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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. JUNE 5TH !!!!!?????!!!!!!!!!????????!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my!!!!!!!! The good news is that you have been happy. Wait... this is not good news... it is phenomenal news!!!!! yeah June 5th. :/ haha yeah. I love the "new" me, some people get annoyed that I'm always so happy. It's really kinda funny. My boyfriend's always so great to me. He's helped me through this the whole way. He always makes sure nothing's bothering me. We've only been together for approximately 3 weeks but he still helped me through it cause we were good friends before we got together. Fantastic that you have such a great friend. Yeah... So my boyfriend hates the cold, and it's snowing today, so he went to his bus earlym and I didn't seem at all today and he texted me and was like "I miss you!!! :(" I was like "Aw, I miss you too, babe." Ha. Yeah... What a nice text to receive.
  2. First, I would not throw things out that someone else can use. Keep in mind that families who suffer from domestic violence can and will use absolutely everything. So, if you were redoing your bathroom and didn't like the purple shower curtain and matching rug and towels, they would love them. Various groups collect all items to set people up in a residence when they leave their homes. So, everything you have can be reused, with you feeling good about the fact that you helped someone. People will not feel bad about you giving away a gift, as once they give it to you, it is yours to do what you want with it. but idk where to give those things away so i just put them in the comp room and my crazy packrat mother keeps it all.. idk Here are the places I recommend to give these things away: .....Salvation Army Domestic Violence Centre .....Exchange Club .....Any donation place in your town, just call and ask if they have a special donation section for domestic violence. You do not need to put these things in another room when you can make a difference in someone else's life by helping them with the items you no longer want or need.
  3. First, I would not throw things out that someone else can use. Keep in mind that families who suffer from domestic violence can and will use absolutely everything. So, if you were redoing your bathroom and didn't like the purple shower curtain and matching rug and towels, they would love them. Various groups collect all items to set people up in a residence when they leave their homes. So, everything you have can be reused, with you feeling good about the fact that you helped someone. People will not feel bad about you giving away a gift, as once they give it to you, it is yours to do what you want with it.
  4. or ignore me. thats cool too Didn't mean to ignore you. I must have approved your post in my sleep or else HampsterKing was the moderator that day. You know I always try and answer you. As for me, I am pulling my fur out with school. Other than that... life is okay. More important... how are you doing? why am i more important? lol im okay. i need to work more. and throw out like.. half my stuff. for my birthday my parents are giving me 100 bucks towards a phone and i wanna get the lg venus in pink but id have to add another 100. and i think im willing to do it.. but does that make me materilistic to want a pretty pink phone? my dad called me a hypocrite a while back bcuz i buy organics and then i eat straight cookie dough. i wanna be pure and simple.. but i wanna be a little edgy and a little hot(the phone is hot anyway lol) idk.. i dont wanna be a hypocrite but im so split when it comes to everything.. idk wut to do. ..and thats how i am lol The cookie dough does not come in the organic version, otherwise you would definitely have the organic version on your list.
  5. Usually, writing poetry takes less effort than getting myself ready for class in the morning. :blink: Is it due to the fact that it's morning or just the fact that you have to get out of the dorm and on your way to class?
  6. We are getting lots and lots of great poetry. You have outdone yourself on this one.
  7. or ignore me. thats cool too Didn't mean to ignore you. I must have approved your post in my sleep or else HampsterKing was the moderator that day. You know I always try and answer you. As for me, I am pulling my fur out with school. Other than that... life is okay. More important... how are you doing?
  8. I'm kind of in the same boat here. Maybe Nutzky can tell us a bit about himself? I'm going to send him this link and ask him to post.
  9. My friend Nutzky is in Iraq. Please go to the Warm Wishes forum and post in his topic. Write a poem, draw a picture, add a pic... anything you want to let him know we are thinking of him. Here is the link: http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/index.php?showtopic=5200 Thank you so much!!! Horatio
  10. He really needs everyone's support. Please draw something, write a poem, just send your thoughts. We need to let Nutzky know we are thinking of him!
  11. Horatio

    My place. :)

    :blink: Why would your father get you a car that eats oil??? Isn't that a sign of a bad engine? *is totally confused*
  12. Yeah!!!!! Toto's back!!!!! *run, glomp, tackle, hammy bear hug*
  13. JUNE 5TH !!!!!?????!!!!!!!!!????????!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my!!!!!!!! The good news is that you have been happy. Wait... this is not good news... it is phenomenal news!!!!! yeah June 5th. :/ haha yeah. I love the "new" me, some people get annoyed that I'm always so happy. It's really kinda funny. My boyfriend's always so great to me. He's helped me through this the whole way. He always makes sure nothing's bothering me. We've only been together for approximately 3 weeks but he still helped me through it cause we were good friends before we got together. Fantastic that you have such a great friend.
  14. My apologies, I thought I had commented. You are getting better and better as a writer. Those were wonderful, moving and very insightful.
  15. Again, another wonderful poem with a message. Unfortunately, society is cruel. Big business says that in order to be one of the beautiful people, you must be starving thin, have perfect features and have lots of money. The sad thing is... these people are never happy. They starve themselves, undergo plastic surgery, waste tons of money on make-up, clothes and other useless fashion object (which is out of style in three months), just to be "perfect". If you try to achieve happiness this way, I can assure you, it will never happen. You will only be more miserable. Since when do we need a size 0? I have never been skinny, (hamsters usually are not), but my hammie mother was very cool and taught me to be happy with the way I am. In order to believe this, you have to make it through 12 years of intolerable cruelty at school. Am I totally happy with the way I look? No. But, I don't think anyone is totally happy with the way they look. I just picked out something I liked about myself and focused on that. My blonde fur. Please keep this message going.
