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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. *glomp* Welcome back! I guess I'm a little more "older" now as I'm in my first year of college. How about you, how has you life been progressing? Cool stuff, cool stuff! Sure I guess you can pin it Yeah I'm a sophomore in high school, pretty fun, I'm in our school's tv station. You know what I forgot about this board, because no other board has it? Really long signatures. I think mine's like, 3 years old now. I think I need to change it. You know what, I'm gonna try to get back on here more. It's way less active than it used to be, but there's still some awesome people sticking around. Also, my screenname makes me laugh. It was my first screenname ever, I came up with it in 5th grade. But I like it, even if it's dorky. It's like me. Great seeing you again! Hope you do stick around. If you decide to follow a career in television, FedEx has one of the best television stations in the country! Yes, a real television station. Wow I didn't know that! But I'm hoping on going more of the movie way. Did some old posts get deleted or something? Because I'm pretty sure I remember hitting 1000 but it only says 350. Ha well not that it really matters... When HampsterKing did an update, people lost numbers. I will let him know that you are missing a bunch. If you remember about the number you had, I will have him restore your number.
  2. I will give you a couple that should help. On your salad, use oil and vinegar. No croutons. Watch the cheese. If you must have a different dressing, do not pour it on top of your salad. Dip your fork into the dressing, then put your fork into the salad and take some salad on your fork. Do not dip the fork back into the dressing on this bite. Now chew the bite, for a total of 21 chews while you have put your fork down. Your fork must be in after every bite. In the morning, have either one piece of oatmeal or toast, and some yogurt or egg beaters. Have a snack, apple, banana, mid-morning and mid-afternoon. Lunch is salad. You can have protein, but your protein serving is to me no larger than the palm of your hand and no thicker than the thickness of your hand. You must drink 8 glasses of water a day. Two when you wake up, two between mid-morning and lunch, two around mid-afternoon and two at night. i dont make salads. the school does. i NEED ranch dressing tho, cuz theyre salads are kinda gross. its REALLY hard to eat in the morning. sometimes i struggle to keep food down. lately ive been having A sunchip, b/c they have whole grains and one isnt that bad. plus its easier to grab quickly(i usually have 2/3 mins for breakfast) plus i dont waste any of it. cuz i cant eat a whole fruit or yogurt. i seriously would throw up and i cant miss anymore school,as sick as i am. lunch is at 11:17. cant change that. lol im sure my cheeeppp school doesnt put a palm's worth of little turkey/ham/wutever in their salads. they fill them with cheese and nasty lettuce..but its better then school chicken patties/nachos/pasta/wutevers on the oriental thing list(gross.. i only eat school food[other then salads] like 4 times a year) i try for the 8 glasses.. idk. water gets so boring.. today.. i had a bottle of water(thats 2 glasses).. a diet snapple(thats usually another bottle of water).. lowcarb monster..sprite zero.. but its only 5:30.. so i have time for 6 more glasses i dont have too much time to go running cuz i have midterms n stuff.. idk. i need to exercise.. i just ... have no willpower to go do it. they need to bottle motivation.. Eating in school or any other institution, is hard because their food is awful. Diet Snapple does not could as water... sorry. Don't worry about the exercise right now.
  3. *glomp* Welcome back! I guess I'm a little more "older" now as I'm in my first year of college. How about you, how has you life been progressing? Cool stuff, cool stuff! Sure I guess you can pin it Yeah I'm a sophomore in high school, pretty fun, I'm in our school's tv station. You know what I forgot about this board, because no other board has it? Really long signatures. I think mine's like, 3 years old now. I think I need to change it. You know what, I'm gonna try to get back on here more. It's way less active than it used to be, but there's still some awesome people sticking around. Also, my screenname makes me laugh. It was my first screenname ever, I came up with it in 5th grade. But I like it, even if it's dorky. It's like me. Great seeing you again! Hope you do stick around. If you decide to follow a career in television, FedEx has one of the best television stations in the country! Yes, a real television station. I don't even watch Teebee. I wouldn't know... The only way you would be able to view the FedEx station is to be an employee. It's great to hear that you do not spend time planted in front of the tele.
  4. May I share mine? I missed the actual debate, but my mom called afterward and I tuned in to the highlights shown afterwards. I thought it was good of Edwards to condemn the bickering between Hilary and Obama, saying something like "how is this squabbling supposed to help us fix healthcare? etc..." I know he kind of took advantage of the moment, but the way Hilary and Obama were constantly flinging dirt at each other was ridiculous, I'm glad someone spoke up against it. Edwards seemed to be the best speaker overall. He didn't feel the need to talk all the time, though he knew what to say when he did talk...and I like that much better than the way the other two turned it into a wrestling match. At the moment I'd like to see Edwards-Obama for the Democratic ticket. And though I'm probably not voting for the Republicans, if Hilary is going for the presidency I might change my mind, so I'd like to see anyone but McCain and Romney I suppose. If Hilary is not going for that office, then anyone weak enough to lose to the Democrats. (or an independent But that's real wishful thinking ) Thanks for replying!!!! It is great to hear your views. Anyone else?
