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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Hi back to you best friend! I have missed you!!!!!!!!!! How's life treating you? I hope okay. Please hang around, we like it when you are here.
  2. What is your area like? Does it make you tired of people? Or are there just no trees there? I have a new neighbor that bought the property to the south and the first thing they did, was cut down nine old beautiful oak trees, two of which belonged to me. Their attitude is so arrogant, nasty and mean, I tried to be nice, but they told me to live with it. I said that I really didn't have to live with it, so he said "Sue me"!!!! Well, I can do that. In addition, when I went to introduce the new neighbor to the gentleman who cuts my lawn, this guy stuck his finger in the air, wagging it back and forth, saying, "I've seen him." Of course, this jerk of a guy has no idea of my feelings on people who are racist and that the appraised value of the tree is about $130,000. I will be so happy to see him in court. When he applied for the permit to cut down trees, he never put the two trees on the permit, so in essence, it was illegal for him to cut them down as well as them not belonging to him. Two doors to the north, we have another tree hating neighbor who is like a thorn in your foot. I bought these flat rocks to keep people from driving across our lawn, doing donuts as they go, and he reported us to the city as he did not think they were up to code. One of them I had to put in my neighbors driveway (the neighbor between us to the north), but I immediately called my neighbor and asked permission. Their real home is up in your neck of the woods, Fairfield, Conn. and this is their holiday home. Anyway, this nosy neighbor called the neighbor who's driveway I was borrowing, and complained about my actions and the rock. They said I was erected another Stonehedge. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I mind my own business and treat people how I would like to be treated. I would like to live in peace and harmony with the environment and not invade my space on that of the critters. We have an habitat friendly back yard and I am working on the front yard. We have planted trees, shrubs and plants that feed the wildlife and provide them with shelter to make their homes. Okay... I need to stop before I spend my ranting. Wow, you have some terrible neighbors. I hope things will work out for you. One of our neighbors has a dirt bike which is noisy, but at least they keep it to their property and the road (then again our property is wrapped around by, and split down the middle with trees). None of our neighbors have been on tree removal frenzies as far as we know...I suppose when you live on the side of a hill near farmland, you really grow an appreciation for them! In our last home, some people on a street nearby did a frenzy, my dad was like, "if these guys hate trees so much, they shouldn't be living in Connecticut!" The destruction left their property looking rather ugly. It's kind of sad. It sounds like you have a great backyard though. I love when people put care into their gardens (and I wish I wasn't afraid of bugs so that I could stand the bees coming to pollinate the flowers). Thanks! There is a town nearby called Viera. There are NO trees. I wouldn't be surprised if they were outlawed. (Just kidding.) But seriously, most people on the street are quite upset and have said... if they hate trees, why didn't they buy in Viera.
  3. I was here. Not much posting on my part. See the post prior to this one to find out why.
  4. Horatio

    My place. :)

    What is your area like? Does it make you tired of people? Or are there just no trees there? Let me answer this in my topic, so I don't clog up Jesusfreak's topic. Doesn't really bother me either way. I'm not sure trees outnumber people by quite that much though... but it's by enough to make where I live pretty boring. Unless you're fascinated by trees. Take a look at my topic and you will see my rant. I really did not want to rant in your topic!
  5. What is your area like? Does it make you tired of people? Or are there just no trees there? I have a new neighbor that bought the property to the south and the first thing they did, was cut down nine old beautiful oak trees, two of which belonged to me. Their attitude is so arrogant, nasty and mean, I tried to be nice, but they told me to live with it. I said that I really didn't have to live with it, so he said "Sue me"!!!! Well, I can do that. In addition, when I went to introduce the new neighbor to the gentleman who cuts my lawn, this guy stuck his finger in the air, wagging it back and forth, saying, "I've seen him." Of course, this jerk of a guy has no idea of my feelings on people who are racist and that the appraised value of the tree is about $130,000. I will be so happy to see him in court. When he applied for the permit to cut down trees, he never put the two trees on the permit, so in essence, it was illegal for him to cut them down as well as them not belonging to him. Two doors to the north, we have another tree hating neighbor who is like a thorn in your foot. I bought these flat rocks to keep people from driving across our lawn, doing donuts as they go, and he reported us to the city as he did not think they were up to code. One of them I had to put in my neighbors driveway (the neighbor between us to the north), but I immediately called my neighbor and asked permission. Their real home is up in your neck of the woods, Fairfield, Conn. and this is their holiday home. Anyway, this nosy neighbor called the neighbor who's driveway I was borrowing, and complained about my actions and the rock. They said I was erected another Stonehedge. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I mind my own business and treat people how I would like to be treated. I would like to live in peace and harmony with the environment and not invade my space on that of the critters. We have an habitat friendly back yard and I am working on the front yard. We have planted trees, shrubs and plants that feed the wildlife and provide them with shelter to make their homes. Okay... I need to stop before I spend my ranting.
  6. Horatio

