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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. I will give you a couple that should help. On your salad, use oil and vinegar. No croutons. Watch the cheese. If you must have a different dressing, do not pour it on top of your salad. Dip your fork into the dressing, then put your fork into the salad and take some salad on your fork. Do not dip the fork back into the dressing on this bite. Now chew the bite, for a total of 21 chews while you have put your fork down. Your fork must be in after every bite. In the morning, have either one piece of oatmeal or toast, and some yogurt or egg beaters. Have a snack, apple, banana, mid-morning and mid-afternoon. Lunch is salad. You can have protein, but your protein serving is to me no larger than the palm of your hand and no thicker than the thickness of your hand. You must drink 8 glasses of water a day. Two when you wake up, two between mid-morning and lunch, two around mid-afternoon and two at night. i dont make salads. the school does. i NEED ranch dressing tho, cuz theyre salads are kinda gross. its REALLY hard to eat in the morning. sometimes i struggle to keep food down. lately ive been having A sunchip, b/c they have whole grains and one isnt that bad. plus its easier to grab quickly(i usually have 2/3 mins for breakfast) plus i dont waste any of it. cuz i cant eat a whole fruit or yogurt. i seriously would throw up and i cant miss anymore school,as sick as i am. lunch is at 11:17. cant change that. lol im sure my cheeeppp school doesnt put a palm's worth of little turkey/ham/wutever in their salads. they fill them with cheese and nasty lettuce..but its better then school chicken patties/nachos/pasta/wutevers on the oriental thing list(gross.. i only eat school food[other then salads] like 4 times a year) i try for the 8 glasses.. idk. water gets so boring.. today.. i had a bottle of water(thats 2 glasses).. a diet snapple(thats usually another bottle of water).. lowcarb monster..sprite zero.. but its only 5:30.. so i have time for 6 more glasses i dont have too much time to go running cuz i have midterms n stuff.. idk. i need to exercise.. i just ... have no willpower to go do it. they need to bottle motivation.. Eating in school or any other institution, is hard because their food is awful. Diet Snapple does not could as water... sorry. Don't worry about the exercise right now. i kno it doesnt but its only 5 cals so wutevs You can drink it, but it doesn't count as water. i dont care! lol im gonna be fat forever You will not be fat forever. perhaps not, but i wont be thin unless i work on it idk why but i feel like i have to try more then everyone else on certain things thats why i give up alot. cuz losing is frustrating and gets me down so i do wuts easy its a flaw, or possibly just from depression? who knows.. Neither a flaw or depression. If you could remember that there will always be someone: thinner, richer, smarter, prettier, healthier, nicer... (you understand where this is going), than you are, and just try to accept something about yourself that is not perfect but you can be happy with.
  2. You didn't bring us down. It is hard to hear all the pain that you are going through. I wish I could help in some way, but I know I am unable. If you would believe me when I tell you that when you get out of the house, into college, things will change for the better, and when you get out on your own, they get even better than in college. As for the weight, it will disappear, perhaps not today, but when the life around you improves, your self-esteem improves and you will lose the weight. Life as a teenager is the hardest thing ever. Peer pressure, societal pressures, pressures from everywhere and every little thing... all aimed at teenagers. The bottom line for companies is money and the next big group of spenders... yup, teenagers. So, I hope you are able to live with this until you get away to college. i think i might just get out of the house and starting doing worse things like stop eating completely and doing something i cant say on here. i dont believe in peer pressure.. if theirs any peer pressure its like from me. lol societal pressure will never end. i dont think i'll be better then. maybe cuz my parents and my overlyimmaute/add/bipolar?/depressed brother it'll be better in one sense.. but idk. i cant trust myself like that. most days i wouldn't wake up if i didnt have to (getting yelled at and leading to getting taken away..) its too much of a hasel and i think thats how im gonna be for a while im not sure but i lack things that people should have/ know When you are at college this is a step towards learning the things you need for later in life. You are sort of on your own, but not really. The only difference is that your parents are not hovering over you. You actually become stronger and feel better about yourself when you are on your own. You can be trust yourself because you will learn to rely on yourself.
