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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I know your heart is happy! Oh my heart is all over the place. I was quite thrilled that I was able to spend time with him today, and he even got out of work two hours early. However, we're going to be apart soon, and I'm really not happy about that. Tonight I actually started crying when I told him I was going to miss him. He held me closer and told me a number of really sweet things, and then wiped away the tears. He really is such an amazing person, and I know he loves me and is going to miss me as much as I love and will miss him. And over four months later, that's still a novelty to me. God really has blessed me in all of this. It's going to be sooooo hard being away from him during the school year, but still totally worth it. Today Phil said something along the lines of, "I love you forever!" The word "forever" makes me happy, because it tells me that he takes this as seriously as I do. I think we're kind of at a point where we both know it's probably too soon, but we're pretty sure we want to be together forever. I can easily see myself marrying this man and spending the rest of my life with him. :wub: :wub: How nice to read your post. I hope you are inviting all of us to your wedding. LOL Haha If we get married, it won't be until I at least finish school in NJ. My trip to camp and back was more or less uneventful. Mom had me do some shopping because grandma's 75th birthday is tomorrow, and I helped dad a little bit by handing him stuff to fix the roof. My drive home was exhausting, since there was so much traffic. And this evening I'm going out to dinner with Phil and his family. He apparently knows he's going to dinner, but I don't know if he knows I'll be joining them lol. That will be a nice surprise.
  2. Horatio

    The Creamery

    Cool! Let me know how you like the forensic science course. I think that would be a fun course.
  3. You want the Cessna flight school. Give me the information in email and I will check them out for you. I forgot your email. PMAJR?@something.com pmajr@mac.com
  4. Like a hunk a swiss cheese... full of holes. Curly light brown hair... tall and slender.
  5. You want the Cessna flight school. Give me the information in email and I will check them out for you.
  6. You would have to take a look at just how much flight training costs. If you can get the military to pay for your flight training and any college, then this is the way to go. You have to go to college for four years, then try and find a small commuter airline to work for, then try and get hired by a major. This is the same time you could spend in the reserves plus a year or two. And after all is said and done, you don't owe any money. I'm definitely confused now. I didn't realize that it was so difficult to become a pilot. How long would I have to work for a small airline before moving up, approximately? Maybe it isn't the job for me. It is the job for you, but as in any job, you have to 'pay your dues' before getting to the prime job. You will make more money at FedEx or UPS in a shorter period of time than if you worked a desk job. For example, you could be hired at FedEx at age 23 if you had the required amount of pilot-in-command hours in a turbine aircraft. Now it comes down to money. If you have the money, then you can get the turbine time. If you don't have the money, then you can get the turbine time through a job at a commuter airline or in the reserves. The reserves are not a bad way to go. I know you don't care for the military, but it is pretty expensive to pay for it yourself. When you get the required pilot-in-command hours if you are in the reserves, then you can still apply for a job with FedEx, and work both until your commitment is fulfilled. Let me look into the reserves for you and let you know what they are asking for regarding a commitment. How much do you think it would probably cost in total if I were to pay myself. University and flight training... my guess would be over $100,000. Let me research this tomorrow. I know one flight school that charges $97,000 and there is no university courses involved. You need to get a four year degree. So, that is why I recommended a four year school that has an aviation program. This way you can get your degree and your flight training in one four year period. Now is when you have to start gaining hours. Whoa baby. Now as in, now now. Like. Soon now. Now was meant as in after you finished your flight training. But... if you have about $6,000, you can start now and get your private license at a local flight school. Then you can follow this up with your instrument rating, commercial license and multi-engine license. If you get these before you go to school, these would be worth some credits in your aviation degree. In civilian flying, you don't have the contacts you do in the military.
  7. You would have to take a look at just how much flight training costs. If you can get the military to pay for your flight training and any college, then this is the way to go. You have to go to college for four years, then try and find a small commuter airline to work for, then try and get hired by a major. This is the same time you could spend in the reserves plus a year or two. And after all is said and done, you don't owe any money. I'm definitely confused now. I didn't realize that it was so difficult to become a pilot. How long would I have to work for a small airline before moving up, approximately? Maybe it isn't the job for me. It is the job for you, but as in any job, you have to 'pay your dues' before getting to the prime job. You will make more money at FedEx or UPS in a shorter period of time than if you worked a desk job. For example, you could be hired at FedEx at age 23 if you had the required amount of pilot-in-command hours in a turbine aircraft. Now it comes down to money. If you have the money, then you can get the turbine time. If you don't have the money, then you can get the turbine time through a job at a commuter airline or in the reserves. The reserves are not a bad way to go. I know you don't care for the military, but it is pretty expensive to pay for it yourself. When you get the required pilot-in-command hours if you are in the reserves, then you can still apply for a job with FedEx, and work both until your commitment is fulfilled. Let me look into the reserves for you and let you know what they are asking for regarding a commitment. How much do you think it would probably cost in total if I were to pay myself. University and flight training... my guess would be over $100,000. Let me research this tomorrow. I know one flight school that charges $97,000 and there is no university courses involved. You need to get a four year degree. So, that is why I recommended a four year school that has an aviation program. This way you can get your degree and your flight training in one four year period. Now is when you have to start gaining hours.
