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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Breaking news... Romney quit. Too bad Huckabee didn't quit as well.
  2. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I love those type scavenger hunts. Glad to hear you were borderline insane today. It was fun times. Except for one part. It's been becoming more and more apparent to me that I'm still not over Ian. I can push the feelings out of the way and ignore them, but they're still always there. And also worth mentioning is that I've recently started praying again for God to lead me in life, specifically in the area of romantic interests. And *logically* Phil makes much more sense than Ian. So I'm not sure what to make of all that. The big problem is though, it really won't be fair to Phil to pursue a relationship with him when I'm still not over Ian. I could never do that to him. You are very smart and admirable in your thinking and consideration of Phil. The other thing to think about is the fact that you are not looking for a relationship that makes more sense. As you have planned, take your time until your heart overrides your brain. Only then will you have the answer you are seeking. Well, at the moment, my brain knows what it's doing, and my heart is still kinda confused. I can't really do anything either way. Ian has a girlfriend and Phil is 5 hours away from me. So unless something usual happens, I'm just kinda stuck. You're not stuck, this is just a little pause until things happen in such a way that you are able to make a decision. For all you know, the perfect guy is less than five miles from your house or campus. You just never know. When you least expect it, that is when it all makes sense.
  3. Mushroom_king, this is really fantastic!!!!! Please write more!!!
  4. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I love those type scavenger hunts. Glad to hear you were borderline insane today. It was fun times. Except for one part. It's been becoming more and more apparent to me that I'm still not over Ian. I can push the feelings out of the way and ignore them, but they're still always there. And also worth mentioning is that I've recently started praying again for God to lead me in life, specifically in the area of romantic interests. And *logically* Phil makes much more sense than Ian. So I'm not sure what to make of all that. The big problem is though, it really won't be fair to Phil to pursue a relationship with him when I'm still not over Ian. I could never do that to him. You are very smart and admirable in your thinking and consideration of Phil. The other thing to think about is the fact that you are not looking for a relationship that makes more sense. As you have planned, take your time until your heart overrides your brain. Only then will you have the answer you are seeking.
  5. My prayers for those trapped in the storms. We still have New Mexico up in the air, and Obama's campaign wants Florida to vote again, because apparently it violated the national democratic convention rules somehow, along with Michigan. Hillary doesn't want the re-voting in Florida because she got the delegates; but then again she breached an agreement with Obama to not visit Florida, here comes that "prisoner's dilemma" that my economics teacher always talks about; how much can you trust a politician? And yes, Hillary has more delegates at the moment while Obama has more states. Thanks for the updates Jesse. Both Michigan and Florida should not give delegates to any candidate. Hillary campaigned, Bill campaigned and the other Democratic politicians did not. All I can see is that, based on the behaviour of Hillary, I would not want her or anyone like her in office.
  6. Very good and not the ending I expected. This one was terrific.
  7. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I love those type scavenger hunts. Glad to hear you were borderline insane today.
  8. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Just wait... the bad weather is coming. It hit here last night. Oh I know. There's supposed to be snow here by sunday. So I'm enjoying the awesome weather while I can. I was referring to the horrendous weather we had here last night. It is headed your way.
  9. I have no idea. We had lots and lots of storms with some tornadoes. Trees, powerlines, etc. and a total of 47 deaths across the four state area. (Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky and Mississippi.)
  10. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Just wait... the bad weather is coming. It hit here last night.
  11. Well, you can always find me here is you need some help. TYPO! lol thanks lol all i want for my birthday tomorrow is a boy to tell me im beautiful and waste the whole day watching movies with me I hope this happens for you. But with school, I doubt you will have someone spend the WHOLE day watching movies with you... but hopefully maybe half the day. my only option has work till 9:30 :[ I hope your birthday is a really nice one today! Sorry I can't give you the day off from work with pay. lol today is kinda bleak Perhaps tomorrow will be better when you celebrate with your friend. it was supposed to be but we got ditched and then it was like 10pm already and we couldnt find other plans worst night like ever but wutever i guess Hopefully not many worse nights. At least your night was better than the guy who crashed into my cage fence, passed out with the car still running, windshield wipers going at full speed and the lights on. He had a really bad night and probably a few more of those to come. He is probably thinking his life is over, but he was really lucky. The car was okay, he missed a tree and the cage and he never hit anyone else. So, he did do better than he we will ever know. thanks weird that i should read that right after watching saw4 Never watched that movie. Usually I am not outside my cage that late. Had I not returned late and found him, who knows. What was so amazing was that when the police arrived and tried to wake him, his first reaction was to gun the engine and try and escape. There were four police and it was quite shocking that it took all four policemen to get him out of the car, down on the ground and hand-cuffed. He was quite out-of-control. Don't think these policemen were old, out-of-shape guys. They were young, extremely muscular and in suberb shape. The police, tow truck, etc. didn't depart until many, many hours later... in the wee hours of the morning. The tow truck operator who was also a policeman, made the comment "What a way to start life as an adult.". Later, I found out this guy just turned 18. It was an eye-opening experience for me as I had never encountered anything like this. everything happens for a reason. god i hate cops so much. even before my mishaps(or wutever the word is) is the guy okay? One thing to consider, before you say you hate the police, is that had they not removed him from the car, he probably would have either killed himself or someone else, so in this case, they did a good thing. Talking to one of his friends, I asked how he was doing, and he is okay, just not too happy. Well, considering the circumstances, I can understand why he feels this way. It will probably get worse before it gets better. not trying to be cruel but wut about overpopulation and things happening for a reason? some people are meant to die. its the life cycle. but on a move real note.. an emt couldve pulled him out. my friend just trained to be one(cuz her dad is head of the emt in our town) In this particular case, I have to disagree. He was not in his 'right' mind. And in this particular case, the DUI policeman, I also found out, is an EMT, just in case of an emergency. drunk?drugs? or crazy? The first two, definitely not crazy. oh. not smart of him. Quite true.
