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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. I would suppose that means you keep about the same hair length, usually. My hair switches from long to short every couple of years. And yeah, JF, I get that, too. Is your hair also very thick? XD Yeah, my hair is insanely thick. Hm....I might have a good picture to explain it..... I put my hair in pigtails. Each half is about the size of one ponytail on a normal person. My hair is also pretty frizzy. My hair's been cut short a few times, which is nice because it's easier to manage, but it makes me look kinda like a boy (keep in mind that in addition to my lack of womanly figure, I don't wear makeup, don't have pierced ears, and often wear non-gender-specific clothes ). I'm so jealous of really thick hair. My fur is really, really, REALLY thin and one ponytail looks like I have a rat tail. If you live in Florida, you don't want hair like mine. It's nice in the winter, but it gets *really* hot in the summer. Oh yes I would. I would have the thickest, most fabulous braid in the world! Just think how cool that would look with a braid like yours hanging out the back of my helmet! Sweet!
  2. Granted, you are now well, but you will never get to take a sick day for the rest of your life. Put those tubes and toys baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk... pluuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeeeeeee. I wish that I could ride motorcycles all day long.
  3. So, it was fun, yes? Ohhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeessssssssssss! The night before, I was thinking... do I really want to ride all this way for breakfast when I could just ride locally. Well, I woke up five minutes prior to my alarm clock going off, and I decided to start riding and see how I felt. Well, it felt great to I was really happy that I went. Now this is what makes me unhappy... lol you and your tyres. I figured your bike was the yellow one, it's the only one with Florida plates. You are so sharp. *gives Jesusfreak a coupon for an all expenses paid romantic dinner for two* I didn't even notice that and I was riding with them. LOL I did know that two of the bikes were from Mississippi, but never noticed the others.
  4. Granted... except now you will have to respond to every wish he makes. To Mushroom_king... sure tiny animals like mice are permitted. I wish that someone would come and clean my cage for me.
  5. Banana!!!!! Hammerhead shark or Tiger shark? Hammerhead Shark. They have awesome-shaped heads. Text Smileys (like o_o) or Board smileys (like ) Board smilies! Dell or Gateway?
  6. Apparently many people have problems with this phone, but I never had any with mine. Neither did I, but I had Bell South/Cingular/AT&T. I went through four of five Razrs. They kept shutting down on me, or not charging, or constanly freezing. Same with my SLVR. What exactly do you do to them? Well, I lost one one RAZR, and my mom washed a SLVR, but I took good care of them other than that. I never really dropped them or anything. They just did it on their own. Washed a SLVR... ouch! Hopefully you will get a phone you like and one that doesn't break. I had horrible luck with Motorolas. After the SLVRs I got a Q9 which froze up constantly, so I took it back and decided, enough with Motorola. So I got the enV, then the Dare, which is growing on me. Had some kind on Motorola, which I can't remember and I really liked, then came the RAZR, which I liked as it did more things, now the iPhone, which I love. Hope the Dare works out for you. Probably just a matter of getting used to it.
  7. :blush: Unfortunately I have no comment on either.
  8. So, it was fun, yes? Ohhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeessssssssssss! The night before, I was thinking... do I really want to ride all this way for breakfast when I could just ride locally. Well, I woke up five minutes prior to my alarm clock going off, and I decided to start riding and see how I felt. Well, it felt great to I was really happy that I went. Now this is what makes me unhappy...
  9. thats burger-flippin sweet! i would kill an inanimate object for a motorcycle! or a Lamborghini... just incase anyone was wondering why i haven't been on every like 10 seconds im in texas i saw a john mayor concert last night! and we got VIP passes to this after party type thing and John Mayor didnt show up :'[ but Colbie Callait, who opened for john mayor, was there and she is the sweetest person in the universe and i got to see david ryan harris (he got us the VIP passes) who is john's guitarist and hes just super nice too OHHHH and John Mayor was SHIRTLESS THE ENTIRE CONCERT!!!! and his abs are smokin'! that man is fine Go for the motorcycle!!!! Way, way waaaaaaaaaaay cheaper. The good news is that you won't have to stop at every gas station you pass. Wave to Arkcher. He lives in Texas. Glad to hear you had a great time at the concert. Sorry to hear John Mayor didn't show up, but it sounds like you had a fun there as well.
  10. Banana!!!!! Hammerhead shark or Tiger shark?
  11. Apparently many people have problems with this phone, but I never had any with mine. Neither did I, but I had Bell South/Cingular/AT&T. I went through four of five Razrs. They kept shutting down on me, or not charging, or constanly freezing. Same with my SLVR. What exactly do you do to them? Well, I lost one one RAZR, and my mom washed a SLVR, but I took good care of them other than that. I never really dropped them or anything. They just did it on their own. Washed a SLVR... ouch! Hopefully you will get a phone you like and one that doesn't break.
