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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Haha. I would totally eat at that picnic table too. There was a sign that I wanted to take a picture of, and somehow it didn't turn out... "Beach closed due to flooding." Ummmmm, I thought you went to the beach to go swimming.
  2. There are dark stains, almost black. My step dad thinks they are from urine. Also, there is one deep scratch in it, and many other less deep scratch. A guy is coming to look at them around 5:30. If you have a wood floor guy, he should point you in the right direction. The scratches and stains can be taken care of. I just saw one section that I had not seen before. There are a lot of scrathes in this one spot. A LOTTTTTTTTTT! Remember the old floors are 3/4" thick. There is lots of room to sand them down and remove or at least diminish the scratches.
  3. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I don't seem to be a typical college student...I can't sleep much past 9, and I am absolutely beat by midnight. :closedeyes: Well, you really aren't a typical college student. Most college students have trouble graduating in four years.
  4. A beautiful day in Brawl world. An amusing pool at walmart. I saw a water slide once that was modeled after the sinking Titanic. Oh my !!!
  5. There are dark stains, almost black. My step dad thinks they are from urine. Also, there is one deep scratch in it, and many other less deep scratch. A guy is coming to look at them around 5:30. If you have a wood floor guy, he should point you in the right direction. The scratches and stains can be taken care of.
  6. This is not what you want to hear... but, life in high school is hard. When you get to college, life gets much easier. Some people have not kept up friendships from high school, and they don't care if they ever see any of those people again, but their college friends are very near and dear. Try and put Danielle out of your mind and think about a relationship with someone new. I know you don't want to think about that, but it is really for the best. The new residence your grandmother is considering sounds wonderful. Hopefully her house sells quickly for the price she is asking. As for the wood floors, I have a lot of experience in that area. Give me more details, please.
  7. Here is an ant free picnic table. Plus you won't have to worry if the grill fire gets out of hand.
  8. A beautiful day in Brawl world. An amusing pool at walmart. Now I know you have been spending too much time at Wally World.
  9. Yeah, pretty much. Your heart seemed to be smiling throughout that poem.
  10. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Wonderful news! Good luck on your psych film paper. I'm sure you will do great on it. Yeah for visiting Phil. Thanks Psych film paper still isn't done, but it's mostly done. I'll have to finish it tomorrow. I still can't get over all the stuff I have. My room looks like it exploded. Luckily, my roomie will be out at a formal dance of some sort until late, so I've got time to have the room be a mess. Let's hope her date keeps her out until the wee hours of the morning. This way she will sleep really late in the morning and give you the quiet you need to finish your paper. She doesn't have a date, I don't think. I'm pretty sure she just went with a bunch of friends. I probably will get up at noon tomorrow, because I have to be at the chapel somewhere between 1 and 1:30 for the concert. Paper writing will happen after Dad's gone with my stuff. Noon??? If I woke up at noon, I would probably think I lost half the day. Have fun at your concert. Keep in mind, college is like another time zone. Noon is like about 9am for normal people. I also went to bed at 3am (which is, admittedly, later than I had planned on going to sleep). I have always been a four to six hour sleeper. Never could sleep more than that.
  11. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Wonderful news! Good luck on your psych film paper. I'm sure you will do great on it. Yeah for visiting Phil. Thanks Psych film paper still isn't done, but it's mostly done. I'll have to finish it tomorrow. I still can't get over all the stuff I have. My room looks like it exploded. Luckily, my roomie will be out at a formal dance of some sort until late, so I've got time to have the room be a mess. Let's hope her date keeps her out until the wee hours of the morning. This way she will sleep really late in the morning and give you the quiet you need to finish your paper. She doesn't have a date, I don't think. I'm pretty sure she just went with a bunch of friends. I probably will get up at noon tomorrow, because I have to be at the chapel somewhere between 1 and 1:30 for the concert. Paper writing will happen after Dad's gone with my stuff. Noon??? If I woke up at noon, I would probably think I lost half the day. Have fun at your concert.