  5. Horatio

    My place. :)

    The artificial intelligence and music course sounds awesome! I would really like that one. Yeah, it looks really cool, and covers a really wide range of topics. Plus Marius and Steph are in the same class with me, which is awesome. A great class with two of your friends, now that is a great way to start the day.
  6. *glomp* Welcome back! I guess I'm a little more "older" now as I'm in my first year of college. How about you, how has you life been progressing? Cool stuff, cool stuff! Sure I guess you can pin it Yeah I'm a sophomore in high school, pretty fun, I'm in our school's tv station. You know what I forgot about this board, because no other board has it? Really long signatures. I think mine's like, 3 years old now. I think I need to change it. You know what, I'm gonna try to get back on here more. It's way less active than it used to be, but there's still some awesome people sticking around. Also, my screenname makes me laugh. It was my first screenname ever, I came up with it in 5th grade. But I like it, even if it's dorky. It's like me. Great seeing you again! Hope you do stick around. If you decide to follow a career in television, FedEx has one of the best television stations in the country! Yes, a real television station.
  7. I will give you a couple that should help. On your salad, use oil and vinegar. No croutons. Watch the cheese. If you must have a different dressing, do not pour it on top of your salad. Dip your fork into the dressing, then put your fork into the salad and take some salad on your fork. Do not dip the fork back into the dressing on this bite. Now chew the bite, for a total of 21 chews while you have put your fork down. Your fork must be in after every bite. In the morning, have either one piece of oatmeal or toast, and some yogurt or egg beaters. Have a snack, apple, banana, mid-morning and mid-afternoon. Lunch is salad. You can have protein, but your protein serving is to me no larger than the palm of your hand and no thicker than the thickness of your hand. You must drink 8 glasses of water a day. Two when you wake up, two between mid-morning and lunch, two around mid-afternoon and two at night.
  8. Horatio

    My place. :)

    The artificial intelligence and music course sounds awesome! I would really like that one.
  9. It hurts now, but I do believe that someone better will enter your life, making you happier than ever. I DID find him...then he gave up on me. I know it'll get better. I'm not letting myself mope too much. I need to be at my top if I'm gonna get a job and enjoy my trip this weekend! Where are you going? Did you know that you have one of the most beautiful forests (park) in your town? I just love it there. No, he was not the guy. There is an even better guy that will never give up on you and you will find him. What kid of job are you looking for? lol yes I know I've not been there though, or do you mean the themed park right near my city? I went to north carolina. it was awesome. I know...this weekend was good for me. I was healed of a lot of pain. I'm looking for a creative job. one that will keep me occupied and let me enjoy myself. Take your city name, or the big city near you, and add National Forest behind it. There might be another way to access it, and that would be with National Park after the name. There is also another great park in Florida, called Osceola National Forest. This park was named after the Seminole Indian, Osceola and is part of the Florida National Scenic Trail, with 23 miles running through this National Forest. This is also the site of a battleground. Some interesting history. If you want a peaceful day, check out the National Forest near you. North Carolina is wonderful. A very beautiful state. The western part of the state is gorgeous, especially around Asheville. Help me understand you better, what type of creative job? What are you interested in? What are your thoughts on this?
  10. You are soooooo right! This magazine is the ultimate coolest gift ever!!!!!!!! I know. And my room is clean. My mom's friend & my mom and I did it today...so another reason to be happy! ~Liz I hate the first few weeks after I clean my room. I can never find anything. i am actually very pleased...this is the first time i've seen my whole floor in over a decade. ~Liz A decade?
  11. I've been waiting for you. You need to come around more often. You always send me on searching trips. The concepts of negative liberty and positive liberty, I know nothing about, but I will educate myself by your return. As for my thoughts of the Power of Nightmares... I am saving my reply until you start showing up on a regular basis. Tell me about the Curtis documentary. What are your thoughts? Any views on the Democratic Race?
  12. You are soooooo right! This magazine is the ultimate coolest gift ever!!!!!!!! I know. And my room is clean. My mom's friend & my mom and I did it today...so another reason to be happy! ~Liz I hate the first few weeks after I clean my room. I can never find anything.
  13. Sssh, you might make him cry. At least I didn't add any hair comments. But his hair is cool, so i don't think he'd be sad. He is the Hair Club for Men President. LOL THAT role, my friend, belongs to Lucas from Mother 3. I wish I was Hair Club for Men President. :c WHAT ??? WHAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTT??????? You want to show off your bald head with those little clumps of transplanted hairs, making your head look like they are growing a garden? *falls over in disbelief*
  14. You are soooooo right! This magazine is the ultimate coolest gift ever!!!!!!!!
  15. I hope things are a bit better. You are a really terrific person and I am sad that you are going through this pain.
  16. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Now that is a description you won't see the advert people using to describe their teles. To me, that is the biggest waste of money.