  16. JUNE 5TH !!!!!?????!!!!!!!!!????????!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my!!!!!!!! The good news is that you have been happy. Wait... this is not good news... it is phenomenal news!!!!!
  17. Mushroom_king... I am a male! >_>.... Horatio... Did you EVER watch video game cartoons? The percentage of people in the world that watch vidya game cartoons is very, very small. Ok, does Mama Horatio watch YouTube poop? Haha, I've been hooked on that recently. Well, I hate the stuff that's totally repetitive/loud/strange, but I like some of the other stuff. Remember, Where there's smoke... ... they pinch back. I see you speak from experience.
  18. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I love those type scavenger hunts. Glad to hear you were borderline insane today. It was fun times. Except for one part. It's been becoming more and more apparent to me that I'm still not over Ian. I can push the feelings out of the way and ignore them, but they're still always there. And also worth mentioning is that I've recently started praying again for God to lead me in life, specifically in the area of romantic interests. And *logically* Phil makes much more sense than Ian. So I'm not sure what to make of all that. The big problem is though, it really won't be fair to Phil to pursue a relationship with him when I'm still not over Ian. I could never do that to him. You are very smart and admirable in your thinking and consideration of Phil. The other thing to think about is the fact that you are not looking for a relationship that makes more sense. As you have planned, take your time until your heart overrides your brain. Only then will you have the answer you are seeking. Well, at the moment, my brain knows what it's doing, and my heart is still kinda confused. I can't really do anything either way. Ian has a girlfriend and Phil is 5 hours away from me. So unless something usual happens, I'm just kinda stuck. You're not stuck, this is just a little pause until things happen in such a way that you are able to make a decision. For all you know, the perfect guy is less than five miles from your house or campus. You just never know. When you least expect it, that is when it all makes sense. Oddly enough, Phil and Ian both respectively live 5 miles from my house and campus (I think, I'm not exactly sure where Ian actually lives now). The problem is, meeting the perfect guy won't do me any good if I still have feelings for Ian. I hate not being able to fully control things about myself. :glare: And I'm not really expecting things to make any more sense anytime soon. I understand most of what's going on, I just don't like it. You know when the perfect guy is in your life when your heart rules your brain, your every step is like you are floating on air, ecstasy is how you view every moment of your day and you can think of nothing else but this guy. When this guy is in your life, if it is not Ian or Phil, then those two guys will no longer matter. That's infatuation, not love. The two may usually go together, but they're two different things. Maybe human infatuation... but definitely hamster love. I knew the minute I saw the hamster of my dreams, that that hamster was the one. .....Infatuation: to cause to be foolish : deprive of sound judgment, to inspire with a foolish or extravagant love or admiration. .....Love: a strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties, attraction based on sexual desire, affection and tenderness felt by lovers, affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interests. When true love finds you, trust me on this one, it will be all of the above and more.
  19. Yes, that's what I was thinking. Well, it will give McCain a bit of a run for the money for November I guess. I really don't want Yuckabee in office, but perhaps the Democrats could win more easily if he were the one going for it. But then I'm starting to gamble there. A random question: what would happen if all the candidates of a party dropped out? I guess it's just the other party on the ticket..maybe independents would play a bigger role in things if they wanted to. Not like anyone running for president would quit if they were the last in the party. I don't know why I was speculating about that. Now that is something I would love to see... all the candidates of a party drop-out.
  20. Mushroom_king... I am a male! >_>.... Horatio... Did you EVER watch video game cartoons? The percentage of people in the world that watch vidya game cartoons is very, very small. Ok, does Mama Horatio watch YouTube poop? Who? Are you asking about my mother?
  21. Mushroom_king... I am a male! >_>.... Horatio... Did you EVER watch video game cartoons? Do you think I am going to give away my secrets???
  22. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I love those type scavenger hunts. Glad to hear you were borderline insane today. It was fun times. Except for one part. It's been becoming more and more apparent to me that I'm still not over Ian. I can push the feelings out of the way and ignore them, but they're still always there. And also worth mentioning is that I've recently started praying again for God to lead me in life, specifically in the area of romantic interests. And *logically* Phil makes much more sense than Ian. So I'm not sure what to make of all that. The big problem is though, it really won't be fair to Phil to pursue a relationship with him when I'm still not over Ian. I could never do that to him. You are very smart and admirable in your thinking and consideration of Phil. The other thing to think about is the fact that you are not looking for a relationship that makes more sense. As you have planned, take your time until your heart overrides your brain. Only then will you have the answer you are seeking. Well, at the moment, my brain knows what it's doing, and my heart is still kinda confused. I can't really do anything either way. Ian has a girlfriend and Phil is 5 hours away from me. So unless something usual happens, I'm just kinda stuck. You're not stuck, this is just a little pause until things happen in such a way that you are able to make a decision. For all you know, the perfect guy is less than five miles from your house or campus. You just never know. When you least expect it, that is when it all makes sense. Oddly enough, Phil and Ian both respectively live 5 miles from my house and campus (I think, I'm not exactly sure where Ian actually lives now). The problem is, meeting the perfect guy won't do me any good if I still have feelings for Ian. I hate not being able to fully control things about myself. :glare: And I'm not really expecting things to make any more sense anytime soon. I understand most of what's going on, I just don't like it. You know when the perfect guy is in your life when your heart rules your brain, your every step is like you are floating on air, ecstasy is how you view every moment of your day and you can think of nothing else but this guy. When this guy is in your life, if it is not Ian or Phil, then those two guys will no longer matter.
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