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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Yes, but I took more time to photograph them. So true. And your rose pictures were beautiful!
  2. OMG!!!!!! These are phenomenal!!!!!!!!!! You have been so very busy!!!!! *thinks about another avatar*
  3. Have you ever just taken time to smell the roses?
  4. Horatio

    My place. :)

    lol that's always encouraging. The problem is that Ian completely destroyed my ability to distinguish between friendly acts and flirty acts, because he would do stuff that would make anyone think he was flirting, but he was just being friendly. So now I make it a point to assume everything is simply friendly unless I have a really good reason to think otherwise. The trick now is going to be getting Phil to make a move, because he's one of the shy types that's afraid to make a move for fear of being rejected. Or at least getting him to directly tell my sister that he likes me. Because if he does that, she's allowed to tell him. Although I really might as well give her permission to tell him now. Ah well. It'll work itself out somehow. Your sister can be a great asset. LOL LOL BTW, I apologize for not saying congratulations on the fantastic grade!!! You did outstanding. You should feel great for this accomplishment. Haha yeah she is. And thank you! I'm talking to Phil on aim now (he had to leave for a minute). And just the stuff he's saying makes it so obvious. And I want to say something. But at the same time I don't. And I'm like AAAAAHHHH! Haha. *bonks Jesusfreak in the forehead* At least drop a hint that he is heading in the right direction! Well, apparently I did, because he actually asked me out. Outstanding!!! Now I have a smile on my face. So, when are you both planning on going out? lol well then you should see the grin plastered on mine. Unfortunately, we probably won't see each other until May when we get out of college for the summer. *dusts off the cobwebs on the old cliche book* Let's see... 'absence makes the heart grow fonder'. Haha In all reality, the hardest part is going to be next semester. So far, we've spent very little time in person, and we're used to just talking online. But over the summer, we're going to get used to seeing each other in person on a regular basis. So come fall semester, we'll actually really miss each other. Do you have any more breaks in the next semester? If so, do they match up with Phil's? Nope, at least not that I'm aware of. We both have a long winter break between semesters, and a spring break (which this past year didn't line up), but that was it. However, by next semester Phil should have his license and a car, and I should have a car, so we can visit each other when we don't have weekends that are too busy. I see you have been thinking about this. lol Phil and I have been *talking* about this. Even better!!! lol yep. This whole situation is just really sweet. Like I can tell he's *really* happy about this, and my sister is really happy about it because Phil is like a brother to her, and everyone just seems happy about it, which is kinda neat. Who would have thought that something that makes me this happy would make so many other people happy too? Phil is almost too good to be true. Of course you realize that if you ever have a problem, there are no family members who will be on your side. LOL lol it's pretty amazing. The more I talk to him, the more I find we have in common. And having family support it is definitely a good thing. My family loves Phil. That's superb. At least when you have family events and he shows up, your sister's boyfriend will now know he is there with you and not her. Yeah for positive outcomes.
  5. VIXEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *tackles, glomps, hugs* You have been missed!! We surely do hope you are back. How are you? How's your life? What's going on? Hope you stay around!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Great poem. And he said? Well, after those two lines I said that I feel like my choir director who always says "My clock goes around faster than anyone else's...." to which he responded with "lol" or something along those lines. And then I told him I had to go to sleep because of morning classes and we both said good night. Ohhhhh. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I sent Phil this poem last night, and he liked it quite a bit. (I had said something, and he said that I should make what I said into a poem, and I told him that I wrote a poem based off of something I said a couple days ago, and then sent it to him). :wub: Of course he like it.
  7. Whoaaaaaaaaa! That's harsh! Hey Horatio, did you know that there's a name for people who don't want Paris Hilton alive anymore? They're called everybody! Not everybody. I don't agree with not wanting someone alive. My thinking is, ignore them. If the actions of people were to ignore those they did not like, then we would not have the media hounds following these people. The problem is, that people buy the junk about people they don't like. Why? I have no idea. DEEP DOWN INSIDE, HORATIO, YOU DON'T WANT PARIS TO BE ALIVE ANYMORE! ALSO, TOM SAWYER IS STALKING ME No, I do want Paris Hilton alive... who else would there be out there making a total fool of herself. Next time you think Tom Sawyer is behind you, place a large patch of super gorilla glue. That will keep him in one place. This way you can escape.
  8. Horatio

