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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Err, uhh... Didnt see Arkchers Posts...I'll wait till I know which faces are left to respond o_o;; You may have picked one that was not picked, so if it is taken, then you can select from the remaining three. How does that sound to you?
  2. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    We all miss Jesse when he is not around!!! You are one of the most terrific people and Jesusfreak said it perfectly. You, Jesse, are totally awesome! One reason I think you have not found that group of friends is because you have been so very focused on your school work. This tends to occupy a large amount of your time and does not leave time for goofing off. Now that you have gotten to a point where you can relax a bit, you are moving on to the next level in your life... friends and a relationship.
  3. Glad you got into your Hiro account. Please keep my email for future reference so that you can always resolve any problems that may arise. Just at least ask your mother to go over the finances, please. Also, you need to consider how you are going to work things out if one of you wants to leave the apartment before the lease is up. Please consider all these things. I don't want anyone ruining their credit when they are just starting out.
  4. Hiro... I will get HampsterKing to give you this password. Horatio. It is case sensitive, so remember capitol H, then lower case oratio. As soon as you get in, change your password to something new. Also, take down my email address... pmajr@mac.com. If you have any problems, email me and I will get them fixed. Sorry to hear your mother and boyfriend broke up, but thinks happen for the best. Before you all rent an apartment, please sit down with your mother and examine just how much money it takes to rent an apartment. There are lots of expenses and I would just like you to be prepared for what will happen when you rent your first apartment. I am excited to hear you will be forming a band. Sweeeeeet! I can't wait until you are putting tracks up for us to hear. Thank you for helping get Glowurm's story started. I appreciate you picking a face. Horatio
  5. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    First let me begin by saying that you are definitely not boring. There are people who focus on school work and goals while others goof off. You have been working extremely hard on getting ahead and graduating a year early. For some people, you and your accomplishments can be intimating. As for your roommate, I would not give it another thought. When it comes to conversation, most people like to hear themselves talk, so if you want to engage someone in conversation, ask them questions that require a detailed answer. Other than that, please do not consider yourself boring, dull or unattractive because you don't talk about the stupid things most people talk about... sex, alcohol, sports. Personally, I don't care about sports. I am not a walking billboard for any sports team. There is more to my life than what colour underwear some sports guy is wearing or what superstar committed a crime and thinks he/she should not be held accountable. The amount of true friends I have can be counted on one paw. The problem as I see it is that you are a step above most of the other students. You are an achiever. You have been very successful and done extremely well in school, your courses and education are on track, now you are finding time for a relationship. This is where matters of the heart do not have a timetable, they cannot be rushed or coordinated, you just have to wait until the right person comes along. Waiting is the hard part. This why I suggest that you find another activity where you can meet a different group of people. Something within the arts. I do believe if you look in this area, you will meet people who are more like-minded and will develop friendships that are meaningful. Band does not seem to me to have the type of people you wish to associate with. Is there a computer group on your campus? One where you can get together and discuss the various gaming levels and techniques in development? One of my co-pilots, Harold, is a gamer. He is really a genius at developing computer games, but when it comes to talking, he is a man of few words. I got him talking about one of his projects and he taught me quite a bit. As for matters of the heart... time. And I hate to inform you... most wolves smell.
  6. Thanks for stopping in. We were concerned about you and are happy to hear that you came to let us now things are okay. Great poem. You are a most talented writer!!! Please go to Glowurm's topic (via the link) and pick a face. We need all the faces to be chosen for the story and there are three remaining. http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/index.p...mp;#entry141074 Even though you may not be here, we need for Glowurm to start his story and he won't do that until all the faces are chosen. Thank you. And please do stop in and pist again.
  7. Hate is a strong word, but I understand why you would feel this way. Seems like your parents are the basis of the problem. Are you able to find a different therapist? Perhaps one that you would like? Unfortunately Mister Beal might just be real.
  8. Horatio