    My place. :)

    What is your area like? Does it make you tired of people? Or are there just no trees there? Let me answer this in my topic, so I don't clog up Jesusfreak's topic.
  7. Horatio

    My place. :)

    And she is still there? Totally unacceptable in my mind. My thoughts are looking in the future... if she will lie about the what happens in the dorm, can you imagine what kind of colleague she would be at work? What a horror to have to go to work with someone such as her. Oh I know! We think someone stole her midol.... If she does get removed from the situation, it's going to be awhile, because I'm pretty sure there's lots of red tape involved. And even so, when we talked to the RD, he was in the middle of writing a paper, so he was busy. That's a good excuse for her inability to think clearly. As for the RD, he doesn't want to be bothered when there are higher priorities on his plate. Yeah. And he's a really awesome guy, and I'm pretty sure he knows us well enough to know we didn't actually do anything worth writing up. Today Marius finally asked Nikki out. Apparently she said, "I'll think about it." *pause in story for some commentary and background info* When most girls say, "I'll think about it" to being asked out, they really mean "No, but I don't want to say no and hurt your feelings." However, Nikki, from what I understand, is a rather blunt and straightforward person, so a more direct rejection would have been expected. So there is the slightest chance she mean what she said about thinking about it. Also, I'm really surprised that she didn't say yes, because based on her actions, I really thought she liked him. *end pause* Marius took her response as a "no" and was taking it pretty hard. He was in one of his bad moods where he doesn't talk and kinda keeps his head down. He looked like he was near tears. He recovered throughout the course of the day though, and we ended up having a really good IM chat. It would take forever to explain everything, but to put it in short, it seems Marius is really growing and changing for the better at the end of all this (yes, I am completely aware of how corny and cliche this all is, but it's true.) It's interesting, because the things he is going through and has gone through are very similar to what I've had to go through, so I'm able to tell him how I handle things, and how they made me who I am today. Oddly enough, it really seems to be helping him, and I'm thrilled that he's making steps in the right direction to improve himself as a person (mainly by becoming more confident in himself, and having less, how to put this...emotionally damaging? perspectives on things, if that makes sense). So it's interesting. Marius is a lot like me, only he hasn't been like me as long as I've been like me. He's still coming to terms with the same types of things I came to terms with a few years ago, because he experienced them a few years after I did. I totally agree with your thoughts about the RD. I think he knows you all well enough. *GASP* Okay... I am totally at a loss for words. Back to my first impression... I do believe your instincts about Nikki were correct. The best thing of all is that you and Marius are good friends, you have the words to help him and you are there for him to help him. There is one great point in all of this, Marius couldn't ask for a nicer, more thoughtful friend and you are this friend. Aw, thank you. I'm still not entirely sure what will happen with Nikki. It is quite possible that she is actually thinking about it, and that she might eventually say yes. Not likely, but possible. But in the mean time, Marius thinking she meant "no" seems to have had a good effect on his character, like I said, even if he was in a really bad mood. I think Nikki is being very inconsiderate to be "thinking about it". Is she really that clueless that other people have feelings? In my opinion, you either want to go out with Marius or you don't. But I feel it is unacceptable to play with Marius' feelings like this. If I was him, when she finally decided to go out with me, I would say I had changed my mind. I doubt she said it with any malice intended. Either she didn't want to hurt him by outright saying "no" (a lot of girls do that, because they don't realize it's worse), or she might actually be thinking about it. Sometimes people get stuck in that in between state of not being sure if they want to go out with someone or not. (Although admittedly a better answer would have been "I don't quite know you well enough to answer that question yet") I didn't mean to imply that she did it with malice. Ah, okay. At any rate, although Marius isn't happy she turned him down (if that was actually her intention), he is happy to be relieved of the stress of impressing someone. I'm glad Marius is happier now. I would like to hear what happens next. Well I doubt much of anything in the near future, as he's going home tomorrow morning after he hands in his last paper. Brennan went home today, Dave, Kim, and Steph are all home. Derek and Christina both leave tomorrow. So it's just going to be me and Lindsay going home on Tuesday. It will be good for Marius to have a break. Well, actually it will be good for all of you to home with family. This is true, although for me at least, life gets really boring at home, because where I live trees outnumber people by quite a lot. Can I move there? I would love for the trees to outnumber the people by 1,000,000,000,000... to one.
  8. There are more people who feel the way you do, than you know. The problem is that they do not want to tell anyone because they feel they will be miss understood. The eating part is the outcome of stress and how you handle it. You are not alone. If I could let you know, and you would believe me, I would show you just how difficult these teen years are and how many young people are struggling as you are. Let me think on this some more. My brain is not working at the moment.
  9. Horatio

