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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Man, you just can't catch a break can you? *hugs* Tell me about it. Everyone seems to be passing after not seeing them for a while. I hadn't seen my grandpa for two weeks, which is the longest I think I've ever really gone without seeing him. And I haven't been home for 10 days. So I didn't see Boots for a while either. I've been staying with my grandma, and sleeping at her house. The mornings are a nightmare. I have a hard enough time getting to school on time when I'm home, which is three minutes away from school. I'm on my way to school now before I even got up at home. And school is a nightmare too. I CANNOT catch up. I'm so far behind, and no matter how hard I try, I can't catch up. I don't even understand what's going on now, so it's even worse. I'm so stressed out, and so physically and emotionally tired. I collapsed in the hall before because I don't have the energy to even walk. I wish I could just get everything with scool settled, but I know that will never happen. All my teachers expect me to be in 38 different places at one time. And then I have to listen to my dad/stepmom scream and complain that I'm not trying hard enough. #### that. Oops. I cursed. There, I gave you something to do. I really can't stand them. They don't know anything, especially my step mom. She always has to be on my case about something. I can never do anything right with them. They were interrogating me yesterday on why I'm not caught up yet. KJKHIUOKEHWIBNh2 m,dsjkfhadsklf. Ugh. And my memory is like, totally gone. I can't even remember how to do the simplest things. And. WOO. I almost got injured/killed last night. Oh boy. Just what I need. My mom and I were going down to my grandma's after she picked me up from my dad's. The car in front of us was suddenly stopping so my mom, you know, stopped kind of quick. But the guy behind us wasn't slowing down at all. He just kept going. And the speed limit there is 55, so it wasn't 20 in a little neighborhood. It's a main road and this guy was not stopping. So my mom had to pull into the oncoming lane so he didn't hit us. Then another car in our lane now, which was the opposite lane, was coming full speed towards us head on. He obviously wasn't expecting us to be there... So the guy went by, and my mom thankfully got back into the right lane. The guy was now in front of us. That man was beyond drunk. He was all over the road. He went into the oncoming side, and back again, and into the other side, and back again. He just kept swerving back and forth. Then he turned into a plaza. You know how like, there's one side, and the other, and then sometime's there like, a thing in the middle with plants and what not.. Well that plaza had one. He was still going fast, and not slowing down. He turned into the oncoming side, swerved to miss a car, almost drove up the side, hit a pole........ And that was all I saw. THE END. I guess it's time for me to go back to my math homework and pray it does itself. Thank goodness you and your mother were not hurt. You should have gotten on your cell phone and called 911 when you saw someone driving like that man was. It is fortunate no other people were hurt or killed. As for school, I would suggest that you talk to each one of your teachers and let them know what has been happening in your life. Not every detail, but the death of your grandfather, Boots and staying with your grandmother. As for help to catch up. Let them know you are behind and feel like you will not be able to catch up. Perhaps they will give you a tutor to help you. The stress at school and home is wreaking havoc in your life and placing your health at risk.
  2. These things will work themselves out. Life is complicated. Especially for someone who has little concept of romance and love; only what she knows and feels (which are both fairly twisted, too) I would not say the views are fairly twisted, just ones that need some more time. Remember... there is no normal. I've been dating for more than three years...I still haven't figured out what love is. I still haven't figured out what is romance. I'm a fast learner. What I know of these things is what I've observed in people around me, not what I have felt and seen. My thoughts and feelings are indeed quite twisted; I react differently to certain things. Each person takes different times to find their true love. Many, many people have been through traumatic times and do find their true love. It is wonderful to hear you have been in a relationship for three years. Love in not intellectual, but a matter of the heart. You don't learn how to love, love finds you. When it does, you will instinctively know what to do. Patience.
  3. He is looking at a variety of things. This is to broaden the appeal of the site and allow us to have more options.
  4. Nutzky has asked that I let you all know he is okay and says HI to everyone. The big problem is that he only has a very short time to get on the computer and sometimes he keeps getting kicked off before he can actually get a post through.
  5. These things will work themselves out. Life is complicated. Especially for someone who has little concept of romance and love; only what she knows and feels (which are both fairly twisted, too) I would not say the views are fairly twisted, just ones that need some more time. Remember... there is no normal.