  3. It hurts now, but I do believe that someone better will enter your life, making you happier than ever. I DID find him...then he gave up on me. I know it'll get better. I'm not letting myself mope too much. I need to be at my top if I'm gonna get a job and enjoy my trip this weekend! Where are you going? Did you know that you have one of the most beautiful forests (park) in your town? I just love it there. No, he was not the guy. There is an even better guy that will never give up on you and you will find him. What kid of job are you looking for? lol yes I know I've not been there though, or do you mean the themed park right near my city? I went to north carolina. it was awesome. I know...this weekend was good for me. I was healed of a lot of pain. I'm looking for a creative job. one that will keep me occupied and let me enjoy myself. Take your city name, or the big city near you, and add National Forest behind it. There might be another way to access it, and that would be with National Park after the name. There is also another great park in Florida, called Osceola National Forest. This park was named after the Seminole Indian, Osceola and is part of the Florida National Scenic Trail, with 23 miles running through this National Forest. This is also the site of a battleground. Some interesting history. If you want a peaceful day, check out the National Forest near you. North Carolina is wonderful. A very beautiful state. The western part of the state is gorgeous, especially around Asheville. Help me understand you better, what type of creative job? What are you interested in? What are your thoughts on this? creative like I'm a writer, artist, musician. but I'm broke so I want to be paid for that lol Let me think on this a bit and see if I can come up with some suggestions for places for you to look. Is that okay? *hug* ok Sometimes this hamster-sized brain of mine comes up with some good ideas.
  4. Please do post them. It would be excellent to read your work. ok, I'll search for decent excerpts Great! Thanks!!!
  5. Horatio

    My place. :)

    You're going to have a great time!
  6. See her post before yours. She went into surgery to have the gills put into place.
  7. Horatio


    Cool! Please do that! *waits for comics to appear*
  8. You could always venture up to HampsterDance Talk and look up my topic the Horatio Club topic. It's way too long to read, unless you don't have a life and want to get bored. But you could just post here and we would find you, or you could click on View New Posts in the upper right hand corner and just read what is new. I will get you into some of the other topics where pictures are posted. Jesusfreak has posted a plethora of magnificent photographs. I READ THE ENTIRE TAWPEEK > But that was when it was really, really short. It only took you about 10 minutes.
  9. I will give you a couple that should help. On your salad, use oil and vinegar. No croutons. Watch the cheese. If you must have a different dressing, do not pour it on top of your salad. Dip your fork into the dressing, then put your fork into the salad and take some salad on your fork. Do not dip the fork back into the dressing on this bite. Now chew the bite, for a total of 21 chews while you have put your fork down. Your fork must be in after every bite. In the morning, have either one piece of oatmeal or toast, and some yogurt or egg beaters. Have a snack, apple, banana, mid-morning and mid-afternoon. Lunch is salad. You can have protein, but your protein serving is to me no larger than the palm of your hand and no thicker than the thickness of your hand. You must drink 8 glasses of water a day. Two when you wake up, two between mid-morning and lunch, two around mid-afternoon and two at night. i dont make salads. the school does. i NEED ranch dressing tho, cuz theyre salads are kinda gross. its REALLY hard to eat in the morning. sometimes i struggle to keep food down. lately ive been having A sunchip, b/c they have whole grains and one isnt that bad. plus its easier to grab quickly(i usually have 2/3 mins for breakfast) plus i dont waste any of it. cuz i cant eat a whole fruit or yogurt. i seriously would throw up and i cant miss anymore school,as sick as i am. lunch is at 11:17. cant change that. lol im sure my cheeeppp school doesnt put a palm's worth of little turkey/ham/wutever in their salads. they fill them with cheese and nasty lettuce..but its better then school chicken patties/nachos/pasta/wutevers on the oriental thing list(gross.. i only eat school food[other then salads] like 4 times a year) i try for the 8 glasses.. idk. water gets so boring.. today.. i had a bottle of water(thats 2 glasses).. a diet snapple(thats usually another bottle of water).. lowcarb monster..sprite zero.. but its only 5:30.. so i have time for 6 more glasses i dont have too much time to go running cuz i have midterms n stuff.. idk. i need to exercise.. i just ... have no willpower to go do it. they need to bottle motivation.. Eating in school or any other institution, is hard because their food is awful. Diet Snapple does not could as water... sorry. Don't worry about the exercise right now. i kno it doesnt but its only 5 cals so wutevs You can drink it, but it doesn't count as water. i dont care! lol im gonna be fat forever You will not be fat forever.