    My place. :)

    *screammmmmmmmmmmmssssssssssssss with pure happiness* How cool!!!!!!!!!!!!! *knows this is going to be a really great weekend for Jesusfreak, as she is going to float through the weekend* Yeah, I'm pretty happy about it. So now I just have to wait and see if he does anything about it. (I'm not going to make any moves until I'm home for the summer because let's face it, we're 500 miles apart. I have no objections if he makes a move though.) You will be floating even though you are five hundred miles apart. Besides, you have been on the right track with your intuition regarding Phil. lol that's always encouraging. The problem is that Ian completely destroyed my ability to distinguish between friendly acts and flirty acts, because he would do stuff that would make anyone think he was flirting, but he was just being friendly. So now I make it a point to assume everything is simply friendly unless I have a really good reason to think otherwise. The trick now is going to be getting Phil to make a move, because he's one of the shy types that's afraid to make a move for fear of being rejected. Or at least getting him to directly tell my sister that he likes me. Because if he does that, she's allowed to tell him. Although I really might as well give her permission to tell him now. Ah well. It'll work itself out somehow. Your sister can be a great asset. LOL LOL BTW, I apologize for not saying congratulations on the fantastic grade!!! You did outstanding. You should feel great for this accomplishment. Haha yeah she is. And thank you! I'm talking to Phil on aim now (he had to leave for a minute). And just the stuff he's saying makes it so obvious. And I want to say something. But at the same time I don't. And I'm like AAAAAHHHH! Haha. *bonks Jesusfreak in the forehead* At least drop a hint that he is heading in the right direction! Well, apparently I did, because he actually asked me out. Outstanding!!! Now I have a smile on my face. So, when are you both planning on going out? lol well then you should see the grin plastered on mine. Unfortunately, we probably won't see each other until May when we get out of college for the summer. *dusts off the cobwebs on the old cliche book* Let's see... 'absence makes the heart grow fonder'. Haha In all reality, the hardest part is going to be next semester. So far, we've spent very little time in person, and we're used to just talking online. But over the summer, we're going to get used to seeing each other in person on a regular basis. So come fall semester, we'll actually really miss each other. Do you have any more breaks in the next semester? If so, do they match up with Phil's? Nope, at least not that I'm aware of. We both have a long winter break between semesters, and a spring break (which this past year didn't line up), but that was it. However, by next semester Phil should have his license and a car, and I should have a car, so we can visit each other when we don't have weekends that are too busy. I see you have been thinking about this. lol Phil and I have been *talking* about this. Even better!!! lol yep. This whole situation is just really sweet. Like I can tell he's *really* happy about this, and my sister is really happy about it because Phil is like a brother to her, and everyone just seems happy about it, which is kinda neat. Who would have thought that something that makes me this happy would make so many other people happy too? Phil is almost too good to be true. Of course you realize that if you ever have a problem, there are no family members who will be on your side. LOL
  9. Horatio

    My place. :)

