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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Woo hoo!!!!! Hurray for not taking the test!!!!!!!! I know you're happy!!!
  2. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Hopefully you will find a roommate that you want to spend the rest of your college days rooming with. The special housing for 3.00 GPAs and higher sounds really great. You will probably find a great roommate and friend with your same interests. Congratulations on completing all you have on your assignments. Sounds like you have really been hard at work. Good luck on your finals. I'm certain you will ace them!!!
  3. What you don't give yourself credit for is just that fact that you are thinking about it. cuz that doesnt help me out It's a start. ok WHOO HOO lauren you did something right *big selfhug* wow, i feel spectacular ..NOT. and nothing changed i need to do mad hw so i can go to college and get the 4983274932874 out of this crazy house! i hate them :[ I think going to college would be great for you. Have you thought about what school you would like to attend? judging by how i think im gonna do on the SATs.. idk wut i CAN go to :[ If you really want to do something good for yourself. Try studying for them by buying an SAT book with the questions and answers. Then most important, get a good night's sleep and EAT SOMETHING!!! Your brain cannot function properly without food. I think you are smart and can do well if you give yourself the right tools. And if you don't do well the first time... take them again. well the school lost my tutoring sheet cuz in SAT prep we dont really LEARN how to do the stuff we just go over it and i never learned those things stupid hhs :angry: When is the SAT? lol whenever i want jan, march june idk You're working. Go buy the SAT test taking book. It is really good to help you prepare. ...No Excuses... ..i have it actually... i have 2 You are smart. Start studying. This is something you need to do to get you out of the house and into the college of your choice. You can do this. i dont understand any of it my stupid school loosing my tutoring sheet ugh :[ Can you find anyone at school that would help you study? Can you ask a teacher if there are any study groups that you could join? They probably won't find your tutoring sheet, so perhaps they can help you do another one? The school should be doing something to help you. yea but they dont have time to notice theres alot going on there and sports are number 1 of course i filled out another one i just didnt hand it in yet :X dont tell lol My lips are sealed.
  4. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I must comment on paragraph two before getting to paragraph one... BRAVO !!!!! *gives a long round of applause* You should feel special, because you come across the internet as extremely special, with so much going for you! I feel very honoured to know you! Your teacher did a terrific thing to let you know that you are a step above the rest. Congratulations!!!!! As for Nikki... I believe you have guessed correctly. If she is that insecure now, it will never get better. If not you, it will be someone else that makes her insecure. Adding her to your facebook is a great idea, but I do not believe it will fix the problem. As you have probably figured out, the problem is her insecurity and the fact that you are Marius' friend. Good luck! Wow, the feeling specialness just doesn't end. For the all essay version of the take home final for education, there was a question where you had to talk about two of your classmates. This is what one of my classmates says she wrote about me (after asking me for some info about myself that she didn't already know, and I edited it for safety reasons): Terry was born in [insert name of town here] and lived there her entire life. Through out the past year and a half her major has changed quite a few times. Originally she was a secondary education physics major, but considering that the physics department was almost non-existent due to the lack of students in the program, she changed her major to biology instead. After spending some time in more biology classes she decided that was not right for her either and switched to elementary education and psychology, her current major. Terry is strong willed and strays from what most people would call the norm. I admire her greatly for this because she is confident and does not care what others think about her. This is a statement that not many people can say and actually mean. She enjoys taking pictures of just about everything and outdoor activities such as hiking. The Christmas season is also her favorite time of the year and she loves almost everything about it. Terry is also very resourceful. She can teach you how to microwave ramen noodles and use various tools to take apart a bed. Friendly is another adjective that describes Terry well. You can always find her with her door propped open sitting at her computer welcoming passersby into her room. I can honestly say that I am glad to have gotten to know her better this year. Yeah [insert warm fuzzy feelings here]. As for the Nikki thing, I don't know. I'm going to hope she's one of the logical types that once she understands me, and my ideas on dating and stuff like that, that I'm really no threat, and, if anything, potentially one of her greatest resources if she's going to be dating Marius (seeing as I've known him over a year, and we're very close friends). Marius is kinda like a cousin to me. (Not a brother, because that would be annoying.) WOW!!! What a great essay by a classmate! That is quite the statement. Your feelings must be pretty rosy about now. Good luck on Nikki. I just don't think that will happen, but if anyone can establish a friendship, you can.
  5. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I must comment on paragraph two before getting to paragraph one... BRAVO !!!!! *gives a long round of applause* You should feel special, because you come across the internet as extremely special, with so much going for you! I feel very honoured to know you! Your teacher did a terrific thing to let you know that you are a step above the rest. Congratulations!!!!! As for Nikki... I believe you have guessed correctly. If she is that insecure now, it will never get better. If not you, it will be someone else that makes her insecure. Adding her to your facebook is a great idea, but I do not believe it will fix the problem. As you have probably figured out, the problem is her insecurity and the fact that you are Marius' friend. Good luck!
  6. Horatio

