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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Nooooooooooooooo! I loved those two poems. You should have at least put one of those in.
  2. Eh...part of it, yes. But another part of it, that is very prominent at college is that there is basically no second thought about underaged drinking. I was sitting with all freshmen last semester at a required presentation about alcohol, and we were asked who were non-drinkers. The amount of people who raised their hands with me could not have exceeded 20 students, and I doubt that everyone else was 21 or over. The speaker didn't seem to care. This just boggles my mind. Why do only a few people mind whether a drinker is of age or not? I believe that the age of 21 is when the liver is fully finished developing, so it is a reasonable age limit. What's the point if everyone just gives up on enforcing it? It wasn't my idea to give up enforcing it, but to make the punishment fit the crime. At almost the end of the school year, I think that they could have some up with a different punishment that did not include expulsion. Not sure what punishment I would make, perhaps something along the lines of community service, I don't know.
  3. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    *gives Jesse a really big hammy bear hug* Thanks, I feel a bit better today. I also went to bed at 10. Didn't fall asleep for a while doing that (my dad called me, my roommate walked in and out, etc.), but I wanted the rest anyway. I'm leaving for the band festival tomorrow, and will get back late Saturday night. Yay band festival! That sounds like fun. I'm back, and yes it was fun. I thought all the rehearsal time would kill me, but the conductor had an attitude I've never seen before...he basically held the view that he worked for us, not us working for him. So he had us stretch sometimes (those chairs were PAINFUL), give us breaks, or "flip flop" - having a woodwind sectional then a brass sectional. My host was also great. What happened was that if we wished, we would be paired up with a student at this college (We were at Gordon) and they would find some way to let us sleep Friday night. My host let me take over his bed while he took the couch (though apparently he prefers it anyway), and he made me pancakes in the morning. Whenever I had free time I just lounged in there and watched Red Sox games with them (they're all fans of the team I suppose). Our concert was great and energetic, and the American Band was incredible! (this band played before us so I watched them) I slipped a few times (stupid altissimo register on the alto clarinet...) but I think I did well otherwise. The great thing about the alto is that you get both low woodwind parts and higher woodwind parts, so you get the fun of both worlds. Too bad my dad couldn't come, his company imposed a fascist policy about work hours so that changed plans for him. My parents are coming up to see me today, though. Sounds like you had a spectacular time and had a super nice host. Nobody but you noticed the little slip, I'm guessing you are much harder on yourself than anyone else. Your father would have loved to be in the audience. Hope you have a great day with your parents today. Yes, I had a nice time with them. We went to lunch and then hung out in the lobby of my residential building for a bit. My dad finds ways to bug my mom the whole time, it's fun It's amusing when parents bug each other.
  4. *yawns* Huh??? Um...hi? *starts eating a micicle* Want one? Please, may I have a small micicle. Yeah Jesse! How great that you told us about your band experience. I am so excited that you had a fantastic time. You never realize just how long you practice because it is such a great time.
  5. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    *gives Jesse a really big hammy bear hug* Thanks, I feel a bit better today. I also went to bed at 10. Didn't fall asleep for a while doing that (my dad called me, my roommate walked in and out, etc.), but I wanted the rest anyway. I'm leaving for the band festival tomorrow, and will get back late Saturday night. Yay band festival! That sounds like fun. I'm back, and yes it was fun. I thought all the rehearsal time would kill me, but the conductor had an attitude I've never seen before...he basically held the view that he worked for us, not us working for him. So he had us stretch sometimes (those chairs were PAINFUL), give us breaks, or "flip flop" - having a woodwind sectional then a brass sectional. My host was also great. What happened was that if we wished, we would be paired up with a student at this college (We were at Gordon) and they would find some way to let us sleep Friday night. My host let me take over his bed while he took the couch (though apparently he prefers it anyway), and he made me pancakes in the morning. Whenever I had free time I just lounged in there and watched Red Sox games with them (they're all fans of the team I suppose). Our concert was great and energetic, and the American Band was incredible! (this band played before us so I watched them) I slipped a few times (stupid altissimo register on the alto clarinet...) but I think I did well otherwise. The great thing about the alto is that you get both low woodwind parts and higher woodwind parts, so you get the fun of both worlds. Too bad my dad couldn't come, his company imposed a fascist policy about work hours so that changed plans for him. My parents are coming up to see me today, though. Sounds like you had a spectacular time and had a super nice host. Nobody but you noticed the little slip, I'm guessing you are much harder on yourself than anyone else. Your father would have loved to be in the audience. Hope you have a great day with your parents today.