    *screammmmmmmmmmmmssssssssssssss with pure happiness* How cool!!!!!!!!!!!!! *knows this is going to be a really great weekend for Jesusfreak, as she is going to float through the weekend* Yeah, I'm pretty happy about it. So now I just have to wait and see if he does anything about it. (I'm not going to make any moves until I'm home for the summer because let's face it, we're 500 miles apart. I have no objections if he makes a move though.) You will be floating even though you are five hundred miles apart. Besides, you have been on the right track with your intuition regarding Phil. lol that's always encouraging. The problem is that Ian completely destroyed my ability to distinguish between friendly acts and flirty acts, because he would do stuff that would make anyone think he was flirting, but he was just being friendly. So now I make it a point to assume everything is simply friendly unless I have a really good reason to think otherwise. The trick now is going to be getting Phil to make a move, because he's one of the shy types that's afraid to make a move for fear of being rejected. Or at least getting him to directly tell my sister that he likes me. Because if he does that, she's allowed to tell him. Although I really might as well give her permission to tell him now. Ah well. It'll work itself out somehow. Your sister can be a great asset. LOL LOL BTW, I apologize for not saying congratulations on the fantastic grade!!! You did outstanding. You should feel great for this accomplishment. Haha yeah she is. And thank you! I'm talking to Phil on aim now (he had to leave for a minute). And just the stuff he's saying makes it so obvious. And I want to say something. But at the same time I don't. And I'm like AAAAAHHHH! Haha. *bonks Jesusfreak in the forehead* At least drop a hint that he is heading in the right direction! Well, apparently I did, because he actually asked me out. Outstanding!!! Now I have a smile on my face. So, when are you both planning on going out? lol well then you should see the grin plastered on mine. Unfortunately, we probably won't see each other until May when we get out of college for the summer. *dusts off the cobwebs on the old cliche book* Let's see... 'absence makes the heart grow fonder'. Haha In all reality, the hardest part is going to be next semester. So far, we've spent very little time in person, and we're used to just talking online. But over the summer, we're going to get used to seeing each other in person on a regular basis. So come fall semester, we'll actually really miss each other. Do you have any more breaks in the next semester? If so, do they match up with Phil's? Nope, at least not that I'm aware of. We both have a long winter break between semesters, and a spring break (which this past year didn't line up), but that was it. However, by next semester Phil should have his license and a car, and I should have a car, so we can visit each other when we don't have weekends that are too busy. I see you have been thinking about this. lol Phil and I have been *talking* about this. Even better!!!
  10. You never text me. D= xD But yeah, making guy friends isn't flirting. Julian shouldn't be so worried! Oh well. Guys can be stupid. (almost made that a typo. xD) That's not true, I texted you that one time when it was heinously late. XD Haha, I'll text you more the, Cheese-o. And yeah. Julian is a dummy. But, he's my dummy. XD OH and then suspicous flirtitude from said ex boyfriend who I am not all flirtitude with. I wore my W00T wristband. He mentioned that he found his. I had mine first, but then to be all cute and couple-like, there was the decision made whilst at the mall over a year ago that he would buy a matching one. o_o Then he also mentioned his 8th grade yearbook. And said that someone had drawn all over Jordan, stupid ex boyfriend the first. I dunno, to get why it seemed flirtatious was one of those "you had to be there" things. All the while, Julian is oblivious to the wrong things. XD Wolfie... you never text me. D= As to Julian... good thing he is oblivious to some things, wouldn't you say? I'm sorry. D= And yeah, it is good, otherwise he'd go all flippy annoying on me. XD And it's completely ironic how he thinks I'm flirting when I'm not, and if I really am flirting he doesn't notice. Who can figure people out? Not I.
  11. Horatio

    My place. :)

