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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. SHOCKER !!!!!!! Noooooooo bots !!!!!!!
  2. Finally, someone who noticed me. Oh stop. I know that's going to get deleted. I'm in a realllllly bad mood. Really really. You are probably in a bad mood because you are tired and have been pushing yourself quite hard, helping with your grandmother, school work, etc. and not sleeping.
  3. You are such a talented writer. This is wonderful!
  4. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Yeah for getting back home safe.
  5. A friend of mine took a picture of me on my bike...
  6. Awesome!!!!!!!!! Truly awesome!!!! I have been waiting for your concert report and it seems like this has been a majestic night in your life. Sorry that you did not get your shirt signed. Yeah, it was pretty much the best night of my entire life... Sorry I haven't posted about it sooner...my life has been really really busy.... And I will just have to go to another concert to get something signed!!! ~Liz Perhaps you can get a backstage pass for the next concert.
  7. I'm going riding. It's morning. :]] yay It was a stupendous day! I rode over 400 miles. thats fun. i woke up and just COULD NOT wait to curl back up into bed at 3pm. but i didnt end up doing that. and im glad. cuz i feel sick and cant wait to sleep easy Hope you are not getting the flu. That would be awful.
  8. Horatio

    My place. :)

    WOOHOO! Sounds great to me!!!
  9. Horatio

    My place. :)

    @_@ How can a human being do that...... If I was going to do that, I would put the numbers to music. That way, it would be like singing a very long song. A very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very long song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~Liz If you put the numbers to a couple Elton songs, I bet you could double that number.
  10. Horatio

    My place. :)

    @_@ How can a human being do that...... If I was going to do that, I would put the numbers to music. That way, it would be like singing a very long song.
  11. Horatio

    My place. :)

    And you think I have no life? LOL
  12. Horatio

    My place. :)

    That is excellent! I should do stuff like that when I'm a teacher... I'm at my sister/Phil's college now, which is awesome. We played Brawl on the Wii for awhile in his room. Phil's computer background is an anime girl with blond hair and blue eyes like me, so I'm not sure what to make of that. It's probably sheer coincidence, but it's interesting. Also one of his roomies looks like a chubby and slightly shorter version of Ian. It's kinda creepy. The other roomie is Scott, who I know from middle school. So, it's been fun times so far, with the exception of some awkwardness involving some roomie issues involving my sister and Robin's (the roomie that looks like Ian) girlfriend. (My sister wants to room with Scott's girlfriend instead of her, and it's just really stupid drama. Not my sister's fault). Great to hear you made the drive and are having fun. Phil's choice of anime girl might be a good way to keep you on his mind. Your sister needs to room with who she feels is right, otherwise, it might be a very long year. lol maybe. But for the sake of not setting myself up for disappointment, I'm not making any assumptions. And as for Jenny's roomie situation, that's exactly the idea. Her and the girl that's causing drama have very different sleeping schedules, which would be a huge problem. Plus she's annoying. Jenny gets along really well with Scott's girlfriend, and they have similar sleeping patterns, so it would work out fine. And I got a free t-shirt today! The college TV channel was handing out green shirts with their logo on it. Yeah for free t-shirts!!!
  13. One of my maniac motorcycle buddies. I needed someone to show just how big the tree really is. If you don't put a human near the trunk, you really can't judge how big the tree is. What I think is phenomenal is that they have estimated the tree to be over 1000 years old.
  14. Horatio

    My place. :)

    That is excellent! I should do stuff like that when I'm a teacher... I'm at my sister/Phil's college now, which is awesome. We played Brawl on the Wii for awhile in his room. Phil's computer background is an anime girl with blond hair and blue eyes like me, so I'm not sure what to make of that. It's probably sheer coincidence, but it's interesting. Also one of his roomies looks like a chubby and slightly shorter version of Ian. It's kinda creepy. The other roomie is Scott, who I know from middle school. So, it's been fun times so far, with the exception of some awkwardness involving some roomie issues involving my sister and Robin's (the roomie that looks like Ian) girlfriend. (My sister wants to room with Scott's girlfriend instead of her, and it's just really stupid drama. Not my sister's fault). Great to hear you made the drive and are having fun. Phil's choice of anime girl might be a good way to keep you on his mind. Your sister needs to room with who she feels is right, otherwise, it might be a very long year.
  15. Wow, that's quite a tree. What are all those brown things poking out of the ground? Those are cypress knees. Cypress trees send out these "roots" or "knees" so they can survive when submerged in water.
  16. Awesome!!!!!!!!! Truly awesome!!!! I have been waiting for your concert report and it seems like this has been a majestic night in your life. Sorry that you did not get your shirt signed.
  17. Here is a picture of a cypress tree that is over 1000 years old. To give you an idea of just how big it is, a friend of mine is standing in front of it. I thought this tree was amazing!
  18. Oh darn... how awful that you are no longer covered. That really stinks. The other option is to get a job where you get benefits, and work there for at least the 30 or 60 days required to get the insurance and then get your tonsils removed under the insurance program. Don't get me started on the politicians running the State of Tennessee and the City of Memphis. Ironically, Gore and his father were the biggest polluters in the state, and here he gets an award for Global Warming. Totally crazy. The temporary agencies will give you a sort of questionnaire and see if you can be placed somewhere. They also have day labour, but that is really hard work and I am not sure what the pay is like.
  19. I'm going riding. It's morning. :]] yay It was a stupendous day! I rode over 400 miles.
  20. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Actually it is National Psychic Day... you are supposed to 'know' exactly what the other driver's are thinking. BTW, take a look at this wonderful poetry... http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/index.p...=5174&st=20 Sorry, but you were wrong. xD Friday was actually national pi day. So my school had a thing where whoever could recite pi correctly out the farthest won a pi and a gift card to the movies. Some girl won, with 230 digits. W-H-A-T ?!?!?!?!?!? She remembered 230 digits? I'm impressed. She definitely deserves more than a gift card to the movies. She deserves a year pass to the movies.
  21. WHOO HOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! *glomp, tackle, hug* I am so happy that you have returned!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. I am so sorry to hear about the recruiter saying you need to get your tonsils removed. Do your parents have insurance? If they do, the expense would be considerably less. As for the warehouse job... you can do anything for two months. Just look past the warehouse work and focus on the fact that you are saving money for your goal to move.
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