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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Outstanding!!! I look forward to your story!
  2. How about viewing it this way... you don't have to be involved in a gay marriage, but be tolerant of someone who is. This way you can abide by your faith, but allow others to live their lives the way they wish. How does that sound to you? cool. you're good at this advice stuff and it's prolife week at my school ~Liz *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I was about to say something, but then I remembered that you don't got to public school like I do...They might as well have a pro-life week at my skool, it's not like any of the kids know what that means. Most of them are pro-life without really researching the TAWPEEK much. I usually try to research stuff first before making a view on that thing. Well, I respect your view,but I'm not pro-life...I don't like abortion...I dislike it as much as you do. But I don't believe in making abortion illegal. And that's that. I don't like talking about abortion with friends, anyway. It makes me feel awkward. Actually, I don't do politics with my friends a whole lot unless we're agreeing on the same issue As for gay marriage: I totally drew Jeff and tony (from EarthBound) making out today. Arkcher was kinda ticked. So was JR. JR is against gay marriage though so he doesn't count. And yes, Horatio is teh awesome advice-giver. o: *~*the psychedelic lauu*!~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Thanks for the compliment. I appreciate it, although I never thought of myself as a good advice giver. Seriously, H? Because you truly are. As for abortion and gay marriage, I don't have much of an opinion on either. I think abortion should be avoided unless necessary, and I'm not going to get in a gay marriage anytime soon, but I'm not going to stop those who want to. On that note, I really like Ron Paul. I think getting back to our roots would really benefit America. I like him, but "president Paul" doesn't sound as awesome as "President Obama" or "President Mushroom_king" I vote President Mushroom_king!!!!!!
  3. What do you mean he is not OLD???????? He's ancient!!!!! HE STILL WRITES SONG ABOUT HIS INFATUATIONS WITH YOUNG GIRLS!!! HE'S NOT OLD!!!! Trust me... he is really, REALLY old! age is just a number.... nothing silly like a 45 year age difference is going to keep elton & me apart. ~Liz In your case... well, it is different. The age doesn't matter. Thanks for understanding! You're one of the few who does. ~Liz *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* No one else may understand. But Mushroom_king does. Did you know that all but two of her husbands are at least five years older than her? Mushroom_king is also going to reform (insert something here). Unlike Cheesemaster, who looks like Peter Frampton and doesn't read this TAWPEEK anyway. So this Election Day, you know who to vote for. MUSHROOM_KING '08 Payed for by the Law Offices of Phoenix Wright, Hampsterboard.com/board, The Astronomy Domine, and Mushroom_king's husbands. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domin*~* *hands Mushroom_king The Gold Star Award* LOL
  4. That's probably a good idea. I'm glad you wrote the note. Hopefully he will respond soon. i cant keep skipping the mascara though i neeeeed it lol :rolleyes: You are very pretty and have beautiful eyes. Who said you NEEEEEEED mascara. They are crazy.
  5. FOOL YOU BETTA LISTEN TO IT MORE OFTEN ....what are they saying in the song?....I can tell you which one it is. Pollyanna (I Believe In You)-Mother idk im not listening to it now ~Liz i just realized i spelled floyd wrong. apologies to everyone ~Liz Rats!!!! How did I miss that typo. I just need to slow down when I read.
  6. I love that one. *runs and gets the two HampsterDance CDs and puts them on* (at the same time?) ~Liz Absolutely!!! One CD in the living room and one CD in the dining room. :wacko:
  7. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Thanks as always for the advice. But I'm not sure if computers themselves are my passion. I'm not sure what I want exactly, but one thing I would like, to see if not to do, would be for video games to become an art instead of a cash crop. I think of La Nouvelle Vague from my French film class - the artists broke away from the sappy, melodramatic love movies that were bringing the cash in, and rebelled against them with films with stories out of sequence, or with little dialogue, along with new techniques like fadeouts and superimposing two scenes together. It was also a period for new filmmakers to start their careers, even if they only had handheld cameras and had to do everything in real-time. I got laughed at in class once for suggesting that video games was an art. Maybe one day I can make it so myself and then they won't be laughing anymore. I don't care much for the fancy graphics or FMV sequences, the art I am talking about is the art of interactivity. I mean, games today already use it, but so many times they take a franchise and try to squeeze yet another game out of it instead of coming up with new ideas, new purposes for a game existing. Like with films, the best ones were not made just for entertainment. I'm just not sure how I would do it differently... How about starting with an interactive HampsterDance? I think that would be a great beginning.
  8. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I can only imagine just how happy you are!!!! Have a really great day! It was fun. We spent most of the day playing video games, mostly DDR, which was fun times. So nice to hear you have a great day. You deserve days like this.
