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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. [Oh calm down, nothing awesome has happened yet. XD] [ But I know your style and it is going to get good!!!!! ]
  2. I hadn't seen it, but I will search it out if you recommend it. Thanks!
  3. I'm on my way out the door. You will have my reply in the morning for you, as I will post it this evening.
  4. I will give you a couple that should help. On your salad, use oil and vinegar. No croutons. Watch the cheese. If you must have a different dressing, do not pour it on top of your salad. Dip your fork into the dressing, then put your fork into the salad and take some salad on your fork. Do not dip the fork back into the dressing on this bite. Now chew the bite, for a total of 21 chews while you have put your fork down. Your fork must be in after every bite. In the morning, have either one piece of oatmeal or toast, and some yogurt or egg beaters. Have a snack, apple, banana, mid-morning and mid-afternoon. Lunch is salad. You can have protein, but your protein serving is to me no larger than the palm of your hand and no thicker than the thickness of your hand. You must drink 8 glasses of water a day. Two when you wake up, two between mid-morning and lunch, two around mid-afternoon and two at night. i dont make salads. the school does. i NEED ranch dressing tho, cuz theyre salads are kinda gross. its REALLY hard to eat in the morning. sometimes i struggle to keep food down. lately ive been having A sunchip, b/c they have whole grains and one isnt that bad. plus its easier to grab quickly(i usually have 2/3 mins for breakfast) plus i dont waste any of it. cuz i cant eat a whole fruit or yogurt. i seriously would throw up and i cant miss anymore school,as sick as i am. lunch is at 11:17. cant change that. lol im sure my cheeeppp school doesnt put a palm's worth of little turkey/ham/wutever in their salads. they fill them with cheese and nasty lettuce..but its better then school chicken patties/nachos/pasta/wutevers on the oriental thing list(gross.. i only eat school food[other then salads] like 4 times a year) i try for the 8 glasses.. idk. water gets so boring.. today.. i had a bottle of water(thats 2 glasses).. a diet snapple(thats usually another bottle of water).. lowcarb monster..sprite zero.. but its only 5:30.. so i have time for 6 more glasses i dont have too much time to go running cuz i have midterms n stuff.. idk. i need to exercise.. i just ... have no willpower to go do it. they need to bottle motivation.. Eating in school or any other institution, is hard because their food is awful. Diet Snapple does not could as water... sorry. Don't worry about the exercise right now. i kno it doesnt but its only 5 cals so wutevs You can drink it, but it doesn't count as water. i dont care! lol im gonna be fat forever You will not be fat forever. perhaps not, but i wont be thin unless i work on it idk why but i feel like i have to try more then everyone else on certain things thats why i give up alot. cuz losing is frustrating and gets me down so i do wuts easy its a flaw, or possibly just from depression? who knows.. Neither a flaw or depression. If you could remember that there will always be someone: thinner, richer, smarter, prettier, healthier, nicer... (you understand where this is going), than you are, and just try to accept something about yourself that is not perfect but you can be happy with. no thats not good enough life is about creating yourself and bettering yourself and succeeding and being happy. the person i wanna be is not this fat. i will always be bettering myself. i could never be happy or succeed looking the way i do even if i just accepted it one day and stopped trying, id only get bigger and more unhappy I never said not to better yourself. I simply said not to keep comparing yourself against unrealistic standards. To continue to better yourself is a great trait, and I hope you always do that. What I am saying is to accept any flaws you might have and quit beating up on yourself. Being overweight is more about health, than appearance. Your health should be a big priority. im healthy but id trade it for skinny.. idk how wrong it is.. im being real That's okay.
