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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Not for long! LOL Mwa-ha-ha, I'm still 'king of the hill.' ~Liz Hmmm...I have the most posts today, the least overall posts (from that list) and I've been here the longest... And I think I'm up to 1.79 posts per day (I moved up from 1.78) ~Liz I've dropped a lot. It used to be around 6.8, but now it's 5.8. Oh well. I can only imagine what Horatio's is. 21.35 ish? Not quite. Dog Lover was in the lead, but then she made a bunch of posts that I could reply to, so I slid into the lead by a post or two. But, I have been stuck without internet in Brooklyn, so my post count is very low. The iPhone is a bit hard to post long posts.
  2. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    *gives Jesse the biggest of all cyber-hugs* This is a very hard time for anyone until they find the person of their dreams. Jesusfreak went through a similar loneliness until she and Phil found each other. Please do not give up as the right guy is out there for you. I'm sorry that the first guy you were attracted to you didn't feel the same way. Your special someone is waiting to meet you, so please have a piece of chocolate. It helps when you feel sad. The band director sounds like such an unfeeling, insensitive jerk. If you really don't like being where you are, think about any alternatives and if there are none, then you might consider quitting the band. You could still take private lessons, but not be a member of the band. It is amazing how one teacher, director, etc. can make you really dislike being someplace. Unfortunately, there are some people who are so shallow that the only things they can talk about are alcohol and sex. Those topics do not make me want to hang out with them. Do you have a chess club at your school?
  3. Right you are. I didn't see you? Did you come? You didn't see me? I was front row center. My apologies on not remembering what you look like, but...what part did you play? (This would have been helpful to know before the play. LOL) Great show, BTW. ~LIz Lysander, Hermia, and Nick Bottom. I'm just that gooooood. No, I'm in zeee crew. And you were recognized for your excellence and hard work.
  4. :rolleyes: Would I do that? Elton in a tutu is a sight to see.
  5. I HAVE THROWN A WRENCH IN TO YOUR PLAN D: -posts- Sadly I arrive when everyone else has left.
  6. There's Two of Hamsterweb?! What happened to Hamsterking?! YOU KILLED HIM DIDN'T YOU?? WHY YOU NO-GOOD...NO, YOU GO AWAY, GUY IN WHITE COAT!!! I actually HAVE a white coat... so I guess I'm responsible! Oh no! Not THE white coat! *faints*
  7. There are whole episodes on Youtube that I watch from time to time. I always loved Dexter's strange accent. Dexter was the name of a blue roan horse I once owned. He was the greatest horse, with a human-like personality.
  8. Right you are. I didn't see you? Did you come? How did it go? Things we much better today, and yesterday. Yesterday, the director recognized all my hard work, and I was applauded for it... so that was nice. That's fantastic news!!! I'm really happy to hear that the director acknowledged your efforts. CONGRATULATIONS!
  9. Right you are. I didn't see you? Did you come? How did it go?
  10. Not quite yet... we want to hear about the performances first. LOL You'll do fine and the play will be a major success. These 15 hour days at school are getting old, reallllllllllllly quickly. I've slept 8 hours in total, in the past 4 days. I want to sleep soooooo badly, but I have soooo much homework. Tonight was the dress rehearsal, and there is a such a lack of communication. I ran around like a head with my chicken cut off, doing four different jobs, while there were people standing around. Also, I got blamed for things that went wrong. I wish I could get kidnapped, just for this weekend. We could kidnap you, but I feel that your parents would have us thrown in jail. Sooooo, that idea is out. Any other thoughts? You'll make it through this. We are here for moral support. One night down, two to go. I was about 2 seconds from punching someone tonight. No one does anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No violence. Breathe... take a few deep breaths and breathe. Then count to ten... s-l-o-w-l-y. No do what Jesse suggested and talk to the producer about this. Just remember, everyone is under stress. Emotions are running very high and people are pushed to the limits, just try and breathe, do the best you can, and brush off the rest. People react differently when they are under lots of stress. The play will be a huge success.
  11. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Sweet message. Phil does have a very good side.
  12. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Poor diet, hormones, stress... what a bad combination. Hehe yep. Trying to solve one problem causes a worse one, apparently. (The way I was trying to gain weight was mostly by eating lots of candy and unhealthy foods, and by not making any real attempt to balance my diet with other things (I take multivitamins at least), which is one of the main causes of the imbalance. Then add to that how I've been having coffee with dinner a lot recently, and the stress of my insane list of things to do, and you have me as a medical and emotional mess! However, now that I have a good idea of what's wrong with me, I can try to fix it. One of the things that was suggested was consuming soy, so I'm eating soy ice cream for breakfast. There are weight gain protein drinks at the health food store. They are supplements to your meal. Usually they work quite well. Some taste awful, some not so bad. Just buy one at a time to try them to see if you like them.
  13. Don't I wish. Unfortunately no. I was flying between Memphis and Pittsburgh and we landed before it took off so we couldn't even catch a glimpse in the air. I always love the night launches.
  14. The laptop works fine, but no internet service. Hence me using the iPhone. You sound like your enjoying the studies, although the workload is immense. These efforts will most certainly pay off in the future! LifesEagle will be really happy to hear your replies.
  15. Then you should create it!
  16. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Poor diet, hormones, stress... what a bad combination.
  17. Not quite yet... we want to hear about the performances first. LOL You'll do fine and the play will be a major success. These 15 hour days at school are getting old, reallllllllllllly quickly. I've slept 8 hours in total, in the past 4 days. I want to sleep soooooo badly, but I have soooo much homework. Tonight was the dress rehearsal, and there is a such a lack of communication. I ran around like a head with my chicken cut off, doing four different jobs, while there were people standing around. Also, I got blamed for things that went wrong. I wish I could get kidnapped, just for this weekend. We could kidnap you, but I feel that your parents would have us thrown in jail. Sooooo, that idea is out. Any other thoughts? You'll make it through this. We are here for moral support.
  18. please tell me that actually exists. (On a similar note, one of NJ's districts has a party called the All Day Breakfast Party. Marius voted for the guy running under said party. ) Yes, The Monster Raving Looney Party exists, but sadly it is over in Great Britain.
  19. Just wondering if anyone's campus has the Monster Raving Looney Party represented?
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