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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. You are NOT a failure. I am at a loss of words to reply.
  2. [ Thank you for continuing. It is a terrific story! ]
  3. We can wait. We would much rather have you alive! LOL
  4. We have missed you. Sorry to hear life is so stressful. I wish you had less to do and more time for yourself to relax. As you know, we always think about you and hope you are okay. What's new... not much.
  5. Good luck at the concert and have lots of fun. I hope to see you tomorrow. ok I'm three days late but omg the concert was so amazing I so loved it we had to wear these really ugly robes and they were like church robes so we were running down the halls (before the concert) screaming "joy to the world all the boys and girls joy to the fishies in the deap blue sea joy to you and me" and we were falpping our arms like we were birds so me and my choir buddies the whole week have been doing that oh and last friday the whatever I went to one of my cousins foot ball games and I saw teddy there and he was cheating on me cuase we were supposed to hang out that day but he said he couldn't so I was like whatever but when I went to talk to him he was lke oh I sent you a text breaking up with you I don't know if you got it or not but yeah I can tell when people are lieing so I was like yeah uh-huh of cousre you did. (calm) then I was like WHAT KIND OF DUMB*** DO YOU ******* TAKE ME FOR!?!?!?! I KNOW YOU'RE LIEING AND YOU BETTER HOPE TO GOD I NEVER SEE YOUR LIENG LITTLE ( insert really bad words here) FACE EVER AGAIN OR YOU MIGHT NOT LIVE TO SEE DAY LIGT (screaming) then I walked off all calmly with my cousin's friend. But yeah I don't I wanted to say some of that the first time we went out and he broke up with me but I didn't. It's all good cause now I have another boyfriend who I care about. but I'm not making the same mistake twice. I'm gonna make sure I do love him before I tell him I love him. hmmm.... let's see I don't think there's anything else........ nope nothing for now.. how are you? :blink: :blink: I'm fine. Probably a bit better than you were during the above scenario. Hope you are doing well now. Anything I would say... well, it would only be a non-event compared to your post. LOL But I am glad to hear you had a great time with the choir.
  6. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I looked for you to wave as you went by my cage... what happened? You made it over to the tourist capital of Florida I see. Glad you got to do something nice even though the reason for coming down was sad. There was a phenomenal airstream park down here and the airport got stupid and moved them all out, now the lot is just empty. They had a constant "stream" of money, with all the airstreams, but some politician wanted to sell the property or something like that. Everyone loved seeing all the great shiny trailers. Nice that you have returned back to the cool weather of the north. You forgot to take the 50 degree nights with you. What? I waved! Oh yeah, tourist city. It was fun though. My parents bought me one of those "mini palm tree" things, so it's sitting on my desk with the rest of the usual clutter. Politiciants=lame. Politics comes from the Latin "Poly" which means "many" and the word "ticks" which are blood-sucking insects. And hey, your low temperatures are our high temperatures. I don't know how I missed you. LOL The palm tree does not need too much water. If you water it once a week, with just enough to wet the dirt, but not water in the tray, your palm will be successful. I had to turn the heat on in my cage today. I couldn't get the temperature above 73 until I turned on the cage heat. LOL
  7. Needs some fixin' up. A-like so. Win. *waits for Toto to appear to see her reaction* *continues to wait* *wonders where Toto has been* *sees TBFOF and is happy he is here* *wonders how long Horatio will describe his state of being in third person* Until someone noticed.
  8. Needs some fixin' up. A-like so. Win. *waits for Toto to appear to see her reaction* *continues to wait* *wonders where Toto has been* *sees TBFOF and is happy he is here*
  9. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Yes, I hope so. I won't be rooming with the same person next year (he is rooming with someone else). I do find that kids in the Honors Program are kind of the same mindset as me but I haven't been able to hangout with them much thanks to chorus and band monday nights . Actually the chorus and band kids are nice too. Crazy, some of them, but nice.... bah, my dad told me not to worry too much about next year, and he's probably right. Anyway I'll probably request my current roommate as a suitemate for next year. Yes, but he keeps saying he loves her...he isn't even sure that she truly loves him back, but that doesn't seem to matter as much. He wants *her* to be the one to break up, he's pretty stubborn about keeping it going. Like Charlie Brown says, "the things I do for love..." You still have a semester to go. You should meet more honours students. As for the band kids being nice and somewhat crazy... think Mega Wolf. "The things people do for love..." Isn't that the truth.