  5. You didn't bring us down. It is hard to hear all the pain that you are going through. I wish I could help in some way, but I know I am unable. If you would believe me when I tell you that when you get out of the house, into college, things will change for the better, and when you get out on your own, they get even better than in college. As for the weight, it will disappear, perhaps not today, but when the life around you improves, your self-esteem improves and you will lose the weight. Life as a teenager is the hardest thing ever. Peer pressure, societal pressures, pressures from everywhere and every little thing... all aimed at teenagers. The bottom line for companies is money and the next big group of spenders... yup, teenagers. So, I hope you are able to live with this until you get away to college. i think i might just get out of the house and starting doing worse things like stop eating completely and doing something i cant say on here. i dont believe in peer pressure.. if theirs any peer pressure its like from me. lol societal pressure will never end. i dont think i'll be better then. maybe cuz my parents and my overlyimmaute/add/bipolar?/depressed brother it'll be better in one sense.. but idk. i cant trust myself like that. most days i wouldn't wake up if i didnt have to (getting yelled at and leading to getting taken away..) its too much of a hasel and i think thats how im gonna be for a while im not sure but i lack things that people should have/ know When you are at college this is a step towards learning the things you need for later in life. You are sort of on your own, but not really. The only difference is that your parents are not hovering over you. You actually become stronger and feel better about yourself when you are on your own. You can be trust yourself because you will learn to rely on yourself. that doesnt stop the fact that i cant trust myself and will do worse things. i dont do drugs or lie about where im going or who im with just to be a rebel... alot of people dont get that. they think we(as in kids) are just acting out but believe me i dont want to hurt my family or lie but i have to live the way i want cuz even though im dependent on them and im their kid, im my own person and i make my own decisions. im really really scared of being on my own.. i want to be.. i want to get away but i just cant trust my decisions.. That is why college is a great step for you. You are sort of living on your own, but then again you aren't. There is no doubt in my mind that you will do great on your own. You can always call your parents if you are in doubt, or have a problem. Just because you are living on your own, it doesn't mean that you can't ask for help or opinions. You always sound pretty sensible, so I do believe you would make good decisions for yourself. Remember, not all your decisions will be right, but if you understand that you will have to live with the consequences of that decision, then I think you will make a good choice. im glad you have faith in me. but im sorry.. youre just wrong. im not gonna call my parents.. i honeslty think we ll barely talk after i move out for good. ive had enough of them. they dont act like they love me so why should i act back? Well, you can always find me here is you need some help.
  6. [ Phenomenal !!!!! Thanks for continuing !!!!! ]
  7. :blink: You seem to be a chick magnet! LOL I know D: I might like it if i were actively seeking a relationship, but im not. That's the way it always happens. When you aren't looking, there are a million chasing you. When you are looking, you can't seem to find anyone.
  8. :blink: You seem to be a chick magnet! LOL
  9. You could always venture up to HampsterDance Talk and look up my topic the Horatio Club topic. It's way too long to read, unless you don't have a life and want to get bored. But you could just post here and we would find you, or you could click on View New Posts in the upper right hand corner and just read what is new. I will get you into some of the other topics where pictures are posted. Jesusfreak has posted a plethora of magnificent photographs. I READ THE ENTIRE TAWPEEK > But that was when it was really, really short. It only took you about 10 minutes. LOL .....no, not really. I've read it as well. >_> Did you fall asleep? Did you like the motorcycle pictures? Did you like the frog? Nah. With all of my heart. Of course. Good thing! I miss my bike. I thought you would like that.
  10. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Cooooooo! You have a new car! Post pics!!!!!!!!!! Great news that you will be out of class earlier!
  11. CHEEEEEEEEEEEESIEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pyromaniacs is right! I'm so glad you weren't hurt in the grease fire!!! Why did you blow on it?????????????? Are you trying to give me heart failure? Glad to hear you are well.
  12. And we have missed you as well. Would you like to have your own special topic that I pin, Cheesie?
  13. WILDCAT !!!!!!! You have returned! I am so happy to see you!!!!!!!! Get that term paper written so that you may return in full force! I will pin this topic for you if you want. that would be lovely! cant stay long today, i have to go to the library and get books on Josef Mengele for my term paper note cards! Done!