    My place. :)

    And she is still there? Totally unacceptable in my mind. My thoughts are looking in the future... if she will lie about the what happens in the dorm, can you imagine what kind of colleague she would be at work? What a horror to have to go to work with someone such as her. Oh I know! We think someone stole her midol.... If she does get removed from the situation, it's going to be awhile, because I'm pretty sure there's lots of red tape involved. And even so, when we talked to the RD, he was in the middle of writing a paper, so he was busy. That's a good excuse for her inability to think clearly. As for the RD, he doesn't want to be bothered when there are higher priorities on his plate. Yeah. And he's a really awesome guy, and I'm pretty sure he knows us well enough to know we didn't actually do anything worth writing up. Today Marius finally asked Nikki out. Apparently she said, "I'll think about it." *pause in story for some commentary and background info* When most girls say, "I'll think about it" to being asked out, they really mean "No, but I don't want to say no and hurt your feelings." However, Nikki, from what I understand, is a rather blunt and straightforward person, so a more direct rejection would have been expected. So there is the slightest chance she mean what she said about thinking about it. Also, I'm really surprised that she didn't say yes, because based on her actions, I really thought she liked him. *end pause* Marius took her response as a "no" and was taking it pretty hard. He was in one of his bad moods where he doesn't talk and kinda keeps his head down. He looked like he was near tears. He recovered throughout the course of the day though, and we ended up having a really good IM chat. It would take forever to explain everything, but to put it in short, it seems Marius is really growing and changing for the better at the end of all this (yes, I am completely aware of how corny and cliche this all is, but it's true.) It's interesting, because the things he is going through and has gone through are very similar to what I've had to go through, so I'm able to tell him how I handle things, and how they made me who I am today. Oddly enough, it really seems to be helping him, and I'm thrilled that he's making steps in the right direction to improve himself as a person (mainly by becoming more confident in himself, and having less, how to put this...emotionally damaging? perspectives on things, if that makes sense). So it's interesting. Marius is a lot like me, only he hasn't been like me as long as I've been like me. He's still coming to terms with the same types of things I came to terms with a few years ago, because he experienced them a few years after I did. I totally agree with your thoughts about the RD. I think he knows you all well enough. *GASP* Okay... I am totally at a loss for words. Back to my first impression... I do believe your instincts about Nikki were correct. The best thing of all is that you and Marius are good friends, you have the words to help him and you are there for him to help him. There is one great point in all of this, Marius couldn't ask for a nicer, more thoughtful friend and you are this friend. Aw, thank you. I'm still not entirely sure what will happen with Nikki. It is quite possible that she is actually thinking about it, and that she might eventually say yes. Not likely, but possible. But in the mean time, Marius thinking she meant "no" seems to have had a good effect on his character, like I said, even if he was in a really bad mood. I think Nikki is being very inconsiderate to be "thinking about it". Is she really that clueless that other people have feelings? In my opinion, you either want to go out with Marius or you don't. But I feel it is unacceptable to play with Marius' feelings like this. If I was him, when she finally decided to go out with me, I would say I had changed my mind. I doubt she said it with any malice intended. Either she didn't want to hurt him by outright saying "no" (a lot of girls do that, because they don't realize it's worse), or she might actually be thinking about it. Sometimes people get stuck in that in between state of not being sure if they want to go out with someone or not. (Although admittedly a better answer would have been "I don't quite know you well enough to answer that question yet") I didn't mean to imply that she did it with malice. Ah, okay. At any rate, although Marius isn't happy she turned him down (if that was actually her intention), he is happy to be relieved of the stress of impressing someone. I'm glad Marius is happier now. I would like to hear what happens next. Well I doubt much of anything in the near future, as he's going home tomorrow morning after he hands in his last paper. Brennan went home today, Dave, Kim, and Steph are all home. Derek and Christina both leave tomorrow. So it's just going to be me and Lindsay going home on Tuesday. It will be good for Marius to have a break. Well, actually it will be good for all of you to home with family.
  10. Horatio