  12. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Wonderful news! Good luck on your psych film paper. I'm sure you will do great on it. Yeah for visiting Phil. Thanks Psych film paper still isn't done, but it's mostly done. I'll have to finish it tomorrow. I still can't get over all the stuff I have. My room looks like it exploded. Luckily, my roomie will be out at a formal dance of some sort until late, so I've got time to have the room be a mess. Let's hope her date keeps her out until the wee hours of the morning. This way she will sleep really late in the morning and give you the quiet you need to finish your paper.
  13. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Wonderful news! Good luck on your psych film paper. I'm sure you will do great on it. Yeah for visiting Phil.
  14. *looks at the magnificent craftsmanship* These are truly a work of art! They look like they will be perfect! How much additional do I owe you? actually, the wad of cash you handed over at the outset covered it. You mentioned having a further project in the works? Glad to hear I don't owe you any additional. Yes, I am collecting the drawings for you as we speak. It is a secret project so you will get the drawings when they are complete.
  15. Plus what... fifteen dollars shipping? I wouldn't buy it there. Too many counterfeits. Anything i've bought on eBay overseas ended up the wrong item, broken, or counterfeit. And they wont pay shipping to have it returned. Nor will they speak proper english. yeah I dont buy things overseas no more. Unfortunately a large number of ebay sellers are buying that junk and selling it as 'the real thing' to unsuspecting buyers. I won't buy anything on ebay that I cannot totally authenticate. *~*The Grand Illusion*!~*The Final Cut*~* I typically check with the Starmen crew before buying 'Authentic' merchandise from eBay. Starmen is an Mother fan-site, and they have a list of Mother-related auctions up daily, and trust me-they're VERY, VERY good with finding out if it's the real thing. The Feedback helps, too. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Glad you have a place to check on these buyers. Actually feedback as it is now is a farce. The seller does not leave feedback for the buyer, instead waits for the buyer to leave feedback first. If the buyer is unhappy and wants to leave negative feedback he won't do this because then the seller will leave negative feedback in return. So therefore, neither one leaves feedback. Beginning the end of June, sellers will not be allowed to leave negative feedback for buyers. Buyers will be allowed to leave negative feedback for sellers. That makes the system much fairer.
  16. Plus what... fifteen dollars shipping? I wouldn't buy it there. Too many counterfeits. Anything i've bought on eBay overseas ended up the wrong item, broken, or counterfeit. And they wont pay shipping to have it returned. Nor will they speak proper english. yeah I dont buy things overseas no more. Unfortunately a large number of ebay sellers are buying that junk and selling it as 'the real thing' to unsuspecting buyers. I won't buy anything on ebay that I cannot totally authenticate.
