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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Good for you. You stuck to store policy and that is terrific!!!
  2. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Start gargling with warm salt water. That should help you quite a bit.
  3. Now you get to have two pieces of birthday cake on that day.
  4. First........ STOP GETTING ON THE SCALE EVERYDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Next, when you go to Starbucks have a hot tea or iced tea. These are great alternatives to the sugar and fat drinks that they have AND they cost a lot less money! As for taco bell or pizza, as I don't frequent these places, I am going to make a guess. Get a bean burrito, ONE, and after each bite, put the burrito down and chew each bite at least 21 times. That should slow down your eating. The same goes for the pizza. Have ONE slice. If you must, two slices, but I would use the same technique as the burrito. Put the slice of pizza down and out of your hand after each bite. most of the time i eat junk food im out of my mind if you get it lol i know, im so bad blah blah blah but thats life i could just shoot myself today ugh :[ i did so bad i dont even wanna calc it WAYYYY over 1000. which is scary i scare myself why do i KEEP eating? why do i feel hungry when i shouldnt? I understand completely. Let me think on this before I respond.
  5. First........ STOP GETTING ON THE SCALE EVERYDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Next, when you go to Starbucks have a hot tea or iced tea. These are great alternatives to the sugar and fat drinks that they have AND they cost a lot less money! As for taco bell or pizza, as I don't frequent these places, I am going to make a guess. Get a bean burrito, ONE, and after each bite, put the burrito down and chew each bite at least 21 times. That should slow down your eating. The same goes for the pizza. Have ONE slice. If you must, two slices, but I would use the same technique as the burrito. Put the slice of pizza down and out of your hand after each bite.
  6. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Isn't there an overall amount of credits to meet in order to graduate though? At my school you need 120 credits to graduate. My roommate is driving me crazy. He's eating right now. It sounds like he's giving off electrical sparks with his smacking. It makes me feel sick. And blasting youtube movies. He also keeps walking in when I want to practice clarinet, and I can't play with him in the room. Or with the door open. I also have a billion projects to do. I have a french one due December 12, a history one for December 7, and an optional math one for December 6 (gives me 2 points on my final grade). I should probably add stuff my presentation for music theory tomorrow, and I also have to write a paper for Music Theory, and I still haven't received the topics for it. No response from my mentor or academic adviser about being a sophomore next semester. I might take things into my own hands if I get impatient enough. I just don't know how. Maybe I'll approach the registrar. Maybe fill out a degree waiver form if I have to do it that way. So must stuff. I feel so overwhelmed, I don't know where to begin. I can understand why you feel overwhelmed. I would have crawled back into my cage and waited for another day. You have so many projects with close deadlines. There is a really good deep breathing exercise that helps you destress and it only takes a minute. Let me know if you want me to write it out for you. As for your roommate... I agree with you. Your description is great! I can hear the sparks from the smacking now. Perhaps you out to make a movie of him eating and put that on youtube. Practicing will be a problem if he doesn't cooperate. You could make him leave by starting to practice and playing the same bar over and over about one hundred times. That would drive him out. For someone who isn't actually doing the practicing, hearing the same few notes over and over kind of wears on them, unless it is your instructor. Mentor/advisors occasionally need to be prodded.
  7. If you are going to eat real dressing, then please dip your fork into it and then take a bite of your salad. Please do not smother your salad in dressing. The chef salad is pretty good, please not too much cheese. For a great snack that you can grab on a break, and carry on you, are Kashi bars. They have some 140 calorie bars that are really fantastic. Stay away from the 280 Kashi bars, look for the TLC bars in the cereal aisle. I like the crunchy ones more then the chewy ones. Some how those two thin crunchy bars seem to go longer than the fat single chewy bar. Crazy I know, but that is how it seems to me. i pour it in and shake it it doesnt have alot i dont control how much cheese there is.. only how much i eat lol lol i was gonna get one of those but everything i picked up said chocolate and i was like.. um no, i'll go with luna The Kashi bars I am talking about should be the ones in a white box with TLC (Tasty Little Chewys) or something like that and they are only 140 calories. oh lol i was talking about the indie. bars. that makes sense so i did okay today my approx sats: 11:30am- salad w/ light ranch dressing=200 3pm- honey bunches of oats w/ milk=218 8pm-yogurt=60 10pm-roast beef=150 corn=80 total=708 exercise= yoga with a side note of course, "today was okay considering yesterday i ate like 4 cookies and everyday a couple weeks ago i had cookies at lunch not to be eating any junk, is good. unfortunately i dont have time to run tonight i have like an hour of hw at least O.O!" You did great!!! That is how you are supposed to eat. A bunch of little meals/snacks. Please do me one favour... eat a bar or something for breakfast to jumpstart your metabolism.