    *screammmmmmmmmmmmssssssssssssss with pure happiness* How cool!!!!!!!!!!!!! *knows this is going to be a really great weekend for Jesusfreak, as she is going to float through the weekend* Yeah, I'm pretty happy about it. So now I just have to wait and see if he does anything about it. (I'm not going to make any moves until I'm home for the summer because let's face it, we're 500 miles apart. I have no objections if he makes a move though.) You will be floating even though you are five hundred miles apart. Besides, you have been on the right track with your intuition regarding Phil. lol that's always encouraging. The problem is that Ian completely destroyed my ability to distinguish between friendly acts and flirty acts, because he would do stuff that would make anyone think he was flirting, but he was just being friendly. So now I make it a point to assume everything is simply friendly unless I have a really good reason to think otherwise. The trick now is going to be getting Phil to make a move, because he's one of the shy types that's afraid to make a move for fear of being rejected. Or at least getting him to directly tell my sister that he likes me. Because if he does that, she's allowed to tell him. Although I really might as well give her permission to tell him now. Ah well. It'll work itself out somehow. Your sister can be a great asset. LOL LOL BTW, I apologize for not saying congratulations on the fantastic grade!!! You did outstanding. You should feel great for this accomplishment. Haha yeah she is. And thank you! I'm talking to Phil on aim now (he had to leave for a minute). And just the stuff he's saying makes it so obvious. And I want to say something. But at the same time I don't. And I'm like AAAAAHHHH! Haha. *bonks Jesusfreak in the forehead* At least drop a hint that he is heading in the right direction! Well, apparently I did, because he actually asked me out. Outstanding!!! Now I have a smile on my face. So, when are you both planning on going out? lol well then you should see the grin plastered on mine. Unfortunately, we probably won't see each other until May when we get out of college for the summer. *dusts off the cobwebs on the old cliche book* Let's see... 'absence makes the heart grow fonder'. Haha In all reality, the hardest part is going to be next semester. So far, we've spent very little time in person, and we're used to just talking online. But over the summer, we're going to get used to seeing each other in person on a regular basis. So come fall semester, we'll actually really miss each other. Do you have any more breaks in the next semester? If so, do they match up with Phil's? Nope, at least not that I'm aware of. We both have a long winter break between semesters, and a spring break (which this past year didn't line up), but that was it. However, by next semester Phil should have his license and a car, and I should have a car, so we can visit each other when we don't have weekends that are too busy. I see you have been thinking about this.
  12. Who asked you? I am assuming you were with your parents. Is this correct? In Virginia, there are clubs where you can bring your own liquor. They don't have a liquor license either. The waiter who uncorked the bottle was the one who asked. I was with my mom & grandfather. ~Liz Would your mother have permitted you to have a sip or two of wine with your dinner? I'm not sure, because I woulsn't have wanted to. ~Liz I am glad you don't want to drink.
  13. Looks like you are pleased with your compromise and class selection. I'm sorry that you will not get to take theater, but hopefully there will be a theater class for you when you attend university.
  14. Horatio

    My place. :)

    *screammmmmmmmmmmmssssssssssssss with pure happiness* How cool!!!!!!!!!!!!! *knows this is going to be a really great weekend for Jesusfreak, as she is going to float through the weekend* Yeah, I'm pretty happy about it. So now I just have to wait and see if he does anything about it. (I'm not going to make any moves until I'm home for the summer because let's face it, we're 500 miles apart. I have no objections if he makes a move though.) You will be floating even though you are five hundred miles apart. Besides, you have been on the right track with your intuition regarding Phil. lol that's always encouraging. The problem is that Ian completely destroyed my ability to distinguish between friendly acts and flirty acts, because he would do stuff that would make anyone think he was flirting, but he was just being friendly. So now I make it a point to assume everything is simply friendly unless I have a really good reason to think otherwise. The trick now is going to be getting Phil to make a move, because he's one of the shy types that's afraid to make a move for fear of being rejected. Or at least getting him to directly tell my sister that he likes me. Because if he does that, she's allowed to tell him. Although I really might as well give her permission to tell him now. Ah well. It'll work itself out somehow. Your sister can be a great asset. LOL LOL BTW, I apologize for not saying congratulations on the fantastic grade!!! You did outstanding. You should feel great for this accomplishment. Haha yeah she is. And thank you! I'm talking to Phil on aim now (he had to leave for a minute). And just the stuff he's saying makes it so obvious. And I want to say something. But at the same time I don't. And I'm like AAAAAHHHH! Haha. *bonks Jesusfreak in the forehead* At least drop a hint that he is heading in the right direction! Well, apparently I did, because he actually asked me out. Outstanding!!! Now I have a smile on my face. So, when are you both planning on going out? lol well then you should see the grin plastered on mine. Unfortunately, we probably won't see each other until May when we get out of college for the summer. *dusts off the cobwebs on the old cliche book* Let's see... 'absence makes the heart grow fonder'. Haha In all reality, the hardest part is going to be next semester. So far, we've spent very little time in person, and we're used to just talking online. But over the summer, we're going to get used to seeing each other in person on a regular basis. So come fall semester, we'll actually really miss each other. Do you have any more breaks in the next semester? If so, do they match up with Phil's?
  15. Vanilla Star Hamster, will you be making any vanilla cream coffee? mmm... vanilla cream coffee... I just made a pot of this delicious coffee. *hands Wildcat a cup*
  16. Whoaaaaaaaaa! That's harsh! Hey Horatio, did you know that there's a name for people who don't want Paris Hilton alive anymore? They're called everybody! Not everybody. I don't agree with not wanting someone alive. My thinking is, ignore them. If the actions of people were to ignore those they did not like, then we would not have the media hounds following these people. The problem is, that people buy the junk about people they don't like. Why? I have no idea.
  17. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Yes, that's USUALLY what happens to me too. But this course did not consider my class standing, which it should have, and I do not think it was mentioned in the description either...but I cannot check again, for after the instructor removed us (the email was sent to 3 students) the course was abruptly removed from Web Adviser. My guess is that is because the instructor realized his mistake and did not want you all complaining.
  18. Horatio