  17. Plus what... fifteen dollars shipping? I wouldn't buy it there. Too many counterfeits.
  18. Horatio

    My place. :)

    It is! Who knows? Maybe I can even get a job as a forest ranger during the summers when I'm a teacher too. Kinda funny, Phil was just saying something today about going hiking this summer. Apparently someone gave him a book about the 51 best trails in CT or something like that, so we'll have to check that out. I also got some good news about my room situation. My parents decided (by which I mean came to their senses) that it would be silly to move me into Jenny's room when Jenny's not even going to be home for most of the summer, and I am. So she's at home now to clean out her room, and move some of her stuff into my room. Dad says that since it's warm out now, Jenny will probably sleep on the day bed on the front porch (which is screened in) until she goes to camp, and I get to stay in my room. I'm just going to have to move things to fit both of our stuff in there. And then we're going to have to work something out for the winter vacation next year, but that's a ways off. I also told Dad about the attic idea, and he responded with, "Do you have any idea how hot the attic gets?" LOL He also said something about the attic being only 3'-4' tall, so there's really no space up there (not like I need it, I'm only 5'1" and I'd probably just be sleeping/sitting up there anyways). I might mention the idea again once we're home as a possibility for the winter, because then the heat wouldn't really be a problem. Okay, back to working on fixing my paper (they want me to cite sources for ideas I came up with on my own, and make my paragraphs more concise despite the fact that I'm already under the minimum page requirement). Glad to hear your room situation is working out more to your liking. The summer forest ranger idea seems like a really great one. It would be nice if you could manage to work the summers in the forest and teach in the winters. As for the paper... sources for ideas. Where do teachers think up these things? LOL I can understand why they want sources, but some of the stuff is really common knowledge, and some of it is just my own reasoning, that I based off of my own logic and reasoning instead of taking it from someone else (apparently students aren't capable of independent thought?). But whatever. It's done now, and I'm going to sleep. Hope you had a great night's sleep. lol I slept well, but not nearly for long enough. Today I get to spend most of my free time studying for my developmental psych final tomorrow (which should just be like the regular tests which I did well on, plus some questions from past tests). And tomorrow I get to write my psych film paper. Saturday will be lots of packing, Sunday is choir concert and my parents taking home most of my stuff. Lots of craziness. Good luck on your test. When I read about the psych film paper... Alfred Hitchock's "The Birds" came to mind. A little off track, but well, what can I say. It seems like all you do is pack, unpack, pack, unpack. I'm not even involved and the packing/unpacking is wearing me out. So I can only imagine how you feel. Haha I know. I'm getting quite good at packing and unpacking. Just think... you have a couple more years of this.
  19. *looks at the magnificent craftsmanship* These are truly a work of art! They look like they will be perfect! How much additional do I owe you?
  20. Horatio

    My place. :)

    It is! Who knows? Maybe I can even get a job as a forest ranger during the summers when I'm a teacher too. Kinda funny, Phil was just saying something today about going hiking this summer. Apparently someone gave him a book about the 51 best trails in CT or something like that, so we'll have to check that out. I also got some good news about my room situation. My parents decided (by which I mean came to their senses) that it would be silly to move me into Jenny's room when Jenny's not even going to be home for most of the summer, and I am. So she's at home now to clean out her room, and move some of her stuff into my room. Dad says that since it's warm out now, Jenny will probably sleep on the day bed on the front porch (which is screened in) until she goes to camp, and I get to stay in my room. I'm just going to have to move things to fit both of our stuff in there. And then we're going to have to work something out for the winter vacation next year, but that's a ways off. I also told Dad about the attic idea, and he responded with, "Do you have any idea how hot the attic gets?" LOL He also said something about the attic being only 3'-4' tall, so there's really no space up there (not like I need it, I'm only 5'1" and I'd probably just be sleeping/sitting up there anyways). I might mention the idea again once we're home as a possibility for the winter, because then the heat wouldn't really be a problem. Okay, back to working on fixing my paper (they want me to cite sources for ideas I came up with on my own, and make my paragraphs more concise despite the fact that I'm already under the minimum page requirement). Glad to hear your room situation is working out more to your liking. The summer forest ranger idea seems like a really great one. It would be nice if you could manage to work the summers in the forest and teach in the winters. As for the paper... sources for ideas. Where do teachers think up these things? LOL I can understand why they want sources, but some of the stuff is really common knowledge, and some of it is just my own reasoning, that I based off of my own logic and reasoning instead of taking it from someone else (apparently students aren't capable of independent thought?). But whatever. It's done now, and I'm going to sleep. Hope you had a great night's sleep. lol I slept well, but not nearly for long enough. Today I get to spend most of my free time studying for my developmental psych final tomorrow (which should just be like the regular tests which I did well on, plus some questions from past tests). And tomorrow I get to write my psych film paper. Saturday will be lots of packing, Sunday is choir concert and my parents taking home most of my stuff. Lots of craziness. Good luck on your test. When I read about the psych film paper... Alfred Hitchock's "The Birds" came to mind. A little off track, but well, what can I say. It seems like all you do is pack, unpack, pack, unpack. I'm not even involved and the packing/unpacking is wearing me out. So I can only imagine how you feel.
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