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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. 97% of 2.3 billion to charity... how wonderful. Of course, Paris probably has a trust fund set up, and so she only inherits sixty-nine million... gee that will be hard for her to live on. Yes... raised by squirrels. At least the kids would be much more social.
  2. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Yes, it is strange when you think about it. Still, even if we don't know each other, there were a couple of factors they should have used in putting this suite together, and didn't seem to: 1. Our housing card that we sent in had a survey on it with multiple choice questions. I put answers like I'm a light sleeper, I would use the room as a quiet study place, I go to bed early, etc. They should make these characteristics common for the whole suite as much as they can, which they clearly didn't because I think I'm the only one who considers going to bed before midnight, and they sure are not quiet living people. 2. Students in the honors program get first pick to be put in this suite-style building (it's much better than the other freshman halls, trust me). So why not put these students together?! Granted there are not too many guys in the program, but it has to be more than just me and one other guy, who are the only honors students I know of in my suite. Because of this I feel out of touch with the honors program. (And they claimed that I would room with an honors student. After my mom informed the program director that I wasn't, he felt that my situation was a mistake, and he also thought I should at least be in an "honors suite", but Res Life says no such suites exist...huh? How DO they put these together?) 3. Many of the guys from band seem to have landed in the suite above me. After failing in the above two points, you think they would at least match one, ONE of my interests, ONE of the answers from my survey thingy by putting me with other band kids! (by the way, my roommate was also supposed to be someone from band. I didn't expect a roommate both from honors and band, but still, it could've been one or the other...) So counting both suitemates and roommates, they failed five times with my placement. At least my roommate and I are somewhat compatible...except our sleeping habits. And my door is stupid, it won't close itself, so my roommate keeps letting it smack against the door frame (hurts my ears) and it is always open until I get up and close it. Even when closed, it hardly blocks noise. Yeah, sorry, kind of rambled off there...either way I'm very, very much looking forward to the specialty housing next year. *PLEASE don't deny my application * You deserve to rant !!!!! How awful that you are in that suite.
  3. LOL Only you would know that sort of thing.
  4. Horatio

    My place. :)

    :blink: :blink: So, what happens if a freshman goes to a school where he/she doesn't know anyone?
  5. TRACK 3 FTW > Track 3 = LSD!!!! (hopes horatio won't edit out the drug reference. even though it wasn't intentional when the song was written.... ~Liz I was about to smack you and explain it was a painting by Sean Lennon. Don't worry...you think me of all people would not know something about my John Lennon? ~Liz HANG ON IT WAS JULIAN NOT SEAN!!! Sean wasn't even born when the song was written... My turn to smack you! ~Liz WELL I'M NOT THAT HUGE OF A BEATLES FAN TO KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT THEM ON THE OTHER HAND, I KNOW QUITE A BIT ABOUT PINK FLOYD AND THE RAMONES AND I WAS TOLD IT WAS SEAN BLUE SWEATERS AHH BLUE SWEATERS SWEATERS SCARE ME RED SWEATERS AT LEAST I DON'T LIKE SWEAT OR AT LEAST NOT RED SWEAT BUT BLUE SWEAT IS COOL LOOKING GREEN SWEAT IS JUST PLAIN SICKENING THOUGH I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT WHOO. CAPS LOCK. ANYWAY. YEAH. -RUNS OFF- That reminds me of gatorade commercials. LOL... see Jesse's post above. You both were thinking the same thing and you didn't know as his post was in the queue. LOL
  6. See, that is all you needed to say. xD He didn't know your level of knowledge, so I think Leguan helped others with the longer explanation. Thanks!!!