  8. Not true. If you look at all the views, other people read your writings, they might not comment. lol this is a message board. id rather hear 'your writing is cliche and dumb' then silence. Sometimes your writing is very powerful and is hard for people to respond because you touch a nerve. wusses. lol im jk...kinda Not everyone is able to address their feelings. You have that ability not only to address them, but to write about them for others.
  9. You would have to take a look at just how much flight training costs. If you can get the military to pay for your flight training and any college, then this is the way to go. You have to go to college for four years, then try and find a small commuter airline to work for, then try and get hired by a major. This is the same time you could spend in the reserves plus a year or two. And after all is said and done, you don't owe any money. I'm definitely confused now. I didn't realize that it was so difficult to become a pilot. How long would I have to work for a small airline before moving up, approximately? Maybe it isn't the job for me. It is the job for you, but as in any job, you have to 'pay your dues' before getting to the prime job. You will make more money at FedEx or UPS in a shorter period of time than if you worked a desk job. For example, you could be hired at FedEx at age 23 if you had the required amount of pilot-in-command hours in a turbine aircraft. Now it comes down to money. If you have the money, then you can get the turbine time. If you don't have the money, then you can get the turbine time through a job at a commuter airline or in the reserves. The reserves are not a bad way to go. I know you don't care for the military, but it is pretty expensive to pay for it yourself. When you get the required pilot-in-command hours if you are in the reserves, then you can still apply for a job with FedEx, and work both until your commitment is fulfilled. Let me look into the reserves for you and let you know what they are asking for regarding a commitment.
  10. You would have to take a look at just how much flight training costs. If you can get the military to pay for your flight training and any college, then this is the way to go. You have to go to college for four years, then try and find a small commuter airline to work for, then try and get hired by a major. This is the same time you could spend in the reserves plus a year or two. And after all is said and done, you don't owe any money.
  11. Congratulations! Now for me to do a little catch-up. Today we arrived in Los Angeles around 05H00 and headed for the hotel. It is in Marina Del Rey. Very close to the water. Next time I will bring the camera, but for today, I walked for about 10 miles. Now back to bed for a little nap before we fly from Los Angeles to Newark. I am definitely becoming a pilot and you are hooking me up at FedEx! Tell me if you ever fly to New York! If you are serious, please let me know so I can help you with some guidance to say you from wasting years. I have flown in your area before, but not now. I would have to change airplanes. What I had originally put is not that close to me, so I didn't think it mattered. Sorry. I actually am considering it. It seems exciting to travel to all these amazing places. If you are considering it, now is the time for us to have a discussion about your options. You can either start a topic, we can do it here in my topic or we can do it privately. Whatever you think would be best. Right here is fine. Perhaps other people would be interested. Alrighty. Where should we begin? Begin by reminding me what grade you are in and then let me know if you are against joining the military. I am in 11th grade and would prefer to not join the military. Sorry for not getting back to you. I am in Vancouver and will fly to Memphis this evening. You should have a lengthy reply by tomorrow. If you join the reserves and specify that the only way you will join is if you fly, then the reserves (military) will pay for your flight training. If you want to go the college route, then you will have to pay for your flight training yourself and it is considerably harder although not impossible. You need to find a school that offers a degree in aviation so that you are able to do your flight training at the university. For example, University of North Dakota or Embry Riddle. There are lots others, but I just suggested those two for starters. It's alright, I just brought it back up incase you missed it. Which route did you take? Now with all the GPS systems in the airplanes, you take off and if traffic permits you get to go direct. So we took off, had a heading assigned of 110 degrees, then when we were turned over to the Seatlle controllers, they cleared us direct to a point just west of Memphis. Nice. LOL. I meant college or military. My trip thinking still had not stopped even though we had landed and parked the jet. My story was a bit different. My father taught me to fly before I could drive. We grew up with a couple airplanes in the family. Hmpfh. Well then. Plus my father owned an airport. Not a bad place to hang out. Well, that's totally not fair. True. If you have lots of money, then you can consider college. Personally, I would choose the reserves. You get flight training on multi-million dollar aircraft and you form bonds that open doors to airlines, with connections that get you in the door. Those friendships and connections are worth more than you can imagine.
