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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I know you are excited about tomorrow!
  2. "This suspense is terrible. I hope it will last." One step closer! "I can resist everything except temptation." Two steps closer!
  3. Thank you! Yeah, but you wouldn't want to go swimming at Sand Beach in the first one. The ocean is about 50 something degrees F...quite numbing!! Sorry I forgot to pack you! LOL ~Liz I don't know about Hunter, but more and more ski resorts are opening year round for people to hike, mountain bike, etc. They have found lots of people will visit in the warm weather.
  4. Go to Glowurm's story and about post #184 you will need to pic a face. Please read through the posts that follow the pic as there are only four faces left to choose from. This will get you included in Glowurm's story. Here is the link: (Glowurm's story in HampsterDance.) http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/index.p...4261&st=180 Please pick it before you go away. Thanks!!!!!
  5. [ Please continue... this is a great story! ]
  6. We'll be here. Where are you going on holiday?
  7. Hope you have a great time on holiday. Please post pics if you get the chance. At least we got to see the rays of your sunshine before you went away! Thanks, we do appreciate you stopping by. Hope everything gets straightened out with the family. That can make life tough. We're thinking of you.
  8. Things are fine here. The important question is... how are you? We miss when you aren't around. You need to visit more often.
  9. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Yeah, the weekends thing gets me nuts. My parents harass me about getting a job, but they also generally want me at camp on the weekends to help with stuff and so I can see mom. But no one hires people that can't do weekends. So they need to pick one. I'm staying home this weekend though. And Phil has off on Saturday. So, the rest of today. We came up with the plan of Michy and Robin getting Phil and then coming over to my house to hang out, and then going to the movies and dinner. Swimming, of course would be involved with that, but the pool needed to be vacuumed, so dad showed me how to do that when he was home at lunch, and then went back to work. I got the house reasonably cleaned up and then went back to work on the pool, but couldn't get the vacuum to work without sucking air through the pump (which is bad), so I gave up on it and tossed the pool vacuum over the side of the pool. Well, remember that yellow jacket nest I discovered last week? Totally not gone. Luckily I was far enough away when I noticed them flying around to be able to get away unharmed. Eventually, I managed to empty a can and a half of wasp killer on the nest, and then proceeded to squash it and knock most of it down with the end of the pool vacuum (it's on a reeeeeeally long pole). I win. When everyone got to my house, we played Mario Kart for awhile (Phil brought his wii), and then went swimming (no bug problems, so I guess I did a good job). After that we went to the theater to see "Wanted," which was pretty interesting, and rather entertaining. After the movie, we got dinner at Denny's (which I actually managed to finish this time around. Granted it was two pancakes, but I ate both of them. I think the trick is to not pay attention to the fact that I'm eating ), and then headed back to my house, where we played brawl for awhile. And then they all had to leave, because Phil had to get home by roughly 11:30 because he has work at 7am tomorrow. Overall, it was a pretty fun day. Oh, and I finally got maplestory to work! Phil will be happy to hear that. The next time your father mentions getting a job, be nice, but say that most employers want you to work weekends and it is hard finding a place with weekends off. Does he have any suggestions? Place the who thing back in his lap. By the way... I do believe if you read the wasp/bee killing spray can, it probably will tell you to spray the nest during the evening, night through early morning. The reason for this is so that you do not get stung.
  10. Drama... unfortunately I can't agree with Jesusfreak. Even in adult work situations... it still exists. I just try and steer clear of it all. Less stress.
  11. Hmmmmm. Sounds like a plan... you could have an argument over. Let me know how it works out.
  12. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!! Those pics are sooooooo beautiful. The very first one is where I would love to live. What a view and how magnificent. You must have had a spectacular holiday! Weren't you supposed to take me?
  13. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Not cheesy... but nice words to hear! (Rodentia do love cheese, in any form.) Good luck on the potential job in the store. As for the hotel... not working weekends makes them limited in trying to hire you. Sorry that happened.
  14. Supremely superb pics!!!!!! Especially the last one where the mushroom looks like it has a worm that is of chameleon talents and blends in. What do you think? You deserve The Black Bat Award for these pics and you posted them in the best topic for them... even if they aren't portobellos.!
  15. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Looks like you were the ray of sunshine in Phil's day. It is always good to have the day end better than it started. Thought I would let you know that I am hanging out in Newark at the moment, so I am pretty close to you. Well... much closer than when I am in Florida.
