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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. I saw it, it was funny. I saw WallE tonight, it was cute. I saw it with 4 kids ages ranging from about 4-8...so that was interesting...LOL The parents were in the row ahead, so I got to entertain/etc. LOL ~Liz I heard it was a great movie.
  2. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Friendly's... I wish there were more of them in Florida. Martha's Vineyard... I love that place. I've never been there. Luckily Phil got his new phone Friday night, so we were able to text each other a bit. I asked him how Martha's Vineyard was, and he said, "Hot, and you're not here." I already miss him a lot, this week is going to drag on forever. Seeing my family was fun, but exhausting. Yesterday after everyone was gone, we got some more work done on the shower, and today we hit some crazy traffic coming home. I also got stung by a yellow jacket or some equally unpleasant relative this morning because dad wanted me to put the hose in the pool so we could put more water in it. I'm not going back out there until he takes care of the nest. So now I'm just in a really bad mood. Hope you get in a better mood soon.
  3. How great. The front row must have been phenomenal! Get those pictures up!!!!! Whoo Hoo!!!!
  4. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Friendly's... I wish there were more of them in Florida. Martha's Vineyard... I love that place.
  5. That's a great pic!!! I really like that one. Here's an awesomer pic. Yesh, that was my birthday cake Now that's one awesome cake!!!!!!!!!!
  6. That's a great pic!!! I really like that one.
  7. I think children of homosexual couples would have an advantage in some ways. They would grow up already knowing how important it is not to discriminate against different types of people, and knowing how any person is capable of giving love to others. Great point. Unfortunately people don't want to understand and learn tolerance. They are too busy trying to correct how other people live their lives. There are probably many times when you all have heard me use the phrase 'tolerance for others'. If we only could try this, the world would be a much better place.
  8. Horatio

    My place. :)

    *ohhhhhhhh, I seeeeeeeeeee* Do you really intend to work? LOL
  9. *can't react because I have keeled over with all four paws in the air... devastated!*
  10. W-H-A-T ? ! ? ! ? ! ? You never sent me the email to contribute ??????? *falls over with all four paws in the air, completely devastated*
  11. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Grrrrrrrrrr... I don't like tailgaters. People who tailgate are down right dangerous. For all their stupidity... they never get anywhere. Usually when people tailgate me I'll tap my breaks so they back off, but I couldn't even do that without the truck hitting me. but yeah, I could understand it if my moving over would allow the truck to move faster, but we were passing everyone to our right, and the car in front of me was going the same speed as me. So it wasn't like I could even do anything that would let him move faster. Stupid people. OH EM GEE! I'm probz going to Six Flags Thursday. Maybe I will run into you! =P Depends on which 6 Flags you're going to. I assume the closest one to both of us. There's usually a trip for the Altar servers at my church to 6 flags, but it didn't happen this year. i think it would have been today, but I have a spanish regents, so i would't have been able to go. ~Liz Good luck on your Spanish regents.
  12. i would like to participate in the fast post no mod ness... but wont that put horatio outta a job?! NOOOOOOOO!!!! Not quite yet. I still read every post. Now I am just modding the newbies. oh good i was worried for a second there... Only a second?
  13. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Grrrrrrrrrr... I don't like tailgaters. People who tailgate are down right dangerous. For all their stupidity... they never get anywhere. Usually when people tailgate me I'll tap my breaks so they back off, but I couldn't even do that without the truck hitting me. but yeah, I could understand it if my moving over would allow the truck to move faster, but we were passing everyone to our right, and the car in front of me was going the same speed as me. So it wasn't like I could even do anything that would let him move faster. Stupid people. Here is the trick... turn your lights on and then off. This will simulate your brakes and when someone is tailgating, they don't usually think about the fact that you might be turning on your lights... they just react. Their reaction is that of putting on their brakes. It really works well. Have fun a 6 Flags! Maybe you will see TBFOF!
