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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Horatio

    My place. :)

    The problem is that grandma can't be left alone. She's like a toddler you can't hire a sitter for. When they're home in CT, mom takes her out to the senior center, but stays with her. Yeah, I think that given the right tools and funding, dad can fix anything. However, we don't always have the right tools and funding. Phil never made it over here, but we'll see what happens when he gets out of work tomorrow. At the very least, I'll see him at the store, because we actually need stuff this time. The senior center here has lots of extra staff so that the people with various stages of dementia are watched closely. Plus they have so many activities, people are entertained and distracted. Your mother really needs to have a break. The stress must be very hard on her. Funding... that is always a drawback. LOL I think you will always 'need' something from the grocery store. LOL The problem is that grandma is one of those stubborn types who most likely won't listen to anyone she doesn't know. The stress is getting to be difficult for mom, and her 5 brothers are usually not much help. The ones who want to help can't, and the ones who can help don't want to. :closedeyes: If things get too hard, we'll have to put grandma in a nursing home. Yeah, funding is probably the #1 reason so many projects remain uncompleted. #2 is probably time. Well yes, but this time I have a shopping list with more than three things on it. Actually, I figure it counts as "we need stuff" if I can't go through express checkout. I hope dad left me his debit card like he was supposed to. Actually, I really ought to move the money back into my account from all the times I got groceries with my own card because dad forgot to give me his. I'm probably missing close to $100 by now. My heart goes out to your mother. She is such a wonderful person to do what she is doing. Being a 24 hour care-giver is so hard. Here is how things go for me... when I have time, I have no money and when I have money, I have no time. That's a good way to view if you really need stuff... if you can't go through the express checkout. Although, I would be careful about the $100 that you're missing. Do you pay rent? As you are not working, may I might suggest being very diplomatic. I just talked to mom, she said she'll probably be coming back home with grandma after next weekend because it's too hard to take care of her up at camp. That's exactly how it works for us too. Although we also have the problem of good weather for construction projects being the same as good weather for flying. I don't pay rent, but it's well-established that my parents pay for groceries (not like I eat much anyways lol). I just moved the money over a little while ago and let mom know. She sounded happy to not have to deal with it. My parents regularly joke about how great it is that Phil works at the grocery store because I'm always willing to get groceries for them. I'm sorry to hear she has to come back early, but I do understand her predicament. Speaking of construction... in Florida when it is good weather for construction workers to be working, then the fish are biting or the surf is up. When it is raining and no construction can be accomplished, then those same guys are home recovering from too many days off. It's always great to have someone to send on errands. Feel like driving to Florida or Tennessee... I could always use someone to run to the pet store for me.
  2. *had a difficult time getting up at 9am* Welcome to the afternoon. I'm still used to the college time zone. Why change in the summer when you just have to revert in the fall. LOL
  3. Banana!!!!! Hammerhead shark or Tiger shark? Hammerhead Shark. They have awesome-shaped heads. Text Smileys (like o_o) or Board smileys (like ) Board smilies! Dell or Gateway? In the interest of this topic not dying, I arbitrarily pick Dell. Lava lamps or fiber optic lamps? (I would have said Neither. LOL) Lava lamps. Sunrises or sunsets?
  4. We'll be here. Where are you going on holiday? I went to Florida. and then when I came back, we went to Texas, to see my brother graduate from BMT (basic military training) He's crossed over into the blue. (air force) Where in Florida did you go? Anywhere near where my cage is located?
  5. WEll I went away, but still had a chance to pick. : D Great! Thanks!!!
  6. Horatio

    My place. :)

    The problem is that grandma can't be left alone. She's like a toddler you can't hire a sitter for. When they're home in CT, mom takes her out to the senior center, but stays with her. Yeah, I think that given the right tools and funding, dad can fix anything. However, we don't always have the right tools and funding. Phil never made it over here, but we'll see what happens when he gets out of work tomorrow. At the very least, I'll see him at the store, because we actually need stuff this time. The senior center here has lots of extra staff so that the people with various stages of dementia are watched closely. Plus they have so many activities, people are entertained and distracted. Your mother really needs to have a break. The stress must be very hard on her. Funding... that is always a drawback. LOL I think you will always 'need' something from the grocery store. LOL The problem is that grandma is one of those stubborn types who most likely won't listen to anyone she doesn't know. The stress is getting to be difficult for mom, and her 5 brothers are usually not much help. The ones who want to help can't, and the ones who can help don't want to. :closedeyes: If things get too hard, we'll have to put grandma in a nursing home. Yeah, funding is probably the #1 reason so many projects remain uncompleted. #2 is probably time. Well yes, but this time I have a shopping list with more than three things on it. Actually, I figure it counts as "we need stuff" if I can't go through express checkout. I hope dad left me his debit card like he was supposed to. Actually, I really ought to move the money back into my account from all the times I got groceries with my own card because dad forgot to give me his. I'm probably missing close to $100 by now. My heart goes out to your mother. She is such a wonderful person to do what she is doing. Being a 24 hour care-giver is so hard. Here is how things go for me... when I have time, I have no money and when I have money, I have no time. That's a good way to view if you really need stuff... if you can't go through the express checkout. Although, I would be careful about the $100 that you're missing. Do you pay rent? As you are not working, may I might suggest being very diplomatic.
  7. *had a difficult time getting up at 9am* Welcome to the afternoon.
  8. Granted, but every other animal who also likes trees is sharing it with you. I wish that I would not have to carry my bags up and down the airplane stairs. Granted, because airline regulations and restrictions have gotten even more ridiculous, and you can only take what you can hold in your hands and pockets, no bags allowed. I wish getting up in the morning was easier. Good thing I have the iPhone... I will still have internet access. Granted, but from now on you will get up every day at 02H00 and have to do farm chores (shovel manure, etc.) after a hearty breakfast.
  9. Horatio

