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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. *runs off to take a nap after hearing that day* That was one of my more laid-back days. Luckily, Drama ended early tonight, and I get to start my homework now, rather than 293209 o'clock in the morning. I don't know how you do it. You have so many things going on. You are truly amazing.
  2. *runs off to take a nap after hearing that day*
  3. I love that.... less than 2 months until Christmas!! ~Liz Don't remind me. It seems to be that I see two months to go and they speed by so fast that I am still running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get my shopping done. I'm anxious for it to snow. My dad isn't. ~Liz I'm in agreement with your father. De-icing fluid ruins my shoes. You live in Florida... No snow there! I am listening to.. Yellow Submarine....but it's ending...now Octopus's Garden(Anthology version). Double Ringo! LOL. I have iTunes on shuffle.... ~Liz But yesterday I was in Lubbock and we had to de-ice the frost off the wings. Today I am in Philadelphia and tomorrow Chicago. Now that city is in snow territory! Lubbock? I will have to go look up where that is...Google Maps says is it is in Texas. Philadelphia is PA which borders on NY...you should have come and said hi! LOL And Chicago is where my dad grew up! I know it can get cold there.... ~Liz When you look up Lubbock, which you are correct, is in Texas, look up the elevation. I find that interesting. Philadelphia is lower PA and I would have never made it back for work. But the next time I am in New York, you can recommend a good play. Start thinking as I am to be there in about three days. Chicago was really cold at night, but during the day with the sun out, the cold was tolerable. Great play: BILLY ELLIOT!!!!!!!!!!!! I am DYING to see it but sadly I haven't yet. (In case you were wondering, it's Elton's latest muscial. I have listened to the soundtrack 50 billion times...and I'm really desperate to see it! BUt my mom's trying to find decent priced tix on ebay, so the wait goes on. There's a Girl Scout trip to see it, which I am most definitely going on, but that's not until spring and I can't wait that long. ' As to what I'm listening to, "Crazy Water" from "Blue Moves" (the album I got signed at the concert) ~Liz I need to give you the name of a great ticket site with the best ticket prices anywhere. Even better then ebay.
  4. O RLY ????? YAH. RLY. LOL! ~Liz I never would have guessed. It's not like it's blatantly obvious or anything.... ~Liz So, when's your next concert?
  5. You just made me tired. Good luck in the next week... you will be missed. The week is over. Finally! Although now I'm actually going to have to start going to play. 7-9 everyday. But my road test is November 6th, so hopefully I will be able to drive myself! What play are you doing? My school's doing Christmas Carol, but I didn't get in. Latest rumors of our spring musical is Oklahoma. I think I saw that on Broadway with Rachel....a few years ago.... Good luck on your road test! I've had my permit since january but I'm not good enough to even think about the test yet...I don't drive as often as I should... ~Liz A Mid Summer Night's Dream. I believe we did Christmas Carol.... last year? How did I miss this? I don't know... ~Liz Must be a blond thing.
  6. O RLY ????? YAH. RLY. LOL! ~Liz I never would have guessed.
  7. I love that.... less than 2 months until Christmas!! ~Liz Don't remind me. It seems to be that I see two months to go and they speed by so fast that I am still running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get my shopping done. I'm anxious for it to snow. My dad isn't. ~Liz I'm in agreement with your father. De-icing fluid ruins my shoes. You live in Florida... No snow there! I am listening to.. Yellow Submarine....but it's ending...now Octopus's Garden(Anthology version). Double Ringo! LOL. I have iTunes on shuffle.... ~Liz But yesterday I was in Lubbock and we had to de-ice the frost off the wings. Today I am in Philadelphia and tomorrow Chicago. Now that city is in snow territory! Lubbock? I will have to go look up where that is...Google Maps says is it is in Texas. Philadelphia is PA which borders on NY...you should have come and said hi! LOL And Chicago is where my dad grew up! I know it can get cold there.... ~Liz When you look up Lubbock, which you are correct, is in Texas, look up the elevation. I find that interesting. Philadelphia is lower PA and I would have never made it back for work. But the next time I am in New York, you can recommend a good play. Start thinking as I am to be there in about three days. Chicago was really cold at night, but during the day with the sun out, the cold was tolerable.
  8. You just made me tired. Good luck in the next week... you will be missed. The week is over. Finally! Although now I'm actually going to have to start going to play. 7-9 everyday. But my road test is November 6th, so hopefully I will be able to drive myself! What play are you doing? My school's doing Christmas Carol, but I didn't get in. Latest rumors of our spring musical is Oklahoma. I think I saw that on Broadway with Rachel....a few years ago.... Good luck on your road test! I've had my permit since january but I'm not good enough to even think about the test yet...I don't drive as often as I should... ~Liz A Mid Summer Night's Dream. I believe we did Christmas Carol.... last year? How did I miss this?
