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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. You will be sharing his birthday cake with us, won't you.
  2. If you don't have a need to tell him, why not wait a bit and see if he makes a move in your direction.
  3. Horatio


    yeah i actually did. nothing monumetal happened, but no drama (for me at least!) either. enjoyable... my dad will not let me post pictures. even though i told him it was a moderated site!!!! why couldnt i have done this when he wasnt home? ~Liz Ask your father to help you cover over your face and see if that would help, or ask him to come here and post a message to me and perhaps I can answer any questions he might have. Let him know that we do not allow your entire picture to be shown. i told him i was gonna edit out my face...but whatever it doesnt matter. ~Liz You could always ask your dad to cut off your head for you. In the picture that is.
  4. Perhaps you might be a little bit biased?
  5. Don't go by that. You would make a fantastic pilot!!!!!!!
  6. Horatio

    My place. :)

    You must be excited! LOL Fod shopping... well the people at the airport will be happy you are cleaning up the tarmac for them. LOL Pissibly... no I won't touch that one. lol Food shopping and possibly. It's dark, I'm tired, and I wasn't paying attention. LOL... My mind thinks you have something else on your mind... Phil.
  7. Horatio

    My place. :)

    You must be excited! LOL Fod shopping... well the people at the airport will be happy you are cleaning up the tarmac for them. LOL Pissibly... no I won't touch that one.
  8. Needs some fixin' up. A-like so. Win. *waits for Toto to appear to see her reaction* *continues to wait* *wonders where Toto has been* TOTO ?!?!?
  9. You need to put on one of the HampsterDance CDs, those will put a smile in your heart.
  10. I'm glad I could help you feel better. Time is a wonderful healer.
  11. I am so sorry to hear your heart hurts. That is really tough. First, I admire you for being brave enough to ask him the question, and second, you are such as a terrific person, my heart hurts for you. Although this is not want you want to hear... time will heal these hurts. The good news is that we have some holidays so you won't have to see him too much. Here's a hammie bear hug for you. Your poems are really terrific. You are such a talented writer.
  12. Haha that is excellent! It's so true though. The scariest part of driving is the other cars! So true. Today I saw a woman with her left foot up on the seat and she had her phone in her left hand, was texting with her right hand and... probably steering with her right knee. I can only guess.
  13. There are various stages of licensing. You begin with a private pilot license, then instrument, commercial, multi-engine and finally airline transport pilot. You can do this slow or fast, depending on money and time. The shortest time would be to go about two to three times a week. You need a minimum of 40 hours for the private pilot license, most people end up with more, but this is the minimum. So ideally, you could fly about 3 to 5 hours per week, until you do your cross-country trips, then you will fly much more in one day. Two to three months providing weather cooperates is the shortest time I believe. As for the other certificates, the commercial is about 200 or 250 depending on what type school you attend. The airline transport pilot is a total of 1500 hours, but you get these hours by someone paying you to fly for them. Some airlines will hire you once you receive your commercial and have 250 hours. Flying is much easier because you don't have crazy drivers on their cell phones, watching DVDs while using the GPS to figure out where they are going. Plus no one runs red lights or stop signs and endangers your life. The joke is that when a pilot gets killed, it is usually on his way home from the airport, not up in the air.
  14. Ah, now I remember. How long are you already flying? And which Airbus do you fly? Well, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. How long? LOL... that is one of those questions that would give away the fact that I am not in university. LOL I fly the A300 and A310. My routes were Paris to various parts of Europe and the Middle East. Ooh, the airplane I took to florida was an Airbus A320, I think. It was spiffy. I would love to be a pilot, I think it would be tons of fun. Maybe someday I'll have the time and money to get my pilot's liscence... I think you should definitely become a pilot. lol so do I. My dad's a pilot, although his liscence isn't current (he's only flying ultralights right now, normal planes are too expensive, and mom would kill him if he bought a plane before fixing the house, car, [insert project here]. But yeah, if I have the chance to learn how to fly, I will. When I was little, my parents used to joke that I'd be getting my pilots liscence before my driving liscence. For normal airplanes at least, it doesn't seem too much more difficult than driving a car, and according to DMV, I'm capable of at least that much. Flying is much easier than driving. The great thing is that you do not have to deal with all those other "drivers". Haha true, not unless you *really* mess up. Well, that could happen.
  15. Ah, now I remember. How long are you already flying? And which Airbus do you fly? Well, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. How long? LOL... that is one of those questions that would give away the fact that I am not in university. LOL I fly the A300 and A310. My routes were Paris to various parts of Europe and the Middle East. Ooh, the airplane I took to florida was an Airbus A320, I think. It was spiffy. I would love to be a pilot, I think it would be tons of fun. Maybe someday I'll have the time and money to get my pilot's liscence... I think you should definitely become a pilot. lol so do I. My dad's a pilot, although his liscence isn't current (he's only flying ultralights right now, normal planes are too expensive, and mom would kill him if he bought a plane before fixing the house, car, [insert project here]. But yeah, if I have the chance to learn how to fly, I will. When I was little, my parents used to joke that I'd be getting my pilots liscence before my driving liscence. For normal airplanes at least, it doesn't seem too much more difficult than driving a car, and according to DMV, I'm capable of at least that much. Flying is much easier than driving. The great thing is that you do not have to deal with all those other "drivers".
  16. Ah, now I remember. How long are you already flying? And which Airbus do you fly? Well, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. How long? LOL... that is one of those questions that would give away the fact that I am not in university. LOL I fly the A300 and A310. My routes were Paris to various parts of Europe and the Middle East. Ooh, the airplane I took to florida was an Airbus A320, I think. It was spiffy. I would love to be a pilot, I think it would be tons of fun. Maybe someday I'll have the time and money to get my pilot's liscence... I think you should definitely become a pilot.
  17. Lol, so I guess not very long? Good guess!!! LOL The A310. My sister had an internship at the Luftwaffe (air force) base in Cologne, there they also have this Airbus. She wants to be an aircraft technician. So you already spend most of your time in Paris? Paris, Cologne, Frankfurt (Mainz and Bad Homburg), Milano, Munchen, Tel Aviv, Copenhagen, Stockholm, to name a few. Your sister would have a great career as an aircraft technician. I could then introduce her to some of the people at FedEx and perhaps she could work with us!!!!! Oh man. Now I want to be a pilot so I can go to all of theose places! =] Not only to you get to go all these places, you get paid to do this!!!
  18. *gives Mushroom_king an award for reading every post of my topic* Here is your Platinum Planet Award! I feel very special you read them all.
  19. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Marius... love is a matter of the heart, not the brain. Intelligence only gets in the way. Easier to ignore these things. Phil... now this sounds very promising. I am really excited to hear that Phil is excited about going home this weekend. Your weekend sounds like it is going to be stellar. BTW... learn to drive standard.
  20. Lol, I didn't know this word, but my online dictionary does. Our nick for BMW, as you already found out.
  21. Lol, so I guess not very long? Good guess!!! LOL The A310. My sister had an internship at the Luftwaffe (air force) base in Cologne, there they also have this Airbus. She wants to be an aircraft technician. So you already spend most of your time in Paris? Paris, Cologne, Frankfurt (Mainz and Bad Homburg), Milano, Munchen, Tel Aviv, Copenhagen, Stockholm, to name a few. Your sister would have a great career as an aircraft technician. I could then introduce her to some of the people at FedEx and perhaps she could work with us!!!!!
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