    My place. :)

    lol I see that. It was foxtrot that they got 8th in, and I took close to 500 pictures total. I have a presentation due tomorrow, so it might be awhile before I get them all edited and put some up here. Hope the presentation is coming along well. We want just a couple pictures, please. lol presentation. I have no ability to concentrate right now, it's horrible. It's just a 5 minute presentation and one page paper. I have one slide, a heading, and one sentence done. I'm a horrible student. XD No, you're not a horrible student. You're just in love. :wub: Love sidetracks even the best of students. LOL I still don't have it done. It's due for night class, so I'll have to finish it today. Tick, tock, tick, tock... Quit thinking of Phil. I don't think that's possible. LOL I didn't think so. LOL
  9. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Transportation... that's a big problem. I was just thinking... ballerinas are a really huggy group.
  10. Horatio

    My place. :)

    lol I see that. It was foxtrot that they got 8th in, and I took close to 500 pictures total. I have a presentation due tomorrow, so it might be awhile before I get them all edited and put some up here. Hope the presentation is coming along well. We want just a couple pictures, please. lol presentation. I have no ability to concentrate right now, it's horrible. It's just a 5 minute presentation and one page paper. I have one slide, a heading, and one sentence done. I'm a horrible student. XD No, you're not a horrible student. You're just in love. :wub: Love sidetracks even the best of students. LOL I still don't have it done. It's due for night class, so I'll have to finish it today. Tick, tock, tick, tock... Quit thinking of Phil.
  11. Well, that's true. How time passes. Now this board already exists more than six years. Who remembers the board before this one? For the people who don't know it: the software was not compatible and all accounts/posts from the former board were lost when there was the update to this one. Leguan. Leguan. I just read your member title and signature. You're really He-Man?! o_o Speaking of... HampsterRegular? I thought it was Hampsterdancer or something. When did it change? Don't know. HampsterRegular = posts go up without moderation. HampsterDancer = still needs moderation. HampsterModerator = ... the one who does the moderation. lol amidoinitrite lol soundsgoodtome, soIguessyou'redoinitrite lol Horatio, you're silly. :­P ofcourseiamsilly... notenoughcoffee
  12. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    That's good to keep in mind. I also have my sister, though I seem to have less and less time to see her. We have no small chamber groups, except we're making a student-formed string quartet and I have volunteered to play alto clarinet for the viola part. It's still up in the air though (mostly getting the music is an issue). We have no orchestra at our school. We also don't have ballet. Sisters are great, but perhaps there is a girl at your school who you can be friends with. It is easier when the friend is nearby. Hope the student-formed string quartet happens, you would definitely enjoy that. Schirmer's music in Manhattan, should have lots of music. I have not looked to see if they have an on-line store. No orchestra... horrors! Theatre group? If so, they might need musicians. Perhaps there is a ballet group locally. Or a ballet teacher close to the school. She would love to have a guy in her class.
  13. Please go to Glowurm's topic (via the link) and pick a face. We need all the faces to be chosen for the story and there are three remaining. http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/index.p...mp;#entry141074 Thank you.
  14. Please specify which three faces are remaining.
  15. Horatio

    My place. :)