  12. Congratulations! Now for me to do a little catch-up. Today we arrived in Los Angeles around 05H00 and headed for the hotel. It is in Marina Del Rey. Very close to the water. Next time I will bring the camera, but for today, I walked for about 10 miles. Now back to bed for a little nap before we fly from Los Angeles to Newark. I am definitely becoming a pilot and you are hooking me up at FedEx! Tell me if you ever fly to New York! If you are serious, please let me know so I can help you with some guidance to say you from wasting years. I have flown in your area before, but not now. I would have to change airplanes. What I had originally put is not that close to me, so I didn't think it mattered. Sorry. I actually am considering it. It seems exciting to travel to all these amazing places. If you are considering it, now is the time for us to have a discussion about your options. You can either start a topic, we can do it here in my topic or we can do it privately. Whatever you think would be best. Right here is fine. Perhaps other people would be interested. Alrighty. Where should we begin? Begin by reminding me what grade you are in and then let me know if you are against joining the military. I am in 11th grade and would prefer to not join the military. Sorry for not getting back to you. I am in Vancouver and will fly to Memphis this evening. You should have a lengthy reply by tomorrow. If you join the reserves and specify that the only way you will join is if you fly, then the reserves (military) will pay for your flight training. If you want to go the college route, then you will have to pay for your flight training yourself and it is considerably harder although not impossible. You need to find a school that offers a degree in aviation so that you are able to do your flight training at the university. For example, University of North Dakota or Embry Riddle. There are lots others, but I just suggested those two for starters. It's alright, I just brought it back up incase you missed it. Which route did you take? Now with all the GPS systems in the airplanes, you take off and if traffic permits you get to go direct. So we took off, had a heading assigned of 110 degrees, then when we were turned over to the Seatlle controllers, they cleared us direct to a point just west of Memphis. Nice. LOL. I meant college or military. My trip thinking still had not stopped even though we had landed and parked the jet. My story was a bit different. My father taught me to fly before I could drive. We grew up with a couple airplanes in the family. Hmpfh. Well then. Plus my father owned an airport. Not a bad place to hang out.
  13. Congratulations! Now for me to do a little catch-up. Today we arrived in Los Angeles around 05H00 and headed for the hotel. It is in Marina Del Rey. Very close to the water. Next time I will bring the camera, but for today, I walked for about 10 miles. Now back to bed for a little nap before we fly from Los Angeles to Newark. I am definitely becoming a pilot and you are hooking me up at FedEx! Tell me if you ever fly to New York! If you are serious, please let me know so I can help you with some guidance to say you from wasting years. I have flown in your area before, but not now. I would have to change airplanes. What I had originally put is not that close to me, so I didn't think it mattered. Sorry. I actually am considering it. It seems exciting to travel to all these amazing places. If you are considering it, now is the time for us to have a discussion about your options. You can either start a topic, we can do it here in my topic or we can do it privately. Whatever you think would be best. Right here is fine. Perhaps other people would be interested. Alrighty. Where should we begin? Begin by reminding me what grade you are in and then let me know if you are against joining the military. I am in 11th grade and would prefer to not join the military. Sorry for not getting back to you. I am in Vancouver and will fly to Memphis this evening. You should have a lengthy reply by tomorrow. If you join the reserves and specify that the only way you will join is if you fly, then the reserves (military) will pay for your flight training. If you want to go the college route, then you will have to pay for your flight training yourself and it is considerably harder although not impossible. You need to find a school that offers a degree in aviation so that you are able to do your flight training at the university. For example, University of North Dakota or Embry Riddle. There are lots others, but I just suggested those two for starters. It's alright, I just brought it back up incase you missed it. Which route did you take? Now with all the GPS systems in the airplanes, you take off and if traffic permits you get to go direct. So we took off, had a heading assigned of 110 degrees, then when we were turned over to the Seatlle controllers, they cleared us direct to a point just west of Memphis. Nice. LOL. I meant college or military. My trip thinking still had not stopped even though we had landed and parked the jet. My story was a bit different. My father taught me to fly before I could drive. We grew up with a couple airplanes in the family.
