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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. :blink: Veeeeeerrrrrrryyyyyyy interesting. I know that it wasnt the kind of awesome date RPVF was after, but its what she gets. I think she wanted more of a date with just her and I going to some upscale italian place and seeing a chick-flick movie and then gazing off in to a sunset or something like that. but No, since we're in the process of moving and that was the last day of spring break over here, Our options were limited. Like I said, my sister threw the date together and was going to take someone of her age (18 or 19 or so) and we'd go do something like bowling. no, We didnt get to do even that. Dr. Cornbread, my best friend and RPVF's little brother, had nothing to do that night. He tagged along with us. Beth's date fell through, so it ended up being I was with RPVF, my sister was with Dr. Cornbread. We came to one of the two half-empty houses, after my sister and I had been packing all day, and rather unshaven, dusty and dirty with less-than desirable clothing on. RPVF was all decked out with a new-looking. ... clothes... thing. (i dont really wear girls clothes so i dont know what they're called ) and fancy makeup everywhere and hair done all cool. Since my parents were packing things in to the car, RPVF drove my sister and I to the other house, and waited for us to get out of the shower (respectively) and then we went to a grocery store to pick up homemade ice cream fixin's and like four bags of marshmallows. so At about 8:30 instead of 7:00, we actually got started on making homemade ice cream and playing silly board games, then ate the ice cream, and went outside to play... CHUBBY BUNNY o: I dont know if anyone else has even heard of this, but its awesome. You have a list of words, and a handful of marshmallows, and you put one marshmallow in your mouth, say the first word, then another mashmallow, the second word, third mashmallow third word, so on so forth. It gets messy, but its hilarious listening to people try to talk with 7 marshmallows in their mouth. Even more hilarious watching them try to keep them in their mouth and off of their fancy-pants new clothes and marshmallow dump all over their face. which becomes tinted with various makeup as RPVF can testify. At about 11, RPVF's mom calls them and reminds them that they were supposed to be back at 10:30. Meanwhile, Dr. Cornbread had successfully surpressed his gag reflex and ended up storing about 9 marshmallows in his mouth, half of them sliding down his throat, while he was in the bathroom for about 20 minutes puking everywhere. They didnt get home til about midnight, and I dont think their parents were very pleased with Dr. Cornbread being half-sick and RPVF having marshmallows all over her clothes and hair and face. and being home 2 hours late. Such was my first date. That sounded like a really fun first date. Much better than the Italian restaurant, movie, etc.
  2. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Actually it is National Psychic Day... you are supposed to 'know' exactly what the other driver's are thinking. BTW, take a look at this wonderful poetry... http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/index.p...=5174&st=20 Oooh, is that how it works? You like that? Arkcher taught me.
  3. :blink: Veeeeeerrrrrrryyyyyyy interesting.
  4. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Actually it is National Psychic Day... you are supposed to 'know' exactly what the other driver's are thinking. BTW, take a look at this wonderful poetry... http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/index.p...=5174&st=20
  5. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Wow, well good luck with all of those things and have a safe travel. Traveling from NJ to CT is no fun from what I heard from my roommate and his relatives. And I thought my break was busy, with pep band events and not having food services open...and scalding hot showers because barely anyone was in the building. If nothing else, be glad you don't have to stay on campus. Mm, it's not bad, but I've only really been driving for about a month, so I'm a bit nervous about it. The trick is going to be trying to bypass the George Washington Bridge without getting myself horribly lost. Because I don't want to drive through all that mess. As for staying on campus, they *make* us leave. We don't even have a choice. There are some people that have to stay though. I was at college for a summer session, and there were people around, but it was really quiet, but the water pressure still stunk. There were less food choices available, but they always had plain pasta, and they had some AMAZING cakes. So it wasn't too bad. My weakness... cakes.
  6. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Jesse!!!! What great news! I hope it all works out for you. Yes, I hope so too. I have a good feeling that it will, though. By the way the times seem to keep changing on the board. More specifically the forum index is now an hour behind the rest of the board for some reason. Yeah, I noticed that too. The boards can't seem to make up their minds whether it's daylight savings time or not. That's only because some of them are still programmed to the old Daylight Savings Time... which would not have occurred yet. Oh yeah! And European Union's DST begins in about 3 weeks, maybe that confuses it too. Anyway, unchecking the automatic option and enabling DST manually fixes the problem. You are much more energetic then I am. I just keep the computer on GMT so that I never have to change anything, automatically or manually.