    My place. :)

    And she is still there? Totally unacceptable in my mind. My thoughts are looking in the future... if she will lie about the what happens in the dorm, can you imagine what kind of colleague she would be at work? What a horror to have to go to work with someone such as her. Oh I know! We think someone stole her midol.... If she does get removed from the situation, it's going to be awhile, because I'm pretty sure there's lots of red tape involved. And even so, when we talked to the RD, he was in the middle of writing a paper, so he was busy. That's a good excuse for her inability to think clearly. As for the RD, he doesn't want to be bothered when there are higher priorities on his plate. Yeah. And he's a really awesome guy, and I'm pretty sure he knows us well enough to know we didn't actually do anything worth writing up. Today Marius finally asked Nikki out. Apparently she said, "I'll think about it." *pause in story for some commentary and background info* When most girls say, "I'll think about it" to being asked out, they really mean "No, but I don't want to say no and hurt your feelings." However, Nikki, from what I understand, is a rather blunt and straightforward person, so a more direct rejection would have been expected. So there is the slightest chance she mean what she said about thinking about it. Also, I'm really surprised that she didn't say yes, because based on her actions, I really thought she liked him. *end pause* Marius took her response as a "no" and was taking it pretty hard. He was in one of his bad moods where he doesn't talk and kinda keeps his head down. He looked like he was near tears. He recovered throughout the course of the day though, and we ended up having a really good IM chat. It would take forever to explain everything, but to put it in short, it seems Marius is really growing and changing for the better at the end of all this (yes, I am completely aware of how corny and cliche this all is, but it's true.) It's interesting, because the things he is going through and has gone through are very similar to what I've had to go through, so I'm able to tell him how I handle things, and how they made me who I am today. Oddly enough, it really seems to be helping him, and I'm thrilled that he's making steps in the right direction to improve himself as a person (mainly by becoming more confident in himself, and having less, how to put this...emotionally damaging? perspectives on things, if that makes sense). So it's interesting. Marius is a lot like me, only he hasn't been like me as long as I've been like me. He's still coming to terms with the same types of things I came to terms with a few years ago, because he experienced them a few years after I did. I totally agree with your thoughts about the RD. I think he knows you all well enough. *GASP* Okay... I am totally at a loss for words. Back to my first impression... I do believe your instincts about Nikki were correct. The best thing of all is that you and Marius are good friends, you have the words to help him and you are there for him to help him. There is one great point in all of this, Marius couldn't ask for a nicer, more thoughtful friend and you are this friend. Aw, thank you. I'm still not entirely sure what will happen with Nikki. It is quite possible that she is actually thinking about it, and that she might eventually say yes. Not likely, but possible. But in the mean time, Marius thinking she meant "no" seems to have had a good effect on his character, like I said, even if he was in a really bad mood. I think Nikki is being very inconsiderate to be "thinking about it". Is she really that clueless that other people have feelings? In my opinion, you either want to go out with Marius or you don't. But I feel it is unacceptable to play with Marius' feelings like this. If I was him, when she finally decided to go out with me, I would say I had changed my mind. I doubt she said it with any malice intended. Either she didn't want to hurt him by outright saying "no" (a lot of girls do that, because they don't realize it's worse), or she might actually be thinking about it. Sometimes people get stuck in that in between state of not being sure if they want to go out with someone or not. (Although admittedly a better answer would have been "I don't quite know you well enough to answer that question yet") I didn't mean to imply that she did it with malice. Ah, okay. At any rate, although Marius isn't happy she turned him down (if that was actually her intention), he is happy to be relieved of the stress of impressing someone. I'm glad Marius is happier now. I would like to hear what happens next.
  11. Horatio

    My place. :)