  14. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Grrrrrrrrrr... I don't like tailgaters. People who tailgate are down right dangerous. For all their stupidity... they never get anywhere.
  15. i would like to participate in the fast post no mod ness... but wont that put horatio outta a job?! NOOOOOOOO!!!! Not quite yet. I still read every post. Now I am just modding the newbies.
  16. Of course... we are so happy to see you have returned!
  17. If Obama picked Clinton, he would never be President. Willy and his wife would always be trying to be in charge. Plus there are many people who do not want to see the Clintons back in office and would vote Republican just to keep them out.
  18. Exactly when the topic starts to get interesting.
  19. Thanks! I thought of you when I took the pictures of Burbank Airport.
  20. Least crowded until we get a good post. Have you visited my topic lately? There are a couple pictures you might like to see. About four or more posts from the end of the topic.
  21. You know you're a 'true Floridian' when: 1.. Socks are only for bowling. 2.. You never use an umbrella because you know the rain will be over in five minutes. 3.. A good parking place has nothing to do with distance from the store, but everything to do with shade. 4.. Your winter coat is made of denim. 5.. You can tell the difference between fire ant bites and mosquito bites. 6.. You're younger than thirty but some of your friends are over 65. 7.. Anything under 70 is chilly. 8.. You've driven through Yeehaw Junction. 9.. You could swim before you could read. 10.. You have to drive north to get to The South. 11.. You know that no other grocery store can compare to Publix. 12.. Every other house in your neighborhood had blue roofs in 2004-2005. 13.. You've gotten out of school early on Halloween to trick or treat before it got dark 14.. You know that anything under a Category 3 just isn't worth waking up for. 15.. You dread love bug season. 16.. You are on a first name basis with the Hurricane list. They aren't Hurricane Charley, Hurricane Frances...but Charley , Frances, Ivan and Jeanne. 17.. You know what a snowbird is and when they'll leave. 18.. You think a six-foot alligator is actually pretty average. 19.. You were 12 before you ever saw snow, or you still haven't. 20.. 'Down South' means Key West 21.. You think New York drivers licenses should only be valid in New York . 22.. Flip-flops are everyday wear. 23.. Shoes are for business meetings and church, 24.. but you HAVE worn flip flops to church before. 25.. Sweet tea can be served at any meal. 26.. An alligator once walked through your neighborhood. 27.. You smirk when a game show's 'Grand Prize' is a trip or cruise to Florida 28.. You measure distance in minutes . 29.. You have a drawer full of bathing suits, and one sweatshirt. 30.. You get annoyed at the tourists who feed seagulls. 31.. A mountain is any hill 100 feet above sea l evel. 32.. You think everyone from a bigger city has a northern accent. 33.. You know the four seasons really are: hurricane season, love bug season, tourist season and summer 34.. It's not soda, cola, or pop. It's coke, regardless of brand or flavor: 'What kinda coke you want?' 35.. Anything under 95 is just warm. 36.. You've hosted a hurricane party. 37.. You go to a theme park for an afternoon, and know when to get on the best rides (Space Mountain during the Electric Light Parade!). 38.. You understand the futility of exterminating cockroaches. 39.. You can pronounce Okeechobee, Kissimmee , Ichnatucknee and Withlacoochee 40.. You understand why it's better to have a friend with a boat than to own a boat yourself. 41.. Bumper stickers on the pickup in front of you include: various fish, NRA, NASCAR, Go Gators, and a confederate flag. 42.. You were five before you realized they made houses without pools. 43.. You were 25 when you first met someone who couldn't swim. 44.. You've worn shorts and used the A/C on Christmas. 45.. You recognize Miami-Dade as ' Northern Cuba '. 46.. You not only forward this joke to your friends but you understand it.
  22. Awwwwwwesome! What does it say on the last picture, under FedEx, about time. Express is written under the FedEx and under the cockpit window is The World On Time. Glad you like them. My camera is only a little Nikon CoolPix and pretty old, so there are some pictures that really don't come out well. This coming week, I will see if I can take some more.
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