  14. Sorry to hear there is so much going on in your life. Hopefully things will be looking up for you. We miss you when you are not here. So, if you want, we will pin your topic so you can always come back and post in your topic. How does this sound to you???
  15. You could always write another story, or continue with Part Two of the first one. well i was fantasizing a bit when i had time left over after my english midterm...but nothing concrete. just more hormones acting up. ~Liz I would have you think of the millions and millions of dollars that are made with romance novels. There are lots of people who enjoy reading these fantasies because it helps them escape for a period of time from the hum-drum of everyday life. So, keep those thoughts, you might make millions as a romance writer.
  16. I will give you a couple that should help. On your salad, use oil and vinegar. No croutons. Watch the cheese. If you must have a different dressing, do not pour it on top of your salad. Dip your fork into the dressing, then put your fork into the salad and take some salad on your fork. Do not dip the fork back into the dressing on this bite. Now chew the bite, for a total of 21 chews while you have put your fork down. Your fork must be in after every bite. In the morning, have either one piece of oatmeal or toast, and some yogurt or egg beaters. Have a snack, apple, banana, mid-morning and mid-afternoon. Lunch is salad. You can have protein, but your protein serving is to me no larger than the palm of your hand and no thicker than the thickness of your hand. You must drink 8 glasses of water a day. Two when you wake up, two between mid-morning and lunch, two around mid-afternoon and two at night. i dont make salads. the school does. i NEED ranch dressing tho, cuz theyre salads are kinda gross. its REALLY hard to eat in the morning. sometimes i struggle to keep food down. lately ive been having A sunchip, b/c they have whole grains and one isnt that bad. plus its easier to grab quickly(i usually have 2/3 mins for breakfast) plus i dont waste any of it. cuz i cant eat a whole fruit or yogurt. i seriously would throw up and i cant miss anymore school,as sick as i am. lunch is at 11:17. cant change that. lol im sure my cheeeppp school doesnt put a palm's worth of little turkey/ham/wutever in their salads. they fill them with cheese and nasty lettuce..but its better then school chicken patties/nachos/pasta/wutevers on the oriental thing list(gross.. i only eat school food[other then salads] like 4 times a year) i try for the 8 glasses.. idk. water gets so boring.. today.. i had a bottle of water(thats 2 glasses).. a diet snapple(thats usually another bottle of water).. lowcarb monster..sprite zero.. but its only 5:30.. so i have time for 6 more glasses i dont have too much time to go running cuz i have midterms n stuff.. idk. i need to exercise.. i just ... have no willpower to go do it. they need to bottle motivation.. Eating in school or any other institution, is hard because their food is awful. Diet Snapple does not could as water... sorry. Don't worry about the exercise right now. i kno it doesnt but its only 5 cals so wutevs You can drink it, but it doesn't count as water. i dont care! lol im gonna be fat forever You will not be fat forever. perhaps not, but i wont be thin unless i work on it idk why but i feel like i have to try more then everyone else on certain things thats why i give up alot. cuz losing is frustrating and gets me down so i do wuts easy its a flaw, or possibly just from depression? who knows.. Neither a flaw or depression. If you could remember that there will always be someone: thinner, richer, smarter, prettier, healthier, nicer... (you understand where this is going), than you are, and just try to accept something about yourself that is not perfect but you can be happy with. no thats not good enough life is about creating yourself and bettering yourself and succeeding and being happy. the person i wanna be is not this fat. i will always be bettering myself. i could never be happy or succeed looking the way i do even if i just accepted it one day and stopped trying, id only get bigger and more unhappy I never said not to better yourself. I simply said not to keep comparing yourself against unrealistic standards. To continue to better yourself is a great trait, and I hope you always do that. What I am saying is to accept any flaws you might have and quit beating up on yourself. Being overweight is more about health, than appearance. Your health should be a big priority.