  7. You are correct. I knew that when I wrote it but my mind would not let me think of the words Yellow Jacket, so I had to just use the improper word. I like the word hoverfly. Cool. Spiders!!!!!!!!!! Just for you Leguan... Yum. I had the most delightful experience the other night. I was going to sleep, and I had just turned off my reading lamp over my bed... Well, I layed down, facing the wall, then I turned over..and after 10 seconds, I saw something like, come down from the ceiling on a string. I got up and turned the light on, AND IT WAS A SPIDER! AHHHHHH. I hate Spiders!!!! So I threw a shirt at the web string thingy, so it would fall to the ground, then I picked up my Global textbook and smooshed it. Yuck. Ugh...yeah before I left home there was a spider on the ceiling above the bath tub...I had to try to restrict my showering to the end opposite of it...and then it decided to string itself down to the bathtub!! Had to step out during that. It went back up though. Nice thing about college dorms = less bugs. Only those occasional annoying flies that like to smack themselves against the windows. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I...I...I like spiders... Um. not when they touch me though. I was taking a shower and there was one in there. On the other hand, I dislike all other creepy crawly things. except Moths. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* I love lizards and geckos, and reptiles of that sort.
  8. Let me look, I have that information written somewhere. You should have the answer tomorrow. Hope that is okay. What makes you think I am in a rush to find out? You left a basket of cherry micicles by my laptop.
  9. Let me look, I have that information written somewhere. You should have the answer tomorrow. Hope that is okay.
  10. Glad you are happy. [but are YOU happy? o: ] [um, so do we like, continue the RP now and like, actively post in it again? ?] [ I will be happy when you are all posting here. ]
  11. =O!!! I should send Nutzky a snapshot I took in brawl! A funny one! I have many! Please post your snapshot! I don't know how D= Can you get your picture on your desktop? Or, do you have a photo program on your computer? If so, let me know and I will tell you exactly how to do it. Whether it is on the desktop or in a photo program, note the number or name of the picture. Let me know... moderators are standing by. The picture isn't even on my computer, it's on the game disc. Wii has internet connection, so maybe I could upload it that way? That might work. Try it please.
  12. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Yeah for sleeping in.
  13. =O!!! I should send Nutzky a snapshot I took in brawl! A funny one! I have many! Please post your snapshot! I don't know how D= Can you get your picture on your desktop? Or, do you have a photo program on your computer? If so, let me know and I will tell you exactly how to do it. Whether it is on the desktop or in a photo program, note the number or name of the picture. Let me know... moderators are standing by.
  14. Thought you all would like some pictures of our new dirt bike and our adventures in the sugar sand. I'm the only one who didn't appear in the pics as I was the cameraman!
  15. =O!!! I should send Nutzky a snapshot I took in brawl! A funny one! I have many! Please post your snapshot!
  16. You are correct. I knew that when I wrote it but my mind would not let me think of the words Yellow Jacket, so I had to just use the improper word. I like the word hoverfly. Cool. Spiders!!!!!!!!!! Just for you Leguan... Yum. I had the most delightful experience the other night. I was going to sleep, and I had just turned off my reading lamp over my bed... Well, I layed down, facing the wall, then I turned over..and after 10 seconds, I saw something like, come down from the ceiling on a string. I got up and turned the light on, AND IT WAS A SPIDER! AHHHHHH. I hate Spiders!!!! So I threw a shirt at the web string thingy, so it would fall to the ground, then I picked up my Global textbook and smooshed it. Yuck. I don't like killing them, but I definitely don't want them near my cage. I try and get them to get on the end of a broom and put them outside. Actually I found either peppermint oil or another oil that you put a drop of where spiders like to go and they don't like the smell and won't hang out there.
  17. Nutzky will be in Al Taqaddum, Iraq. Put this in Google Earth and take a look at the actual terrain.
  18. You are correct. I knew that when I wrote it but my mind would not let me think of the words Yellow Jacket, so I had to just use the improper word. I like the word hoverfly. Cool. Spiders!!!!!!!!!! Just for you Leguan...
  19. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Hope that you get all your preferred classes. In my previous post it should be would, not wound. I was trying how to make a funny typo out of that. Couldn't figure out a funny response.
  20. Aaaah, I want to have holidays. Here all the snow is molten, now it is raining and still cold. My parents spent the last two weeks in the Dominican Republic. Today they returned and are freezing. The Dominican Republic is wonderful. I am assuming they were in the Puerto Plata area, which has really beautiful beaches. The island of Hispaniola is beautiful, even the Haitian side. The snow is magical when it falls, then it after a couple days of turning to brown slush, everyone just wants it gone.
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