  14. I didn't think you liked this topic. If you want me to pin it, I certainly will.
  15. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I know your heart is happy! Oh my heart is all over the place. I was quite thrilled that I was able to spend time with him today, and he even got out of work two hours early. However, we're going to be apart soon, and I'm really not happy about that. Tonight I actually started crying when I told him I was going to miss him. He held me closer and told me a number of really sweet things, and then wiped away the tears. He really is such an amazing person, and I know he loves me and is going to miss me as much as I love and will miss him. And over four months later, that's still a novelty to me. God really has blessed me in all of this. It's going to be sooooo hard being away from him during the school year, but still totally worth it. Today Phil said something along the lines of, "I love you forever!" The word "forever" makes me happy, because it tells me that he takes this as seriously as I do. I think we're kind of at a point where we both know it's probably too soon, but we're pretty sure we want to be together forever. I can easily see myself marrying this man and spending the rest of my life with him. :wub: :wub: How nice to read your post. I hope you are inviting all of us to your wedding. LOL
  16. Horatio

    The Creamery

    *cough* Horatio... .. O RLY. LOL I just love that special button! Thanks! YA RLY! Well, not anymore, seems you fixed it. And you are most welcome. You also get a fish award for use of "O RLY." *throws the Fish Award over to - Kat -* Thanks, but I stole that from her so I have to give it to the rightful recipient.
  17. Congratulations! Now for me to do a little catch-up. Today we arrived in Los Angeles around 05H00 and headed for the hotel. It is in Marina Del Rey. Very close to the water. Next time I will bring the camera, but for today, I walked for about 10 miles. Now back to bed for a little nap before we fly from Los Angeles to Newark. I am definitely becoming a pilot and you are hooking me up at FedEx! Tell me if you ever fly to New York! If you are serious, please let me know so I can help you with some guidance to say you from wasting years. I have flown in your area before, but not now. I would have to change airplanes. What I had originally put is not that close to me, so I didn't think it mattered. Sorry. I actually am considering it. It seems exciting to travel to all these amazing places. If you are considering it, now is the time for us to have a discussion about your options. You can either start a topic, we can do it here in my topic or we can do it privately. Whatever you think would be best. Right here is fine. Perhaps other people would be interested. Alrighty. Where should we begin? Begin by reminding me what grade you are in and then let me know if you are against joining the military. I am in 11th grade and would prefer to not join the military. Sorry for not getting back to you. I am in Vancouver and will fly to Memphis this evening. You should have a lengthy reply by tomorrow. If you join the reserves and specify that the only way you will join is if you fly, then the reserves (military) will pay for your flight training. If you want to go the college route, then you will have to pay for your flight training yourself and it is considerably harder although not impossible. You need to find a school that offers a degree in aviation so that you are able to do your flight training at the university. For example, University of North Dakota or Embry Riddle. There are lots others, but I just suggested those two for starters. It's alright, I just brought it back up incase you missed it. Which route did you take? Now with all the GPS systems in the airplanes, you take off and if traffic permits you get to go direct. So we took off, had a heading assigned of 110 degrees, then when we were turned over to the Seatlle controllers, they cleared us direct to a point just west of Memphis. Nice.
  18. You are an extremely talented writer. Sometimes depression lessens when you express yourself in written forms. There are others who can see themselves in your writing.
  19. Congratulations! Now for me to do a little catch-up. Today we arrived in Los Angeles around 05H00 and headed for the hotel. It is in Marina Del Rey. Very close to the water. Next time I will bring the camera, but for today, I walked for about 10 miles. Now back to bed for a little nap before we fly from Los Angeles to Newark. I am definitely becoming a pilot and you are hooking me up at FedEx! Tell me if you ever fly to New York! If you are serious, please let me know so I can help you with some guidance to say you from wasting years. I have flown in your area before, but not now. I would have to change airplanes. What I had originally put is not that close to me, so I didn't think it mattered. Sorry. I actually am considering it. It seems exciting to travel to all these amazing places. If you are considering it, now is the time for us to have a discussion about your options. You can either start a topic, we can do it here in my topic or we can do it privately. Whatever you think would be best. Right here is fine. Perhaps other people would be interested. Alrighty. Where should we begin? Begin by reminding me what grade you are in and then let me know if you are against joining the military. I am in 11th grade and would prefer to not join the military. Sorry for not getting back to you. I am in Vancouver and will fly to Memphis this evening. You should have a lengthy reply by tomorrow. If you join the reserves and specify that the only way you will join is if you fly, then the reserves (military) will pay for your flight training. If you want to go the college route, then you will have to pay for your flight training yourself and it is considerably harder although not impossible. You need to find a school that offers a degree in aviation so that you are able to do your flight training at the university. For example, University of North Dakota or Embry Riddle. There are lots others, but I just suggested those two for starters.
  20. Sleep, sand shower, then fly from Vancouver to Memphis.
  21. Riding a bike around Vancouver. Pictures to be posted in my topic later.
  22. Horatio

    The Creamery

    *cough* Horatio... .. O RLY. LOL I just love that special button! Thanks!
  23. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I know your heart is happy!
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