  8. If you are going to eat real dressing, then please dip your fork into it and then take a bite of your salad. Please do not smother your salad in dressing. The chef salad is pretty good, please not too much cheese. For a great snack that you can grab on a break, and carry on you, are Kashi bars. They have some 140 calorie bars that are really fantastic. Stay away from the 280 Kashi bars, look for the TLC bars in the cereal aisle. I like the crunchy ones more then the chewy ones. Some how those two thin crunchy bars seem to go longer than the fat single chewy bar. Crazy I know, but that is how it seems to me. i pour it in and shake it it doesnt have alot i dont control how much cheese there is.. only how much i eat lol lol i was gonna get one of those but everything i picked up said chocolate and i was like.. um no, i'll go with luna The Kashi bars I am talking about should be the ones in a white box with TLC (Tasty Little Chewys) or something like that and they are only 140 calories.
  9. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Yeah for being back at school. Along with the peppermint tea you need some some candles with the christmas smell. Oh, we're not allowed to have candles. But I do have an awesome air freshener though. Probably a good idea. Safety first. They have some great Holiday scents in air fresheners. Yeah. I've got yankee candle's balsam and cedar air freshener. It's really expensive, but it smells so good! Does it last long?
  10. And always makes me smile. Toto... ask you mother to email me please. Here is a new email address: pmajr@mac.com Thanks. You guys won't be talking about me, now will you? =P Sorry to deflate your ego, but no. I somehow dumped my address book and wanted to say hi, but her address is too hard to remember. Just making sure. Hehe. (Just to let you know, my ego isn't that big. It's actually quite small, contrary to popular belief. Hope that helps! :] Thanks, it does. Besides, you have not been around... no new juicy rumours.
  11. Yeah ... needy boyfriend was my problem. =P And getting in shape for soccer. Needy boyfriend... hmmm. What position do you play? Was. Hah. He is no more. :] As for soccer, I'll probably play defense. It really doesn't start until the spring, I just have to get ready. Which means lotsa running! Glad to see you are free again. Fullbacks run the most, I believe. Yeah. =P Defense = hardly any running. Just side-to-side stuff. Buttt ... we have to run 2 or 3 miles at each practice, regardless of what position you play. :blink: Oh. So, it must be the forwards who do all the running in the game. 2 to 3 miles... I am tired already just thinking about it. LOL
  12. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Yeah for being back at school. Along with the peppermint tea you need some some candles with the christmas smell. Oh, we're not allowed to have candles. But I do have an awesome air freshener though. Probably a good idea. Safety first. They have some great Holiday scents in air fresheners.
  13. [ So what happened to chapters six and seven? ]
  14. If you are going to eat real dressing, then please dip your fork into it and then take a bite of your salad. Please do not smother your salad in dressing. The chef salad is pretty good, please not too much cheese. For a great snack that you can grab on a break, and carry on you, are Kashi bars. They have some 140 calorie bars that are really fantastic. Stay away from the 280 Kashi bars, look for the TLC bars in the cereal aisle. I like the crunchy ones more then the chewy ones. Some how those two thin crunchy bars seem to go longer than the fat single chewy bar. Crazy I know, but that is how it seems to me.