    My place. :)

    And hurricanes? Oh yes... we have those.
  7. And I recognize your overused name too. ...And I also sort of recognized you when you asked me if I had an account here, to quote, "in case Horatio didn't let the post through". But that's just a minor detail. Me? Are you talking about me? I think he might have been. Because Hamlet's most trust friend is totally going to go through some kind of time portal from Shakespearian times and scold Glowwy for saying that he knows me in real life. No need to scold Glowurm. We have other people who know each other in real life and they talk about it. For example, Moosey368, I'm_Soo_Coool and Hoops are friends. So, we really still have no idea who you are, just that you are his friend. So, that's cool. Unless of course, you feel uncomfortable about it.
  8. And I recognize your overused name too. ...And I also sort of recognized you when you asked me if I had an account here, to quote, "in case Horatio didn't let the post through". But that's just a minor detail. Me? Are you talking about me?
  9. What you don't give yourself credit for is just that fact that you are thinking about it. cuz that doesnt help me out It's a start. ok WHOO HOO lauren you did something right *big selfhug* wow, i feel spectacular ..NOT. and nothing changed i need to do mad hw so i can go to college and get the 4983274932874 out of this crazy house! i hate them :[ I think going to college would be great for you. Have you thought about what school you would like to attend? judging by how i think im gonna do on the SATs.. idk wut i CAN go to :[ If you really want to do something good for yourself. Try studying for them by buying an SAT book with the questions and answers. Then most important, get a good night's sleep and EAT SOMETHING!!! Your brain cannot function properly without food. I think you are smart and can do well if you give yourself the right tools. And if you don't do well the first time... take them again. well the school lost my tutoring sheet cuz in SAT prep we dont really LEARN how to do the stuff we just go over it and i never learned those things stupid hhs :angry: When is the SAT? lol whenever i want jan, march june idk You're working. Go buy the SAT test taking book. It is really good to help you prepare. ...No Excuses... ..i have it actually... i have 2 You are smart. Start studying. This is something you need to do to get you out of the house and into the college of your choice. You can do this. i dont understand any of it my stupid school loosing my tutoring sheet ugh :[ Can you find anyone at school that would help you study? Can you ask a teacher if there are any study groups that you could join? They probably won't find your tutoring sheet, so perhaps they can help you do another one? The school should be doing something to help you.
  10. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I'm glad you are happy! You can keep all that snow up north. Haha On the news a couple days ago, they were showing pictures of an ice storm in the midwest and lots of snow somewhere else and all I could think of was how nice it is here with all this warm sunshine and tropical breezes.
  11. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I'm glad you are happy! You can keep all that snow up north.
  12. 37 with a high school student??????? Oh my! Unfortunately, TGHL has disappeared again. Two years ago he was suspected of having a similar relationship with a senior, but nothing ever happened really. And yesterday I stayed after till 6 in math because I had a huge test today and I needed help. I was walking to my locker to get my books and I heard the leader of the teacher's union talking to somone man. The nosy person that I am, I stopped around the corner and listened to the conversation. It was about how the girl e-mailed her parents saying she is fine, everything is alright, she loves him, and other stuff. And some other stuff I heard was that he has a pregnant wife at home that knew nothing about it until Jill's parents called her after Kill emailed them. She didn't really even question why he wasn't home. Oh my!!!! What a mess that is! Glad you were nosy.
