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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Horatio

    The Creamery

    I live in the South, or at least near it, Horatio. XD I should know. Horatio is South-er than you. South-er? Yupp, southern speak. LOL Yup... I'm South-er than you. Now Hoops is South-er than me. The only people who are really the most South-er are those people who live in Key West. LOL
  2. At least it is only one dead guy. You're not even close to Mushroom_king... she is married to a whole long list of dead guys!
  3. So... what song was playing?
  4. I don't see why we couldn't give out brawl codes. They don't allow for any communication, really. Let me know more about it. Please explain it to me. Thanks. The brawl codes allow you to play someone wirelessly. The only information given is the name, which has a max of 5 characters. But I guess it would be possible to give out information with the taunts, which you can have four of. And those have about 20 characters each. The taunts are set before the matches. And you can't change them without leaving the connection with your friends. But if you that desperate to give out information you shouldn't, I'm sure you would find some method other than the taunts on here. I dunno. Also, there isn't any voice/text "chat," per se. Then it sounds great to be able to play each other.
  5. Awesome!!!!!!!!! Truly awesome!!!! I have been waiting for your concert report and it seems like this has been a majestic night in your life. Sorry that you did not get your shirt signed. Yeah, it was pretty much the best night of my entire life... Sorry I haven't posted about it sooner...my life has been really really busy.... And I will just have to go to another concert to get something signed!!! ~Liz Perhaps you can get a backstage pass for the next concert. That would be amazing! ~Liz My friend is a backstage guy in South Florida. Gets to see lots of concerts.
  6. Let me look around. Get back to you on this.
  7. Horatio

    My place. :)

    So... how did you like driving the minivan? The minivan is what I learned to drive in, so it wasn't too bad, but it definitely took some getting used to. I hate parking it though, because it's massive. >_ Waaaaaaaaaayyyyyy too big for me. 1974 VW bug or motorcycle... that's my size.
  8. Horatio

    The Creamery

    In Florida the rednecks are called Crackers. What crazy upside-down Florida do you live in? D: We don't refer to them as anything here, we just periodically kick them in the teeth. Such violence! There are even Florida Cracker Horses and Florida Cracker Cattle!
  9. Very, very nice! *hands Hiro The Platinum Moon Award* Perhaps I could entice you to make a Horatio one? An all blonde hammy, please?
  10. Horatio

    My place. :)

    So... how did you like driving the minivan?
  11. I don't see why we couldn't give out brawl codes. They don't allow for any communication, really. Let me know more about it. Please explain it to me. Thanks.
  12. Horatio

    The Creamery

    In Florida the rednecks are called Crackers.
  13. Great! Here is my email address: pmajr@mac.com
  14. Veeeeeerrrrrrryyyyyyy interesting. I know that it wasnt the kind of awesome date RPVF was after, but its what she gets. I think she wanted more of a date with just her and I going to some upscale italian place and seeing a chick-flick movie and then gazing off in to a sunset or something like that. but No, since we're in the process of moving and that was the last day of spring break over here, Our options were limited. Like I said, my sister threw the date together and was going to take someone of her age (18 or 19 or so) and we'd go do something like bowling. no, We didnt get to do even that. Dr. Cornbread, my best friend and RPVF's little brother, had nothing to do that night. He tagged along with us. Beth's date fell through, so it ended up being I was with RPVF, my sister was with Dr. Cornbread. We came to one of the two half-empty houses, after my sister and I had been packing all day, and rather unshaven, dusty and dirty with less-than desirable clothing on. RPVF was all decked out with a new-looking. ... clothes... thing. (i dont really wear girls clothes so i dont know what they're called ) and fancy makeup everywhere and hair done all cool. Since my parents were packing things in to the car, RPVF drove my sister and I to the other house, and waited for us to get out of the shower (respectively) and then we went to a grocery store to pick up homemade ice cream fixin's and like four bags of marshmallows. so At about 8:30 instead of 7:00, we actually got started on making homemade ice cream and playing silly board games, then ate the ice cream, and went outside to play... CHUBBY BUNNY o: I dont know if anyone else has even heard of this, but its awesome. You have a list of words, and a handful of marshmallows, and you put one marshmallow in your mouth, say the first word, then another mashmallow, the second word, third mashmallow third word, so on so forth. It gets messy, but its hilarious listening to people try to talk with 7 marshmallows in their mouth. Even more hilarious watching them try to keep them in their mouth and off of their fancy-pants new clothes and marshmallow dump all over their face. which becomes tinted with various makeup as RPVF can testify. At about 11, RPVF's mom calls them and reminds them that they were supposed to be back at 10:30. Meanwhile, Dr. Cornbread had successfully surpressed his gag reflex and ended up storing about 9 marshmallows in his mouth, half of them sliding down his throat, while he was in the bathroom for about 20 minutes puking everywhere. They didnt get home til about midnight, and I dont think their parents were very pleased with Dr. Cornbread being half-sick and RPVF having marshmallows all over her clothes and hair and face. and being home 2 hours late. Such was my first date. I wonder if RPVF will ever learn. IMHO... no.
  15. Let me know when you are getting close to finding a hammy. BTW, you are a very talented writer.
  16. Horatio

