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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. One left. Upper left corner. It's yours LifesEagle. Top left, middle right and bottom right were open. Arkcher took the bottom right, Hiro the middle right and yours would be the upper left. Is that okay with you? I thought we were only allowed one apiece, so Im pretty sure Im just one person. Used to be schizophrenic, but we're okay now. You were the second to choose and you only chose one. I wrote out the list for everyone to see.
  2. Here are the faces: LIFESEAGLE......................MUSHROOM_KING..............DOGLOVER HORATIO..................................KAY...............................HIRO THEBREAKFASTMONKEY........ARKCHER..........................- KAT -
  3. One left. Upper left corner. It's yours LifesEagle. Top left, middle right and bottom right were open. Arkcher took the bottom right, Hiro the middle right and yours would be the upper left. Is that okay with you?
  4. WHOAAAAAAAAA... free chocolate every half hour? I'm there. You have educated me on a number of things today... I didn't know this was the factory that inspired that movie. How awesome!
  5. Any particular colour trench coat? Black. Matches everything. I luuuuuuuuuvvvvvvvvvvv black.
  6. It has to be a short full-length song... only 56 MB I believe. We will be here waiting for your first song.
  7. You just educated me. I had no idea that bacon was risky. I luuuuuuuuvvvvvvvvvvvv bacon! BLT's, bacon and eggs, bacon and cheese omelets. Bacon, bacon, bacon!!!!!!! No... no eagle eyes. Just mostly blind hamster eyes. If I had spotted the feather before I was eating the wing, I would have removed it. The only way I knew what made me sick was due to the fact that the feather was the only object that came up other than water. And as soon as it arrived in the sink, I felt immediately better. And complain in Paris... I have enough trouble locating a bathroom in French. I am also a hardcore carnivore, but PETA happens to be doing wonderful work in Arkansas at the moment. There is a group of guys who manufacture bullets. They have decided that testing on live hogs is totally acceptable. The hogs to not die immediately, but die a horrible and painful death. In this case, I do support PETA. That bullet manufacturer should spend the extra money for some kind of testing materials that are artificial, not living animals. Good choice.
  8. You completely changed the lyrics of the classic Marc Cohn song, which is now "Riding in Memphis". Speaking of which, I was looking up the suites in the "Heartbreak Hotel" today. I wanna go to Graceland so bad. When you get here you have a place to stay. Come on over!!! My cage is always open to you, but you have to promise not to eat my relatives. And you need to come when it is either his birthday or anniversary of his death... there are so many Elvii running around you will think you have lost your mind. Have you seen the special suites in the Heartbreak Hotel? It's like a dream... but SO pricey! I would think that it would be a nightmare getting into Memphis/fiding somewhere to stay/finding room to walk on those days, though I would LOVE to attend the vigil. Great man, great man. Well, put it on your schedule. You don't have to worry about a place to stay. My cage is your cage. If you promise to remember which side of the road to drive on, you can borrow my car. And... you didn't agree not to eat any of my relatives, this is a must if you want to stay in my cage. Your beak and talons are pretty imposing.
  9. I would be in Cadbury heaven!!! Make that "our" dream car. I really like that egg.
  10. WHOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO! Then you get to upload a song from your repertoire to HampsterDance for us all to hear.
  11. You completely changed the lyrics of the classic Marc Cohn song, which is now "Riding in Memphis". Speaking of which, I was looking up the suites in the "Heartbreak Hotel" today. I wanna go to Graceland so bad. When you get here you have a place to stay. Come on over!!! My cage is always open to you, but you have to promise not to eat my relatives. And you need to come when it is either his birthday or anniversary of his death... there are so many Elvii running around you will think you have lost your mind.
  12. I don't believe you have food poisoning. Usually once you get rid of whatever was the 'poison' you feel better. It sounds more like you have the same 'bug' that is taking over the US. My food was pork. I cooked it to well done, but if the food is bad, then it doesn't matter how much you cook it, it is still bad. My food poisoning attacked me about 05H11. How I know immediately I have food poisoning is because I wake up with a ferocious headache. Fortunate for me I have never had a migraine, but this must be what a migraine feels like. Then when I stand up to get something for the headache, the headache goes away and a tsunami of nausea comes over me and I need to head straight to the bathroom, kitchen sink, bucket... anything within reach. If I can get to a sink and start drinking lots of water, I usually get sick straight away and then as soon as the evil food comes up, I feel better within about one to two minutes. Headache gone, nausea gone... very strange. One time in Paris I thought I was going to die. My food poisoning was that bad. The only thing that came up was one little, itty bitty chicken feather, from the wing. I had gone to dinner with a friend and had eaten... one, I repeat, only ONE chicken wing. That was what attacked me. That one wing had one little miniscule feather on it. Who would have guessed. Another time I had only eaten British Airways food in the last 36 hours and while on the Concorde I could feel it coming. Here I am in a pilot's uniform, getting what appeared to be air sick. As sick as I was I still thought I was going to die from embarrassment. Unlucky for me, the gestapo flight attendant would not allow me into the bathroom as we were on final approach. She made me sit in my seat and handed me a blanket to be sick in. Thank you sooooooooooo much.
