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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. I didn't want to add any users for a reason, because then everyone would want to be on there. Ooops. *is Hoops biggest fan*
  2. We can fix that! *applies for the position of campaign hamster*
  3. *wonders if Lexxscrapham has lost his marbles* yes, there's the whole mass murder/suicide thing... But before that, he seemed to be doing pretty good. I have a bunch of pretty jackets in a variety of colours. They have these wonderful wrap-around arms.
  4. Sorry I did not get these up earlier. The boards have been acting up and I thought people were arriving and leaving without posting.
  5. The boards are acting so strange. When I moderate they show posts to be moderated on the very first page, well, for some reason, they were not showing up. So, I would see people appear and think that they did not post! When I went looking for you, then I saw you had posted. HampsterKing will need to fix this!
  6. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I think you have been talking to Phil too much. There is a little bit of him coming through in your writing. This is a great way to end the semester and start the summer!!! After you study, please go to Warm Wishes and look at the important topic. Thanks! How did I miss that? I use firefox, so it's even underlined in red. >_ My studying was a lot easier than I expected, and my packing is done. So I go home tomorrow after my exam. It came up quick. Very quick!!! Good luck on your exam, although I know you don't need it.
  7. I'm sorry it's not a mac, but you did get a new laptop! Congratulations!!!!! Please go to Warm Wishes and read and sign up if you want your posts to appear immediately without moderation. If so, then read the rules, simple, and let me know you agree. Thanks!
  8. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I think you have been talking to Phil too much. There is a little bit of him coming through in your writing. This is a great way to end the semester and start the summer!!! After you study, please go to Warm Wishes and look at the important topic. Thanks!
  9. You will be fine. Just no 'f' word references, hints or suggestions; or the 's' word.
  11. Please go to Warm Wishes, I have a very important topic for everyone to read. Thanks. Horatio
  12. HampsterKing has decided to try something and needs everyone's help. HampsterKing believes that everyone who has been posting here for quite some time, deserve to have your privileges upgraded. This improvement would mean that you can post and have your post appear immediately. You would no longer be waiting on a moderator. For this to work, we need to have everyone agree to some simple rules; - no inappropriate language, - no personal information and - no links. If we can all abide by these rules, I think this would work for everyone and make this a great improvement to a site we all love. We will be making a list of all those who wish to be included, so please send me your name. Thanks. Horatio
  13. Some of your poems may be sad, but look at country music. There is a zillion of those songs that are all about sadness and heartache and they sell millions. Another wonderful poem!
  14. Yeah, pretty much. Your heart seemed to be smiling throughout that poem. Yeah. I think Phil probably makes me happier than any other person. I had my webcam on last night because I was doing work and couldn't really IM him so much. But he doesn't have a webcam. So I can see him, but he can't see me, so we still have the text box open to talk. And every once in awhile he would see that I was frustrated with my work, and would say something just to make me laugh. At one point in time, he said, "SMILE MOAR!!!!! " Too bad Christmas isn't coming, you could work to get Phil a webcam. The nice thing is that they are built into the Mac. I think Phil will probably buy one sometime this summer. You can get them for about $20, so it's not too expensive. My roomie's computer has a webcam built into it. Actually, that's why I have a webcam. When she got her new computer, she didn't need her old one (which plugs into a USB port), so she gave it to me. Very cool!!!!!
  15. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Yeah for a great day! Congratulations on the award! You must have been quite happy. The concert was a success not only for your singing, but your father showing up not one second too late! Phil must be thrilled with the webcam. That sure makes things nice. Overall... an A+ day, I would say. With the exception of the paper writing until 4am, it was a good day. And I am quite happy with the award. I generally try to put forth my best effort, so it's nice to see someone recognize that once in awhile. Today after I posted my message here, I went and dropped off my paper at my professor's office, and then came back here and slept for another three hours. And now, I get to enjoy a day free from work! WOOHOO!!! What a wonderful feeling that must be!!!!!!
  16. Haha. I would totally eat at that picnic table too. There was a sign that I wanted to take a picture of, and somehow it didn't turn out... "Beach closed due to flooding." Ummmmm, I thought you went to the beach to go swimming. That's better than the sign in the desert that reminded travelers of the sand. Now that's a good one!
  17. Yeah, pretty much. Your heart seemed to be smiling throughout that poem. Yeah. I think Phil probably makes me happier than any other person. I had my webcam on last night because I was doing work and couldn't really IM him so much. But he doesn't have a webcam. So I can see him, but he can't see me, so we still have the text box open to talk. And every once in awhile he would see that I was frustrated with my work, and would say something just to make me laugh. At one point in time, he said, "SMILE MOAR!!!!! " Too bad Christmas isn't coming, you could work to get Phil a webcam. The nice thing is that they are built into the Mac.
  18. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Yeah for a great day! Congratulations on the award! You must have been quite happy. The concert was a success not only for your singing, but your father showing up not one second too late! Phil must be thrilled with the webcam. That sure makes things nice. Overall... an A+ day, I would say.
  19. I can't decide either. One thing I do know, is whichever way you have it end, it will be fantastic!!! Sorry that I am of no help.
  20. :blink: Oh my! The entire length of a male hamster is only about four inches.
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