    My place. :)

    *screammmmmmmmmmmmssssssssssssss with pure happiness* How cool!!!!!!!!!!!!! *knows this is going to be a really great weekend for Jesusfreak, as she is going to float through the weekend* Yeah, I'm pretty happy about it. So now I just have to wait and see if he does anything about it. (I'm not going to make any moves until I'm home for the summer because let's face it, we're 500 miles apart. I have no objections if he makes a move though.) You will be floating even though you are five hundred miles apart. Besides, you have been on the right track with your intuition regarding Phil. lol that's always encouraging. The problem is that Ian completely destroyed my ability to distinguish between friendly acts and flirty acts, because he would do stuff that would make anyone think he was flirting, but he was just being friendly. So now I make it a point to assume everything is simply friendly unless I have a really good reason to think otherwise. The trick now is going to be getting Phil to make a move, because he's one of the shy types that's afraid to make a move for fear of being rejected. Or at least getting him to directly tell my sister that he likes me. Because if he does that, she's allowed to tell him. Although I really might as well give her permission to tell him now. Ah well. It'll work itself out somehow. Your sister can be a great asset. LOL LOL BTW, I apologize for not saying congratulations on the fantastic grade!!! You did outstanding. You should feel great for this accomplishment. Haha yeah she is. And thank you! I'm talking to Phil on aim now (he had to leave for a minute). And just the stuff he's saying makes it so obvious. And I want to say something. But at the same time I don't. And I'm like AAAAAHHHH! Haha. *bonks Jesusfreak in the forehead* At least drop a hint that he is heading in the right direction! Well, apparently I did, because he actually asked me out. Outstanding!!! Now I have a smile on my face. So, when are you both planning on going out? lol well then you should see the grin plastered on mine. Unfortunately, we probably won't see each other until May when we get out of college for the summer. *dusts off the cobwebs on the old cliche book* Let's see... 'absence makes the heart grow fonder'.
  19. Horatio

    My place. :)

