera in there, then they usually will let it go through. If you are taking your laptop, be prepared to take it out of it's case, put it in a separate tub to slide through the xray machine. There are some places where after it goes through the xray machine, then you have to turn it on for one of the security agents. As for the Coca-Cola Corporation, add Pepsi and all the others, and then imagine that this is the influence they would love to have. LOL Actually in the beginning, you were not even permitted to buy a bottle of water or any other drink, after passing through security, keep it sealed and carry it on. The good news is that they have relaxed that part. The airlines hated it because it cost them more money. People now wanted two and three drinks of water, soda, etc., when they were on the airplane. Just make sure you don't put a flammable liquid in your drinking water bottle. You probably will not make it past security. LOL Your new home will be very structured, having security bars on the doors and windows, a uniform in a colour you probably don't like, and three square meals of unedible food. Arriving at your new residence also includes any jokes or comments about how stupid the process is to one of the security agents. LOL No sense of humour with those guys. lol really. My laptop is going inside my normal backpack, which will then go inside my big backpack, and my camera will probably be either in my hands or in a side pocket of my big backpack. And I've already got my shampoo and stuff in the quart-sized zip-lock bag, in an easily accessable outer part of my backpack so they can see it. If they really complain about it, I'll take out the small backpack and camera case, and check the rest of the big backpack, but I'd really rather not. LOL... oh they don't complain. It is only when you get to the security checkpoint that you find the ridiculousness of some of it. But, I can wait for your security stories. Haha oh boy.... I actually just finished printing our boarding passes for tomorrow... That was a great thing you did... it helps to print out the boarding passes early.
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