  15. I told you it was good!!!! thanks! i am rather satisfied with it... ~Liz *hands Liz The Platinum Moon Award for her story writing* Here you go! Congratulations!!! Cool! Thanks! And BTW... I actually didnt know what it looked like 'til now! ~Liz Magnificent!!!!! WOW!!! i know! i awesomee pool ~Liz Exactly what I was thinking. LOL
  16. You probably do not want to hear what I have to say. i just meant about how to eat right i have salads for lunch in school and salads at home when i feel like it and fruit sometimes but im completely addicted to carbs and cheese and more carbs bagels,pasta,cereal,toast, english muffins, oh yea and cookie dough kill me. fruit is not filling i cant have fruit for every meal yogurt makes me sick in the morning and on most days that only leaves dinner fast food is evil 'god' is evil for making all these things bad for you ugh i hate the world i want this so bad but i just dont try i say i willl sometimes i do for a week but then im with people and we'll go to taco bell and im like.. fudge! i shouldnt do this but people look at me weird if i dont eat at fast food places when im there with them i'll never be happy with my body like this actually, i dont think i'll ever be happy but at least if im thin maybe people will point it out and i can be happy for a second i only need that second I have lots of problems because I love cake, bread, bagels, english muffins, muffins in general, crackers... anything that has a wheat type base. In fact, I could eat just that and be very happy. Here is a great eating plan, but you have to like some of these things. The first part is to start making your portions smaller. One of the problems, I am guessing, is that you are making your portions larger. For breakfast, eat one of those packets of oatmeal. NO SUGAR, the plain one. You can put Sweet N Low or Splenda on top, but no sugar. You can then have 1/2 tablespoon of raisins on top, or 1/2 a banana or some other fruit. In addition you can have some protein or dairy. So you could make some egg beaters. Both these items you can put in the microwave and they will be ready in 2 to 3 minutes. If you don't like egg beaters, how about string cheese? Can you eat a non-fat yogurt at lunch? Will you still get sick? No dressing on your salad except oil and vinegar. Lunch could consist of a small salad, eat as much lettuce, cucumbers, radishes, mushrooms as you want, but limit tomatoes, carrots, etc. No croutons, crackers or other bread products. You can also have a protein. The protein serving should be no bigger than the palm of your hand and no thicker than your hand on the pinky side. Start reading the labels... all the labels. If sugar, or any form of sugar, is in the top five ingredients, do not touch it. Put it back on the shelf immediately. You will start shopping only along the perimeter of the store. You will almost never, I repeat, ALMOST NEVER, walk into the aisles. You may venture in for plain oatmeal or tuna fish, but absolutely no breads, cookies, cakes, junk foods such as chips, etc., as this is the stuff that puts weight on. If you start here, I can give you afternoon snack and dinner. If you start with a small breakfast, such as I have suggested, this will start your metabolism. If you skip breakfast and skip lunch, your body thinks it is in the starve mode and your metabolism will slow down as much as possible and you will store fat. Let me know if you want more. omg did i forget muffins? there in like my top 8 of food! lol the plain ones are gross. id rather be hungry and i do apprciate this advice (i didnt read past the oatmeal part yet) but im very picky and to be honest, id rather be hungry then eat something thats not even good.. what is egg beaters anyway? lol and i dont even have 2 to 3 mins normally i have like negative 2 to 3 mins. lol if i can grab something, cool, kinda if i cant oh well lunch is at 11:16. i LOVE cheese! i love those little things of wax AND AND ANDDDDD they come in lite. thank jesus and heavenly john lennon :] they have yogurt but its fruit on the bottom(ew) and im sure its the 120 cal type i dont eat any yogurt but my type i know, im super picky but why eat 90-180 cals when you can eat stuff that tastes better with only 60??? lunch is covered anyway i have a chef salad with light ranch dressing everyday. unless they have no ranch then im stuck with whatever yucky dressed i pick randomly i dont shop for myself i yell at my mom to make these choices i do work at shoprite though so i can read labels whenever i want lol i just dont know what to buy that im actually gonna like or take the time to make the biggest problem with this like whole country is that 'FAST' food is easy cheap and soooooo bad my time is precious, and im lazy and im easily aggravated i like things to be instant or close to it i know thats bratty and immature but idc id rather starve then spend a long time making my food lol you know me. i always want more ;] lol jk fruit is BORING and nothing else is instant(& good for you) and food isnt boring it cures borredness and it makes me wanna kill myself every D#%@& day :[ Lunch... salad is good, dressing is really, really bad. Lemon juice or oil and vinegar are the only approved dressings. Ranch is full of fat and sugar. If you get the light version of ranch, read the label, there is usually more sugar to replace the fat. Chef salad has to be watched. There could be lots of hidden forbidden foods. No croutons, crackers or bread. No time? Your time is precious? Not precious enough to take time to make good food to eat. Egg beaters is the best tasting egg alternative. Egg beaters even makes a really tasty egg whites. Please do not yell at your mother. There is no need for this, plus it is really disrespectful. So, I ask that you please try to ask your mother to pick up healthy foods.
