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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Thought you might like a picture taken out my window when we were heading south from Seattle to Burbank. Sorry about the time and date, but I had forgotten to remove it before I took the picture and the scenery was passing by too fast to remove it. Here is a couple pictures of Burbank, California airport, taken from the ramp.
  2. D= D= D= D= D= D= D= D= D= D= D= D= NO, I DIDN'T D: It was really great! I was thinking of you while watching it. If you look at the PBS schedule, I believe it will be on again.
  3. Just finished listening to David Gilmour at Royal Albert Hall. It was really great. Where are you Mushroom_king? Did you watch PBS? Did you see this?
  4. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    The Salutatorian is usually the second highest student in the graduating class. It was based on GPA, but now is sometimes extended to include extracurricular activities as well. The Salutatorian usually makes the opening speech and the Valedictorian makes the farewell speech. Never have I heard of two Valedictorians or two Salutatorians. The boy with the parents in the school system is in for a rude awakening when he gets to college. He won't have his connections to push around the deserving party when he just doesn't cross the finish line first. My heart goes out to the girl who should have been awarded the honour by herself.
  5. Hm, that's different than what my teacher said. :wacko: That's too hard to think about.
  6. I know. >_ My bike gets 78 miles to a gallon. My car only gets about 20. It isn't great, but it could be wors.e Ouch! 20? That would kill me. Thankfully I don't have my liscense yet, so I don't drive it much. I need to find a job before I get a different one. This car was my grandpa's, so my grandma still has it under her name, so the insurance is nearly half of what it would have been for me, so that's a definite plus. Oh, OK. I have another friend who has a car but not a license yet. I want my dad's car, he has a honda CR-V. Not the new one or the old one, the middle one. lol I've driven both my dad's and my mom's (honda accord) cars, and I like my dad's better. ~Liz I want my dad's BMW 5something. But that will never happen. It's a nice dream. Mhmmm. He barely lets me drive their new Odyssey, so those BMW dreams will remain that, dreams. Just for now.
  7. Welcome back!!!! Please go to the Warm Wishes forum and read the topic called IMPORTANT, EVERYONE PLEASE READ. After you read the first post, then make a post agreeing to the terms and you will be approved for your posts to go up immediately. All the rules apply like before. Thanks and welcome back. Horatio, are you messing with my head? You quoted a post that isn't here. ~Liz Ooops. I thought I had approved that one. You do not miss anything. Oh, I probably miss a lot of things...but this is one I happened to notice! ~Liz *covers Doglover in hamster-cage shavings*
  8. ...Heehee. To me, that's somewhat ironic. 'Course, nobody else will get how. Anyway. Sure thing, Horatio. C: Thank you so very much.
  9. Welcome back!!!! Please go to the Warm Wishes forum and read the topic called IMPORTANT, EVERYONE PLEASE READ. After you read the first post, then make a post agreeing to the terms and you will be approved for your posts to go up immediately. All the rules apply like before. Thanks and welcome back. Horatio, are you messing with my head? You quoted a post that isn't here. ~Liz Ooops. I thought I had approved that one. You do not miss anything.
  10. *sees Jesse glomping and joins in with a group glomp*
  11. I know. >_ My bike gets 78 miles to a gallon. My car only gets about 20. It isn't great, but it could be wors.e Ouch! 20? That would kill me. Thankfully I don't have my liscense yet, so I don't drive it much. I need to find a job before I get a different one. This car was my grandpa's, so my grandma still has it under her name, so the insurance is nearly half of what it would have been for me, so that's a definite plus. Oh, OK. I have another friend who has a car but not a license yet. I want my dad's car, he has a honda CR-V. Not the new one or the old one, the middle one. lol I've driven both my dad's and my mom's (honda accord) cars, and I like my dad's better. ~Liz I want my dad's BMW 5something. But that will never happen. It's a nice dream.
  12. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Too bad Phil couldn't come with you. Then you wouldn't miss him so much over the weekend. I told him he could come, and he said he would, but he has work this weekend, otherwise he would go "in a heartbeat" I think is what he said.
