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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. If anyone is reading this, please help by registering and voting every day until the end of July. Scott County Humane Society rescues dogs, cats and other animals from kill shelters. They do not kill any animal. This is a very small humane society, with very little extra funds. They need your help. Kuranda is a company that makes beds for dogs and other animals, and each month, they donate five beds to the winner of the vote. Right now, Scott County is in second place. They need these beds desperately. You can make sure they get five beds by voting and putting Scott County Humane Society in first place. Would you please help by voting for Sit A Spell every day until the end of July? I would appreciate your vote to help trying to win this contest. It ends in July, so please do not hesitate to vote. Please vote to day and every day. Here is the link: https://kuranda.com/blog/dog-of-the-month Thank you! Horatio
  2. The humidity is really high. Memphis is sticky. I have set up four bird baths, and the birds are pretty happy! The water sprinkler fills the bird baths every other night, so they are always full. It is not recycled water, but fresh water, so this makes the birds very excited to have a full place to play and fresh water to drink. My flowers are doing okay, at least they are watered.
  3. Yesterday as I was getting ready to put up Happy Fourth of July greetings, we had an enormous downpour. In fact, it rained almost all day. In the evening as people are thinking about heading out for fireworks, the sky cleared. This was terrific for all those people, like - Kat -, who can not exist without their pyrotechnic Fourth of July fix. The fireworks display went off, but alas, I stayed in. I had no desire to sit on wet ground, or stand on wet ground, to watch the display. Instead, I did my homework.
  4. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... do not stop now! I like this story. Please continue! This will be a very good and interesting story!
  5. Last night we had this ferocious thunderstorm with hail about the size of oversized golf balls. It sounded like rocks were hitting the roof.
  6. Back home and it is so nice to sleep in my own bed. Yes, this makes me very happy!!!
  7. Okay... enough of this online education. It seems that the harder I study, the slower I get. For example, we are only supposed to spend ten to fifteen hours a week on one particular course. Except the university has changed over the best, faster method of reading new discussion group posts, and placed this scrolly thread. The worst junk I have ever seen. It is so tedious to scroll through one hundred and fifty plus posts. That discussion group alone, takes hours. AND... you are supposed to read all of your classmates posts. GRRRRR. I just had to vent.
  8. It's monsoon time in Mumbai! Rain, rain and even more rain!
  9. Leguan, it is too late to still be hibernating for the winter!
  10. When I went back to Petco to let them know that I would take the little dwarf hamster if she was still there, the girl told me the real truth. She is a notorious for biting. When I said that did not matter to me, she was thrilled. There is not much chance that people will want to adopt a biting hamster, so it looks like I just might get her. Pictures to follow if she arrives home.
  11. Oh no... what happened to your car? What broke on it?
  12. That should happen in the USA. Except the opposite is true. Here, they may or may not oust the CEO with a golden parachute that most of can never comprehend. Vile. Now what I find very impressive, but you will hear little about, is the latest news regarding the CEO of Boxed. The CEO Chieh Huang, has guaranteed that every employee who has a child wishing to go to college, he will pay the entire four year tuition personally, not from the company. What an incredibly generous CEO!
  13. Eats Shoots and Leaves is a great book by Lynne Truss. She has also written another great book called, Talk to the Hand: The Utter Bloody Rudeness of the World Today, or Six Good Reasons to Stay Home and Bolt the Door. I do know of one of those inappropriate examples of the use of the comma. What I find totally frustrating is to be taking a university online course, and you will find people who use no commas whatsoever. Really? Do they think they are texting their assignments? Grrrrrrr.
  14. Ahhh, thanks. - Kat - shows up occasionally, along with a few others. Hit and miss. TBFOF has been keeping us updated with is world travels. I am getting ready to do a HampsterDance reunion. See who still has an active email and who's email has gone the way of the dinosaur. It would be nice to see who shows up. A cat in heat, lucky you. If she were mine, she would have already been to the veterinarian's office to be fixed. Last night there was some major cat fights. I looked this morning, just in case there were wounded kitty bodies. No blood, no bodies, so I hope the cats are okay.
  15. Good news that life is going okay. I will not start your day with a rant, I have already ranted enough on the Wally World topic. It is nice to hear that other aspects of your life are going well. How far along are you with your degree to become a teacher? I am taking some online college courses and I think going into a classroom is much easier than online. It seems like online, there is so much more work. Are your courses in a classroom or online? Time to run. I am behind in my homework.
  16. Oh, I am sorry to hear about Rocky. I do not do well with pets that pass away. No matter what kind of pet it is, I always cry. There were a few that I cried more than others, but for some reason, Hiero, was one I cried the most over. I was in India, and I knew the minute she passed away. It was daytime in the USA and I called my friend Neal, and told him that Hiero passed away. He went and checked and said verified my feeling. That was awful. She was almost five years old. When I went to the local Petco yesterday, I was being meal worms for our wild birds, the manager asked me if I wanted to adopt a dwarf hamster. Due to the fact that I am heading out of town, I had to say no, for now. When I return, I would love to adopt her. She is large, not your little Robo dwarf, and she is very sweet. At the moment, she is living in the back office of a Petco and they are mostly ignoring her. I know that I could give her a good home. Well, when I return, I will see if she is still there.
  17. Me three. I wish people would have updated their emails, then I could send a group message.
  18. I attempted to reply to you yesterday, and I was uploading a hibiscu_____ picture that was far too large. Later today I will attempt a smaller version. As for hibiscus, hibiscus, hibiscuses... you are the English language genius. I played violin for the school theatre in order to pass my English class. By the way, have you read the book, Eats Shoots and Leaves? Great book. It is about punctuation. What really is bothering me lately is the lack of the use of commas. For example, I am taking an online course and in the discussion group, a majority of people think that they are texting and that every character counts. When a comma is desperately needed, as the meaning of the sentence changes, the student does not use any. This means that you could take their sentence two ways. Aaaaaarrrrggggghhhhh!
  19. Googleomerate. Nice! For now, I am happy that you have updated your email. Yeah!!! What are you doing? How is life working at Wally World? Personally, I am appalled at the CEO's salary, of $19.3 million. Really? Then in Memphis, we have these insulting advertisements how they are raising the salaries of Walmart workers as they are such a valuable asset. Absolutely insulting and disgusting. Do they think the American people are stupid? When the CEO gives the same health care he has access to, to all the workers, even part-time, then I will change my mind. As for now, I would not step foot in a Walmart, even if I was starving and they had free food inside. My apologies for the rant, but I can not tolerate the management in that company and their business guidelines.
  20. We can change your profile for you. I do have that ability. When in doubt, I just email the tech support guys.
  21. Today was garden planting day. There are I found four bushes that attract butterflies. The garden should be a dinner feast for the butterflies and the bees. I look forward to posting pictures of my garden soon!
  22. Today I have lots of flower planting to do. Here are two of my hibiscus plants...
  23. Dear Im_soo_coool, Today is your birthday and we all are thinking of you for a very wonderful day! May this day bring you a terrific celebration of your birth, with many, many more to come. We have set up the table with the birthday cake, food, drinks and lots and lots of presents. And, as you know, we must sing the song... HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY DEAR IM_SOO_COOL, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! Please make a wish, blow out your candles and let us get this party started!!! Horatio
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