    And she is still there? Totally unacceptable in my mind. My thoughts are looking in the future... if she will lie about the what happens in the dorm, can you imagine what kind of colleague she would be at work? What a horror to have to go to work with someone such as her. Oh I know! We think someone stole her midol.... If she does get removed from the situation, it's going to be awhile, because I'm pretty sure there's lots of red tape involved. And even so, when we talked to the RD, he was in the middle of writing a paper, so he was busy. That's a good excuse for her inability to think clearly. As for the RD, he doesn't want to be bothered when there are higher priorities on his plate. Yeah. And he's a really awesome guy, and I'm pretty sure he knows us well enough to know we didn't actually do anything worth writing up. Today Marius finally asked Nikki out. Apparently she said, "I'll think about it." *pause in story for some commentary and background info* When most girls say, "I'll think about it" to being asked out, they really mean "No, but I don't want to say no and hurt your feelings." However, Nikki, from what I understand, is a rather blunt and straightforward person, so a more direct rejection would have been expected. So there is the slightest chance she mean what she said about thinking about it. Also, I'm really surprised that she didn't say yes, because based on her actions, I really thought she liked him. *end pause* Marius took her response as a "no" and was taking it pretty hard. He was in one of his bad moods where he doesn't talk and kinda keeps his head down. He looked like he was near tears. He recovered throughout the course of the day though, and we ended up having a really good IM chat. It would take forever to explain everything, but to put it in short, it seems Marius is really growing and changing for the better at the end of all this (yes, I am completely aware of how corny and cliche this all is, but it's true.) It's interesting, because the things he is going through and has gone through are very similar to what I've had to go through, so I'm able to tell him how I handle things, and how they made me who I am today. Oddly enough, it really seems to be helping him, and I'm thrilled that he's making steps in the right direction to improve himself as a person (mainly by becoming more confident in himself, and having less, how to put this...emotionally damaging? perspectives on things, if that makes sense). So it's interesting. Marius is a lot like me, only he hasn't been like me as long as I've been like me. He's still coming to terms with the same types of things I came to terms with a few years ago, because he experienced them a few years after I did. I totally agree with your thoughts about the RD. I think he knows you all well enough. *GASP* Okay... I am totally at a loss for words. Back to my first impression... I do believe your instincts about Nikki were correct. The best thing of all is that you and Marius are good friends, you have the words to help him and you are there for him to help him. There is one great point in all of this, Marius couldn't ask for a nicer, more thoughtful friend and you are this friend. Aw, thank you. I'm still not entirely sure what will happen with Nikki. It is quite possible that she is actually thinking about it, and that she might eventually say yes. Not likely, but possible. But in the mean time, Marius thinking she meant "no" seems to have had a good effect on his character, like I said, even if he was in a really bad mood. I think Nikki is being very inconsiderate to be "thinking about it". Is she really that clueless that other people have feelings? In my opinion, you either want to go out with Marius or you don't. But I feel it is unacceptable to play with Marius' feelings like this. If I was him, when she finally decided to go out with me, I would say I had changed my mind. I doubt she said it with any malice intended. Either she didn't want to hurt him by outright saying "no" (a lot of girls do that, because they don't realize it's worse), or she might actually be thinking about it. Sometimes people get stuck in that in between state of not being sure if they want to go out with someone or not. (Although admittedly a better answer would have been "I don't quite know you well enough to answer that question yet") I didn't mean to imply that she did it with malice.
  12. Horatio

    My place. :)

    That sounds very cool!!!
  13. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Actually I think that would be kind of fun.
  14. Horatio

    My place. :)