  7. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Jesse!!!! What great news! I hope it all works out for you. Yes, I hope so too. I have a good feeling that it will, though. By the way the times seem to keep changing on the board. More specifically the forum index is now an hour behind the rest of the board for some reason. Yeah, I noticed that too. The boards can't seem to make up their minds whether it's daylight savings time or not. That's only because some of them are still programmed to the old Daylight Savings Time... which would not have occurred yet. Ah, that kinda makes sense. I was one of those who didn't know we were changing over. Woke up and wondered why I felt like I was missing something.
  8. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Jesse!!!! What great news! I hope it all works out for you. Yes, I hope so too. I have a good feeling that it will, though. By the way the times seem to keep changing on the board. More specifically the forum index is now an hour behind the rest of the board for some reason. Yeah, I noticed that too. The boards can't seem to make up their minds whether it's daylight savings time or not. That's only because some of them are still programmed to the old Daylight Savings Time... which would not have occurred yet.
  9. I will need to promote this for you. Not right at the moment as I don't have my glasses.
  10. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Jesse!!!! What great news! I hope it all works out for you.
  11. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Sounds like you are not going to have time to sleep. Hope you have some time to keep us updated! lol it's going to be pretty crazy, so I might not be on every day, but I'll be here often enough. Oh good. We want to be a part of the craziness.
  12. Sounds like even though you were really sick, you had a much more interesting day. Watch out for those Ferris Wheels. Yes, and I put a picture of my two new husbands in my siggy. I noticed! I like Luke the best. He plays the violin! How can you like one husband better than another?
  13. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Sounds like you are not going to have time to sleep. Hope you have some time to keep us updated!
  14. Sounds like even though you were really sick, you had a much more interesting day. Watch out for those Ferris Wheels. Yes, and I put a picture of my two new husbands in my siggy. I noticed!
  15. Taynio, it sounds like you are pretty excited about this move. Whether or not she loves you when you get there does not matter, because you have made a giant step. What I suggest is that you decide what is best for your future, do not put this decision in someone else's hands. If you passed on a decision to become a chaplain in the military because she did not like that idea, would, in my opinion, not be smart. You need to look what is best for you. If you take care of yourself first, you can always take care of someone else. Another thought is that if you made the decision not to join the military based on what she wanted, and then the two of you broke up, you might have passed on a great decision. Your thinking on joining the military to pay for college is a wonderful idea. In addition to the payment of college, you also get great contacts for later in life. As for the move to Rhode Island, as I said before, I think you will like it up there. Your new love interest will probably love you more when you arrive, just now there is lots of uncertainty. Remember, you have great instincts, so I would trust yourself on this decision.
  16. thats because self-hate has got to be one of the most powerful things ever Unfortunately, you are probably right. thats okay cuz im gonna fix me. physically at least You know I am pleased to hear you say that. :closedeyes: bad start. i cant help it. im terrible at self-discipline Not that many are. today will be better,as long as i dont yield to the power of shoprite muffins.. soo good *drools* Shoprite muffins? Not for me. Now make that... Thomas' Sandwich Size English Muffins, and I cannot resist. omg shoprite muffins are so much better. i mean like the fresh ones. i caved to one yesterday. im actually bloated from all i ate yesterday =[ i feel terrible Which muffin is your favorite? either cranberry orange or blueberry crumb yuuummmmmm :[ ugh i SERIOUSLY thought by highschool i would be thin(somehow, idk i was dumb) and now its almost over and i couldnt be more unhappy. its a goal i want SO bad. but ive never tried for anything :[ Blueberry crumb would be my favorite. When you get out of your house and into college, I do believe you will find a different outlook on life and will lose the weight. High school is just too stressful. i think im gonna do something and ill be as thin as i want then What do you plan to do?
  17. Sounds like even though you were really sick, you had a much more interesting day. Watch out for those Ferris Wheels.
  18. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Looks fantastic Jesse!!!!!
  19. Which one was it, morning or night? Picky, picky, picky. It was a night time launch, meaning that is went up in darkness, but launch time was 02H28. Technically the morning, and the start of the day, but still during the darkness hours. I was going to post a video, but did a dumb move... instead of stopping the video recording, I clicked on the shut off the camera feature. Wasn't that the most stupid move of all ?!?!?!?!? I came back to post it and it was... G.O.N.E.!!!!!!!!! At least I had a great ride on the bike. One of my friends is on the shuttle and this is his 5th launch.
  20. poo, I was going to see if just maybe they would have had it live on the NASA channel.. but it seems I got distracted.. good to hear it was good though. It should have been on there. I rode the bike up and went to take a video, instead of stopping the video, I clicked on the shut-off button, completely losing it. The cloud cover was pretty thick so I could only see the very beginning of the launch, had I stayed home, the clouds were broken and I would have seen the flight into outer space.
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