  9. and there's one week until my birthday ;-) ~Liz I know. I have been trying to track down Sir Elton, but he is really hard to find. Hope I reach him in time to celebrate your birthday. You're the best! ~Liz p.s. he's performing in africa on the 13 & 16th...just so you know! Africa is rather big. Would you please narrow it down a bit? 13-Jan-08 Cape Town South Africa Newlands Cricket Ground 16-Jan-08 Durban South Africa ABSA Stadium Hope this helps! I'll be waiting for him! ~Liz I guess I should ask if you know if he has anything planned on the days around your birthday.
  10. That's probably a good idea. I'm glad you wrote the note. Hopefully he will respond soon.
  11. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I can only imagine just how happy you are!!!! Have a really great day!
  12. How about viewing it this way... you don't have to be involved in a gay marriage, but be tolerant of someone who is. This way you can abide by your faith, but allow others to live their lives the way they wish. How does that sound to you? cool. you're good at this advice stuff and it's prolife week at my school ~Liz *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I was about to say something, but then I remembered that you don't got to public school like I do...They might as well have a pro-life week at my skool, it's not like any of the kids know what that means. Most of them are pro-life without really researching the TAWPEEK much. I usually try to research stuff first before making a view on that thing. Well, I respect your view,but I'm not pro-life...I don't like abortion...I dislike it as much as you do. But I don't believe in making abortion illegal. And that's that. I don't like talking about abortion with friends, anyway. It makes me feel awkward. Actually, I don't do politics with my friends a whole lot unless we're agreeing on the same issue As for gay marriage: I totally drew Jeff and tony (from EarthBound) making out today. Arkcher was kinda ticked. So was JR. JR is against gay marriage though so he doesn't count. And yes, Horatio is teh awesome advice-giver. o: *~*the psychedelic lauu*!~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Thanks for the compliment. I appreciate it, although I never thought of myself as a good advice giver.
  13. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Jesse, what I am about to post will probably upset your father, but I am saying this from the heart so please take it that way. This is your life. You need to do what will make you happy. Warren Buffett says "Do what you love and do it to the best of your ability." Not too many people can argue with him, seeing as how successful he is. What I am saying is... this is not your father's life. This is your life and you need to make the choices. You are smart, insightful, know a direction that might interest you, please listen to yourself and not other people for what is best for you. Remember, you are not on this earth to enter a career that will please your parents, because if you don't love it, you will be doing it for a very, very long time. And you will probably be miserable doing something you hate. Here is what I suggest... if computers are your real interests, pick a career somewhere in that field so that you satisfy the requirement for the college, if there is a deadline to meet, then take the time to investigate all the areas that are available to you in computers. If you don't have a deadline with the paperwork, then do the investigation now. Talk to the professors, other students, look online at all the job possibilities and careers, attend career fairs when you know that there will be computer companies recruiting. You can find out an enormous amount of information. Then remember, think about what you love doing. You love creating in the computer field. Computers are such a growing field, and not only in gaming, but in everyday life. There is so much potential to have a career doing something you really love. Do not go after the job for the money. WRONG choice. You may end up with lots of money, but you will probably end up miserable. The right job may not make you the most amount of money, but you will sure sleep well at night, simply because you are doing what you love. I have to go to school, so I cannot write more at the moment. Remember this, if you make a choice, you are not committed for life to follow that choice. So, if you want to try computers and you find it is not exactly what you envisioned, that's okay. You can make a different choice. And if it means that you stay in school 3 years and six months, that's okay too. Another thing to look at are intern programs. FedEx for example has a large number of intern programs. We have interns in the Flight Department, most of these people come from the University of North Dakota. But there are lots of other interns in a variety of programs that would amaze you. FedEx is a technology company, so you can only imagine the computer departments we have here. We even have our own television station! And I mean a real television station. Anyway, I have to run or I will be late. Talk to you later. Horatio
  14. What do you mean he is not OLD???????? He's ancient!!!!! HE STILL WRITES SONG ABOUT HIS INFATUATIONS WITH YOUNG GIRLS!!! HE'S NOT OLD!!!! Trust me... he is really, REALLY old! age is just a number.... nothing silly like a 45 year age difference is going to keep elton & me apart. ~Liz In your case... well, it is different. The age doesn't matter. My oldest husband is B.B King (81)....my youngest husband is Loid from EarthBound Zero (12).... My, my!!!! That is quite an age range. Loid is a little young, don't you think? A year younger then me, he is. By the way, Loid's clay model hs grey hair but his sprite has blonde hair. eh? Well, if he makes you happy, then I think Loid is okay for you.
  15. Horatio


    True! That makes me happy! Deedadeedadeedadodo has returned and has her topic pinned in HampsterDance Talk. yep, saw that. not sure if i remember her... i have been on hd for a long time, though! i even remember the old boards... ~Liz She was on the old boards. Then her parents took her computer away for two years. too bad. i dont have a very good memory though ~Liz I have a great memory when it comes to people posting like maniacs when they have consumed way too much sugar. as in...? ~Liz She used to get on and post a million posts, and I could never get them approved fast enough. And of course, she would post something that needed a response and I am really slow on the computer keyboard.