  6. Oh yeah... that's why they post a notice that on every Friday evening everything in the break room refrigerator will be dumped into the trash. If you want your stuff, you need to remember to take it home. No ifs, ands or buts. Great policy as it is laminated and taped to the door. No way you can't see it. oh, people keep tearing the notes off.. and apparently that individual has a history of interpreting policy in the way that benifits them alone. GRRRRRRRRR. Amazing how some people feel the world revolves around them. That's why they have a locked glass bulletin board. They post the information behind the glass, lock the door, then only the one person with the key can remove things. You need to have one put there!
  7. Whaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttt?????????? How could they?
  8. What has been going on? Totally Off-topic: Did you hear that several kids got expelled from my school? It was sad because I actually knew some of them. ~Liz What did they do to get expelled? Got caught drinking on a school trip in Italy. Good kids, too. (other than that) Nearly all the sophomore class is upset they're gone. ~Liz I am so, so sorry to hear this. Where were the chaperones? Where were the teachers? In my opinion, there could have been a better way to handle this as the school year is almost over. The problem lies in the school policy. Here is where the change might need to be made.
  9. Oh yeah... that's why they post a notice that on every Friday evening everything in the break room refrigerator will be dumped into the trash. If you want your stuff, you need to remember to take it home. No ifs, ands or buts. Great policy as it is laminated and taped to the door. No way you can't see it.
  10. PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. 'Shuumatsu ni nani wo shimashita ka?' I refuse to go any further. After all, Hoops didn't need to put in the translation for 'nani'... xP So you should accept romaji here too. xD Have patience with me Glo... just following HampsterKing's orders.
  11. How could I forget you????????? You are our Hamsterfireball!!!! What's going on? How are you? What's happening with you?
  12. What has been going on? Totally Off-topic: Did you hear that several kids got expelled from my school? It was sad because I actually knew some of them. ~Liz What did they do to get expelled?
  13. And we both like Elton's music and love hamsters!
  14. *has an image of Jesusfreak reaching into the goldfish bowl and grabbing a cute little fishy and popping it into her mouth* They once had a goldfish eating contest (the fish, not crackers) at a bible camp I went to. I never went back. Also, EesechayAstermay is a pretty cool name. Poor gold fish.
  15. Happy to see you posting!
  16. I DON'T KNOW I SHALL ASK TEH HOMIES LATER LIKE I'M GONNA SEE THEM LATER. There's a party, you see. Have fun at the party.
  17. *has an image of Jesusfreak reaching into the goldfish bowl and grabbing a cute little fishy and popping it into her mouth*
  18. For the most part, your English is better than most native English speakers. That is true for the majority of Germans who learn English as a second language.
  19. Because girls like to explain and rationalize everything to the extent that it doesn't make sense anymore, rather than doing something about it, and when they do do something about it, they do it with hints and tips and expect you to figure it out. I'm a girl, and even I don't get it. Do you realize how much sense that doesn't make? xD Totally aware. I wasn't trying to say that girls make sense. Girls make no sense whatsoever... even to their closest and most trusted friends.
  20. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    *gives Jesse a really big hammy bear hug* Thanks, I feel a bit better today. I also went to bed at 10. Didn't fall asleep for a while doing that (my dad called me, my roommate walked in and out, etc.), but I wanted the rest anyway. I'm leaving for the band festival tomorrow, and will get back late Saturday night. Jesusfreak's got some good words of advice. We are always here for you although this can only help a little. You and your roommate will need to talk about keeping you up. Have fun at band festival!
  21. My camera is an older digital. A Nikon Coolpix. I really love the abilities of these camera. It helps that the designers have made them almost idiot proof. We are in agreement, I don't like killing any creature.
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