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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Does Reed play a reed instrument by any chance? I had to ask. Wish my college had a wind ensemble, that's one thing I miss from high school There just isn't as much interest in music. It's all sports. So anyway, all of my final grades are finally posted online. I got all A's, except an A- in History (which was a nice surprise for me) which makes my GPA is 3.958. WOOT!!!! Go Jesse! Congratulations on the stellar grades!!!!!! Thanks, not so stellar grammar though, there shouldn't be an "is" in that last sentence of mine. I didn't even notice. I was so excited about your grades that I totally missed that.
  2. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Does Reed play a reed instrument by any chance? I had to ask. Wish my college had a wind ensemble, that's one thing I miss from high school There just isn't as much interest in music. It's all sports. So anyway, all of my final grades are finally posted online. I got all A's, except an A- in History (which was a nice surprise for me) which makes my GPA is 3.958. haha no he doesn't..he plays drums in band and guitar out of band...like today in spanish class him & this other kid jake were in the front of the room with guitars singing christmas songs (the only one in spanish was feliz navidad...) and other songs...then the music continued into religion class...(the setlist during that class included, funnily enough, sympathy for the devil...lol) and in chem we sang chemistry carols (no guitars though) (and it was other people singing even though reed is in my chem class) so very fun last three periods of the day today! and i got to stare at reed with good reason...i even moved up from the back row to the front row in spanish to be closer...;-) i got my progress report...100 in spanish, 99 in english, global, math, religion, chem & gym, 95 in band... so what does that make my gpa? idk we havent started doing that yet. ~Liz Jesse would have to tell you where the cut-offs are. 4.0 = 100% = A, your average is a 99.75 which would put up up there pretty high. My guess is about a 3.99 or pretty close. Your grades are phenomenal! You have worked really hard!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I found the related article to the production, and that was scary in itself. I've never thought of it this way. I mean, it wasn't like I was taking all the words of the politicians for fact, but I never realized exactly how much of it could have been built off of an illusion. That is what I was hoping! I gave you enough details to find it on your own.
  4. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Does Reed play a reed instrument by any chance? I had to ask. Wish my college had a wind ensemble, that's one thing I miss from high school There just isn't as much interest in music. It's all sports. So anyway, all of my final grades are finally posted online. I got all A's, except an A- in History (which was a nice surprise for me) which makes my GPA is 3.958. WOOT!!!! Go Jesse! Congratulations on the stellar grades!!!!!!
  5. A bit late, but cut some cucumber slices and put one on each eye. Rest for about one hour with the cucumbers on your eyes. If you can't do an hour, the minimum is thirty minutes.
  6. Horatio

    My place. :)

    And you forgot one big thing... go out for a drive!
  7. i dont get guy EDs like wuts the point? ED's are not gender specific. does it make any difference that he's gay? im not an expert on EDs ~Liz No.
  8. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Be careful if your drummer named Jesse, picks up a clarinet and starts playing! nope. and we actually had band yesterday during school (i was mixed up in thinking we had gym) and the concert went well... and i got to see reed cuz he's in concert band (im in wind ensemble) and they both perform the same night. ;-) ~Liz At least you didn't show up for band in your gym clothes.
  9. [ I'm happy now!!! The Glowurm is back and better than ever!!!! This is great!!! Thank you for continuing!!!!!!! ]
  10. i dont get guy EDs like wuts the point? ED's are not gender specific.
  11. i know im not alone but to be honest, i dont give a 3982173 about the millions of depressed teens across america. seriously. theyre just as useless and pathetic as me, why would i want to go listen to them whine too? its not about 'who else understands you thats out there' or if your 'actually alone' i AM alone everyday i stuggle by myself i dont need some support group or counselor telling me im not or that its okay i feel alone and regardless if i really am. it stinks. the eating thing is a mix of personal feelings and drilled in media hypnoic stuff i dont want to be thin b/c the world tells me its what i should be i want to be thin b/c i BAWL when i look at my body i skip tearing up, i skip crying i just weap cuz its so utterly disgusting to me Okay.
  12. Horatio

    My place. :)

    This is great news! I am glad everyone is happy and just in time for the holidays!
  13. Horatio

    My place. :)