    *screammmmmmmmmmmmssssssssssssss with pure happiness* How cool!!!!!!!!!!!!! *knows this is going to be a really great weekend for Jesusfreak, as she is going to float through the weekend* Yeah, I'm pretty happy about it. So now I just have to wait and see if he does anything about it. (I'm not going to make any moves until I'm home for the summer because let's face it, we're 500 miles apart. I have no objections if he makes a move though.) You will be floating even though you are five hundred miles apart. Besides, you have been on the right track with your intuition regarding Phil. lol that's always encouraging. The problem is that Ian completely destroyed my ability to distinguish between friendly acts and flirty acts, because he would do stuff that would make anyone think he was flirting, but he was just being friendly. So now I make it a point to assume everything is simply friendly unless I have a really good reason to think otherwise. The trick now is going to be getting Phil to make a move, because he's one of the shy types that's afraid to make a move for fear of being rejected. Or at least getting him to directly tell my sister that he likes me. Because if he does that, she's allowed to tell him. Although I really might as well give her permission to tell him now. Ah well. It'll work itself out somehow. Your sister can be a great asset. LOL LOL BTW, I apologize for not saying congratulations on the fantastic grade!!! You did outstanding. You should feel great for this accomplishment. Haha yeah she is. And thank you! I'm talking to Phil on aim now (he had to leave for a minute). And just the stuff he's saying makes it so obvious. And I want to say something. But at the same time I don't. And I'm like AAAAAHHHH! Haha. *bonks Jesusfreak in the forehead* At least drop a hint that he is heading in the right direction! Well, apparently I did, because he actually asked me out. Outstanding!!! Now I have a smile on my face. So, when are you both planning on going out? lol well then you should see the grin plastered on mine. Unfortunately, we probably won't see each other until May when we get out of college for the summer. *dusts off the cobwebs on the old cliche book* Let's see... 'absence makes the heart grow fonder'.
  20. You never text me. D= xD But yeah, making guy friends isn't flirting. Julian shouldn't be so worried! Oh well. Guys can be stupid. (almost made that a typo. xD) That's not true, I texted you that one time when it was heinously late. XD Haha, I'll text you more the, Cheese-o. And yeah. Julian is a dummy. But, he's my dummy. XD OH and then suspicous flirtitude from said ex boyfriend who I am not all flirtitude with. I wore my W00T wristband. He mentioned that he found his. I had mine first, but then to be all cute and couple-like, there was the decision made whilst at the mall over a year ago that he would buy a matching one. o_o Then he also mentioned his 8th grade yearbook. And said that someone had drawn all over Jordan, stupid ex boyfriend the first. I dunno, to get why it seemed flirtatious was one of those "you had to be there" things. All the while, Julian is oblivious to the wrong things. XD Wolfie... you never text me. D= As to Julian... good thing he is oblivious to some things, wouldn't you say?
  21. Horatio

    My place. :)

    *screammmmmmmmmmmmssssssssssssss with pure happiness* How cool!!!!!!!!!!!!! *knows this is going to be a really great weekend for Jesusfreak, as she is going to float through the weekend* Yeah, I'm pretty happy about it. So now I just have to wait and see if he does anything about it. (I'm not going to make any moves until I'm home for the summer because let's face it, we're 500 miles apart. I have no objections if he makes a move though.) You will be floating even though you are five hundred miles apart. Besides, you have been on the right track with your intuition regarding Phil. lol that's always encouraging. The problem is that Ian completely destroyed my ability to distinguish between friendly acts and flirty acts, because he would do stuff that would make anyone think he was flirting, but he was just being friendly. So now I make it a point to assume everything is simply friendly unless I have a really good reason to think otherwise. The trick now is going to be getting Phil to make a move, because he's one of the shy types that's afraid to make a move for fear of being rejected. Or at least getting him to directly tell my sister that he likes me. Because if he does that, she's allowed to tell him. Although I really might as well give her permission to tell him now. Ah well. It'll work itself out somehow. Your sister can be a great asset. LOL LOL BTW, I apologize for not saying congratulations on the fantastic grade!!! You did outstanding. You should feel great for this accomplishment. Haha yeah she is. And thank you! I'm talking to Phil on aim now (he had to leave for a minute). And just the stuff he's saying makes it so obvious. And I want to say something. But at the same time I don't. And I'm like AAAAAHHHH! Haha. *bonks Jesusfreak in the forehead* At least drop a hint that he is heading in the right direction! Well, apparently I did, because he actually asked me out. Outstanding!!! Now I have a smile on my face. So, when are you both planning on going out?
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