  16. WOW !!!!!!!! How fortunate you are!
  17. This one is stalking my cage. He says he is a friend of Mushroom_king, so I am trying to get him to go back and visit her. He body is 30 centimeters long and his fangs are 2.5 centimeters. (30 centimeters = approximately 12 inches and 2.5 centimeters = approximately one inch) He eats mice. Sooooooooooo, I am much fluffier, cuter and smaller than one of his dinner mice. (Images shown in this post are much SMALLER than IRL.)
  18. Thanks! The problem is that some people idealize love, and get crazy ideas about love, relationships, and people that aren't true all the time, and then find themselves let down. Or they end up in a relationship with someone that's not right for them because they're more in love with the idea of love than with the person they're supposedly in love with. And then they expect everything to be like a fairy tale. And life (love included) is not like a fairy tale. Eventually, there will be disagreements and confusion and hard times. People who idealize love have a hard time when those things happen, and the really disillusioned ones might even end the relationship over something stupid (If I recall correctly, Phil's ex ended their relationship over something stupid, like him not wanting to go home for the weekend (which, given the rules his grandparents give him, you can't really blame him for), and the way he found out is that her facebook relationship status was changed to "single" ). People who are more realistic know it's part of life and deal with it. At the moment, my relationship with Phil is perfect, outside of not being able to see him as often as I would like (but like I said, we deal with it). There's some confusion, but it's never a big deal, and it's mostly my brain getting carried away with itself, and that doesn't really happen so much anymore. And we have yet to have an argument. The only things I can really think of that we don't agree on involve food (he likes spicy food and I don't, and he likes ketchup but not tomatoes, whereas I like tomatoes but not ketchup) It's almost creepy how much we don't disagree on things. But, our relationship is still young (It'll be 3 months on Friday), and I know that things happen. Obviously I don't hope anything bad will happen, but I know these things are part of life, and won't be shocked and horrified when they do. lol wall of text. You are so right. Then there are the females that view the male and see 'how they can make him perfect, if they just change a couple things'. What????? This is the most ridiculous pattern of thought. Then they wonder why neither of them is ever happy. Sounds like Phil's girlfriend made such a big mistake and things worked out for the best for both of you. If and when you have a disagreement, I am certain it will be nothing major and you both with work it out.
  19. Being in love with love is not a bad thing, it just makes love even better. Great poem!
  20. There are a few telephone numbers you can call. If you have trouble finding the information, you know how to contact me and I will give you some toll-free phone numbers. You can always ask a teacher you trust or a guidance counselor, they should also have those phone numbers.
  21. Horatio

    My place. :)

    *thinks Jesusfreak is very, very lucky* *agrees* Being able to hang out with him online again is nice too (we play on maplestory, where you have a character and go around doing quests and beating up assorted monster things and chat with people. It's kinda cool because you can see each others' characters, and you have a set of facial expressions you can use, so it gives the person you're talking to a bit more of a physical presence the biggest downside is their ridiculous curse filter that takes out words like spoon, cucumber, and pigs; not bad words, and sometimes the names of items that are actually in the game ). I missed him soooooooooo much when he was at martha's vineyard. Which is really saying something, because I rarely really miss people. :wub: :wub:
  22. What about that spider? I ran over him with my motorcycle.
  23. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Positive exposure is probably the best way to get over irrational fears. O RLY !?!?!?!?! YA RLY!!!! a fear of spiders is irrational. I can understand a fear of the pain from being bit by a spider, but not a fear of spiders themselves. (I think that the only true rational fears are pain and death) No, no, no, no, nooooooooooooo. A fear of spiders is totally a way of life. It is commonly known as spiderobia. Not arachnaphobia as you might believe but spiderobia. This is where those eight-legged creatures, search out fuzzy, cute, blonde male hamsters and want to eat them alive. So, contrary to popular belief, this is not irrational, but a known fact and therefore accepted as real. Pain... that hurts and death, who knows, as most people only experience it once and don't live to talk about it.
  24. I wish. He pretty much never gets weekends off. :closedeyes: Although I think he's going to try and request a weekend off so he can come up to camp, and we can go to the ren faire and the giant mall that's nearby and all that fun stuff. That will be a weekend you can look forward to.
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