  6. This is so fantastic!!!!!!! What a great story with a wonderful lesson. Thank you so much for writing.
  7. Horatio

    My place. :)

    If you are distracting yourself, it must be for a good reason. Knowing you, it will be accomplished in time and you will get an A! Snow days are fun. lol I can hope. Some of the homework might get done the day it's due. As long as you get it done prior to walking into class.
  8. Horatio

    My place. :)

    If you are distracting yourself, it must be for a good reason. Knowing you, it will be accomplished in time and you will get an A! Snow days are fun.
  9. I was a little confused on the font. Were you talking about the one we normally use or one you were going to select? It's great that you are writing lyrics. Very cool. The double meaning... my first thought was the one you mentioned... life. Let me think on the second one. You did great on these lyrics, please write more. no its just the normal font when you type stuff in. i think i liked it cuz i was using notepad and idk if you use that ever but the font is stoneage lol i cant only write song lyrics when im a certain way. which if you get that is the second meaning. lol :] I would like to see that font. I like the copperplate gothic myself. all i know is time roman wutever that is. cuz thats what all papers are written in. :[ Take a look at the New York Times. why? is that wut they type in? im not rich enough to have a sub. to the new york times lol You most definitely have the money for a subscription. You just spend it on other things. me personally? well, yea. but my parents sure dont. sometimes i feel bad that i have more money them then since they spend so much on me and then i spend so much on me. but thats life i guess. i dont really ask for anything extra anymore so wutever You could always say you didn't want what they were going to buy you. i want everything. i sure did go nuts today lol my mom said (jokingly) that she thinks im skitzo. :\ wouldnt i know? There's an old hamster saying... 'In every jest, there is an ounce of truth.' Hmmmmmmmmm. lol well i know. I thought you would like that.
  10. Oh, TBFOF, I am so, so sorry. *hugs TBFOF*
  11. I don't have my computer with me, so I am searching for where I had posted it. Do you remember?
  12. I was a little confused on the font. Were you talking about the one we normally use or one you were going to select? It's great that you are writing lyrics. Very cool. The double meaning... my first thought was the one you mentioned... life. Let me think on the second one. You did great on these lyrics, please write more. no its just the normal font when you type stuff in. i think i liked it cuz i was using notepad and idk if you use that ever but the font is stoneage lol i cant only write song lyrics when im a certain way. which if you get that is the second meaning. lol :] I would like to see that font. I like the copperplate gothic myself. all i know is time roman wutever that is. cuz thats what all papers are written in. :[ Take a look at the New York Times. why? is that wut they type in? im not rich enough to have a sub. to the new york times lol You most definitely have the money for a subscription. You just spend it on other things. me personally? well, yea. but my parents sure dont. sometimes i feel bad that i have more money them then since they spend so much on me and then i spend so much on me. but thats life i guess. i dont really ask for anything extra anymore so wutever You could always say you didn't want what they were going to buy you. i want everything. i sure did go nuts today lol my mom said (jokingly) that she thinks im skitzo. :\ wouldnt i know? There's an old hamster saying... 'In every jest, there is an ounce of truth.' Hmmmmmmmmm.
  13. No. It was a picture someone sent me that made me think just how much guts you would have to have to go out in public like that. Would you mind posting it again, or showing me where it's at? I really think it's him. Absolutely. It will appear here tomorrow.
  14. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I haven't used myspace but I'm inclined to agree. Myspace seems like Mystalker to me. Mystalker is really accurate.
  15. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Oh no. For as smart as you are, you will find me. I am just learning and don't want to get killed with you watching.
  16. No. It was a picture someone sent me that made me think just how much guts you would have to have to go out in public like that.
  17. Ooh, goody! A simulator sounds interesting. I might find that fun, but scary if it seemed too real... My Mum's a simulator technician, got to fly in it a few times.. it's fun, and real enough that the glitches can be a bit unsettling. of course, other than landing and takeoff, you don't really need to get close to anything, so you don;t need to worry too much about running into things. How cool!!!!!!! Our sim techs are phenomenal!!! We really abuse the simulators and if it wasn't for the sim techs, no training would ever be accomplished. When you do multiple single engine approaches to a runway, then snap-back (reposition out on final) for another approach, this is hard on the simulator. Especially when it has to do things like this for 80 percent of the day. Is it okay to ask if your mother's job in the area near you? The reason I ask, is because we are getting both the 757 and the 777, and it would be cool for you to get into the 777 sim. Then of course, you could always have me tag along. yes, it's near me.. but, it's a government contractor for the military, so, no 777, but still some cool planes, some so cool in fact, I only got to look at the outside of the sim through the window in a door at the other end of the room, while it was turned off. But I agree it would be cool to get in one for the big boys, those are fun, even just in microsoft simulator. The military ones are even cooler than the airline sims. How fortunate you are to get to hear about what your mother does. Tell her that I think she is phenomenal!!!!