    lol I see that. It was foxtrot that they got 8th in, and I took close to 500 pictures total. I have a presentation due tomorrow, so it might be awhile before I get them all edited and put some up here. Hope the presentation is coming along well. We want just a couple pictures, please. lol presentation. I have no ability to concentrate right now, it's horrible. It's just a 5 minute presentation and one page paper. I have one slide, a heading, and one sentence done. I'm a horrible student. XD No, you're not a horrible student. You're just in love. :wub: Love sidetracks even the best of students. LOL
  16. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Whenever a guy has hugged another guy around me it was done as a sarcasm, a joke or in an intrusive manner. I can't recall ever seeing it done seriously, except if two friends who haven't seen each other in a long time meet each other. Not to mention I would probably overdo it too much and probably creep out my victim I don't mean to infer that I never talk, because I do. I talk to quite a few people in my surroundings if I feel anything to contribute to the current subject. I talked to others about how I felt tonight in pep band, for instance. It's not that I'm anti-social, but I'm just conservative about when I talk and what I talk about. Either way it doesn't feel that meaningful to me. Maybe that's just coming from someone who was spoon-fed his first language as a kid, for not speaking naturally. It feels like most things I say are not actually what I mean, or are a great distortion of my meaning, but I cannot get one to equal the other. I get closer to this equality in other instances like playing or composing music, but not so much with just, talking. And Horatio nailed it; my director is rather stubborn-minded in his ways. He wanted the drums heard more so that's what he got. I feel sorry for the girl next to me who had a concussion recently and was already experiencing bad headaches. lol maybe it's just a ballroom thing. So, you're just not a verbal person. That makes sense. My suggestion then is to go do things where you get to be more musical and express yourself that way (which it seems like you do anyways). So compose more, maybe join some other music type groups or something. And as much as I'm probably biased, if your college has a ballroom dance team or lessons, go check that out. From what I've seen of the ballroom people at Phil's college, they're the type of people you'd probably get along with really well. Some guys are uncomfortable around themselves and would probably react poorly if you hugged them just out of friendship. It wouldn't be you creeping them out, it would be them creeping themselves out. LOL What I suggest is to find a female who you can trust and let her know you are gay. Not right away of course, but when you find a girl who you feel you could be friends with. There are lots of girls would have best gay guy friends. This is such a great friendship as you both know up front that this is just a friendship and you can get lots of hugs and closeness without the girl feeling like you are going to want more from her. Do you have any small chamber music groups? Usually these are groups of musicians who are like minded and this might work well for you. How about a course in music theory? You should be able to find friends in this class. The theatre is another area where you might be able to join the orchestra or band. Have you ever thought about the orchestra? Get away from the band group and research the orchestra. They have a need for clarinets. You definitely won't be marching with the orchestra. LOL Ballroom dancing sounds like a great idea. Have you thought about ballet classes? This will introduce you to lots of girls who would love to be your friend and it also improves your physical attributes. You don't have to perform if you didn't want, but it would definitely open new doors. And before you say no, there are lots of pro-football teams whose players take ballet for coordination, flexibility and strength. Just my two-cents.
  17. So... I have finished with the Brooklyn stuff and am back with Adam. He is such a loyal and trusty lappy. It's nice to be able to post and not have the multiple quotes be lost somewhere on the phone. My apologies if any topics were sent into the closed mode, I have no idea that happened, but I have tried to fix all those I saw or heard about. If there is one I missed, please let me know as it's not supposed to be closed. It was the iPhone and operator error. Not much is happening here in Memphis... just cold and hamsters do NOT like the cold. I wish this was warm Florida weather. No such luck. Have to order my winter coat today. My fur is just not enough.
  18. Well, that's true. How time passes. Now this board already exists more than six years. Who remembers the board before this one? For the people who don't know it: the software was not compatible and all accounts/posts from the former board were lost when there was the update to this one. Leguan. Leguan. I just read your member title and signature. You're really He-Man?! o_o Speaking of... HampsterRegular? I thought it was Hampsterdancer or something. When did it change? Don't know. HampsterRegular = posts go up without moderation. HampsterDancer = still needs moderation. HampsterModerator = ... the one who does the moderation. lol amidoinitrite lol soundsgoodtome, soIguessyou'redoinitrite lol
  19. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    (*cough*hampsterdance-jesse's topic*cough*) As for the band director... somehow I feel he wouldn't really care how anyone felt.
  20. Horatio

    My place. :)

    lol I see that. It was foxtrot that they got 8th in, and I took close to 500 pictures total. I have a presentation due tomorrow, so it might be awhile before I get them all edited and put some up here. Hope the presentation is coming along well. We want just a couple pictures, please.
  21. Right you are. I didn't see you? Did you come? You didn't see me? I was front row center. My apologies on not remembering what you look like, but...what part did you play? (This would have been helpful to know before the play. LOL) Great show, BTW. ~LIz Lysander, Hermia, and Nick Bottom. I'm just that gooooood. No, I'm in zeee crew. And you were recognized for your excellence and hard work. I was. I am finally getting my braces off! December 29th. 5 years and 87 days SWEEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTTTT !!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Well, that's true. How time passes. Now this board already exists more than six years. Who remembers the board before this one? For the people who don't know it: the software was not compatible and all accounts/posts from the former board were lost when there was the update to this one. Leguan. Leguan. I just read your member title and signature. You're really He-Man?! o_o Speaking of... HampsterRegular? I thought it was Hampsterdancer or something. When did it change? Don't know.
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