  9. You just made me tired. Good luck in the next week... you will be missed. The week is over. Finally! Although now I'm actually going to have to start going to play. 7-9 everyday. But my road test is November 6th, so hopefully I will be able to drive myself! Good luck on your upcoming road test. What play is your Drama Club planning on performing? Horatio wasn't paying attention! He already said it was A Midsummer's Night's Dream. ~Liz :wacko: It's been a long couple weeks. Besides, I am a really, really old hamster.
  10. As a matter of fact I was wondering where you got your information. I was flying when the interview was on, so unfortunately I missed it. What did you think about the interview and Biden? What is your opinion of the group of young men arrested for the conspiracy to murder several African-American people, including Obama? It offers me better coverage than any UK media outlet and perhaps more unique and interesting stories than a major news organ like the NYT or CNN. Wouldn't touch Fox News with a barge pole, for obvious reasons. Why hello Hannity & Colmes. What's that Colmes? You're not really liberal and you let Hannity walk all over you as to make the Conservative side of the item more convincing? Why, I would never have guessed. I do actually watch The Daily Show too. I did watch the interview and I found it laughable. The quoting Marx thing was, for me at least, demonstrative of the bias inherent within it. Take Barack Obama's statement of "Spread the wealth around," now it is an ambiguous phrase for a start and a very stupid error on Obama's part, as the coverage shows. However, if it was an impartial and objective interviewer you should recognise that fact; that there are two sides to it. You can take it from the Marxist perspective or you can take it from the view of ensuring that everyone benefits from national growth rather than the very top end of Wall Street; which is legitimate given that the bottom half of the USA has seen its income decline in real terms since 1980, the middle half has seen its income increase slightly in real terms since 1980 while the top 5% has seen a, arguably unfair, exponential increase in their wealth. In a fair interview, the interviewer, in their questioning, would recognise both sides of this. Or not comment on it at all. Instead, West (or the editorial staff) made their decision that it was Marxist before the interview and would approach it from that angle. That's equivalent to push polling. So I don't buy into the "hard hitting questions" malarkey that the WFTV people have put out. The neo-Nazis? Disgusting, disgraceful, an insult to humanity. I believe they have links to some of the neo-Nazi groups operating in Europe, one of which is known as Combat 18 and operates out of the UK. I've come across them before, very nasty. They're essentially thugs though; this plot against Obama shows that. The plot wasn't very well planned and wasn't a professional or well thought out attack on him. However, imagine if they had someone with brains to organise them. Then I would be very, very scared. The defining feature about that plot was Obama's response, which I have to give him exceptional kudos for. We are in agreement. Neither CNN nor Fox do I watch. Hannity and Colmes... now that is a joke. My favorites are Jim Lehrer, BBC and NPR (National Public Radio). As for the wealth in this country, you are exact in your statement. And I do not believe that we have seen the worst of it. When the credit card mess finally rears it's ugly head, then there will be another major drop in the stock market and perhaps people will wake up and spend money in a fiscally responsible manner. Now most people think they are 'entitled' to lifestyles of the rich and famous whether or not they actually have the money for it. As long as there is space on the card... charge, charge, charge. As for the Neo-Nazis, I am at a loss for words. If Osama Bin Laden, who is brilliant, got his hands on this group, the world would be in trouble. Obama has raised himself above the rest with his response. What I find incredibly interesting is that back when Clinton and Obama were fighting for the nomination, many of the African-Americans here in Memphis had the sentiment that if Obama won the nomination, he would be assassinated. It is a bit unnerving to see this come out on the news. Especially since they are right here in Memphis.
  11. Horatio

    My place. :)

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Last night we left Newark on the way to Chicago and the temperature was dropping rapidly. Chicago was clear and cold. Tonight we are flying to Memphis. At least that place will be warmer.
  12. As a matter of fact I was wondering where you got your information. I was flying when the interview was on, so unfortunately I missed it. What did you think about the interview and Biden? What is your opinion of the group of young men arrested for the conspiracy to murder several African-American people, including Obama?
