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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Harry is a friend, who we have all nicknamed "Wildman", because of the way his fur looks when he is on the bike. What I think is great is the way he put his paws on the handlebars.
  2. *continues to hide in The Horatio topic in this forum, all safe and sound* Self advertising, are we? I try, but still no one looks there. Did that a few times, only you picked up on the hint. Good thing my future was not as an advert guy or else I would have starved to death. LOL
  3. The best place for food is in a tupperware type container, in the freezer. The table with cupboard doors sounds like a fantastic idea. You can store potty litter, shavings, bedding, chew toys and all those neat things there.
  4. I am so sorry I missed you when you showed up. Please do whine. We are your friends and whining is permitted. Do only what you are able to do. No one can expect anything more. Hope to see you soon!
  5. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Oh yeah. I'm at the college now, and have nothing really interesting to report aside from the fact that anime was fun times. Sadly, I probably won't see Phil tomorrow because he's stuck in labs all day. Our family plus Tommy are all going out to dinner tomorrow for Jenny's birthday, and then I come back home, because I have my Praxis I exams Friday morning. Hopefully you will squeeze in a little time to see Phil after his labs. Good luck on your exams.
  6. If you look in my topic, there are lots of pictures of Horatio. Here is a picture of Harry...
  7. *continues to hide in The Horatio topic in this forum, all safe and sound*
  8. I will put the pictures on here. Please give me a day or so. You will have to clear this with your parents when you get ready for the hamster. When you get your room situated, you have to remember, you cannot put this hamster in the window or where the cage will be in sunlight or drafts. If you have a desk, or table, you can put that along the wall where it is protected from anything that will disturb it. Also, remember, hamsters have very keen hearing, you do not want them right next to the speakers on your CD player.
  9. *slaps forehead* I'm a blonde hamster. What do you expect?
  10. *hears the crumping sound and runs to my topic and hides*
  11. Aspen is the best. What I recommend is a potty with potty litter. Hamsters use these like the sandbaths. If you decide you wnat a sandbox, please make sure that you get cleaned sand that comes in bags from the hardware store. Please do not use sand from the beach or somewhere like that. As for cages... there is a big variety of cages you can get from 15 dollars to 30 dollars. My favorite is the Habitrail cage for small hamsters. It is really cool. There are lots of attachments you can add to your cage. You can also use a fish tank, but I don't think these are as secure as the cage. In addition, they have a tendency to get hotter than the cage. When you get ready, if you have your mother or father contact me, I will send you a cage, dish, water bottle, potty, ball and some extra tubing. There are a number of extra cages and supplies here and they are in great shape, almost new, so I can send you some pictures of it if you want. There are good hamster treats, such as yogurt, corn cobbies, that are healthy for your hamster as well as great for grinding down their teeth. They also have other types of seed mixes. You can spend anywhere from 2 to 5 dollars on some of these treats. They are not totally treats, as there are seeds, fruit, corn, nuts, but this is not what you would want to feed your hamster on a regular basis. I will get you a list of prices for all of the above, just give me a day or two.
  12. You forgot to attach it. LOL
  13. My suggestion for a hamster would be a fancy. Black bear, teddy bear and dwarf hamsters have a life of about 1 1/2 to 2 years. The fancy hamsters, such as the gold and white, grey and white, brown, usually are a little bit larger and have a much longer life span. Horatio lived to almost 5 years. Hubert was 5 years old when he passed away. The most critical part of a long life for a hamster is a very clean cage. You can potty train your hammy and then clean out his potty almost every other day, with a little scoop. Next most important is having interaction with your hammy. The hammys get into the ball every night. They love getting out of their cage and having a romp in their ball. I have another one, she loves wandering around in my oversized long sleeved shirt. If I see her in the morning, she wants to jump out of her cage into my paw, then she goes up the sleeve. She could do this for as long as I would let her. Another hammy will go to sleep on my bed if I let him. They like interaction. No hammy likes to be caged without the ability to get out. Another important thing to remember is: NO bleached paper products. NO toilet paper, NO kleenex, NO tissue paper, NO paper towel. You can use newspaper. The other products can get stuck in their pouches. The bleach is not good for them either. Every day, I make sure that I have a little something different for them. Pay attention to what your hamster likes and doesn't like. I have an overwhelming bunch of goodies for each hammy. Chew twigs, lava blocks, corn cobbies, a variety of other things to keep the hammy occupied. I can give you lots more information if you want.
  14. You can post your pic, as long as you block out your face. This is for your own protection. You can try a couple and I will let you know if they are okay.
  15. Thats cool and all, but it seems you are on the wrong side of the road. Did you say you were driving now? Do they drive on the opposite side of the road in Texas? LOL The guy in front of me, held up his camera and took my pic. And I am on the correct side of the road. LOL
  16. Finally, someone who noticed me. Oh stop. I know that's going to get deleted. I'm in a realllllly bad mood. Really really. But its still there o: Not really. The revised version is there.l
  17. I can change the title on this one, or you can make a new one in what ever forum you wish, and I will pin it for you. Please let me know. Your grandmother and father passing so close, that is so difficult. You have a special place in my heart.
  18. Oh Hiro... *returns another hammie bear hug at the news* I am so sorry to hear this. You have really been going through so much. Are you okay? Losing two family members must be so hard on your heart. We are always here for you. If you want this to be your special topic, I can always pin it for you. This way, you will always be able to find it and use it like a journal and we can keep up with you and what's happening in your life. Let me know. You can always see what I am doing in my topic in this forum group.
  19. We are all watching this soap opera! We are anxiously awaiting the next post. Hope you can get everything worked out.
  20. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Yeah for getting back home safe. Agreed! We went out to dinner at Olive Garden because it's mom's birthday. Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment, and as long as I'm not in pain or drugged afterwards, I'll be going back up to Jenny/Phil's college for another night, because anime club is tomorrow night, and they want me to be there for that. Phil was particularly insistent that I come back, so that's encouraging. Sounds really promising. Have a great time!!! Wow, I think I'm actually not reading too much into this. I just finished looking at the pictures from ballroom on my camera. He's looking at me in at least a quarter of them, which is a lot when you consider that he was dancing in all of them, and as such should have been looking at his dance partner, or perhaps the instructor or other couples to make sure he's doing it right. So that's kind of exciting. I'm now debating whether I should point out the eye contact to him just to see how he reacts. I don't want to make him uncomfortable though, and a question like that would probably make anyone feel awkward. Otherwise inexplicable eye contact aside, I also realized that taking good pictures of dancers is not easy. I wasn't really impressed with how most of my pictures came out. But at least it gives me something to practice with next time I'm around for ballroom. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ! You do not need to ask him about eye contact. I think you already have the answer to this question. Trust me, he would not be asking you to come up if there was not something to him wanting to get to know you better.
  21. WOO HOO !!!!!! HIRO!!!!!!!! Of course we remember you! Welcome back!!!!!!! Tell us... what has been happening? How are you? What's going on?
  22. You may not think it's your best, but I think it really quite good!!!
  23. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Yeah for getting back home safe. Agreed! We went out to dinner at Olive Garden because it's mom's birthday. Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment, and as long as I'm not in pain or drugged afterwards, I'll be going back up to Jenny/Phil's college for another night, because anime club is tomorrow night, and they want me to be there for that. Phil was particularly insistent that I come back, so that's encouraging. Sounds really promising. Have a great time!!!
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