    The Creamery

    I live in the South, or at least near it, Horatio. XD I should know. You live in the South????????? Missouri? Well, I guess Missouri IS south of Canada. Not just Missouri, but Southern Missouri. Lots of Arkansas...ians...people... Arkansas is definitely NOT the south. Not sure what category it fits into, but definitely the south doesn't want them. The South doesn't want Arkansas. neither does the midwest, the northeast, the west, Canada, Africa, Europe, Asia, Mexico, or anyone else. Someone had to do it And Arkansas kicked the Clintons out.
  17. Horatio

    The Creamery

    I live in the South, or at least near it, Horatio. XD I should know. You live in the South????????? Missouri? Well, I guess Missouri IS south of Canada. Not just Missouri, but Southern Missouri. Lots of Arkansas...ians...people... Arkansas is definitely NOT the south. Not sure what category it fits into, but definitely the south doesn't want them.
  18. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    If you go to the server's home page you'll see that the server was hacked. I'm scared because all these sites I go to have been getting hacked recently, but so far all of them have recovered. So I changed all my passwords. Again. Sounds like you are being stalked. I know! So far they've all been turkish groups I think. I hope this board isn't affected by this, but if it does then I apologize... Well, it's fixed now. At least this stalker doesn't seem to be very good at his job. lol oh boy. I don't really see the point in messing up other peoples' stuff. I mean really, how could messing around with a server benefit them? The level of success is directly related to the level of disruption. Unfortunately, that's where they get their thrills. Why don't they just go into the demolition business then? It's not like they can see the reactions of the people they're upsetting. I'm sure there is some method by which they find out of their destruction and the havoc it has wreaked. There is a great book about a guy called The Cuckoo's Egg: Tracking a Spy Through the Maze of Computer Espionage, by Clifford Stoll. Very good book. The book is about a hacker, not a destructive guy, such as above, but a hacker nonetheless.
  19. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    If you go to the server's home page you'll see that the server was hacked. I'm scared because all these sites I go to have been getting hacked recently, but so far all of them have recovered. So I changed all my passwords. Again. Sounds like you are being stalked. I know! So far they've all been turkish groups I think. I hope this board isn't affected by this, but if it does then I apologize... Well, it's fixed now. At least this stalker doesn't seem to be very good at his job. lol oh boy. I don't really see the point in messing up other peoples' stuff. I mean really, how could messing around with a server benefit them? The level of success is directly related to the level of disruption. Unfortunately, that's where they get their thrills.
  20. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    If you go to the server's home page you'll see that the server was hacked. I'm scared because all these sites I go to have been getting hacked recently, but so far all of them have recovered. So I changed all my passwords. Again. Sounds like you are being stalked. I know! So far they've all been turkish groups I think. I hope this board isn't affected by this, but if it does then I apologize... Well, it's fixed now. At least this stalker doesn't seem to be very good at his job. LOL... good thing! Yeah for incompetence!
  21. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    If you go to the server's home page you'll see that the server was hacked. I'm scared because all these sites I go to have been getting hacked recently, but so far all of them have recovered. So I changed all my passwords. Again. Sounds like you are being stalked.
  22. How fantastic!!! Perhaps I will be the first customer. I would like to order some motorcycle leathers to protect my little hammy body. Can you make something like this?
  23. Horatio

    The Creamery

    I live in the South, or at least near it, Horatio. XD I should know. You live in the South????????? Missouri? Well, I guess Missouri IS south of Canada.
  24. Thats cool and all, but it seems you are on the wrong side of the road. Did you say you were driving now? Do they drive on the opposite side of the road in Texas? LOL The guy in front of me, held up his camera and took my pic. And I am on the correct side of the road. LOL Ah, its a picture taken from in front of you. yeah. i thought it was from behind. LOL That makes sense now. A bike with a headlight pointing at the traffic behind you. You just might be on to something. At least the guy in front of you would see you. LOL Now you have to explain why you're not a hamster in the picture. I had to disguise myself as a human to be able to ride on the street. LOL *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Where do you get this technology, Hamster? -Forces Horatio to stare into the Nintendo DS's lighted screen until he cracks and tells me- *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~* NASA. Ok. I promise I'm not trying to take over the world. I'm just trying to invent a time machine so I have more time to play Brawl before Spring Break is over. You might contact my friends at NASA, they have been working on a time machine that you might be interested in.
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