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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Most of the summer has been trying to get our house renovated. What a pain in the neck! The roofer was supposed to come today, but of course, he went on holiday last week, so today, he called and said he will be here on Wednesday. HMMMMMMM. I guess he needs two days to recover from his holiday.
  2. *falls over in shock* Medics... medics... medics... come quick. I thought the summer had cooked you into a crispy critter and you were hibernating. Glad to hear that you are alive and well!
  3. Happy Labour Day to everyone! I hope you all are enjoying your weekend before settling in for the fall. Summer flew by too fast and now I am wishing I had more summer to go. So, enjoy this last "summer" weekend. Horatio
  4. Let me get that fixed. Thank you for alerting me.
  5. YES! I would love to have a reunion and see what every has been up to for these past few years. When would you think is the best time to hold this reunion would be? I am open to suggestions. We could also send out mass emails on a regualr basis. I'm not sure. If it wasn't so last minute, I would say that before school started up again would be a good time. Then again, I know that there are a lot of schools starting very soon or that have already started. I guess it also doesn't require a whole lot of effort to "attend" said reunion, as people can just pop in or out when they have a few free minutes. I don't know. I'm done blubbering now, I don't know. It's up to you Horatio, whatever you think would work best. My little brain has very little room these days... I will think seriously about it. Is your email address up to date in the profile? Mine's all set! Thank you for doing this, Horatio! Fingers are crossed that people haven't changed their email address since they were last active. Exactly... paws crossed.
  6. ATTENTION PLEASE... Everyone check their profiles and make sure their email addresses are up to date. HampsterDance reunion is in the works and we do not want to miss anyone. Especially you lurkers.
  7. YES! I would love to have a reunion and see what every has been up to for these past few years. When would you think is the best time to hold this reunion would be? I am open to suggestions. We could also send out mass emails on a regualr basis. I'm not sure. If it wasn't so last minute, I would say that before school started up again would be a good time. Then again, I know that there are a lot of schools starting very soon or that have already started. I guess it also doesn't require a whole lot of effort to "attend" said reunion, as people can just pop in or out when they have a few free minutes. I don't know. I'm done blubbering now, I don't know. It's up to you Horatio, whatever you think would work best. My little brain has very little room these days... I will think seriously about it. Is your email address up to date in the profile?
  8. *falls over paws in the air* I am impressed. Now to fill us in on what has been happening in your life.
  9. YES! I would love to have a reunion and see what every has been up to for these past few years. When would you think is the best time to hold this reunion would be? I am open to suggestions. We could also send out mass emails on a regualr basis.
  10. Welcome back! I would sent out emails to everyone on the list, who has an active email address. So, if your email is not updated, please do that. Now I just have to figure out what day is best. It sounds like you had a remarkable holiday!!! So, where is the picture of the European wildcat??? We have been walking in the park everyday. There are lots of deer and we often get to see some fawn As of August, most of the fawn are getting a pretty big, but yesterday I saw a really little fawn. The baby was so cute. The mother was really protective and they disappeared into the woods to keep their distance. I wanted to take a picture, but was not fast enough with my iPhone. So great to hear the weather cooperated. What a wonderful break from the long, cold winter. Hope the rest of your summer is good!!! How is work/doctorate studies coming?
  11. What do you think about a HampsterDance Boards reunion? Thoughts anyone?
  12. My frozen yogurt was interesting. It turned out to be a little on the icy side, but not so much so. It was actually pretty tasty. Today I purchased some peaches from the farmer's market and have decided to try this with peaches. As these are fresh and not frozen, perhaps this will work out better.
  13. Hmmmm... I think we need to give them a little mantra to say. Mac... Mac... Mac...
  14. Today I tried something new... making frozen strawberry yogurt. I bought some frozen strawberries, fresh strawberries, stevia, vanilla and some plain Greek yogurt. After washing and cutting up the fresh strawberries, and slightly thawing the frozen strawberries, I placed some of each into the blender. To this I added some stevia and vanilla and pushed the chop button. After it was blended some, I added the yogurt to the strawberries. Accomplishing the process a few times, I poured the mixture into three containers, added more chunks of strawberries, mixed them in, and placed the containers into the freezer. We are waiting for the yogurt to freeze and try the dessert. I will let you know if this worked or not... tomorrow.
  15. Smart girl!!! Make her a Mac Girl early in life!!! If you had an iPad, they both would want to play with them!
  16. I found that if you video your fireworks, you can selectjust one slide as a photograph. That helps the blob effect.
  17. DYNAMITE???????? A little bit dangerous as a Fourth of July extravaganza. Good think they did not blow up a building by accident. That accident probably would not be covered by insurance. I can see explaining that to the insurance company. Sounds like another pyrotechnic success for you and your families. Nice Fourth. Pictures? You have a camera... pictures would be great!!! *cough, cough* Glad the bath went well. At least it was not both the dog and your mother taking a bath. I am trying to get TBFOF to post a picture of himself in bed... perhaps you can convince him.
  18. Oh, she's from San Diego? I don't know why but I was always under the impression that she was from Northern California. I'm actually trying to go to LA this week. I have a bunch of miles that are going to expire at the end of the month, so I figured I'd go visit a friend while I have the opportunity. I made a few adjustments to my travel goals for the next few years. I was supposed to spend the next year in China working and studying, but I decided to stick around the US this year and wait until next year, after I graduate. I'm in a five year program, but I'm going to finish it in four years, so I decided to move to Shanghai, for at least a year, while the rest of my friends are still in school. That way, I won't feel like I'm missing anything and after the year is up and they graduate, depending on how I like it, I can then decide if I want to stay or move back to New York City. The only "incredible" pictures I've taken have been selfies in my bed. I've done NOTHING this summer, besides lay in bed and watch hours and hours and hours and days and weeks worth of Mad Men, Dexter, Arrested Development and Homeland. Sometimes, the body needs those hours and hours of relaxing. Great to hear that you will be completing your studies a year early! Incredible!!! Yes, a year in Shanghai will be very, very good for you. You will have an excellent resume after the year spent in China. You can always post a picture of yourself. We love those too!!! Enjoy using your miles. Too bad you were not able to attend the San Diego Comic Con, this coming weekend. It should be an outstanding weekend.
  19. In your travels, perhaps if you are ever in San Diego, perhaps you will meet her. That would be incredible, wouldn't it? How is your photograpy going? Still taking incredible pictures?
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