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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. The guy seems to need some help himself. I forgot that I was supposed to say what I was doing before I got on the internet... riding my motorcycle. ahhh your so lucky you have a motorcycle... it's totally not fair but yeah the guy had like 5 little greasy strings of bangs in front of his face that went down to his lips, which were pierced like 5 times... attractive guy Imagine his girlfriend.
  2. The guy seems to need some help himself. I forgot that I was supposed to say what I was doing before I got on the internet... riding my motorcycle.
  3. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    He appeared, didn't post in his topic, , then disappeared again. Come back here Jesse, we miss you! Hi, well there isn't much to report on with me. I've just kind of lazing about the house for the remainder of my vacation. Take pictures. We looooooovvvvvvvvvveeeeee pictures. We could see a picture of your log, perhaps covered with moss in the forest. Are there any mushrooms near your log?
  4. Whoo Hoo !!!!!!!!! That's a great sight!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Woodwind. Dolls or stuffed animals? Stuffed animals. Dirt or Mud? Dirt texts or IMs? Text... definitely text. Motorcycles or scooters? (And you all better answer this one correctly! ) Hmmmm... scooters? Elton John or John Lennon (don't worry about my opinion, just give yours...lol) ~Liz SCOOTERS?????????????????? WRONG ANSWER!!!!!!! *faints and can't answer Liz*
  6. Taking a sand bath. Then having another cup of coffee.
  7. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    He appeared, didn't post in his topic, , then disappeared again. Come back here Jesse, we miss you!
  8. Woodwind. Dolls or stuffed animals? Stuffed animals. Dirt or Mud? Dirt texts or IMs? Text... definitely text. Motorcycles or scooters? (And you all better answer this one correctly! )
  9. I didn't get that impression at all. Rather it seems that McCain is relatively quiet at this point. I mean, he's giving lectures in grocery stores while Obama's overseas, so guess who gets more media attention? But I have not forgotten that McCain will still get lots of support. And people seem to view him as somewhat moderate, so that might pull more independents in. I'm not really sure what to expect, but at least I get to vote for the first time! Don't forget it was McCain that suggested, about one week prior, that Obama go to Europe and the Middle East.
  10. Just keep posting and this will happen sooner than you think.
  11. Woodwind. Dolls or stuffed animals? Stuffed animals. Dirt or Mud?
  12. Hamster Luver!!!! We have missed you sooooooo much!!! Life is really hard at times and you have friends here. *gives Hamster Luver a giant hamster bear hug* I'm sorry that you are going through all this and know that it will get better, but it hard for you to see the positive future. If you feel you want to post more about what is happening in your life, feel free. Also, go to the Warm Wishes topic and read the first post in the topic IMPORTANT TOPIC, EVERYONE PLEASE READ. If you agree to the terms, please make a post and let us know, so that your posts can appear immediately without moderation. Talk to us... we are here for you. Horatio
  13. Great pictures!!! Thank you for posting them. I wish that we had a way to post videos! I am going to ask Hamspterking. Did you try and post it? No, I didn't try. ~Liz I'll try one.
  14. I agree. The randomness and topic hijacking are so much fun.
  15. Flying from Memphis to Florida, then driving home.
  16. Space based solar panels? Hugely fantastic idea and will be the future of energy production - when they finally can develop the technology at reasonable prices. With the cost of space travel and the high maintenance of these panels, we won't see them until beyond 2050 which is largely seen as the "watershed" for having lowered carbon emissions beyond 80% in the developed world. To clarify about the microwaves - there is an issue with safety, but some proposals make allowances for the microwaves being less concentrated, so would reduce any damage in the (unlikely, but still probable) event of the satellites shifting out of geostationary orbit and transmitting down outside of the target area. By the by, I don't suppose any of you who support the Iraq War have read the United Nations Charter recently? Or the Russell-Einstein manifesto? "Here, then, is the problem which we present to you, stark and dreadful and inescapable: Shall we put an end to the human race; or shall mankind renounce war?" Also, hello all! I see you've decided to skip the whole "election" business and just gone to assume Barack Obama is the President now? You have been missed. Please don't stay away so long. What did you think of Obama's speech in Berlin? No comment??????? :blink: What do you think of T. Boone Pickens plan?????? Obama: no comment Picken's plan: thumbs up all the way, i went to website and read about it. vurrrrryy cool! Great to hear you checked it out. I am really excited about what one person can do to change the world.
  17. Welcome back!!! You were missed. Glad to know that you had a great time. Sore muscles, those will disappear soon.
  18. Horatio

    My place. :)

    And laundry takes a long, long time.
  19. Space based solar panels? Hugely fantastic idea and will be the future of energy production - when they finally can develop the technology at reasonable prices. With the cost of space travel and the high maintenance of these panels, we won't see them until beyond 2050 which is largely seen as the "watershed" for having lowered carbon emissions beyond 80% in the developed world. To clarify about the microwaves - there is an issue with safety, but some proposals make allowances for the microwaves being less concentrated, so would reduce any damage in the (unlikely, but still probable) event of the satellites shifting out of geostationary orbit and transmitting down outside of the target area. By the by, I don't suppose any of you who support the Iraq War have read the United Nations Charter recently? Or the Russell-Einstein manifesto? "Here, then, is the problem which we present to you, stark and dreadful and inescapable: Shall we put an end to the human race; or shall mankind renounce war?" Also, hello all! I see you've decided to skip the whole "election" business and just gone to assume Barack Obama is the President now? You have been missed. Please don't stay away so long. What did you think of Obama's speech in Berlin? No comment??????? :blink: What do you think of T. Boone Pickens plan??????
  20. Granted, but the mosquitos will be the size of pelicans. I wish that I could stay young. Cool. XD Granted, but no one will believe you're over 18. I wish rain didn't make driving so annoying. Granted, but you still have to deal with people who can't drive. I wish school wasn't boring. Granted, but it's only less boring due to an increase in senseless drama and work difficulty. I wish it didn't take so long to do laundry.... Granted, but laundry will be eliminated and you will wear disposable clothes. I wish that TBFOF had made sure when he granted my good motorcycle riding weather wish, he had made sure that it wasn't going to rain TODAY!!!!! (The three weeks of rain is supposed to start tomorrow. )
  21. That's great! Now I will be singing that song all day.
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