  10. You didn't bring us down. It is hard to hear all the pain that you are going through. I wish I could help in some way, but I know I am unable. If you would believe me when I tell you that when you get out of the house, into college, things will change for the better, and when you get out on your own, they get even better than in college. As for the weight, it will disappear, perhaps not today, but when the life around you improves, your self-esteem improves and you will lose the weight. Life as a teenager is the hardest thing ever. Peer pressure, societal pressures, pressures from everywhere and every little thing... all aimed at teenagers. The bottom line for companies is money and the next big group of spenders... yup, teenagers. So, I hope you are able to live with this until you get away to college.
  11. I usually smell with my nose... When you aren't smelling with your nose, what other body part are you smelling with? My gills, of course. :lol: *hands Hoops The Double Gold Star Award* Great reply!!!!!
  12. You could always write another story, or continue with Part Two of the first one.
  13. I've been waiting for you. You need to come around more often. You always send me on searching trips. The concepts of negative liberty and positive liberty, I know nothing about, but I will educate myself by your return. As for my thoughts of the Power of Nightmares... I am saving my reply until you start showing up on a regular basis. Tell me about the Curtis documentary. What are your thoughts? Any views on the Democratic Race? Sorry, life at the moment is all a bit pressured and intense. Isaiah Berlin, an Oxford political philosopher, gave a lecture in the 1950s called "Two Concepts of Liberty" which theorised that there were two types of liberty in the world: Positive Liberty, freedom by being given the means and opportunities to achieve your full potential, and Negative Liberty, freedom from coercion, or the state. While praising the idea of Positive Liberty, he said it was intrinsically flawed, because the people who tried to create it ended their dreams of positive liberty in a police state and a bloodbath; citing examples of the French Revolution ("We will force you to be free") and Lenin's USSR. He said that negative liberty, an individualistic view, was the only solution, because only through an individualist society could we be free from the pressures of society and the tyranny of state. Berlin's ideas took hold in the Cold War; influencing both the governments of Reagan and Thatcher. However, Curtis argues that negative freedom is a very narrow view of freedom and ultimately leads to "market liberalism." A system which sets out to free people using free market economics and applying them to public services, foreign affairs and all areas of policy. But, rather than freeing people through the free market system, it entraps them with numbers: To use the NHS as an example, Thatcher's application of market liberalism led to a collapse in the system. Doctors, nurses and all the medical professions found themselves under the control of administrators who were obsessed with reaching the performance targets imposed on them by the new system of market liberalism. They had to find as many ways as possible to manipulate the figures in order to escape the threat of budget cuts, redundancies and inspections. One hospital ended up solving the waiting list targets by taking the wheels off trolleys and reclassifying them as beds while simultaneously renaming corridors as wards. In response to this abuse, the government had to put more control over the system, paradoxically defeating the idea of freeing people that they set out with. And yet politicians remained convinced that this was just anomalies, despite wide spread reports of abuse, and continued with market liberalism. The same application of mathematics and economics to the psychiatric profession in the USA has caused the mental health "epidemic" that is ongoing: the system uses a check-list of behaviours to identify disorders without any measure given to information about each individual's lives. In reality, patients were diagnosed with disorders when they didn't have any, as the system mistook normal human behaviours such as depression, anxiety and stress as being abnormal conditions which needed to be treated through brain altering drugs like prozac and lithium. Many people in the USA and the UK, do not have many of the disorders psychiatrists claim they do, but because the system is based on an objective rationality to diagnose something which needs a lot of subjective information there has become a false epidemic of "undiscovered" mental health issues. Market liberalism is what ultimately destroyed Russia; by removing all controls, prices and instantly removing all state industries forced the Russian people to sell off their items or starve in the face