  13. What you don't give yourself credit for is just that fact that you are thinking about it. cuz that doesnt help me out It's a start. ok WHOO HOO lauren you did something right *big selfhug* wow, i feel spectacular ..NOT. and nothing changed i need to do mad hw so i can go to college and get the 4983274932874 out of this crazy house! i hate them :[ I think going to college would be great for you. Have you thought about what school you would like to attend? judging by how i think im gonna do on the SATs.. idk wut i CAN go to :[ If you really want to do something good for yourself. Try studying for them by buying an SAT book with the questions and answers. Then most important, get a good night's sleep and EAT SOMETHING!!! Your brain cannot function properly without food. I think you are smart and can do well if you give yourself the right tools. And if you don't do well the first time... take them again. well the school lost my tutoring sheet cuz in SAT prep we dont really LEARN how to do the stuff we just go over it and i never learned those things stupid hhs :angry: When is the SAT? lol whenever i want jan, march june idk You're working. Go buy the SAT test taking book. It is really good to help you prepare. ...No Excuses... ..i have it actually... i have 2 You are smart. Start studying. This is something you need to do to get you out of the house and into the college of your choice. You can do this.
  14. What you don't give yourself credit for is just that fact that you are thinking about it. cuz that doesnt help me out It's a start. ok WHOO HOO lauren you did something right *big selfhug* wow, i feel spectacular ..NOT. and nothing changed i need to do mad hw so i can go to college and get the 4983274932874 out of this crazy house! i hate them :[ I think going to college would be great for you. Have you thought about what school you would like to attend? judging by how i think im gonna do on the SATs.. idk wut i CAN go to :[ If you really want to do something good for yourself. Try studying for them by buying an SAT book with the questions and answers. Then most important, get a good night's sleep and EAT SOMETHING!!! Your brain cannot function properly without food. I think you are smart and can do well if you give yourself the right tools. And if you don't do well the first time... take them again. well the school lost my tutoring sheet cuz in SAT prep we dont really LEARN how to do the stuff we just go over it and i never learned those things stupid hhs :angry: When is the SAT? lol whenever i want jan, march june idk You're working. Go buy the SAT test taking book. It is really good to help you prepare. ...No Excuses...
  15. What you don't give yourself credit for is just that fact that you are thinking about it. cuz that doesnt help me out It's a start. ok WHOO HOO lauren you did something right *big selfhug* wow, i feel spectacular ..NOT. and nothing changed i need to do mad hw so i can go to college and get the 4983274932874 out of this crazy house! i hate them :[ I think going to college would be great for you. Have you thought about what school you would like to attend? judging by how i think im gonna do on the SATs.. idk wut i CAN go to :[ If you really want to do something good for yourself. Try studying for them by buying an SAT book with the questions and answers. Then most important, get a good night's sleep and EAT SOMETHING!!! Your brain cannot function properly without food. I think you are smart and can do well if you give yourself the right tools. And if you don't do well the first time... take them again. well the school lost my tutoring sheet cuz in SAT prep we dont really LEARN how to do the stuff we just go over it and i never learned those things stupid hhs :angry: When is the SAT?
  16. How nice it would be with a perfect world. Respect, kindness and tolerance for others would be a great place to start. I wish that there was more goodness. If you looked at the Horatio Club topic you would see where the roads were closed for two hours so 6000 or so motorcyclists completed a 20 mile toy run for the county children. Over 20,000 toys were collected and lots and lots of money. Amazingly there were some people who were so put out that all they could do is complain how they should not be inconvenienced and how next year they planned to make sure this event was stopped. This ride was for such a good cause and it saddens me to see the nasty side of people.
  17. What you don't give yourself credit for is just that fact that you are thinking about it. cuz that doesnt help me out It's a start. ok WHOO HOO lauren you did something right *big selfhug* wow, i feel spectacular ..NOT. and nothing changed i need to do mad hw so i can go to college and get the 4983274932874 out of this crazy house! i hate them :[ I think going to college would be great for you. Have you thought about what school you would like to attend? judging by how i think im gonna do on the SATs.. idk wut i CAN go to :[ If you really want to do something good for yourself. Try studying for them by buying an SAT book with the questions and answers. Then most important, get a good night's sleep and EAT SOMETHING!!! Your brain cannot function properly without food. I think you are smart and can do well if you give yourself the right tools. And if you don't do well the first time... take them again.
  18. [ Fantastic story!!! I am glad to have time to continue and visit us again. I look forward to your next part of the story! ]
  19. Horatio

