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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Nice!!!!!!!! You will love it. When you get it, please post a picture. Just promise me you will abide by this rule: ATGATT. (all the gear all the time)
  2. This is very exciting. To think that the Big Bang is going to be recreated... WOW!!! There are a number of experiments and I can only imagine how terrific it must be to be a scientist participating in these experiments.
  3. you missed multiple BSODs Yup. I missed a lot.
  4. Schimmi........... we have missed you!!!!!!! Here is a link. When you arrive next, go to the Warm Wishes forum, into the IMPORTANT TOPIC, EVERYONE PLEASE READ topic, and please agree to the terms in the first post. You will be approved for your posts to appear immediately. Hope you show back up. http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/index.php?showtopic=5277 In the meantime, please take a look at my topic... I have a second motorcycle and have taken some pictures on my ride yesterday. http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/index.p...222&st=6240 You have links to both places. Don't be gone so long!!!!!! We miss seeing you!!!!!! I have been watching the news about some North Dakota farmers having good fortune where they are drilling for oil on their land. That sure changes things for some of these people.
  5. well the usual reason is because your gorgeous maybe you aren't gorgeous, i'm not sure but maybe its your gorgeous personality! hahaha so, every dance at my school is sadie hawkins... because yeah its an all girls school... i mean theres a boys school but we only ride the bus with them and it only goes up to 6th grade and ive lost my point... oh right! so i accidentally invited my exboyfriend (he sorta invited himself) to senior slam which is a dance the seniors put on and then he invited me to homecoming at his school and its all a big mess he's been trying to get back together with me sense the day i broke up with him and i just want to be friends well, the good part of this lil problem is i have an adorable dress AND it was on sale for $75! Pretty dress, on sale... looks like you are a winner!!! that is true haha, and i'm going to make ty invite this girl i think he likes to homecoming, instead of me he's kindof a player and probably likes about 10 girls right now so im sure he can take any one of them besides me! lol That sounds like a great plan.
  6. Now, I couldn't make the ride complete without doing something stupid. We were filling our tanks and for some dumb reason, I forgot to close the tank cover and went to get on the bike. Well, my foot hit the cover and knocked it clean off, breaking it. AAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH! Here is my quick fix. Now, no ride is over until you have more food. So we stopped in at a BBQ place where I must say I had the most incredible ribs I have ever tasted. They come dry, but with not too much seasoning and you get to put on as much or as little sauce as you want. These were so good, I hardly used any sauce at all. PUI had a feast. We rode a little bit further up the road and my riding buddy had to turn off to head home and I continued on that road at arrived home about 21H30. It was just 30 minutes short of a twelve hour day. Must say, it was a fantastic day and I really enjoyed myself. Hope you like the pictures. Oh, I almost forgot... PUI is going with me to Spokane, Washington today. More pictures to follow if you liked these.
  7. One of the reasons I wanted to show the Pickwick Dam is because it is a clean form of energy. Hydroelectric. Anyway, we left and I tried to take a picture, while riding over the bridge of a ship in the lock. It was being lowered to the next level of the water. Here you see it after it just came in at the level of water on the other side of the dam and I was unable to take a picture of it after it was lowered. There was no place to stop on the dam. If you look closely to the water level in the lock with the ship, then look to the left, you will see the difference in water levels. It takes quite a bit of time to lower the ship to the other level. We continued on to the Shiloh National Military Park. This Civil War battlefield was very famous. There was an enormous loss of soldiers on both sides, I believe the worst in all of the war. They were fighting with cannons such as you will see. A couple pictures of one of the monuments When you look at the monument, you are unable to see the woman to the right. That is the reason I took a close-up of her. PUI is on another monument of cannonballs. Continued, please go to next post.
  8. Some of the story before the pictures... There is a group of people who ride motorcycles, and the group extends worldwide. So they decided to do something that would benefit a charity. They decided to try to make it worldwide and when I read what they were doing, I suggested that it might work better if we attempted it in the same manner as we do in the aviation world. So, PUI (said like pooey), was born. My contribution was that I bought the case and the journal to go with him. He is a wingless bird, the ostrich. So here are his pictures and a short note on the picture. Where we all first met. One guy had the bird and he was coming from Nashville. We were coming from Memphis and we met about half-way. Rode about 5 minutes and stopped for lunch. Here you see PUI with a plate of Mexican food. For some reason, this group of people love eating, and there are lots and lots of food pictures. We split up, and two guys headed over to a BMW Motorcycle Rally where they were camping, the other guy and I headed back the scenic route for Memphis. I had to be back to get ready to go to work today (Sunday). Our first stop was the Pickwick Dam. There are a couple pictures at the dam. The first is of one of the turbines that powers the dam, the second is an explanation of the turbine and then there are a couple pictures of the scenery. I will continue in the next post. Don't want to lose this because I have too many pictures.
  9. It is an awesome song. I have like 5 different versions on my iPod Let it be Let it be naked past masters vol. 2 anthology across the universe (movie) ~Liz hahaha i just realized that's awesome lol, i didnt like across the universe that much, i mean it was good but it wasn't the beatles now yellow submarine! that's a trip in a movie right there! Stellar song and movie!!!!!
  10. well the usual reason is because your gorgeous maybe you aren't gorgeous, i'm not sure but maybe its your gorgeous personality! hahaha so, every dance at my school is sadie hawkins... because yeah its an all girls school... i mean theres a boys school but we only ride the bus with them and it only goes up to 6th grade and ive lost my point... oh right! so i accidentally invited my exboyfriend (he sorta invited himself) to senior slam which is a dance the seniors put on and then he invited me to homecoming at his school and its all a big mess he's been trying to get back together with me sense the day i broke up with him and i just want to be friends well, the good part of this lil problem is i have an adorable dress AND it was on sale for $75! Pretty dress, on sale... looks like you are a winner!!!
