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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Clouds are in the sky As you fly through them they are sometimes so bumpy.
  2. *screeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmssssssssssssssss* What do you mean, HOPEFULLY pictures will come soon. We want pictures NOW!!!!!!!!!! Seriously... how exciting! Your mother sounds so very, very cool!!! $91 a ticket for great seats! Oh my goodness!!! Then meeting the cast and having them sign your program and having your picture taken! O-U-T-S-T-A-N-D-I-N-G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would you mother like to adopt a hamster?
  3. You keep wanting to use my relatives for battul and I am replacing them with beavers. And those are beavers with BIG teeth!!!
  4. Exacttttttttttttttllllllllyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!
  5. You can always reach me immediately if you need someone to talk to. Just send the email to mac.com address and it comes immediately to my phone.
  6. Three lines to express, What lies deep within my soul, Nothing but blank stares.
  7. [ Great one!!! ] Volcanic orange glow, Sunset flickering yellow, Intense bright hot white.
  8. We are here for you. If you email my mac account, it comes to my phone. You can always find me. It you were in the USA you could text me with immediate access.
  9. You're here now. trufax u___u *throws - Kat - in the pool with watermelons*
  10. Haha really? Most people here still just drink soda. I guess it's gaining in popularity because it has no sugar and people are over-obsessed with weight loss. No sugar?????????????? You need to read some of the labels! You would shock yourself, so bring Phil when you go. You will need him to pick you up when you faint at the ingredients. lol I was unclear in what I was saying. *Water* is gaining popularity because it has no sugar. Soda has an insane amount of sugar. But the flavoured waters are loaded in sugar... almost as bad as regular soda.
  11. When you are going to cut. Get on here first and talk to us. Write out the problem and perhaps that will make you feel a little better. If you can't do that, go outside and take a walk... a long, long walk.
  12. Bots. We didn't have the screening code and you could just sign up. It was awful. I was having HampsterKing delete 100 to 200 users per day. And the names were... S-H-O-C-K-I-N-G!!!!!!!!! As if someone would really have a user name like the ones they had. I remember seeing some of them. Just makes us glad we have moderators like yourself to keep things in line. :­D :blush: Oh gee... thank you for the compliment.
  13. I'd love one. *adds more food and drink to the fridj*
  14. Well... I am signing off for about an hour or so. It is tea time and I will be indulging. Talk to you all later.
  15. Grounding you is good For the benefit of all Creatures big and small.
  16. :blush: :blush: Aaaaaggggggghhhhhhhhh. I really love my relatives and friends. I'll look for photographs of my family and friends and post them later.
  17. Bots. We didn't have the screening code and you could just sign up. It was awful. I was having HampsterKing delete 100 to 200 users per day. And the names were... S-H-O-C-K-I-N-G!!!!!!!!! As if someone would really have a user name like the ones they had.
  18. This is a special non-stick formula that doesn't stick to feathers OR fur. I don't like my fur being dirty, sticky, etc. But when I do get it on my paws, it does take good in the clean-up process.
  19. *cough, cough* Cocoa... you want to go back to Cocoa. Nyehnyeh. I LOVED Charleston, even though it's really quiet and nothing is really happening... at all. I just loved seeing all these houses that our tour guide said were worth millions of dollars and they looked like they were worth a tenth of that amount! Also, it was insanely hot. That wasn't so good. So then you want to come to Memphis. *cough, cough* Memphis, Memphis, Memphis. *you are getting sleepy... very sleepy... just focus on the silver pendulum*
  20. You are definitely NOT undesireable. You just might be unattainable. Did you ever consider that some guys may feel that if they ask you out, you will reject them? When you are pretty, intelligent and can carry on a conversation, some guys might feel they cannot live up to the level they perceive you to be on. My sister had this problem. She was smart, unbelievably gorgeous, artistic and athletic. Guys also were afraid to ask her out. She always wondered what was wrong with her. Insecurities on the side of the male population does not help the female population. Crazy. Buy a motorcycle. It is phenomenal fun. Plus you meet lots and lots of guys.
  21. Horatio

    My place. :)

    *psychic abilities kicking in* Hee, hee, hee... I must have know he was coming. I posted in the topic about water, to have you take him with you.
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