    And she is still there? Totally unacceptable in my mind. My thoughts are looking in the future... if she will lie about the what happens in the dorm, can you imagine what kind of colleague she would be at work? What a horror to have to go to work with someone such as her. Oh I know! We think someone stole her midol.... If she does get removed from the situation, it's going to be awhile, because I'm pretty sure there's lots of red tape involved. And even so, when we talked to the RD, he was in the middle of writing a paper, so he was busy. That's a good excuse for her inability to think clearly. As for the RD, he doesn't want to be bothered when there are higher priorities on his plate. Yeah. And he's a really awesome guy, and I'm pretty sure he knows us well enough to know we didn't actually do anything worth writing up. Today Marius finally asked Nikki out. Apparently she said, "I'll think about it." *pause in story for some commentary and background info* When most girls say, "I'll think about it" to being asked out, they really mean "No, but I don't want to say no and hurt your feelings." However, Nikki, from what I understand, is a rather blunt and straightforward person, so a more direct rejection would have been expected. So there is the slightest chance she mean what she said about thinking about it. Also, I'm really surprised that she didn't say yes, because based on her actions, I really thought she liked him. *end pause* Marius took her response as a "no" and was taking it pretty hard. He was in one of his bad moods where he doesn't talk and kinda keeps his head down. He looked like he was near tears. He recovered throughout the course of the day though, and we ended up having a really good IM chat. It would take forever to explain everything, but to put it in short, it seems Marius is really growing and changing for the better at the end of all this (yes, I am completely aware of how corny and cliche this all is, but it's true.) It's interesting, because the things he is going through and has gone through are very similar to what I've had to go through, so I'm able to tell him how I handle things, and how they made me who I am today. Oddly enough, it really seems to be helping him, and I'm thrilled that he's making steps in the right direction to improve himself as a person (mainly by becoming more confident in himself, and having less, how to put this...emotionally damaging? perspectives on things, if that makes sense). So it's interesting. Marius is a lot like me, only he hasn't been like me as long as I've been like me. He's still coming to terms with the same types of things I came to terms with a few years ago, because he experienced them a few years after I did. I totally agree with your thoughts about the RD. I think he knows you all well enough. *GASP* Okay... I am totally at a loss for words. Back to my first impression... I do believe your instincts about Nikki were correct. The best thing of all is that you and Marius are good friends, you have the words to help him and you are there for him to help him. There is one great point in all of this, Marius couldn't ask for a nicer, more thoughtful friend and you are this friend. Aw, thank you. I'm still not entirely sure what will happen with Nikki. It is quite possible that she is actually thinking about it, and that she might eventually say yes. Not likely, but possible. But in the mean time, Marius thinking she meant "no" seems to have had a good effect on his character, like I said, even if he was in a really bad mood. I think Nikki is being very inconsiderate to be "thinking about it". Is she really that clueless that other people have feelings? In my opinion, you either want to go out with Marius or you don't. But I feel it is unacceptable to play with Marius' feelings like this. If I was him, when she finally decided to go out with me, I would say I had changed my mind.
  15. What you don't understand is that they have been starving their bodies for a very long time. You put your body in the starve mode for let's say one, two, three days, a week or two, then you eat. The problem is when your body first goes into the starve mode, it does not eat away at your fat. Your body stores fat and slows down the metabolism. When you start eating again, you gain weight because your body is still in the starve mode storing fat and does not believe it will continue to be fed. That is why people usually gain more weight than they lost when they try these different type diets which are too low in calories. then i wont start eating again. duh O.K. :glare: i hate my life Don't. maybe i should just develop exercise bulimia Maybe not. ok im thinking logically again lol (yea right) i can do this i just need a (semi)healthy balence of fruits and exericse and alot of encouragement and reminders like HEY LAUREN, you really DONT want to eat another one of those cinnabuns that happen to reside on your kitchen table, think of the cals you WONT be comsuming by leaving that sticky mess alone! think of your tummy! do you really want another fat roll? heck no you dont. go run! yea i need to engrave that in my skull :[ You are absolutely correct. Now if you can just do exactly what you just wrote you will be very successful. but i cant cuz im so wrapped up in my mind so detached from the world idk wuts wrong with me but im downright miserable at least if i was skinny then that would be one less thing to stress about Unfortunately that would not be true. There would always be something else. reread that. I read that correctly. You said "one less thing" and I am saying some other stress would fill it's place. Besides if you are unhappy about your body, then it wouldn't matter how thin you are, you will always be unhappy about it. well then what can i do? im never gonna be happy so why not just be full out anorexic? at least ill be thin and being skinny and unhappy forever will be better then being fat and unhappy forever Here is what will happen. You will get out of this situation, move on in your life, find someone or something to be happy about and all of a sudden you will lose the weight. You will teach yourself to eat in moderation and I guarantee you will find a happy medium. The problem at the moment is that you have no control over your life. You are still under the control of the life around you... parents, school, work, etc.. When you go to college and find the place you want to be, then you will no longer obsess over your weight and all of a sudden you will lose the excess pounds and find you are happy with your life, your body and yourself. The problem is that at the moment, your focus is here and it is all consuming. nah ill probably put on the freshmen fifteen in college i love partying lol but then no one is gonna be there to feed me and ill loose like mad cuz ill just smoke and be too lazy to get food. i know im gonna loose weight in college im excited I'm glad you are excited because I think college will be a great move in your life for the positive.
  16. Horatio

    My place. :)