    My place. :)

    It snowed here too (southern connecticut), but only a thin layer that is all melted away now. It was more harsh at my house (norther connecticut) and they couldn't come down to see my concert Which was fun btw, and wow our chamber ensemble is really good! Maybe I'll be part of it someday. When my voice is stronger. I'm glad your concert went well too. My parents did come down (my mom can drive through anything), but they decided to stay in a hotel near the college instead of going to camp as they had planned. So, today I was woken up to our lovely RA shouting down the hallway something about the entire campus having a power outage. And he was right. Good thing the internet still works. Lucky...when we had a power outage there was no internet, even for several hours after the power was restored. And it was at night so there were a bunch of bored people around me. At least I had my DS, my two laptops, my ipod, and my cellphone to occupy my time. Was it caused by a storm or something? Did you have any classes cancelled? The wireless was out, but the wired connection works fine. The power's back on now anyways. I didn't have class today anyways, but I think a few classes might have been canceled. Not sure what caused it, probably the wind, we've got some crazy wind going on today. Wow, yeah I was just outside and the wind was VICIOUS! Almost as vicious as Steven Colbert. Well, not really. Colbert Report... He's great. Sometimes I feel as if I'm the only person on the intertubes who's never watched that. You are not alone. There are lots of people who have not watched that show. In fact, even his kids are not permitted to watch him. I don't remember seeing it. I probably have, but I don't remember. He is on Comedy Central and is a political satirist.
  20. All that comes first, the story later. We can wait.
  21. Horatio

    My place. :)

    It snowed here too (southern connecticut), but only a thin layer that is all melted away now. It was more harsh at my house (norther connecticut) and they couldn't come down to see my concert Which was fun btw, and wow our chamber ensemble is really good! Maybe I'll be part of it someday. When my voice is stronger. I'm glad your concert went well too. My parents did come down (my mom can drive through anything), but they decided to stay in a hotel near the college instead of going to camp as they had planned. So, today I was woken up to our lovely RA shouting down the hallway something about the entire campus having a power outage. And he was right. Good thing the internet still works. Lucky...when we had a power outage there was no internet, even for several hours after the power was restored. And it was at night so there were a bunch of bored people around me. At least I had my DS, my two laptops, my ipod, and my cellphone to occupy my time. Was it caused by a storm or something? Did you have any classes cancelled? The wireless was out, but the wired connection works fine. The power's back on now anyways. I didn't have class today anyways, but I think a few classes might have been canceled. Not sure what caused it, probably the wind, we've got some crazy wind going on today. Wow, yeah I was just outside and the wind was VICIOUS! Almost as vicious as Steven Colbert. Well, not really. Colbert Report... He's great. Sometimes I feel as if I'm the only person on the intertubes who's never watched that. You are not alone. There are lots of people who have not watched that show. In fact, even his kids are not permitted to watch him.
  22. Horatio

    My place. :)

    It snowed here too (southern connecticut), but only a thin layer that is all melted away now. It was more harsh at my house (norther connecticut) and they couldn't come down to see my concert Which was fun btw, and wow our chamber ensemble is really good! Maybe I'll be part of it someday. When my voice is stronger. I'm glad your concert went well too. My parents did come down (my mom can drive through anything), but they decided to stay in a hotel near the college instead of going to camp as they had planned. So, today I was woken up to our lovely RA shouting down the hallway something about the entire campus having a power outage. And he was right. Good thing the internet still works. Lucky...when we had a power outage there was no internet, even for several hours after the power was restored. And it was at night so there were a bunch of bored people around me. At least I had my DS, my two laptops, my ipod, and my cellphone to occupy my time. Was it caused by a storm or something? Did you have any classes cancelled? The wireless was out, but the wired connection works fine. The power's back on now anyways. I didn't have class today anyways, but I think a few classes might have been canceled. Not sure what caused it, probably the wind, we've got some crazy wind going on today. Wow, yeah I was just outside and the wind was VICIOUS! Almost as vicious as Steven Colbert. Well, not really. Colbert Report... He's great.
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