  13. Food poisoning. Horrors!!! I had the exact same thing on Monday night, but I wasn't eating my relatives. What I did was drink lots of water and then ate lots of plain bread and dry saltine crackers. We were worried because you were posting and then disappeared. So, although I am happy you are feeling better enough to post, I am so sorry you are feeling bad. Perhaps someone else has something for the nausea.
  14. It sounds like you are thinking about all the right things! Good for you. The super position sounds like a great position and it would help. 400 dollars... that's a lot of money, but well worth it.
  15. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Oh my Jesse... that is phenomenal!!!!!!!!!! How stellar that you were level of the month. You should really feel fantastic!!! Good luck on the beta-testing. It sounds really great and the image is great. Good luck! Let us know how this turns out.
  16. To the contrary, I am most definitely the problem. I'm simply creating problems for myself through my way of thinking. Everything that's 'wrong' is in my head, which is why I have to go to head-doctors. Um... I forgot what I was thinking again. I keep losing my thoughts. Losing my mind. Wahaha. It's like some bugger's stealing it. I can feel the thoughts wriggling out. I don't think I'd be able to find another therapist, because I know for a fact that if I were to tell my mother I wanted a different therapist, I'd never hear the end of her questions. It makes me want to cry just thinking about the #### she gives me. I mean, I don't blame her, but honestly. I'm weak as it is. How would you all like to know one of my greatest fears? Falling apart. Breaking down. Losing it. Basically, I'm afraid of exposing myself to anyone. Absolutely afraid of it. I think of it now, and I'd rather die than let anyone know everything about me. Anyone at all. It might just be falling apart, I mean, everyone managing to see my insides without me wanting them to, but even thinking about telling someone everything gives me shivers and makes me feel sick. Maybe I'm afraid of myself to a point, for telling someone about me to be a problem. It can't simply be an open-and-shut case of being afraid of other people knowing. I don't even like thinking about what 'everything' encompasses inside me. Giving me shakes right now. Last night I had a panic attack. Again. These are getting scary. I can't stop them like I used to. Mind over matter isn't enough any more. I need help. But Bealieboy isn't the help I need. I have completely assaulted the italic function in this post. You have friends here and we will never ask you to expose more than you are willing. Exposing everything about yourself means giving up control. People with food problems, anorexia and bulimia for example, use food to show they have control over something. I do understand your not wanting to open yourself up totally. Once you do that, there is no taking it back. You have to trust that person one million percent and even then you are never totally sure. Lots of people never expose their total self. Being pushed to the point of falling apart, breaking down and losing it is tough. I was there. No fun. Panic attacks... I have a friend who is unable to drive through tunnels. She was approaching the tunnel one day, not knowing she was about to start having tunnel panic attacks, and as she got to the toll booth, in rush hour traffic (heading into New York City), she started having a panic attack. They had to call the police, stop traffic and turn her around so she could take the bridge. At the time this had happened, she was alone in the car. We have tried driving through the tunnel, but now she is only on the step where she is sitting in the back seat and you do NOT stop. Stopping would induce a panic attack and she would get out of the car and walk. Which is, of course, not in any way permitted. So, I do understand about panic attacks. Mind over matter did not help her either. I'm sorry your mother screams when you try and suggest something that is better for you. The one thing that I can suggest... is not to say or make any reference to you being better off dead. For some reason, head-doctors don't understand that sometimes people say this, not because they are going to do it, but for the reason that it seems to show a state of mind and where that person is in reference to that state of mind. How old are you?
  17. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Okay. What you and JF say makes sense. Thanks. I'm unusually tired at this time so I will hit the sack early. G'night. Have a good night's sleep.
  18. Okay... so I have two motorcycles and a third one that is not really mine, but I ride it all the time. Sooooooo, why do I want a fourth one? This is totally crazy. I know it is, but there is a new bike coming out in June and I really want to be one of the first to own it. Have I lost my mind? Let me know what you think. Today in Memphis, I was riding and was a bit cool... 47 degrees F and it was a little chilly even though I had dressed appropriately for the weather. Hope to ride again tomorrow. Can't go very far because I am on reserve which means that they can call me any time 24 hours a day and I have ten minutes to respond if I don't pick up the phone immediately.
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