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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. But who would evaluate what's a good reason and what's not? It's a good idea in theory, but way too subjective. Also, did anyone else see the Palin/Hilary SNL skit? Did you see the episode of The Colbert Report where they talked about McCain? I like Colbert, but somehow I missed that one.
  2. You need to go to the Warm Wishes forum and make the post please. This is required in order to have your posts appear immediately without moderation. Please do this as soon as possible. Click on the link: http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/index.php?showtopic=5277 Thank you. Horatio
  3. Plush Kirby... welcome back!!! Please go to the Warm Wishes forum and read the first post in the topic called IMPORTANT TOPIC - EVERYONE PLEASE READ. If you agree, please make a post and say so. This will allow you to have your posts appear immediately. Thank you and again, so nice to see you return. Horatio Yay! ^^ You need to go to the Warm Wishes forum and make the post please. This is required in order to have your posts appear immediately without moderation. Please do this as soon as possible. Click on the link: http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/index.php?showtopic=5277 Thank you. Horatio
  4. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I called home earlier today, but dad was visiting some friends in the hospital. Mom said she'd tell dad to call me when he got home, but he never called. In better news, I now have plans to bring Phil down here to NJ for a weekend, and we're gonna go to 6 Flags. Mom gave me the idea to see if I can get him take a bus into a city that would be on my way up to his college, which would effectively take out about 4 hours of driving time that day. He's a bit wary of taking the bus by himself though (he's never done it before), so I'm going to see if I can get my sister (who has done it before) to go with him (it would make the drive for mom to come get her for the weekend about 2 hours shorter in total). So that would be awesome, because it would make my driving time closer to 6 hours instead of 10 on the Friday. To drop him off back at his college, I plan to bring him back Sunday afternoon, stay there overnight, and come back here Monday morning like I did before. Oh also, you might be wondering why dad's friends are in the hospital. From what I gathered from what mom said, a bunch of them were going flying, and I guess two of them were in one airplane (presumably an ultralight), and I guess shortly after takeoff they lost the engine, or something. And instead of going straight back down to land, they thought they had enough air time to loop around first (which, had they had enough air time, would have been safer). However, they didn't and landed in the trees, and then on the ground. So one has a broken ankle and the other has two broken legs, or such was the estimate last I heard. >_ Good to hear your father's flying friends are not seriously hurt. One thing they teach you in flying, on take-off it is always better to pick a spot straight ahead and you almost never have enough altitude and speed to make a 180 degree turn and land back on the airfield. Those trees had to really hurt. The idea of getting your sister to ride the bus with Phil is genius!!! Once he does it, then the next time will seem like a non-event. Hope the weekend Phil makes it down works out great. I know you are getting excited about this. As for that guildie on maplestory... turn about is fair play. Go for it! oh, I'm very excited about Phil coming over here. The next two weeks are going to drag on lol. I just hope we can get the financial aid stuff sorted out, because last I checked, I don't have guest passes for food because of it. And I have not yet found the guy I want to defame, although I was fairly busy yesterday and wasn't on much. Phil, however, said he had also been checking periodically, and had not seen him (I think Phil was almost as angry as I was when I told him what happened, and also wants to defame him. He also said that if they could do player vs. player, he would kick his butt, in not so friendly terms. (In maple story, you can't hurt other players, you can only do damage to monsters. There's a quest that's an exception to this rule, but both Phil and the guy that lied to me are too high level for it.) I think it's really cute that Phil wants to stick up for me like that.) Phil! What a hero!!!!
  5. That's tough... McCarthy. Fascism or Communism?
  6. wait, they're not the same person? D: dang, i thought so too ;/ Surprise, surprise.
  7. FROSH! Hah! I love spirit week! It's so... spiritive! and this week is freshman welcome week, so we also get to wear normal clothes to school and every senior pics a freshman little sis and we aren't supposed to know, but they kidnap us on wednesday night then we have no classes thursday Sounds like a really fun week! Let us know all about it.
  8. same, but i'll use my company's server as a proxy so when i get home i can torrent to my heart's desire You are too smart!
  9. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I called home earlier today, but dad was visiting some friends in the hospital. Mom said she'd tell dad to call me when he got home, but he never called. In better news, I now have plans to bring Phil down here to NJ for a weekend, and we're gonna go to 6 Flags. Mom gave me the idea to see if I can get him take a bus into a city that would be on my way up to his college, which would effectively take out about 4 hours of driving time that day. He's a bit wary of taking the bus by himself though (he's never done it before), so I'm going to see if I can get my sister (who has done it before) to go with him (it would make the drive for mom to come get her for the weekend about 2 hours shorter in total). So that would be awesome, because it would make my driving time closer to 6 hours instead of 10 on the Friday. To drop him off back at his college, I plan to bring him back Sunday afternoon, stay there overnight, and come back here Monday morning like I did before. Oh also, you might be wondering why dad's friends are in the hospital. From what I gathered from what mom said, a bunch of them were going flying, and I guess two of them were in one airplane (presumably an ultralight), and I guess shortly after takeoff they lost the engine, or something. And instead of going straight back down to land, they thought they had enough air time to loop around first (which, had they had enough air time, would have been safer). However, they didn't and landed in the trees, and then on the ground. So one has a broken ankle and the other has two broken legs, or such was the estimate last I heard. >_ Good to hear your father's flying friends are not seriously hurt. One thing they teach you in flying, on take-off it is always better to pick a spot straight ahead and you almost never have enough altitude and speed to make a 180 degree turn and land back on the airfield. Those trees had to really hurt. The idea of getting your sister to ride the bus with Phil is genius!!! Once he does it, then the next time will seem like a non-event. Hope the weekend Phil makes it down works out great. I know you are getting excited about this. As for that guildie on maplestory... turn about is fair play. Go for it!