  18. I was a little confused on the font. Were you talking about the one we normally use or one you were going to select? It's great that you are writing lyrics. Very cool. The double meaning... my first thought was the one you mentioned... life. Let me think on the second one. You did great on these lyrics, please write more. no its just the normal font when you type stuff in. i think i liked it cuz i was using notepad and idk if you use that ever but the font is stoneage lol i cant only write song lyrics when im a certain way. which if you get that is the second meaning. lol :] I would like to see that font. I like the copperplate gothic myself. all i know is time roman wutever that is. cuz thats what all papers are written in. :[ Take a look at the New York Times. why? is that wut they type in? im not rich enough to have a sub. to the new york times lol You most definitely have the money for a subscription. You just spend it on other things. me personally? well, yea. but my parents sure dont. sometimes i feel bad that i have more money them then since they spend so much on me and then i spend so much on me. but thats life i guess. i dont really ask for anything extra anymore so wutever You could always say you didn't want what they were going to buy you.
  19. Ooh, goody! A simulator sounds interesting. I might find that fun, but scary if it seemed too real... My Mum's a simulator technician, got to fly in it a few times.. it's fun, and real enough that the glitches can be a bit unsettling. of course, other than landing and takeoff, you don't really need to get close to anything, so you don;t need to worry too much about running into things. How cool!!!!!!! Our sim techs are phenomenal!!! We really abuse the simulators and if it wasn't for the sim techs, no training would ever be accomplished. When you do multiple single engine approaches to a runway, then snap-back (reposition out on final) for another approach, this is hard on the simulator. Especially when it has to do things like this for 80 percent of the day. Is it okay to ask if your mother's job in the area near you? The reason I ask, is because we are getting both the 757 and the 777, and it would be cool for you to get into the 777 sim. Then of course, you could always have me tag along.
  20. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Yes, that's how beta testing is defined with level building, having others test it. I just used the phrase "alpha testing" to denote self-testing. I finished the second runthrough and put everything together, and sent a request to a beta-testing team today. And Horatio, that would be fine, except it's not simple for someone who doesn't already build or play tomb raider custom levels. First you would need to find and download the level editor and player, and learn how to control the game (and I have new moves included as well, making it more of a shock). Also, no offense but it wouldn't be as beneficial as having testers who know how level building works, and then they can provide me technical advice. Not to mention that the files are 66 MB total, so it would be impossible to get to you via the boards or email. This is the first time I'm doing beta testing so I'm kind of nervous, but I think it will be a good thing overall. I guess my experience on W.O.W. doesn't count. Probably not. But you play W.O.W? o.O; Does this surprise you????? My world just collapsed. *gets out air compressor and starts inflating Hoops world back to size* There, that should help.
  21. :blink: Now that's one I have not heard. *thinks just how much I love typos* INSPIRATION...AWAY! You are the only one who caught my reply. *hands Mushroom_king a cakie*
  22. HampsterDance literature is also under consideration. Nothing has been ruled out.
  23. HampsterKing received two avatars one from you and one from Li. He has used yours for quite some time and now he must be fair and use the one created by Li. He will switch back to you when he has given Li's avatar the same time of usage.
  24. I was a little confused on the font. Were you talking about the one we normally use or one you were going to select? It's great that you are writing lyrics. Very cool. The double meaning... my first thought was the one you mentioned... life. Let me think on the second one. You did great on these lyrics, please write more. no its just the normal font when you type stuff in. i think i liked it cuz i was using notepad and idk if you use that ever but the font is stoneage lol i cant only write song lyrics when im a certain way. which if you get that is the second meaning. lol :] I would like to see that font. I like the copperplate gothic myself. all i know is time roman wutever that is. cuz thats what all papers are written in. :[ Take a look at the New York Times. why? is that wut they type in? im not rich enough to have a sub. to the new york times lol You most definitely have the money for a subscription. You just spend it on other things.
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