  13. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Three weeksssssssssssss???????? Oh no!!!!!!!!!!! I know. T_T I actually started crying last night when I was talking to Phil online. It's so hard when all you want to do is hug someone but they're 5 hours away. This weekend is Halloween, and I know my friends wanted me to be around for that. The weekend after that Phil has a ballroom competition I think in MA. And the weekend after that he has another ballroom competition in the same city that my high school was in, which I should hopefully be able to attend, and maybe visit with him for that weekend, but I need to talk to him and work out details. The only problem is that I've got lots of projects and papers and exams coming up around that time. But yeah, 3 weeks is entirely too long to go without seeing your love. It reminds me of something Phil said towards the end of the summer before he went back to college, that makes me want to smile and cry at the same time. "Just remember, I'll see you soon, and each time you think of that, it'll be sooner than the last time." :wub:
  14. Taynio, your writing in incredible. This is very beautiful. Thank you for stopping back in and contributing.
  15. I love that.... less than 2 months until Christmas!! ~Liz Don't remind me. It seems to be that I see two months to go and they speed by so fast that I am still running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get my shopping done. I'm anxious for it to snow. My dad isn't. ~Liz I'm in agreement with your father. De-icing fluid ruins my shoes. You live in Florida... No snow there! I am listening to.. Yellow Submarine....but it's ending...now Octopus's Garden(Anthology version). Double Ringo! LOL. I have iTunes on shuffle.... ~Liz But yesterday I was in Lubbock and we had to de-ice the frost off the wings. Today I am in Philadelphia and tomorrow Chicago. Now that city is in snow territory!
  16. I'm nearly to 10,000. Woooo! What was it called? Royal Hampsterdancer? I kind of like Mister HampsterDance Extraordinaire myself.
  17. You just made me tired. Good luck in the next week... you will be missed. The week is over. Finally! Although now I'm actually going to have to start going to play. 7-9 everyday. But my road test is November 6th, so hopefully I will be able to drive myself! Good luck on your upcoming road test. What play is your Drama Club planning on performing?
  18. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Three weeksssssssssssss???????? Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Hopefully this is the answer. Usually unless the new students are just that much better, they never replace the current seat holders. One can only hope that the director keeps evaluating the musicians and makes the appropriate corrections.
  20. I have to run. Time to get serious about flying the airplane from Memphis to Philadelphia. I'll get on Adam there. See everyone later.
  21. I love that.... less than 2 months until Christmas!! ~Liz Don't remind me. It seems to be that I see two months to go and they speed by so fast that I am still running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get my shopping done. I'm anxious for it to snow. My dad isn't. ~Liz I'm in agreement with your father. De-icing fluid ruins my shoes.
  22. Thank you for noticing. Actually, I have been reading all the posts by my phone, but unable to get to a computer. Lots and lots of great news and pictures to follow. I went to New York to help my friend clean out her mother's house, as it has been sold, and move some of the items to California. While there I was able to see Hampton and the Hampsters and hear them perform a couple songs from their new album which should be available soon. Then I went to see The 39 Steps, a play on Broadway, where my friend is the Stage Manager and got to go backstage after the show, meet the cast and get up on stage. That is the closest I will be able to ever be on stage as I have no talent whatsoever. What a very phenomenal play and getting to see the view of the theatre from the stage was awesome. Anyway, we finally got the movers there yesterday and they moved 90% of everything. Phew, what a relief. No internet access meant using my phone for everything. So, I am back in Memphis and tonight I fly to Lubbock, Texas. It will be quite nice to go to work where I get to rest. Pictures to follow. Glad to know you all missed me. :blush: Horatio Sounds awesome! I've seen the 39 steps, amazing show. I can't believe you got to go backstage! Glad you're back! Check out my Elton John review. ~Liz Ohhhhhh, if I had known you were going I could have gotten you backstage. You at least saw the play with the original play. There are two actors leaving. Today is their last performance and then the two understudies will take over the roles. So, you saw the best of the four. Can you believe it was only four actors? Phenomenal acting. I've been thinking of your Elton concert, so I will run down and see your review. And... hopefully more pictures. HampsterKing has increased the upload feature so I hope to get your video up. Don't worry, I saw 39 steps back around Easter time, so it was a while ago. I thought they did an amazing job with just four actors. I saw "Twelfth Night" pefrormed with about four actors near me a few years ago...excellent as well. (BTW that's what the movie "she's the man" is based on) So yeah. ~Liz Those were the same actors I saw and Nevin was the stage manager then. The bald guy was my favorite.
  23. You are the greatest!!! The reviews are superb and the pictures are fantastic!!! You have getting down to the stage and getting something signed, down to a science. You are such a master at manipulating everyone to move out of your way. I'm thrilled to hear your album was signed. Now... as for that handstand off the Yamaha... all I can say is WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Incredible. Glad you had a great time. Thank you for the pictures. BTW... how was your visit to Lehigh?
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