    My place. :)

    The problem is that grandma can't be left alone. She's like a toddler you can't hire a sitter for. When they're home in CT, mom takes her out to the senior center, but stays with her. Yeah, I think that given the right tools and funding, dad can fix anything. However, we don't always have the right tools and funding. Phil never made it over here, but we'll see what happens when he gets out of work tomorrow. At the very least, I'll see him at the store, because we actually need stuff this time. The senior center here has lots of extra staff so that the people with various stages of dementia are watched closely. Plus they have so many activities, people are entertained and distracted. Your mother really needs to have a break. The stress must be very hard on her. Funding... that is always a drawback. LOL I think you will always 'need' something from the grocery store. LOL
  10. It's always nice to have a bit of entertainment.
  11. The scandal I considered a publicity stunt to keep her name in the tabloids.
  12. Well, it's 04H49, the recyclables are out and I am late going to a jog. Starting out late and I have so much to do.
  13. Granted, but every other animal who also likes trees is sharing it with you. I wish that I would not have to carry my bags up and down the airplane stairs.
  14. If I have nothing to do I hope on the motorcycle.
  15. Horatio

    My place. :)

    A good job while you are at home is to call around in your town and find if they have any programs for seniors in your grandmother's condition. Lots of times, they have painting classes, activities where they bring dogs and cats in and have musicians play, this is all for the care-giver to have a day off. The local YMCA is one of the places in my town who sponsors this and also the local senior center. As for your car... wonderful to know your father is so good with tools and has such a fantastic mechanical ability. Hope your car continues to improve. Now just to conquer the oil and compression problems. Hope you and Phil enjoyed the rest of the day.
  16. So, it was fun, yes? Ohhhhhhhhh yeeeeeeeessssssssssss! The night before, I was thinking... do I really want to ride all this way for breakfast when I could just ride locally. Well, I woke up five minutes prior to my alarm clock going off, and I decided to start riding and see how I felt. Well, it felt great to I was really happy that I went. Now this is what makes me unhappy... lol you and your tyres. I figured your bike was the yellow one, it's the only one with Florida plates. You are so sharp. *gives Jesusfreak a coupon for an all expenses paid romantic dinner for two* I didn't even notice that and I was riding with them. LOL I did know that two of the bikes were from Mississippi, but never noticed the others. Hahaha. LOL ooooh dinner. And I had problems posting too, as I'm sure you saw in my siggy. 'Twas probably for the best though, I was *really* tired and quite out of it. Posting when you are really, really tired makes for some of the funniest posts. I thought you might like the dinner.
  17. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Yeah. Eight or nine guys who think I'm a guy. Just wait until I show up. Hahaha excellent. I've had numerous occasions on the internet where people thought I was a guy When you use the screen name Horatio... it is almost a given that they won't thing anything else. When you first joined, I thought you were a guy too. I tried posting yesterday, but kept getting an error. Horatio IS a male, blonde, three and one-half year old hamster.
  18. Yesterday I had problems adding a post. Grrrrr. I hate when that happens.
  19. What amazes me are the number of people who buy those bizarre magazines at the supermarket checkout. The sell lots of them otherwise they would not still be in business. In fact, who buys People magazine? I won't even open a copy as I think it is a waste of my time.
  20. HAHA. Wow, I love this post so much. Anyways, right now I'm a bit on edge with Julian. We've fought, as expected. But to let go of him... well, he's become an excellent friend. As I review the relationship, it looks more and more like the times I'm happy it's been "thrill of the hunt" or momentary high hopes. Hormones... hmmmmm. Julian will be a thing of the past when you get to college. There the hunting ground expands.
  21. Dramatic?????????? Well, let's see, my hair is mid-back, so cutting to the shoulders would be dramatic enough... maybe a color too... XD I agree. But that would get your hair in shape with no split ends.
  22. Granted, but you have to clean the school bathrooms. *gives - Kat - a new shiny Claymore in appreciation* I wish the renovation on my cage would be complete.
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