  10. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I looked for you to wave as you went by my cage... what happened? You made it over to the tourist capital of Florida I see. Glad you got to do something nice even though the reason for coming down was sad. There was a phenomenal airstream park down here and the airport got stupid and moved them all out, now the lot is just empty. They had a constant "stream" of money, with all the airstreams, but some politician wanted to sell the property or something like that. Everyone loved seeing all the great shiny trailers. Nice that you have returned back to the cool weather of the north. You forgot to take the 50 degree nights with you.
  11. Needs some fixin' up. A-like so. Win. *waits for Toto to appear to see her reaction* *continues to wait* *wonders where Toto has been*
  12. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Unfortunately for you, many students had curfews and parents who monitored their lives while they were in high school, so now they are in college, with no one watching, they act like maniacs. Of course, when it comes to their mediocre grades, it is always someone else's fault. If they took the blame themselves, then they would have no excuse but to buckle down and study. LOL I do believe you will find a group of friends who are of the same mindset as you. When you do, this will make dorm life so much better. As for your roommate's girlfriend, I hope he doesn't get too serious with this girl. What a way to spend the rest of his life, but with a bossy, controlling woman... that would be punishment.
  13. Oh I did. I also got grounded but they didn't enforce it. cool beans i never really get grounded. i get away with like almost anything see if you want freedom, you gotta push for it and ive taken some tears but i dont know how id live if i hadnt :] Your parents are more lenient than some others. If I did what you did, I would be permanently grounded for life. push it to the limit LOL... I will leave that to you. :] and i will suceed im bored with my life. what should i do? I'm certain you will find something creative.
  14. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Whoa!!!!! All those different types of clarinets. I had no idea. How cool it would be to listen to a clarinet choir! Glad your marching is over for now. Sounds like you had a great last event! Thanks for the update. Yes, I would love to hear a clarinet choir...actually, I would love to be in one, too. I forgot the G soprano clarinet, which is considered the "Turkish clarinet", rare in the western hemisphere. There have also been D and F soprano clarinets, but these last two are really rare nowadays. Not to mention that there are also different key systems for the clarinet. The most common one, which I have, is the boehm system, but there are also the albert and oehler systems. And there is also a kinderklarinette which has only 3 keys (and the holes). Yeah. I'm like, a clarinet fanatic now. When you join the clarinet chorus, I will come to your concert. Next time I am in Turkey, I will pick you up a G soprano clarinet!
  15. You have to look at the back of the card and tell me who made that card... PLEASE!!!!! Also if there is a number. I need a bunch of those cards!!!!! hallmark Thank you! I got one! Am I happy now!!!! I dunno. you tell us. xD That's exactly what I was going to say. D: :wacko: So, what do you want... good English? LOL No way, H. I now want every post you make to be in perfect Spanish. No problemo.
  16. Raise your hand if you actually care that it got through! But, I must ask, what is a bolvine? A cow, basically. Bolvine... a bovine that bowls? No. Bolvine: A bovine with an l added to make it roll off the tongue better. I like saying bolvine, even if it's the wrong word. Happy cows come from California. Bolvine it is.
  17. Oh I did. I also got grounded but they didn't enforce it. cool beans i never really get grounded. i get away with like almost anything see if you want freedom, you gotta push for it and ive taken some tears but i dont know how id live if i hadnt :] Your parents are more lenient than some others. If I did what you did, I would be permanently grounded for life. push it to the limit LOL... I will leave that to you.
  18. Raise your hand if you actually care that it got through! But, I must ask, what is a bolvine? A cow, basically. Bolvine... a bovine that bowls?
  19. Oh I did. I also got grounded but they didn't enforce it. cool beans i never really get grounded. i get away with like almost anything see if you want freedom, you gotta push for it and ive taken some tears but i dont know how id live if i hadnt :] Your parents are more lenient than some others. If I did what you did, I would be permanently grounded for life.
  20. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Whoa!!!!! All those different types of clarinets. I had no idea. How cool it would be to listen to a clarinet choir! Glad your marching is over for now. Sounds like you had a great last event! Thanks for the update.
  21. And you fail again. That should be a t. =O NOT IF YOU SPELL IT THE WAY COOL KIDS SPELL IT, WHICH IS WITH A D AND NOT A T. :rolleyes: LOL... a - Kat - who thinks fast on her feet! LOL Nice try. *stuffs pouches with sunflower seeds* aseoijp sn[osermp] jiospf n[a *realizes I can't type with my pouches full*
  22. You have to look at the back of the card and tell me who made that card... PLEASE!!!!! Also if there is a number. I need a bunch of those cards!!!!! hallmark Thank you! I got one! Am I happy now!!!! I dunno. you tell us. xD That's exactly what I was going to say. D: :wacko: So, what do you want... good English? LOL
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