  12. Left my cage about 04H00 and rode the bike about 250 miles to meet some people for breakfast. We rode another 30 plus miles and ended up in Captiva. Here is a picture of our bikes in front of the restaurant. The weather was beautiful, the restaurant was fantastic and we all enjoyed ourselves. After breakfast, we decided to go to the beach. Spent a little time there and decided it was time to part ways. A few people stayed at the beach, the other guys went on to the next eating event... lunch and I rode with them a while before heading back home. The ride home was going well until the skies opened up and this continued for almost 150 miles. The last 50 miles were sunny and I was able to dry out. Only 0.6 miles from my driveway, my back tyre went flat. The bike was too heavy for me to walk it uphill, so I had to ride it with the flat. How fortunate I was so close to my cage when the flat occurred, considering it was 20H21. After a hot sand shower, I ate some soup, a salad, and hopped on here. All in all today was spectacular!!! Oh... I forgot to say, my bike is the yellow one.
  13. Apparently many people have problems with this phone, but I never had any with mine. Neither did I, but I had Bell South/Cingular/AT&T. I went through four of five Razrs. They kept shutting down on me, or not charging, or constanly freezing. Same with my SLVR. :unsure: :unsure: What exactly do you do to them?
  14. major mansion! singing or dancing? Singing. This thing or that thing? Terribly difficult decision... This thing. Friday or Saturday? ~Liz Saturday. March or October? October, Halloween ftw Clear or Rainbow? Rainbow!!!!! Tulips or Daffodils?
  15. I was having so much fun with the granted part, that I totally forgot the wish part. Hope you enjoyed the hijack Jesse!
  16. Granted, your magazine will be delivered by 08H00 tomorrow morning. You will be the only one home when the FedEx courier lifts it out of the semi by forklift. and the magazine will weigh 15927 pounds, be 6 feet long by 6 feet wide and won't fit through any of your doors.
  17. Another great written piece... can't think of who. Perhaps after a cup of coffee.
  18. Reving an old topic.... yay gina! i also haven't seen her in ages. since like february i think. ~Liz You 'stumped' me with this revival. LOL... I was IMing her one time though, and she says she doesn't really like him that much anymore. LOL We've been wanting to get together for a sleepover and do a marathon of Beatles movies...Magical Mystery Tour, Help, Hard Days Night, Yellow Sub., Across The Universe (which she gave me for my birthday). I got Magical Mystery Tour a while ago but I said I would wait until we watched it together...so I still haven't seen it. Cuz like a while ago, She has the MMT Cd and I didn't, and she was going to let me borrow it, and then we both forgot...I eventually got it from the library at some later time. So yeah... ~Liz She can always change her user name to the new love of her life.
  19. 41 days. That doesn't seem possible, you would have to walk about 70 miles a day? Speed walker. I am guessing it would take you about 41 hours to drive. How does that sound?
  20. Granted, they will be even better than the GRRRRRREAT they are advertised, but you will have to eat them three times a day for the rest of your life. I wish that I could eat birthday cake for breakfast. Granted, but you won't be able to eat it on your birthday. I wish I could find my Super Nintendo. Granted, but you will find it in pieces, in a sewer. I wish I could travel back in time to 1963. And be the same age I am now. ~Liz Granted, but you will stay that age forever and never age. I wish that I would not forget things.
  21. major mansion! singing or dancing? Singing. This thing or that thing? Terribly difficult decision... This thing. Friday or Saturday? ~Liz Saturday. March or October?
  22. Granted, they will be even better than the GRRRRRREAT they are advertised, but you will have to eat them three times a day for the rest of your life. I wish that I could eat birthday cake for breakfast.
  23. I would suppose that means you keep about the same hair length, usually. My hair switches from long to short every couple of years. And yeah, JF, I get that, too. Is your hair also very thick? XD Yeah, my hair is insanely thick. Hm....I might have a good picture to explain it..... I put my hair in pigtails. Each half is about the size of one ponytail on a normal person. My hair is also pretty frizzy. My hair's been cut short a few times, which is nice because it's easier to manage, but it makes me look kinda like a boy (keep in mind that in addition to my lack of womanly figure, I don't wear makeup, don't have pierced ears, and often wear non-gender-specific clothes ). Heh, yeah, my idea of short is shoulder-length. My hair isn't that quite thick and frizzy, though it is pretty thick and sometimes gets frizzy. XD Most girls with really short hair look a bit boyish. Like, my friend Stacey was called sir! (and she has a pretty feminine figure) "Yeah, and apparently these MUST be fake!"-Stacey (as she blantantly points it out) "And of course you're talking about that fur on the jacket, right?"-Band director And wow, Horatio, your hair grows fast. Yeah... pretty fast. Only if I get the split ends trimmed. If I don't, it splits faster than it grows.
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