    What is your area like? Does it make you tired of people? Or are there just no trees there? Let me answer this in my topic, so I don't clog up Jesusfreak's topic. Doesn't really bother me either way. I'm not sure trees outnumber people by quite that much though... but it's by enough to make where I live pretty boring. Unless you're fascinated by trees. Take a look at my topic and you will see my rant. I really did not want to rant in your topic! Haha okay. And rant I did! LOL So I saw. At the moment I'm taking a break from the massive pack-a-thon I've been having, because I'm going home tomorrow. And get this: (I really can't believe I get to say this one) I've been praying the past few days more than I've been (because I hadn't been praying nearly enough) about the usual things that I'd neglected; God's will in my life, etc. As soon as I started my break of this pack-a-thon, Ian signed on. And then he actually IM'd me! And now we're talking like nothing is strange at all. I really thought he was purposely ignoring me. So, I'm not quite sure what to make of all this. I am at a loss for words.
  14. You are not crazy or something else. Unfortunately, when a girl is pretty, intelligent and has lots going for her, even some of her "closest friends" have some jealousy. This is when mean and ugly things are said, usually behind your back (gossip) and sometimes to your face. People are not nice at times and you will find that in life you may only have the number of true friends as the fingers you can count on one hand. And sometimes it is even less... maybe one or two. Quite often these true friends are ones that come when you are in college or even later. If I could tell you to ignore what the gossip mongers are saying and believe in yourself. If I could tell you that some of what is being spread is by people who don't even know you. If I could tell you that these are the insecure, weak people who have nothing else in their lives that are spreading these hurtful words, would you believe me? Please do not let these words get to your soul. When you leave high school, you may or may not hang out with these people again. Some of them you will never see again. You are not the cause of bad things that have happened, don't let this negative verbiage sink into your head. As for Julian, I cannot say what you should do. What I can do is pose some questions, that only you can answer. Are you going out with him because you think you feel better than being alone? Can you exist as a couple and not fight? Do you have another way to resolve your differences? Are you thinking about an ex-boyfriend only because there is something missing in this relationship? For me, I could not stand the stress of fighting and could not stay with a guy if we fought. I think that you will come to answer whether or not this is the relationship for you when you stop ignoring what is being said and start looking inside you to see if this guy really makes you happy. It does not matter if you are dating someone or not, you should have time for your friends, some of them may feel like a rag doll that you pick up between boyfriends and you need to make time to see the important people in your life. If you have a few close friends, please take some time away from Julian to keep these friendships dear to your heart. I am rambling. In short, please ignore those mean, nasty rumours.
  15. Horatio

    My place. :)

    What is your area like? Does it make you tired of people? Or are there just no trees there? Let me answer this in my topic, so I don't clog up Jesusfreak's topic. Doesn't really bother me either way. I'm not sure trees outnumber people by quite that much though... but it's by enough to make where I live pretty boring. Unless you're fascinated by trees. Take a look at my topic and you will see my rant. I really did not want to rant in your topic! Haha okay. And rant I did! LOL
  16. yep i do! and you go to that public school near my catholic school lol u still see rachel a lot? our family's getting together with her family on christmas eve like we have for the past few years...should be fun! ~Liz Tell Rachel we all say "Hi"!!!
  17. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Be careful if your drummer named Jesse, picks up a clarinet and starts playing!
  18. I noticed that too.... on... our... birthday. o_O Thus proving, I'm am two seperate people, or maybe even four. but at any rate, Dogcherlover is not one person. ... But you need'nt read the rest of that topic. -cough- well i just did read the rest of that topic (took a while, 12 pages) found this quote...pre-EJ obsession! okay-o i just mentioned this in "what song are u listening to right now," but im listening to elton john. he's cool. I love Elton John... there are many of his songs that are my favorite! ive requested a 3-cd set of his best songs at the library...im waiting for it to come in i think i had requqested that set in sept. 06 and it didnt come till march 07. and thats one of the things that started me falling in love with him. ~Liz You have to get on a mile-long request list for CD's and by the time it finally comes in, you forgot that you liked that kind of music.
  19. Snow down your shirt... BRRRRRRR!!!! Getting written up... they only wish they could have joined it.
  20. What is your area like? Does it make you tired of people? Or are there just no trees there? I have a new neighbor that bought the property to the south and the first thing they did, was cut down nine old beautiful oak trees, two of which belonged to me. Their attitude is so arrogant, nasty and mean, I tried to be nice, but they told me to live with it. I said that I really didn't have to live with it, so he said "Sue me"!!!! Well, I can do that. In addition, when I went to introduce the new neighbor to the gentleman who cuts my lawn, this guy stuck his finger in the air, wagging it back and forth, saying, "I've seen him." Of course, this jerk of a guy has no idea of my feelings on people who are racist and that the appraised value of the tree is about $130,000. I will be so happy to see him in court. When he applied for the permit to cut down trees, he never put the two trees on the permit, so in essence, it was illegal for him to cut them down as well as them not belonging to him. Two doors to the north, we have another tree hating neighbor who is like a thorn in your foot. I bought these flat rocks to keep people from driving across our lawn, doing donuts as they go, and he reported us to the city as he did not think they were up to code. One of them I had to put in my neighbors driveway (the neighbor between us to the north), but I immediately called my neighbor and asked permission. Their real home is up in your neck of the woods, Fairfield, Conn. and this is their holiday home. Anyway, this nosy neighbor called the neighbor who's driveway I was borrowing, and complained about my actions and the rock. They said I was erected another Stonehedge. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I mind my own business and treat people how I would like to be treated. I would like to live in peace and harmony with the environment and not invade my space on that of the critters. We have an habitat friendly back yard and I am working on the front yard. We have planted trees, shrubs and plants that feed the wildlife and provide them with shelter to make their homes. Okay... I need to stop before I spend my ranting. Ah, gotcha. Some of my relatives are having a very similar problem with their neighbors. It's so bad, they're actually considering moving just to get away from them. That is exactly what we are thinking. These people are horrible. If up north wasn't so cold... I would move there in an instant. There is something to be said about going outside and playing in short sleeves in the winter.
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