  10. But who would evaluate what's a good reason and what's not? It's a good idea in theory, but way too subjective. Also, did anyone else see the Palin/Hilary SNL skit? That was hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!! What stuns me are the people who will vote for someone because they can 'field dress a moose', or because they are a woman. Not a thought as to what they might do when the are in office. That is soooooo scary!
  11. If you go to the library and take out a CD, it is a cheap way to download music. Our library charges $1.00 per CD. The great thing is they are making so much money that they keep increasing the amount of CD's available. Sweeeet!
  12. Granted, but now we all think you're insane. I wish people acted honestly. Granted, but now everyone acts like Jim Carrey in Liar, Liar. I wish that I could get paid for goofing off.
  13. Bicycle crunches are great. What you need to do with your sit-ups is modify them. There are lots of ways to make them harder. If you want more ideas, let me know. The Listerine whitening mouthwash is also good. Try and use them both. The key is to brush often and floss.
  14. What will make this so much easier is if you would go to the Warm Wishes forum, read the first post in the topic called IMPORTANT TOPIC - EVERYONE PLEASE READ. If you agree, please make a post there that says so and this will allow you to have your posts appear immediately without moderation. Welcome back! Horatio
  15. Plush Kirby... welcome back!!! Please go to the Warm Wishes forum and read the first post in the topic called IMPORTANT TOPIC - EVERYONE PLEASE READ. If you agree, please make a post and say so. This will allow you to have your posts appear immediately. Thank you and again, so nice to see you return. Horatio
  16. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Hope you called your father. Your day was one I would not want to repeat. Hope that never happens again. Of course, you will have others, but yesterday seemed not to end. At least it ended on a positive not. Glad Phil is okay.
  17. We wouldn't want to burst their bubble.
  18. It's great that you are asking for help! We all want to see you succeed. Q1: How tall are you? You can start working on yourself by doing sit-ups in your room each morning when you get up or at another time of the day where you can be consistent. You can also start doing push-ups. Don't worry if you can do a million your first day, just do what you can, they try and do ten more. The next day, try to do the same number. This goes for both sit-ups and push-ups. I can give you some more exercises if you wish, but this will get you started. Q2: You need to brush your teeth at least three times a day. Also brush your tongue, roof of your mouth and all around your gums. Flossing is a must as well. Do this at least twice a day. To get your teeth white, you can use a whitening toothpaste such as Colgate whitening or another one that you prefer. Listerine makes a whitening mouth wash that you can use each time you brush. There are other methods but if you don't brush, there is no use trying to get your teeth white. Girls like guys with great hygiene, so I suggest that you shower each morning and if you have to, brush your teeth in the shower. This should at least help you to get a routine going. One thing to remember is that teeth are very important. If you don't take care of them, you will lose them. The big problem is that when you smile, your teeth are the one thing people notice, so if they are rotten, this will turn people off before they get to know you. Q3: Hamsters don't dance. Someone else will have to answer this one. The good thing about dressing up for Halloween... if you are in a costume, no one knows who you are... unless you give it away.
  19. :blink: :blink: Try this the next time you all go to a Scout overnight event. Then hand everyone about ten each, so you will not be alone.
  20. Unfortunately people will spend money to build a stadium that does them NO good. Here T. Boone Pickens is using his own money to put up the wind generators, the state of Texas is the one who will be laying the transmission lines. The people of Texas will be reaping the rewards of one man. A perfect example of how one person can change the world. That is true. In maryland, the money that the lottery brings in to the state goes to the state stadium fund, something that irks me greatly. We have enough stadiums, and if we really need to we can go out of state. There are much better things we could spend all that money on. A stadium???????????? You are killing me!!!!!!!!!!! What are these nitwit politicians thinking about? On that note... what do you think of Palin? Is she qualified to run the country if McCain was to pass away? I think she seems a bit radical to run a country where not everyone agrees. >.>; What scares me is the political system, mostly the voters. I am stunned that women voters will vote for someone because they are a woman and NOT because of the qualifications and goals they have for the country. I think I read in Time or something that she was in favor of banning books? Weird. ~Liz She used her position to ban books and when the librarian refused because the list of books was approved by a nationally, Palin then tried to get the librarian fired. It seems that if someone disagrees with her, then Palin feels a need to get that person fired from their job. BANNING ANYTHING IS EVIL! IT'S AGAINST THE AMENDMENT OF FREE SPEECH WHATEVER THAT ONE IS and i don't think she's qualified, she's had very little experience and mccain just hired her for the lulz, i mean for the vote that was lost when hillary didn't get the nomination, but i think obama should have made her the vp, with that combo, there's no way for them to lose. and sorry about the "yelling" read the what will happen if i consume 2 bottles of nos topic for more info bom chicka wump wump One main reason why Obama couldn't pick Hillary for the VP position... who would be the real president... Bill, Hillary, Bill and Hillary or unlikely, but possible... Obama. Palin is definitely unqualified. It scares me to think she might be the leader if something happened to McCain. What WAS McCain thinking??????????? Looking for the vote that votes gender not qualifications. Scary... very, very scary.
  21. Wannabeflmkr... why don't you start a topic? Start posting!
  22. Nice lyrics. Thanks for posting them.
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