  12. Yup, you are. I was a lurker for a couple years before I joined. Just think, if I had joined earlier, I would have a zillion posts by now. You already have a zillion posts. XD :rolleyes: My goal is one million for starters.
  13. I had assumed something along those lines.
  14. I had the Genius Bar clean out my computer deleting all junk Microsoft stuff that was bogging down my computer. They had spyware, balloons and a variety of other junk that took up way too much memory for a little program. Of course, this was not in my system, but in the Microsoft program that I was using.
  15. CHEEEEEEEEEEEESIEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pyromaniacs is right! I'm so glad you weren't hurt in the grease fire!!! Why did you blow on it?????????????? Are you trying to give me heart failure? Glad to hear you are well. Well, cause there was only a small bit of flame there. I didn't think that it was prone to exploding in my face. Also, the gas tank was nearby, so I (slightly) panicked. I guess you won't do that again, will you. Of course not. xD I don't really like fire in my face that much. It's only natural. x3 Some people have a higher learning curve than others.
  16. Aaaaaahhhhhhhh! You never divulged your secret life as a youth. And I thought you were a born in Florida person. BTW, for all you comma counters, I left out all of the commas from the above, just so you wouldn't laugh too hard. Well, I was born in Kissimee, but we moved when I was around 3ish. You seemed to pack a lot of commas in the second sentence, though. xD I knew it! That New Orleans stuff doesn't fool me. Pack a lot of commas????????? Three. I will find the post where I have a bakers dozen or so. These are just for you.
  17. Well, you can always find me here is you need some help. TYPO! lol thanks lol all i want for my birthday tomorrow is a boy to tell me im beautiful and waste the whole day watching movies with me I hope this happens for you. But with school, I doubt you will have someone spend the WHOLE day watching movies with you... but hopefully maybe half the day. my only option has work till 9:30 :[ I hope your birthday is a really nice one today! Sorry I can't give you the day off from work with pay. lol today is kinda bleak Perhaps tomorrow will be better when you celebrate with your friend. it was supposed to be but we got ditched and then it was like 10pm already and we couldnt find other plans worst night like ever but wutever i guess Hopefully not many worse nights. At least your night was better than the guy who crashed into my cage fence, passed out with the car still running, windshield wipers going at full speed and the lights on. He had a really bad night and probably a few more of those to come. He is probably thinking his life is over, but he was really lucky. The car was okay, he missed a tree and the cage and he never hit anyone else. So, he did do better than he we will ever know. thanks weird that i should read that right after watching saw4 Never watched that movie. Usually I am not outside my cage that late. Had I not returned late and found him, who knows. What was so amazing was that when the police arrived and tried to wake him, his first reaction was to gun the engine and try and escape. There were four police and it was quite shocking that it took all four policemen to get him out of the car, down on the ground and hand-cuffed. He was quite out-of-control. Don't think these policemen were old, out-of-shape guys. They were young, extremely muscular and in suberb shape. The police, tow truck, etc. didn't depart until many, many hours later... in the wee hours of the morning. The tow truck operator who was also a policeman, made the comment "What a way to start life as an adult.". Later, I found out this guy just turned 18. It was an eye-opening experience for me as I had never encountered anything like this. everything happens for a reason. god i hate cops so much. even before my mishaps(or wutever the word is) is the guy okay? One thing to consider, before you say you hate the police, is that had they not removed him from the car, he probably would have either killed himself or someone else, so in this case, they did a good thing. Talking to one of his friends, I asked how he was doing, and he is okay, just not too happy. Well, considering the circumstances, I can understand why he feels this way. It will probably get worse before it gets better. not trying to be cruel but wut about overpopulation and things happening for a reason? some people are meant to die. its the life cycle. but on a move real note.. an emt couldve pulled him out. my friend just trained to be one(cuz her dad is head of the emt in our town) In this particular case, I have to disagree. He was not in his 'right' mind. And in this particular case, the DUI policeman, I also found out, is an EMT, just in case of an emergency. drunk?drugs? or crazy? The first two, definitely not crazy.
  18. Noooooooooooooo! No distractions! Please.
  19. [ Wonderful !!!!!!!! I do hope you will continue this!!!!!!!!!!!!! ]
  20. Thanks. Nutzky will appreciate your prayers.
  21. You can tell him that yourself, right here. I am going to either print this out or give him a link. So... go for it.
  22. Yup, you are. I was a lurker for a couple years before I joined. Just think, if I had joined earlier, I would have a zillion posts by now.
  23. CHEEEEEEEEEEEESIEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pyromaniacs is right! I'm so glad you weren't hurt in the grease fire!!! Why did you blow on it?????????????? Are you trying to give me heart failure? Glad to hear you are well. Well, cause there was only a small bit of flame there. I didn't think that it was prone to exploding in my face. Also, the gas tank was nearby, so I (slightly) panicked. I guess you won't do that again, will you.
  24. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    That was some dream. I will have to ask am acquaintance of mine for an interpretation.
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