  13. Yeppers. I've decided. I'm going to start a new HD story thingo. C: OKAY. I am only going to include only nine members in this story. Besides me. Why? 'Cause I say so. Now to become part of the story, you have to choose one of the faces. o: Yes, I know that they're all girls. It doesn't mean only girls can be in my story thingo. It's just that... I'm using the faces to decide what roles people play. So you decide which face is your favourite and choose it, and that'll decide where you are in my story and what you do and stuff. First come, best dressed. Now go, choose your weaponface. - Glowurm top right. ~Liz Okay, so you're the pink girl. Hmm, that seems to fit. I wonder who'll take middle left and bottom right, now. - Glowurm OMGLIEKF4REELz BOTTOM MIDDLE wait, what's this mess for? I have some she-characters written up you could use, if you run out of ideas. This mess is to decide what part you guizes (geysers?) will play in my story. o: So like, I've decided what role each face corresponds to, and I've already got relationships between characters sorted out and everything. I don't know what's going to happen yet, all I know is who's who. Or, I will know who's who when all the roles are filled. I may offer more roles later on, though, 'cause I'm special like that. And thanks for the offer, but I'll be using you, the Arkcher-man, yourself. Your she-characters can go off and do... she-things. C: - Glowurm And MK? Nice choice, if I do say so myself. ;] May I please have the dark-haired one on the middle of the left row.
  14. Welcome back!!!! Please go to the Warm Wishes forum and read the topic called IMPORTANT, EVERYONE PLEASE READ. After you read the first post, then make a post agreeing to the terms and you will be approved for your posts to go up immediately. All the rules apply like before. Thanks and welcome back.
  15. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Too bad Phil couldn't come with you. Then you wouldn't miss him so much over the weekend.
  16. MR. MOOSEY!!!!!!!!!!!!! So glad to see you again!!!!!!!! Please go to Warm Wishes and read the topic called IMPORTANT, EVERYONE PLEASE READ. Then please make a post saying you agree to the terms. When you do this, you posts will be visible immediately. All the same rules apply.
  17. If you go to Warm Wishes, look for the topic that says IMPORTANT EVERYONE PLEASE READ, then write a post and agree to the terms, you will be permitted to have your posts appear immediately. All the rules still apply.
  18. i don't anymore...i used to lip balm is awesome. i wear strawberry chapstick ~Liz Me too. I don't have the time or patience for makeup. Yeah, too much of a hassle. And I think I have enough self-esteem to believe I look OK without makeup. ~Liz If you have the self-esteem to go without it, then in the long run, you will be so much better off. I absolutely guarantee this. Chapstick instead of lipstick is a much better choice.
  19. WHAT???????? If you turn 18, you don't need a permit to learn how to drive?
  20. i don't anymore...i used to lip balm is awesome. i wear strawberry chapstick ~Liz Me too. I don't have the time or patience for makeup. Make-up... over-rated and a huge waste of money. It's big business trying to suck in people using their insecurities. Very, very sad.
  21. I have to admit, it's a tough call. Boyfriend or suspenders. ~Liz Not only do I have cool suspenders, but I have video games. Oh, and science. yay science! my chemistry regents was yesterday ~Liz Phew! You must be so very happy that is over.
  22. I know. >_ My bike gets 78 miles to a gallon. my shoes get waaay more than that, assuming i get breaks Now this is great mileage!!!!!! Orders two pairs of Mushroom_king's shoes (one for the front and one for the back). For your free gift would you like Rainbow or Tape Measure suspenders? The Rainbow suspenders would be wonderful. alright then. Your package should come in OVER NINE THOUSAAAND hours. I can wait.
  23. I know. >_ My bike gets 78 miles to a gallon. That's awesome! My car gets close to 30 I think. Or at least it used to. Since the check engine light went on, it seems to be going through gas faster. We figure one of the sensors in the engine probably got crudded up, so the car isn't running as efficiently as it should. I guess your father is going to be doing a little mechanic work before you head back to school. Oh that's a given. Hopefully sometime like this week Dad's going to look at a few things and replace the spark plugs, and at some point this summer the engine needs to come apart. Not fun, but you have to do what you have to do. Only if you have talent. There are some of us who should never be permitted to pick up a tool.
  24. I know. >_ My bike gets 78 miles to a gallon. my shoes get waaay more than that, assuming i get breaks Now this is great mileage!!!!!! Orders two pairs of Mushroom_king's shoes (one for the front and one for the back). For your free gift would you like Rainbow or Tape Measure suspenders? The Rainbow suspenders would be wonderful.
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