of collapsed currency and soaring food prices. They then developed into the modern day Russian who supports Putin: Those who favour security and stability over freedom. In the UK and USA, we have both ended up with social stagnation and elites; the poor got poorer, the middle classes got a bit richer and the elites made ridiculous profits at the expense of everyone. The deregulation of the market by both Clinton/Bush and Blair administrations has led to corrupt corporations like Enron, who lie about their profits to maximise their personal bonuses and sacrifice plans like Health Care and Education in favour of the free market, despite the detrimental effect it has on both. Curtis develops this into how we can truly be free; by recognising that Berlin was wrong. His ideals were born out of paranoia and fear of the USSR, and that the Soviet Union was not an accurate representation of positive liberty. I know none of these links will be allowed, but I shall do so for Horatio's benefit: Sorry I had to delete this. Horatio This post rather counts as being active for an entire month? Well, I treat it with the usual critical eye I do to all things, but what I find with Curtis' documentaries are that they take things I know to be true and develops the background and narrative of events. Some of them, like The Trap, introduce me to new concepts like the Two concepts of liberty which I can research myself and allows me to come to my own conclusions. On the whole, I find them more objective than most documentaries due to their use and reliance on expert interviews, news footage and broadcasts. Certainly more objective than Michael Moore's work. The Democratic Debate... There was a short moment where it was about politics, but now it has descended into divisions over race and gender. Obama and Clinton are as bad as each other, ignoring on developing the politics necessary to defeat the Republicans and choosing to engage on smear campaigns against each other which will destroy the Democratic Party's core support as African-Americans are alienated by Hilary's attacks on Obama and women alienated by Obama's on Hilary. The best thing to do now is rapid reconciliation and a refocus on the politics of the campaign. Hilary would be wise to heed it or face abandonment by black voters in November. The dream ticket of Clinton-Obama may be dead I fear and Edwards may be out of the contest altogether at this rate, as he is excluded increasingly from the race by the media and Clinton and Obama focusing entirely on themselves and each other. Absolutely, this most definitely counts a posting for the entire month. I am going to research the information you gave me. Thank you. The two concepts of liberty are something I had never considered, so I am anxious to learn more. Politicians... it's amazing that we allow them air time when all they do is attack each other. Last night, Tim Russert, was moderating the Republican debate and this was another interesting evening. I think I will write in TGHL on the Presidential ballot.
  14. It hurts now, but I do believe that someone better will enter your life, making you happier than ever. I DID find him...then he gave up on me. I know it'll get better. I'm not letting myself mope too much. I need to be at my top if I'm gonna get a job and enjoy my trip this weekend! Where are you going? Did you know that you have one of the most beautiful forests (park) in your town? I just love it there. No, he was not the guy. There is an even better guy that will never give up on you and you will find him. What kid of job are you looking for? lol yes I know I've not been there though, or do you mean the themed park right near my city? I went to north carolina. it was awesome. I know...this weekend was good for me. I was healed of a lot of pain. I'm looking for a creative job. one that will keep me occupied and let me enjoy myself. Take your city name, or the big city near you, and add National Forest behind it. There might be another way to access it, and that would be with National Park after the name. There is also another great park in Florida, called Osceola National Forest. This park was named after the Seminole Indian, Osceola and is part of the Florida National Scenic Trail, with 23 miles running through this National Forest. This is also the site of a battleground. Some interesting history. If you want a peaceful day, check out the National Forest near you. North Carolina is wonderful. A very beautiful state. The western part of the state is gorgeous, especially around Asheville. Help me understand you better, what type of creative job? What are you interested in? What are your thoughts on this? creative like I'm a writer, artist, musician. but I'm broke so I want to be paid for that lol Let me think on this a bit and see if I can come up with some suggestions for places for you to look. Is that okay?
