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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. [ Arkcher!!!! Thank you!!! This is spectacular!!! ]
  2. No, no, no... rants are good. I liked reading your rant, because I think you have a definite point. Yeah, I think everyone hates those tests. We have to pass them to graduate now too. The nice thing about taking them sophomore year is you get three chances to pass it. Although the test was really easy for me. My friend and I kept finishing early, so one day I brought in a bunch of glitter gel and when we were finished, basically covered him in it while we waited for everyone else to finish. How to make a fun time out of a torture event! I like your thinking!
  3. I know. >_ My bike gets 78 miles to a gallon. my shoes get waaay more than that, assuming i get breaks Now this is great mileage!!!!!! Orders two pairs of Mushroom_king's shoes (one for the front and one for the back).
  4. I know. >_ My bike gets 78 miles to a gallon. My car only gets about 20. It isn't great, but it could be wors.e Ouch! 20? That would kill me.
  5. I know. >_ My bike gets 78 miles to a gallon. That's awesome! My car gets close to 30 I think. Or at least it used to. Since the check engine light went on, it seems to be going through gas faster. We figure one of the sensors in the engine probably got crudded up, so the car isn't running as efficiently as it should. I guess your father is going to be doing a little mechanic work before you head back to school.
  6. No, no, no... rants are good. I liked reading your rant, because I think you have a definite point.
  7. Good luck on all your finals/exams/tests everyone!!!!!
  8. SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, SPAM. *puts a viking hat on Horatio* Huzzah! *looks in the mirror admiring the superb viking hat* Thank you!
  9. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I bet if you had eleven items, you would have put one back on the shelf.
  10. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Yep. I heard thunder and looked at the radar and was like, "Oh look, giant band of pretty colors is about to go omnomnom to our state." The red band of doom almost completely covered us up When does this end? We almost lost power at some points but we never completely did. Phew... Just wait until the red becomes magenta!
  11. [ Thanks for comtinuing!!!!! This is fantastic!!!!! ]
  12. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I feel so sorry for you How do you pay attention in those conditions? This is why I'm very glad college lets out in May. I didn't I basically fell asleep. 7th period I had a math test, and it was so hot. At one point it seemed like it jumped 20 degrees in a minute. My Spanish and English finals went well. On English I messed up the questions on Julius Caesar, because I read the like, er, modern english translation version instead of the real one and there were a lot of quote identifications, and I didn't know those. And Spanish I forgot to study the body parts, but other than those two, I think I did fairly well. Hopefully there weren't too many questions Julius and the body parts, so your grades won't suffer too much. You should get extra credit for taking tests in the heat.
  13. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    ...I hate those red spots.
  14. lol I sent the poem to Phil in a facebook message (usually I post these in notes for all to see, but I didn't want people harassing me about it). And when we were on maplestory I told him I wrote a poem and sent it to him on facebook. So he said something like, "o.o *goes to look*" and I told him that it was short. After reading it, he came back and said, "short, sweet, and to the point Nice response!
  15. You took a really fantastic picture. Phil looks great. Thanks. lol looking back on the day and the pictures is kinda funny now. I'm pretty sure Phil has wanted to kiss me for awhile, and in a lot of the pictures I have, the expression on his face just seems to say, "Will you just stop taking pictures and kiss me already?" or "I want to kiss you but I'm not quite sure how to go about it or if you feel the same way." I pick choice one.
  16. You could, but also consider the types of CDs seventeen is likely to send you. *shudders* Hmmm...I could ask for specifics, but I have doubts that Seventeen would have heard of Pink Floyd and Wolfmother. :/ If they haven't heard of Pink Floyd, they've been living in a cave. Even I know about Pink Floyd, and that's saying something. I thought E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E had heard of Pink Floyd!
  17. You took a really fantastic picture. Phil looks great.
  18. Horatio

    My place. :)

    They sent us home from school early because of the heat. ~Liz Wow. On the news tonight they were saying extreme heat warnings and early dismissals around here too. o.o Tomorrow Phil is hopefully going to come over, and there will be swimming, because it's supposed to be 91 degrees tomorrow. You northern guys are such wimps... we have mid-to-high ninety temperatures all summer long. It was 107 with the heat index Monday. We were one of the only schools in the area that was not sent home. And we do not even have air conditioning. It was a nightmare. Whoa... that must have been awful. How did your finals go?
  19. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Outstanding!!! Now that you are awake and well rested... how about a summary? LOL Oh yes. It was fun times. We took the minivan, because although my car probably would have made it up there and back with no troubles, I would just worry about it, and I'm pretty sure the check engine light makes Phil nervous. We got there early, so parking wasn't a problem (I HATE parking the minivan), and we got through lines quickly because it was a weekday and it wasn't super-crowded. Phil likes all the big roller coasters like I do, so we went on those (including superman, which Phil used to not like because the last time he went on it, his mom had a panic attack on the way up and tried to jump out. But now Phil likes superman because it's an awesome roller coaster). And we spent a lot of time in the water park (half of which was closed for some odd reason, but it was still lots of fun). We also finally kissed for the first time. (which is kind of interesting, because on Wednesday morning (which happened to be two months from when he asked me out), I had a dream that I kissed him.) When we were done with 6 Flags for the day, we went to blockbuster so Phil could say hi to his mom (she works there), and to the grocery store so he could get his work schedule for the week, and then we went back to his house and had Italian ice and watched a movie (The Bucket List, awesome movie) with his grandmother and sister. And then he walked me out to the car, and the sky was gorgeous with the stars, and a few clouds lit up by the moon. Life is good!!!!!! :wub:
  20. SWEET! Can I come? Sure. I'm getting a second bike. We'll have to work it in before you go back to school. What charity do you think we should ride for? lol I was just playing around about my joining you, I've got way too much going on right now. Although I'd love to do something similar at some point in my life or another. A charity.....possible ideas include scholarship funds, research funds, how about the make-a-wish foundation? They're pretty awesome. Ohhhhhhhh. This won't happen too soon as I need to do some preparation and planning. The Make-A-Wish Foundation is a group I really like, I was also thinking of the March of Dimes. March of Dimes is another really good one. I'm trying to think of other good ones, but I'm drawing a blank. We have time.
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