    And she is still there? Totally unacceptable in my mind. My thoughts are looking in the future... if she will lie about the what happens in the dorm, can you imagine what kind of colleague she would be at work? What a horror to have to go to work with someone such as her. Oh I know! We think someone stole her midol.... If she does get removed from the situation, it's going to be awhile, because I'm pretty sure there's lots of red tape involved. And even so, when we talked to the RD, he was in the middle of writing a paper, so he was busy. That's a good excuse for her inability to think clearly. As for the RD, he doesn't want to be bothered when there are higher priorities on his plate. Yeah. And he's a really awesome guy, and I'm pretty sure he knows us well enough to know we didn't actually do anything worth writing up. Today Marius finally asked Nikki out. Apparently she said, "I'll think about it." *pause in story for some commentary and background info* When most girls say, "I'll think about it" to being asked out, they really mean "No, but I don't want to say no and hurt your feelings." However, Nikki, from what I understand, is a rather blunt and straightforward person, so a more direct rejection would have been expected. So there is the slightest chance she mean what she said about thinking about it. Also, I'm really surprised that she didn't say yes, because based on her actions, I really thought she liked him. *end pause* Marius took her response as a "no" and was taking it pretty hard. He was in one of his bad moods where he doesn't talk and kinda keeps his head down. He looked like he was near tears. He recovered throughout the course of the day though, and we ended up having a really good IM chat. It would take forever to explain everything, but to put it in short, it seems Marius is really growing and changing for the better at the end of all this (yes, I am completely aware of how corny and cliche this all is, but it's true.) It's interesting, because the things he is going through and has gone through are very similar to what I've had to go through, so I'm able to tell him how I handle things, and how they made me who I am today. Oddly enough, it really seems to be helping him, and I'm thrilled that he's making steps in the right direction to improve himself as a person (mainly by becoming more confident in himself, and having less, how to put this...emotionally damaging? perspectives on things, if that makes sense). So it's interesting. Marius is a lot like me, only he hasn't been like me as long as I've been like me. He's still coming to terms with the same types of things I came to terms with a few years ago, because he experienced them a few years after I did. I totally agree with your thoughts about the RD. I think he knows you all well enough. *GASP* Okay... I am totally at a loss for words. Back to my first impression... I do believe your instincts about Nikki were correct. The best thing of all is that you and Marius are good friends, you have the words to help him and you are there for him to help him. There is one great point in all of this, Marius couldn't ask for a nicer, more thoughtful friend and you are this friend.
  17. Starving yourself is just plain dumb. Please don't do that. Make it an 1000 - 1200 calorie day. ew thats more then i eat on a BADDD day today was a bad day and today was ... 1150 i cant look at that im gonna cry again 1150 is not bad. I know you won't listen to me, but starving yourself will NOT help you lose weight. It puts your body in the starve mode and all you do is store fat. Trust me on this one. Please just have some calories. it puts it in starve mode but wut do you think its doing? its eating away at your fat how do you think anorexics are skinny? if starving really didnt make you loose weight then how would it be physically possible that all those chicks are like 90 lbs? idk WHAT im gonna do cuz when i eat i pig out and when i starve i loose weight i WILL be thin its all that really matters to me idk wut to do What you don't understand is that they have been starving their bodies for a very long time. You put your body in the starve mode for let's say one, two, three days, a week or two, then you eat. The problem is when your body first goes into the starve mode, it does not eat away at your fat. Your body stores fat and slows down the metabolism. When you start eating again, you gain weight because your body is still in the starve mode storing fat and does not believe it will continue to be fed. That is why people usually gain more weight than they lost when they try these different type diets which are too low in calories. then i wont start eating again. duh O.K. :glare: i hate my life Don't. maybe i should just develop exercise bulimia Maybe not. ok im thinking logically again lol (yea right) i can do this i just need a (semi)healthy balence of fruits and exericse and alot of encouragement and reminders like HEY LAUREN, you really DONT want to eat another one of those cinnabuns that happen to reside on your kitchen table, think of the cals you WONT be comsuming by leaving that sticky mess alone! think of your tummy! do you really want another fat roll? heck no you dont. go run! yea i need to engrave that in my skull :[ You are absolutely correct. Now if you can just do exactly what you just wrote you will be very successful. but i cant cuz im so wrapped up in my mind so detached from the world idk wuts wrong with me but im downright miserable at least if i was skinny then that would be one less thing to stress about Unfortunately that would not be true. There would always be something else. reread that. I read that correctly. You said "one less thing" and I am saying some other stress would fill it's place. Besides if you are unhappy about your body, then it wouldn't matter how thin you are, you will always be unhappy about it. well then what can i do? im never gonna be happy so why not just be full out anorexic? at least ill be thin and being skinny and unhappy forever will be better then being fat and unhappy forever Here is what will happen. You will get out of this situation, move on in your life, find someone or something to be happy about and all of a sudden you will lose the weight. You will teach yourself to eat in moderation and I guarantee you will find a happy medium. The problem at the moment is that you have no control over your life. You are still under the control of the life around you... parents, school, work, etc.. When you go to college and find the place you want to be, then you will no longer obsess over your weight and all of a sudden you will lose the excess pounds and find you are happy with your life, your body and yourself. The problem is that at the moment, your focus is here and it is all consuming.
  18. Horatio