  11. pick me! pick me! i wanna see pictures! *sees Wildcat's hand waving* Just for you... tomorrow morning I will post pictures. Thank you for asking.
  12. Unfortunately people will spend money to build a stadium that does them NO good. Here T. Boone Pickens is using his own money to put up the wind generators, the state of Texas is the one who will be laying the transmission lines. The people of Texas will be reaping the rewards of one man. A perfect example of how one person can change the world. That is true. In maryland, the money that the lottery brings in to the state goes to the state stadium fund, something that irks me greatly. We have enough stadiums, and if we really need to we can go out of state. There are much better things we could spend all that money on. A stadium???????????? You are killing me!!!!!!!!!!! What are these nitwit politicians thinking about? On that note... what do you think of Palin? Is she qualified to run the country if McCain was to pass away? I think she seems a bit radical to run a country where not everyone agrees. >.>; What scares me is the political system, mostly the voters. I am stunned that women voters will vote for someone because they are a woman and NOT because of the qualifications and goals they have for the country. I think I read in Time or something that she was in favor of banning books? Weird. ~Liz She used her position to ban books and when the librarian refused because the list of books was approved by a nationally, Palin then tried to get the librarian fired. It seems that if someone disagrees with her, then Palin feels a need to get that person fired from their job.
  13. Today I went riding for about three hundred miles on the bike. We visited a small town for lunch at a Mexican restaurant, then went on to the Pickwick Dam, followed by a visit to the Shiloh National Military Park and the last stop was at a BBQ place for dinner. Pictures to follow if anyone is interested.
  14. Unfortunately people will spend money to build a stadium that does them NO good. Here T. Boone Pickens is using his own money to put up the wind generators, the state of Texas is the one who will be laying the transmission lines. The people of Texas will be reaping the rewards of one man. A perfect example of how one person can change the world. That is true. In maryland, the money that the lottery brings in to the state goes to the state stadium fund, something that irks me greatly. We have enough stadiums, and if we really need to we can go out of state. There are much better things we could spend all that money on. A stadium???????????? You are killing me!!!!!!!!!!! What are these nitwit politicians thinking about? On that note... what do you think of Palin? Is she qualified to run the country if McCain was to pass away? I think she seems a bit radical to run a country where not everyone agrees. >.>; What scares me is the political system, mostly the voters. I am stunned that women voters will vote for someone because they are a woman and NOT because of the qualifications and goals they have for the country.
  15. I wish Cheesie would remember to make a wish.
  16. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I wholeheartedly agree with your idea!!! When we stay in hotels, it is amazing the amount of people who walk out of their doors and let them slam. If you are trying to sleep or relax, it grates on the nerves. If I could get away with putting up signs in the halls, I would. But certainly the hotel would have them torn down sooner than I posted them all. I did put up signs actually. And as far as I know they're still there. However, the door slamming has not stopped. We are the same when it comes to sounds... I get on edge with loud sudden noises, or continuous repetitive noises. Such as the case when we were in the Fort Lauderdale hotel... there were dualing jack hammers. Ooh, repetitive noises are up there with me too. Things like people tapping pens get me nuts. So, it's already Friday. Tomorrow morning is my Praxis II exam, which I think is going to be pretty easy. I went over the practice questions in the ebook I got, and got about 83% right, which isn't great, but not bad either. I don't even need to get a good score, I just need to pass the score for NJ (and CT too, if that's where I end up teaching). Then after the exam, I drive up to see Phil!!! I'll probably stop at home on the way up since I need to get some things from there anyways, and it's on the way. I'll be up there (and probably not posting much here) until Monday morning, when I return to NJ (my first class doesn't start until 1:10, so I can get away with that, although I'll have to leave at like 6am). I'm excited. However, this means I need to get Monday's homework done today, because I know I won't get it done over the weekend. Good luck tomorrow, although you don't need it. You'll do great! I know exactly how excited you must be with the thoughts of seeing Phil. Definitely get your homework finished tonight. Have fun. We'll miss you over the weekend, but we know you will be in good hands.
  17. Nice! Hope you have lots of fun!!! I'm going to get on my motorcycle and head to the market.
  18. Don't think too hard. I was sleeping all day long.
  19. LLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXYYYYYYYYYYYYY! How's life on the west coast? Tomorrow I am on my way out to Spokane. Almost to your neck of the woods.
  20. Please post a picture when it is finished. You deserve a round of applause for your baking skills. Glad to know they liked your choices. I will post a picture only if it looks successful. As soon as I get off the internet, I will be heading to the market.
  21. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I wholeheartedly agree with your idea!!! When we stay in hotels, it is amazing the amount of people who walk out of their doors and let them slam. If you are trying to sleep or relax, it grates on the nerves. If I could get away with putting up signs in the halls, I would. But certainly the hotel would have them torn down sooner than I posted them all. I did put up signs actually. And as far as I know they're still there. However, the door slamming has not stopped. We are the same when it comes to sounds... I get on edge with loud sudden noises, or continuous repetitive noises. Such as the case when we were in the Fort Lauderdale hotel... there were dualing jack hammers.
  22. Sharpieeeeeeeeees. Hey, give us something to choose from. Sure... Bagels or Bialys?
  23. Nope. Those look soooooooo good!!! *hands Leguan The Black Bat Award for excellence in baking* Thank you so very much for the recipe. I am going to try it today.
  24. Just wondering... is there a german translation for Horatio? If so, how would you spell it? Thanks.
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