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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. *cough, cough* Cocoa... you want to go back to Cocoa.
  2. Haha really? Most people here still just drink soda. I guess it's gaining in popularity because it has no sugar and people are over-obsessed with weight loss. No sugar?????????????? You need to read some of the labels! You would shock yourself, so bring Phil when you go. You will need him to pick you up when you faint at the ingredients.
  3. Probably not. But I'm not taking any chances. I saw it before you edited, nyeh. I'm talking it over with someone right now. I suppose my biggest problem right now is feeling undesirable. That's the exteremely short version, mind. Unfortunately society does this to all young people, women more so. You are smart, very pretty, fabulous sense of humour and have lots of other things going for you, but society just won't focus on reality. I'll stop before I begin a rant.
  4. The spam lists about one thousand per week. So, HampsterKing had to make a way for the spammers not to get through. For a while there, some of these spams were really nasty!
  5. And the scary thing is, I fit almost all of them. I went for a year and a half without cutting once and I broke that early this year, around mid-January. Going cold turkey for that amount of time was like being in ####. I'm not in a good place right now. But I'll get better. We want you to get better. So we will be here for you... always.
  6. Probably not. But I'm not taking any chances.
  7. Only HampsterKing knows for sure. He doesn't let in anyone who is not genuine and he has some kind of standard for knowing.
  8. *throws jello on the floor around the jigging jiggers*
  9. Another maplestory addict? LOL If I have trouble sleeping, I have a motivational hypnosis tape that is not one that wakes you up, but allows you to continue sleeping. It is amazing. When the stress level is really high, sometimes I have to listen to it three or four times before it works. But it is a drug free way to get to sleep.
  10. Where are your horns?????? Are they retractable?
  11. No you are not that fortunate. LOL Sometimes they are spammers trying to gain access.
  12. A haiku is fun Not always making good sense Fun to try and write.
  13. PS. I am fully aware that this will not work. How's this?
  14. :rolleyes: Am I that transparent? LOL Only a little bit. . When I was watching the film I thought that it might interest you in that respect. Probably not a good sign.
  15. Whoaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!! Doesn't this impair your keen eyesight? LOL
  16. *gives the most giant hammy hug possible* We need a group hug here! The first problem is that you are not sleeping. When you are tired your mind cannot function properly and this is when you tend to sink into darker realms. I do understand about being tired, being depressed and wishing your life will change. Your life can and will change but YOU must make the first step. I found that I needed to push myself out of my cage. Tough thing to do when being in your cage is so secure and it is where you feel the most safe. Get out and, as Jesse suggested and you agreed, find something to do. I know you are short on time, but if you could make time to insert an activity on a regular basis, it will start you on the road upwards. Volunteering is very rewarding. Joining an activity, club or other group that you might never have thought of and this opens up a positive thought process as you will be enjoying your new activity. When I started riding my motorcycle, it was fun. But when I added dirt bike riding to the mix, I really started to love riding. Not only was I enjoying the riding, I was meeting new people and opening new doors. Now I have another activity that I am passionate about. Please let us be here for you and try and help you work your way out of this.
  17. Have you been eating some of my relatives again????? No, just a heckuva lot of coke. I'm far too hyper for 2am. Well, in 30 minutes when I have to go to work I will be thinking of you wired on caffeine and unable to sleep. Tonight I have to fly from Atlanta to Memphis. Then I have Turkey Day off and fly from Memphis to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Friday morning. Atlanta sounds about right for me right now, what with me being on a coke high! I wish I could come to Memphis with you. You ARE all over the place, aren't you? It is much better when I am in Europe running all over the place. LOL Why? Too many languages to keep track of. Just come to England and chill with me in my eyrie. It's the place to be right now. Wouldn't I love that!!!!! Only problem is that I have to work. And when I am in Europe, I am usually at work. DOn't you ever visit Europe to relax and have fun? You really should, otherwise Europe will always be a big office to you. Actually I have made many friends in Europe. Working there is really not like being in an office as you are always flying from place to place and the company puts you up in rather nice hotels. I have probably been to the Louvre over 200 times, the D'Orsay 150 and then almost every other museum in Paris and the surrounding areas. Then there is Germany and Italy where I have toured around. Most often I go over early or stay between trips and then have some fun. 200 times to the Louvre?! I'd LOVE that, it took me forever to find ONE painting (a Johannes Vermeer) in there, even though I had a map. Two of my favourite paintings ever are in the D'Orsay and I have copies of them on my wall at home, they're just so beautiful and calming. Ahh, Germany, meine Leiblingsland... Germany, Berlin, Frankfurt and various other cities have wonderful museums. I spend lots of my time in museums. At several of the museums, I got to know the personnel and they were very kind. It made the experiences very enjoyable. And you have to go to the Louvre and D'Orsay about 200 hundred times just to be able to see everything. LOL Germany isn't a city. LOL I love museums, too: my favourite is The Natural History Museum in London that I go to at least 15 times a year (not kidding). Earlier this year I went into London to get my Chinese visa and I had several hours to kill while they processed my documents so I went there and actually had time to LOOK at the exhibits (I was on my own). Usually I can't read the information because I'm with people who get bored easily so that time I actually learnt a lot just from taking my time. I also got to spend lots of time with my favourite exhibit, a triceratops skeleton who I named Bobby when I was about 7. Picky, picky, picky. LOL LOL LOL We have some really cool museums such as The Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC, The American Museum of Natural History in New York, San Francisco has a museum called the Exploratorium, the Art Institute in Chicago, and a really fun place called the Experience Music Project in Seattle. Another museum that I think you would enjoy would be the Franklin Institute Science Museum in Philadelphia. The University of Pittsburgh has a wonderful collection of museums one being the Cathedral of Knowledge where they show classrooms from around the world, a few more museums within walking distance of each other. In Atlanta I didn't have time, but there was a brand new aquarium that I would have loved to have visited. As for art museums, we have a number of wonderful museums in many cities. I've been to the Air and Space Museum if that's the one with the Concorde and space shuttle in a huge hangar. I remember that one well because it was the last thing we visited before going to Dulles for our flight home. I was wearing my republican badge and the security guard asked what I was wearing so I showed him. He grinned and said "That's what you should be wearing in this state!" And yes, I was the only person with a republican badge in my whole school group. I went to a lot of the Smithsonian museums in Washington besides that one, including a natural history one where a couple of friends and I sat on a bench and just people watched for about an hour. In NY we got lost in the MET as we had something like 3 hours to kill. Summer of 2007 I had half an hour in the art museum to find American Gothic and walked for ages across the museum just to see it. Shame I don't have many photos from that trip on this computer. I include a photo of me in the natural history museum in DC. LOL LOL That's a great photo!!!!!!!! You really made me laugh when I saw it. Your sense of humour is showing!!! I'd better cover it up, then. There's another photo of me with a triceratops skull and one of my friends commented on FB and said: "I can see the resemblance". And you're depriving us of the opportunity?
  18. I need to find the skwerhugger. Guest because he could not remember his password.
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