  17. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    I think the effective communications will be lots of fun for you, as it will probably open new methods and doors.
  18. Sssh, you might make him cry. At least I didn't add any hair comments. But his hair is cool, so i don't think he'd be sad. He is the Hair Club for Men President.
  19. Get a hold of that counselor again. well i have group tomorrow. but i dont wanna talk about in group. im kinda embarrassed that i wrote a note. how pathetic did that look? lol im trying to clean my room and its so frustrating. i asked my mom for tired but shes a big b. ugh idk wut to doooo The note was not pathetic. It was your way of dealing with the next step. If you have to, write another note. no notes. im gonna deal with this im going to miss b tomorrow and im gonna tell her all about my pathedic lack of human contact and how i cry in the shower every night about how i dont want to grow up and get a stupid job, i wanna move from society and become one with nature idk why but its easier to talk to her i might just cry to her i might actually be honest Honesty would be good. theres never enough time but i did ugh in a way i really hate doing stuff like that but i know i annoy my friends with my problems then feel bad for dumping on them idk. If your friends are true friends, they will always be there for you. You will not always be the one who is doing the dumping. There will be times when it is the other way around. Make the time. they do sometimes but they can deal on there own i need a crutch Things go in cycles. They might not need to dump on you at the present, it might be six months from now. nah they have too much pride all of them cept sam dumped on me once but it came out of yelling at me first idk im so depressed right now,i dont care I wish I could cheer you up.
  20. Get a hold of that counselor again. well i have group tomorrow. but i dont wanna talk about in group. im kinda embarrassed that i wrote a note. how pathetic did that look? lol im trying to clean my room and its so frustrating. i asked my mom for tired but shes a big b. ugh idk wut to doooo The note was not pathetic. It was your way of dealing with the next step. If you have to, write another note. no notes. im gonna deal with this im going to miss b tomorrow and im gonna tell her all about my pathedic lack of human contact and how i cry in the shower every night about how i dont want to grow up and get a stupid job, i wanna move from society and become one with nature idk why but its easier to talk to her i might just cry to her i might actually be honest Honesty would be good. theres never enough time but i did ugh in a way i really hate doing stuff like that but i know i annoy my friends with my problems then feel bad for dumping on them idk. If your friends are true friends, they will always be there for you. You will not always be the one who is doing the dumping. There will be times when it is the other way around. Make the time. they do sometimes but they can deal on there own i need a crutch Things go in cycles. They might not need to dump on you at the present, it might be six months from now.
  21. You don't need to links to figure out how to come up with the information that you would have linked to.
  22. ONE MORE DAY!!! ~Liz One more day for a super duper double birthday celebration!!!! i saw the topic in warm wishes! thanks for putting it up.. ~Liz My pleasure!
  23. Get a hold of that counselor again. well i have group tomorrow. but i dont wanna talk about in group. im kinda embarrassed that i wrote a note. how pathetic did that look? lol im trying to clean my room and its so frustrating. i asked my mom for tired but shes a big b. ugh idk wut to doooo The note was not pathetic. It was your way of dealing with the next step. If you have to, write another note. no notes. im gonna deal with this im going to miss b tomorrow and im gonna tell her all about my pathedic lack of human contact and how i cry in the shower every night about how i dont want to grow up and get a stupid job, i wanna move from society and become one with nature idk why but its easier to talk to her i might just cry to her i might actually be honest Honesty would be good. theres never enough time but i did ugh in a way i really hate doing stuff like that but i know i annoy my friends with my problems then feel bad for dumping on them idk. If your friends are true friends, they will always be there for you. You will not always be the one who is doing the dumping. There will be times when it is the other way around. Make the time.
  24. k since you didnt say it, i will i think this is really awesome. i felt human when i wrote it instead of worthless i saw a public viewing of The Devil came on Horseback last night it was so moving then one of the lost boys came and told us like his life story it was heartbreaking to actually see him and hear him cuz i saw a movie about them in history but for them to actually be there? whoa. anyway, the whole thing was awesome cept for the fact that one of my best friends wanted to make me feel bad for going.. she failed.. i feel bad for her, cuz shes so selfish Savedarfur (dont take out my links.. its not like theyre anything bad) Sorry, had to. But everyone is smart enough to figure it out. Horatio I did think your poem was awesome. All your writing is awesome, but sometimes I think I mention this too much. This one especially was moving. The movie The Devil Came On Horseback, is an exceptional. Glad you got to see it and that it touched you.
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