  15. Please do post them. It would be excellent to read your work.
  16. Please don't pout. I was just having a great time with words.
  17. You could always venture up to HampsterDance Talk and look up my topic the Horatio Club topic. It's way too long to read, unless you don't have a life and want to get bored. But you could just post here and we would find you, or you could click on View New Posts in the upper right hand corner and just read what is new. I will get you into some of the other topics where pictures are posted. Jesusfreak has posted a plethora of magnificent photographs.
  18. I usually smell with my nose... When you aren't smelling with your nose, what other body part are you smelling with?
  19. You are soooooo right! This magazine is the ultimate coolest gift ever!!!!!!!! I know. And my room is clean. My mom's friend & my mom and I did it today...so another reason to be happy! ~Liz I hate the first few weeks after I clean my room. I can never find anything. LOL i am actually very pleased...this is the first time i've seen my whole floor in over a decade. ~Liz A decade? probably... its weird, i get off-balance when i walk into my room now! not used to all of the space... ~Liz LOL
  20. I will give you a couple that should help. On your salad, use oil and vinegar. No croutons. Watch the cheese. If you must have a different dressing, do not pour it on top of your salad. Dip your fork into the dressing, then put your fork into the salad and take some salad on your fork. Do not dip the fork back into the dressing on this bite. Now chew the bite, for a total of 21 chews while you have put your fork down. Your fork must be in after every bite. In the morning, have either one piece of oatmeal or toast, and some yogurt or egg beaters. Have a snack, apple, banana, mid-morning and mid-afternoon. Lunch is salad. You can have protein, but your protein serving is to me no larger than the palm of your hand and no thicker than the thickness of your hand. You must drink 8 glasses of water a day. Two when you wake up, two between mid-morning and lunch, two around mid-afternoon and two at night. i dont make salads. the school does. i NEED ranch dressing tho, cuz theyre salads are kinda gross. its REALLY hard to eat in the morning. sometimes i struggle to keep food down. lately ive been having A sunchip, b/c they have whole grains and one isnt that bad. plus its easier to grab quickly(i usually have 2/3 mins for breakfast) plus i dont waste any of it. cuz i cant eat a whole fruit or yogurt. i seriously would throw up and i cant miss anymore school,as sick as i am. lunch is at 11:17. cant change that. lol im sure my cheeeppp school doesnt put a palm's worth of little turkey/ham/wutever in their salads. they fill them with cheese and nasty lettuce..but its better then school chicken patties/nachos/pasta/wutevers on the oriental thing list(gross.. i only eat school food[other then salads] like 4 times a year) i try for the 8 glasses.. idk. water gets so boring.. today.. i had a bottle of water(thats 2 glasses).. a diet snapple(thats usually another bottle of water).. lowcarb monster..sprite zero.. but its only 5:30.. so i have time for 6 more glasses i dont have too much time to go running cuz i have midterms n stuff.. idk. i need to exercise.. i just ... have no willpower to go do it. they need to bottle motivation.. Eating in school or any other institution, is hard because their food is awful. Diet Snapple does not could as water... sorry. Don't worry about the exercise right now. i kno it doesnt but its only 5 cals so wutevs You can drink it, but it doesn't count as water.
  21. [ OUTSTANDING !!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for continuing! ]
  22. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Do you have your ear plugs in? CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think you will have a great time and meet lots of terrific new people.
  23. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Yeah, that's true, and no way I want to be like most of the people on my floor Not sure if they've done the scenario above yet, but I've been using earplugs for a long while so maybe I was lucky and missed it. Ear plugs... the greatest invention in the world!!!
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