    My place. :)

    And she is still there? Totally unacceptable in my mind. My thoughts are looking in the future... if she will lie about the what happens in the dorm, can you imagine what kind of colleague she would be at work? What a horror to have to go to work with someone such as her. Oh I know! We think someone stole her midol.... If she does get removed from the situation, it's going to be awhile, because I'm pretty sure there's lots of red tape involved. And even so, when we talked to the RD, he was in the middle of writing a paper, so he was busy. That's a good excuse for her inability to think clearly. As for the RD, he doesn't want to be bothered when there are higher priorities on his plate.
  19. Outstanding! I will try it. *gives Arkcher a giant My Hero button*
  20. Starving yourself is just plain dumb. Please don't do that. Make it an 1000 - 1200 calorie day. ew thats more then i eat on a BADDD day today was a bad day and today was ... 1150 i cant look at that im gonna cry again 1150 is not bad. I know you won't listen to me, but starving yourself will NOT help you lose weight. It puts your body in the starve mode and all you do is store fat. Trust me on this one. Please just have some calories. it puts it in starve mode but wut do you think its doing? its eating away at your fat how do you think anorexics are skinny? if starving really didnt make you loose weight then how would it be physically possible that all those chicks are like 90 lbs? idk WHAT im gonna do cuz when i eat i pig out and when i starve i loose weight i WILL be thin its all that really matters to me idk wut to do What you don't understand is that they have been starving their bodies for a very long time. You put your body in the starve mode for let's say one, two, three days, a week or two, then you eat. The problem is when your body first goes into the starve mode, it does not eat away at your fat. Your body stores fat and slows down the metabolism. When you start eating again, you gain weight because your body is still in the starve mode storing fat and does not believe it will continue to be fed. That is why people usually gain more weight than they lost when they try these different type diets which are too low in calories. then i wont start eating again. duh O.K. :glare: i hate my life Don't. maybe i should just develop exercise bulimia Maybe not. ok im thinking logically again lol (yea right) i can do this i just need a (semi)healthy balence of fruits and exericse and alot of encouragement and reminders like HEY LAUREN, you really DONT want to eat another one of those cinnabuns that happen to reside on your kitchen table, think of the cals you WONT be comsuming by leaving that sticky mess alone! think of your tummy! do you really want another fat roll? heck no you dont. go run! yea i need to engrave that in my skull :[ You are absolutely correct. Now if you can just do exactly what you just wrote you will be very successful. but i cant cuz im so wrapped up in my mind so detached from the world idk wuts wrong with me but im downright miserable at least if i was skinny then that would be one less thing to stress about Unfortunately that would not be true. There would always be something else. reread that. I read that correctly. You said "one less thing" and I am saying some other stress would fill it's place. Besides if you are unhappy about your body, then it wouldn't matter how thin you are, you will always be unhappy about it.
  21. Horatio

    My place. :)

    And she is still there? Totally unacceptable in my mind. My thoughts are looking in the future... if she will lie about the what happens in the dorm, can you imagine what kind of colleague she would be at work? What a horror to have to go to work with someone such as her.
  22. VMware Fusion? Is that like an emulator for windows systems? I've used virtual PC as an emulator. Or do you have an Intel mac and it is used to boot you into windows? indeed! I'm sure that was a tough purchase for you. I'll try to find a solution, but it's Microsoft so I have my doubts. Then again, it's Microsoft, so things are easily hackable Quite right... I have an intel mac. Boot Camp and Virtual PC are very similar, but VMware Fusion is different. But, this really has every thing to do with Leopard. Leopard has Boot Camp, where you can either start up your computer in Windows or OS X. This is a bit of a hassle. If you use VMware Fusion, then you can open a few windows at one time, one being the Windows window, another being the OS X window, for example. VMware Fusion runs your Microsoft program on top of the OS X program. In my opinion, VMware Fusion is much better than using Boot Camp because you don't have to start up your computer in the program you wish to run, you can just open the window of your choice and have Windows and OS X running simultaneously. Vmware Fusion is quite similar to Virtual PC.
  23. Whoa... you are definitely the computer genius! I couldn't have done any of that. I think you made a good choice using the windows for no web activities. cant get any viruses that way. =D Now your thinking like a Mac!
  24. Whoa... you are definitely the computer genius! I couldn't have done any of that. I think you made a good choice using the windows for no web activities.
  25. Done. Did you delete both? One actually had the song in it. No, I only deleted the topic that had no song in the post. The song is still there.
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