  16. I love that one. *runs and gets the two HampsterDance CDs and puts them on*
  17. How about viewing it this way... you don't have to be involved in a gay marriage, but be tolerant of someone who is. This way you can abide by your faith, but allow others to live their lives the way they wish. How does that sound to you? cool. you're good at this advice stuff and it's prolife week at my school ~Liz Thank you, but I am not so sure how good I am. The basis for my views are to treat people how I would like to be treated. If you are a nice person, I would not try and interfere with how you live your life just as long as you didn't hurt (crime-wise) another person and if you did not try and make me believe how you believe. I have many gay friends and they are absolutely some of the most wonderful people and the best friends. If they invited me to their weddings, I would most certainly go and wish them all the best life has to offer. Who am I to say they cannot be "married"? To many, it is just a piece of paper. But in reality, it is much more. Outside of the church, the "marriage" means that they have a say over their partner's health, they can share in the healthcare benefits from the workplace, plus various other things that married people take for granted. So, let them be happy and make the decision for themselves. As for pro-life... this really comes down to your belief as to when life begins. If you say it begins when a cell or two are created then you have one view-point, and if you say it begins when the child is born, then you have a different one. I believe that the individual or individuals are the ones to make the decision and not the government. There are many, many instances where there is abuse or other situation where someone gets pregnant and I will never, ever tell someone else what to do. Unless I have walked in their shoes, how can I say what course of action they should take.
  18. What do you mean he is not OLD???????? He's ancient!!!!! HE STILL WRITES SONG ABOUT HIS INFATUATIONS WITH YOUNG GIRLS!!! HE'S NOT OLD!!!! Trust me... he is really, REALLY old! age is just a number.... nothing silly like a 45 year age difference is going to keep elton & me apart. ~Liz In your case... well, it is different. The age doesn't matter. My oldest husband is B.B King (81)....my youngest husband is Loid from EarthBound Zero (12).... My, my!!!! That is quite an age range. Loid is a little young, don't you think?
  19. and there's one week until my birthday ;-) ~Liz I know. I have been trying to track down Sir Elton, but he is really hard to find. Hope I reach him in time to celebrate your birthday. but...but...WHY ISN'T THERE A team of resurrecters SEARCH PARTY LOOKING FOR JOEY RAMONE? S'NOT FAIR!!!!! Would you like me to gather a group of grave diggers?
  20. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Your rants are wonderful!!! Now to add my two cents. First, yeah that someone from the school has decided to acknowledge your achievements and make you a sophomore/soon-to-be-junior. Something to think about. You can have a career in creating video games AND have your music as a hobby. With your clarinet skills, you could join the local symphony, band, etc. and do something you love while not having to make a living at it. Sometimes this is the best way to enjoy your talent and be able to have fun at it. You could work at a job you really enjoyed and have music flowing through your life by playing for fun. I know many people who started to try and have a career in music and decided that it was really hard to make money. For some people, such as my friend's husband who writes and plays jingles for many of the adverts you listen to, he is doing something he loves and making a good living at it. This does not always happen. So try and get the best of both worlds. There are many symphonies and music groups that would love to have you join them. A number of these groups do not have a big budget so for you to make a living from it would be quite tough. Think about having your cake and eating it too. As for the last paragraph, something to consider is that most people do not graduate in 4 years. There is a very large percentage who take 5 years plus. For you to cut a year off, and two or three years, by some other people's standards, this just kind of makes them see how they are goofing off and not applying themselves. This is in no way your fault, it is just that they have decided to have fun at school and not take studying seriously. Let's hope they actually graduate. Jesse, you are doing a phenomenal job at getting through your college courses with superior grades and you need to pat yourself on the back. Don't let these other people get you down or side-track you from your goals. You will be a success at whatever you decide. And remember, you might have to give the college a career choice for their records, but if you decide you don't like it, you can always change... then change again. Nothing is written in stone.
  21. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Oh my! Maybe you should feed it more. Once I had an old laptop and it was infested by ants. Ohhhhhhhhhh. Now that is bad. I won't ask how that came to be.
  22. What do you mean he is not OLD???????? He's ancient!!!!! HE STILL WRITES SONG ABOUT HIS INFATUATIONS WITH YOUNG GIRLS!!! HE'S NOT OLD!!!! Trust me... he is really, REALLY old! MAYBE PHYSICALLY BUT NOT MENTALLY!!!! Now we agree!
  23. What do you mean he is not OLD???????? He's ancient!!!!! HE STILL WRITES SONG ABOUT HIS INFATUATIONS WITH YOUNG GIRLS!!! HE'S NOT OLD!!!! Trust me... he is really, REALLY old! age is just a number.... nothing silly like a 45 year age difference is going to keep elton & me apart. ~Liz In your case... well, it is different. The age doesn't matter.
  24. Oh no! I sure hope you haven't disappeared again.
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