  17. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Yeah for being back at school. Along with the peppermint tea you need some some candles with the christmas smell.
  18. You probably do not want to hear what I have to say. i just meant about how to eat right i have salads for lunch in school and salads at home when i feel like it and fruit sometimes but im completely addicted to carbs and cheese and more carbs bagels,pasta,cereal,toast, english muffins, oh yea and cookie dough kill me. fruit is not filling i cant have fruit for every meal yogurt makes me sick in the morning and on most days that only leaves dinner fast food is evil 'god' is evil for making all these things bad for you ugh i hate the world i want this so bad but i just dont try i say i willl sometimes i do for a week but then im with people and we'll go to taco bell and im like.. fudge! i shouldnt do this but people look at me weird if i dont eat at fast food places when im there with them i'll never be happy with my body like this actually, i dont think i'll ever be happy but at least if im thin maybe people will point it out and i can be happy for a second i only need that second I have lots of problems because I love cake, bread, bagels, english muffins, muffins in general, crackers... anything that has a wheat type base. In fact, I could eat just that and be very happy. Here is a great eating plan, but you have to like some of these things. The first part is to start making your portions smaller. One of the problems, I am guessing, is that you are making your portions larger. For breakfast, eat one of those packets of oatmeal. NO SUGAR, the plain one. You can put Sweet N Low or Splenda on top, but no sugar. You can then have 1/2 tablespoon of raisins on top, or 1/2 a banana or some other fruit. In addition you can have some protein or dairy. So you could make some egg beaters. Both these items you can put in the microwave and they will be ready in 2 to 3 minutes. If you don't like egg beaters, how about string cheese? Can you eat a non-fat yogurt at lunch? Will you still get sick? No dressing on your salad except oil and vinegar. Lunch could consist of a small salad, eat as much lettuce, cucumbers, radishes, mushrooms as you want, but limit tomatoes, carrots, etc. No croutons, crackers or other bread products. You can also have a protein. The protein serving should be no bigger than the palm of your hand and no thicker than your hand on the pinky side. Start reading the labels... all the labels. If sugar, or any form of sugar, is in the top five ingredients, do not touch it. Put it back on the shelf immediately. You will start shopping only along the perimeter of the store. You will almost never, I repeat, ALMOST NEVER, walk into the aisles. You may venture in for plain oatmeal or tuna fish, but absolutely no breads, cookies, cakes, junk foods such as chips, etc., as this is the stuff that puts weight on. If you start here, I can give you afternoon snack and dinner. If you start with a small breakfast, such as I have suggested, this will start your metabolism. If you skip breakfast and skip lunch, your body thinks it is in the starve mode and your metabolism will slow down as much as possible and you will store fat. Let me know if you want more.
  19. Horatio


    DO IT =o LIKE SERIOUSLY. Okay... here I am. I think you used that before. xD But that is me. Riiiiiight. I dun't believe you. But you will have to. LOL! The last time you showed us that, I was freaking out. I was just thinking, "But ... what if that IS her?!" Haha ... I'm a loser sometimes. :] Hardly a loser. You actually are the winner!!!!!! You guessed correctly.
  20. And always makes me smile. Toto... ask you mother to email me please. Here is a new email address: pmajr@mac.com Thanks. You guys won't be talking about me, now will you? =P Sorry to deflate your ego, but no. I somehow dumped my address book and wanted to say hi, but her address is too hard to remember.
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