  17. You didn't bring us down. It is hard to hear all the pain that you are going through. I wish I could help in some way, but I know I am unable. If you would believe me when I tell you that when you get out of the house, into college, things will change for the better, and when you get out on your own, they get even better than in college. As for the weight, it will disappear, perhaps not today, but when the life around you improves, your self-esteem improves and you will lose the weight. Life as a teenager is the hardest thing ever. Peer pressure, societal pressures, pressures from everywhere and every little thing... all aimed at teenagers. The bottom line for companies is money and the next big group of spenders... yup, teenagers. So, I hope you are able to live with this until you get away to college. i think i might just get out of the house and starting doing worse things like stop eating completely and doing something i cant say on here. i dont believe in peer pressure.. if theirs any peer pressure its like from me. lol societal pressure will never end. i dont think i'll be better then. maybe cuz my parents and my overlyimmaute/add/bipolar?/depressed brother it'll be better in one sense.. but idk. i cant trust myself like that. most days i wouldn't wake up if i didnt have to (getting yelled at and leading to getting taken away..) its too much of a hasel and i think thats how im gonna be for a while im not sure but i lack things that people should have/ know When you are at college this is a step towards learning the things you need for later in life. You are sort of on your own, but not really. The only difference is that your parents are not hovering over you. You actually become stronger and feel better about yourself when you are on your own. You can be trust yourself because you will learn to rely on yourself. that doesnt stop the fact that i cant trust myself and will do worse things. i dont do drugs or lie about where im going or who im with just to be a rebel... alot of people dont get that. they think we(as in kids) are just acting out but believe me i dont want to hurt my family or lie but i have to live the way i want cuz even though im dependent on them and im their kid, im my own person and i make my own decisions. im really really scared of being on my own.. i want to be.. i want to get away but i just cant trust my decisions.. That is why college is a great step for you. You are sort of living on your own, but then again you aren't. There is no doubt in my mind that you will do great on your own. You can always call your parents if you are in doubt, or have a problem. Just because you are living on your own, it doesn't mean that you can't ask for help or opinions. You always sound pretty sensible, so I do believe you would make good decisions for yourself. Remember, not all your decisions will be right, but if you understand that you will have to live with the consequences of that decision, then I think you will make a good choice.
  18. no. maybe. sure. The frog fit really well on the back of my bike!
  19. I might have to hold my views hostage to get you to post more. So, what did you think of the South Carolina Primary???????? Did you read what the Economist said? "Hillary gets thumped!" Obama blew Hillary off the map. The majority of the South Carolina vote that Hillary received was the white-woman voter. Then old Billy exhibited his bad loser style while campaigning for his wife in the midwest. I never get apathetic about politics. Frustration may come into play, as politicians seem to be a group of losers, but hopefully one will stand out in the crowd. Guiliani started in Florida with about 55% or so, now he is still there and down to around 20 something percent!!! Here is a perfect example where he should have quit while he was ahead.
  20. I think you're great at drawing and also at the use of Photoshop!!! Teach me... PLEASE!!!!!!!!
  21. You could always venture up to HampsterDance Talk and look up my topic the Horatio Club topic. It's way too long to read, unless you don't have a life and want to get bored. But you could just post here and we would find you, or you could click on View New Posts in the upper right hand corner and just read what is new. I will get you into some of the other topics where pictures are posted. Jesusfreak has posted a plethora of magnificent photographs. I READ THE ENTIRE TAWPEEK > But that was when it was really, really short. It only took you about 10 minutes. .....no, not really. I've read it as well. >_> Did you fall asleep? Did you like the motorcycle pictures? Did you like the frog?
  22. WILDCAT !!!!!!! You have returned! I am so happy to see you!!!!!!!! Get that term paper written so that you may return in full force! I will pin this topic for you if you want.
  23. Horatio

    My place. :)

    You're going to have a great time! And I did! ^_^And now I'm also very very sore, and probably sunburned. A stupid saying, but your soreness is a good kind of soreness. And you would probably do it again.
  24. You always put a smile on my face Lexxy!
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