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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Dear Topazia, What a wonderful post! Thank you so very much for the update. The baby is wonderful and what a great ultrasound! Whoo Hoo!!! How exciting! It sounds like your life is really getting on the right track with everything falling into place in a positive manner. This is wonderful. Vitamins... some smell so bad, like you said 'bad fish' smell. I took one vitamin and it made me burp this horrendously awful cod liver oil smell/taste. It was so bad, that I have never forgotten that experience. You fill one of those bad vitamin squares and you immediately search for some other method to take the all important vitamins. Are there any foods, vegetables, fruits or proteins that also give you the important DHA? At least with the gummies, it makes the vitamins palatable. I hope that your company can not ask to take back an over-payment. That would be really awful. You did everything right, so you are off the hook. Good news that you are getting another pay raise in a couple weeks. That will be very, very nice. As for learning ASL, I applaud you. Everyone should learn to sign. You are wonderful to take on this challenge. Please let me know how you are coming along with it. I have a friend who teaches a special education class, and she teaches all the kids to sign. For some of the children who either will not or can not communicate through speech, they communicate through signing very well. She has taught me a little bit of signing. You will do well. I have total faith in you. Your colleague will be thrilled that you are making the effort, and I am certain that she will be more than happy to help in any way she can. Hmmmm, Christmas in February. Well, at least you made it to see her. She must have been so very happy to see both you and the ultrasound. It must have been a very good day for both you and your grandmother. Lastly, the cats... perhaps they like their new home and do not have stressful sounds around. Something is happening for the best, and the cats are sensitive to these things, so, it must all be good. This has been a wonderful day hearing from you. Congratulations on the wonderful ultrasound and thank you again for sharing it with us. I am thrilled to see your post and hearing all the wonderful news you have bestowed upon us. This makes me feel terrific. What a great way to end the day... on an up-note! Please do stop in again as we love hearing from you. Take care, Horatio P. S. If you need a Godhamster when the baby is born, I know someone who is available. H.
  2. Very strange day I experienced today, I was walking in the park looking for dead flowers to photograph and I started thinking about how most of the members who joined the boards ten to fifteen years ago, have grown up and moved on in life. It made me wonder what everyone is doing. A few people I know about, but so many, I have no idea what they have been doing for the last five plus years. If anyone stops in... please say hello and let us know what you are doing.
  3. Lexxy... how are you? How is life treating you??? What is going on? Are you good???
  4. The weather is crazy! In Tennessee it was in the 25 C/70's F, now it is cold and rainy, but the plants and flowers are so confused. The forsythia are trying to bloom and it is far too early for this.
  5. Now that we are five days into the new year, has everyone stuck to their New Year's resolutions?
  6. Hohoho back to you!!! So happy to see you have stopped in. Congratulations on your graduation!!! And more congratulations that your project has been extended and you are continuing on postdoc!!! So from now on we are to address you as Dr. Leguan. Please be careful driving home and enjoy your time with family. Please do stop back in and keep us posted.
  7. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!!! Wishing you holidays filled with lots and lots of love.
  8. CONGRATULATIONS!!! What a wonderful post! How terrific that you are pregnant. Hope the temporary supervisor position was not too stressful. Now you can go back to a less stressful position. It sounds like you both are well on your way to having a great home for your little baby to grow in. Please let us know how your pregnancy is coming along. This will be a wonderful Christmas for you and Sean.
  9. Annie, - Kat's - dog, passed away yesterday. When you lose a family member, it is so very hard. - Kat -, you and your family our in our thoughts, hearts and prayers on the loss of your little baby. R.I.P. ANNIE
  10. Is everyone ready for the holidays? Do you have all your holiday shopping done? My Christmas card list keeps growing and I have not sent out one yet. Time to spend the weekend writing out Christmas cards. Well, my little hamster's, Hafden and Hajar, bark. Almost like prairie dogs, they bark at each other. it is really interesting, if I give a blueberry to one hamster, she immediately starts informing the other that a treat is coming. When they are in their balls, they bark so much. At first I thought that perhaps they were coughing because I there might be dust on the floor, but I started vacuuming just prior to them getting into the ball, so I knew that was not the answer. Then I spoke with my veterinarian. He listened and told me that they were barking. It is so wonderful to listen to them talk with each other.
  11. LOL... those are, most likely, the same people I work with.
  12. Heroes of the Storm... are you enjoying it? Well, hopefully things will get better and better for you. Things here are the same, nothing earth shattering is happening. What else is happening? Where are you working?
  13. Helllloooooooo... Well, time is flying by. It is almost the entire holiday season. Has anyone started their holiday shopping? I do not even want to think about it. Here is the news... I am going to Death Valley for five days on a photography workshop. This should be really interesting. Hopefully, I will learn something. The worst part of the five days is that we are totally off the grid. I mean, absolutely, positively, no service. Not a drop of connectivity. They have a pay phone in the hotel lobby. Not one room has a telephone. So, when I say, no service, I mean this is totally off the grid. LOL!!! Will I last? I have no choice... I am not driving. When I return, I hope to have a couple photographs that are worth posting. After the five days in Death Valley, I am heading for the California coast to try and take some photographs of the Pacific Ocean. Then back home to my renovation project.
  14. How did I miss this?????? How wonderful that you are in college? You are so pretty! Are you enjoying college? What are you studying? What is happening with you??? Please, please, PLEASE... fill us in!
  15. Lexxy... you always come up with the best posts to brighten my day!!! Today has been a total fiasco. I appreciate your post. This was terrific. I played it about five times, before replying. LOL!!! Sooooo, how are you? How is life treating you? What are you doing? Fill us in... PLEASE!!!
  16. Until I get the problem of uploading photographs to the board resolved, I will have to entertain you with other things. LOL. Hamster update... I rescued a "extreme biter" yesterday. The pet store called me and asked if I would like to adopt this "extreme biter" because I guy wanted to buy it to feed his snake. Of course, I ran down to pick her up. Robo... oh, no, a Robo. Well, she is in her new home and I have given her lots of entertainment. A wheel, many toys, wooden chews lava blocks and lots and lots of food, seeds, nuts and treat items. When I put the iPhone in her tank to take her picture, I was afraid she was going to bite it, but thankfully, she only was interested in getting too close for me to take a photograph, but just wanted to smell. it. Perhaps there is hope for her to stop her biting and start being a nice hammie girl. Right now, I am trying to think of a good name for her. The qualifier, it must start with an H. I have used up almost all the American, English and Spanish names, I am looking at Norwegian and Japanese names. Any ideas?
  17. For some reason, I have been having trouble uploading my images. I will try again later. My apologies for not getting them up today.
  18. I went to the Baltimore Comic Con and had a great time! Fortunately I bought the yearbooks, and totally forgot to get my books signed. The various author and illustrators will only sign books at the Comic Cons, so this means that I will have bring the books to another Comic Con. They were very, very heavy. I am not looking forward to having to carry them to another event.
  19. Friday, I went to the Baltimore Comic Con!!! It was fantastic! Six hours is not enough time, but I wanted to be at the Memphis Air Show the next day, so this was all I could fit in. It was a terrific day! Pictures will be posted later.
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