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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. I recognize that name and PreppyGirl's name as well.
  2. That was the part of the upgrade that was sad... all those great emoticons were lost.
  3. *runs off to try and make a good picture, which will show just how bad an artist I really am*
  4. I'm heading out for a motorcycle ride... the weather is just slightly warming. Still cold, but I want to ride my motorcycle!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Sounds great! Great to know that you watched a little bit of Heroes and had a bit of a discussion. One reason you don't have lots of work this week is because you have been working hard all week. Good luck on finals although I am certain you have a 4.0. Eh, maybe, it's an uphill battle getting that A- up in linear algebra But you surmised correctly that I finished all the projects due this week, so it's just the occasional homeworks as usual that I must do, like math, and that does not take up too much time. I'm also a bit hooked on Donkey Kong 64. I have to restrict myself to an hour at a time so I don't overwork myself Only one hour of Donkey Kong... that is truly self-control. I would never be so disciplined. Self-discipline is something I would like to learn.
  6. Did they turn her feet into Barbie feet? Feet that were permanently in the high heel position? That person would not be able to walk barefoot.
  7. ...-leaps on wild Hiro- -nudge- -nudge- -poof- AW, IT APPEARED TO BE CAUGHT! Too much oil... he slipped out of your grasp. Here... here is a net. This should catch him. *throws confetti all over to soak up the oil*
  8. That would be awesome. Do your Starbucks permit rodents inside?
  9. [My mental state is also getting worse. It makes me write better.] [ What is happening with you, Mushroom_king? ] [While we were in Europe, my brother was constantly fighting with my mom. Ever since my brother moved out I had been feeling a lot more sane because I didn't listen to them fight anymore, and then I had to listen to them fight even more, even worse whilst on vacation. =/] [and my friends are still all idiots.] Your mother should have left him home. Your brother and mother fighting just ruins the holiday for everyone. I'm so sorry you had to put up with all that. Glad you are back home. As for your friends... I don't know what to say.
  10. *screeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmssssssssssssssss* What do you mean, HOPEFULLY pictures will come soon. We want pictures NOW!!!!!!!!!! Seriously... how exciting! Your mother sounds so very, very cool!!! $91 a ticket for great seats! Oh my goodness!!! Then meeting the cast and having them sign your program and having your picture taken! O-U-T-S-T-A-N-D-I-N-G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would you mother like to adopt a hamster? Re: Pictures: my dad is on the computer I usually use to upload pictures online, I'm stuck on the slow laptop, which would not be as fun to work with big files on. So at some point when I get to be on the better compy... Yes! It was amazing that everything worked out so nicely. She's been cheking for tickets for a while, but hasn't found anything for a decent price that we could make. but this time it finally worked out!! ~Liz You will have to tell me her secret. Soooooooo, how was it?
  11. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Sounds like you have a great plan. Hope you can solidify everything rather quickly so that you don't have to worry about it.
  12. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Sounds great! Great to know that you watched a little bit of Heroes and had a bit of a discussion. One reason you don't have lots of work this week is because you have been working hard all week. Good luck on finals although I am certain you have a 4.0.
  13. The girls that wear heels are usually love wearing them, just like you like dressing down. I couldn't wear them.
  14. Glad you are back. Now we can kick off some of the bots.
  15. How was Halloween? Did you find anything to whiten your teeth? I'm going to be in Calgary next month. Looking for a Toronto trip.
  16. And hopefully having a fabulous time!!! Hurry back home, you are missed!!! Berlin was awesome =D BUT MY MOM APPARENTLY DOESN'T WANT TO GO BACK THERE D= -emo tear- I lived in Berlin. On Kurfurstendam. It was a great place to live.
  17. I dunno where you get inspiration for this stuff. 'Makes me jealous. Probably from the source. LOL
  18. *breaks into song* I'm dreaming of a Whiteeee Easter. Just like the one we had last year. Was there enough snow to make snow angels? How about a snoweagle?
  19. If you have snow... there's a really good chance you will have to drive in it.
  20. Chocolate... lots and lots of dark chocolate. Question... do your emotional swings lessen in the summer? I've eaten enough, I'm gonna get fat. No, it's not SAD. If anything, I feel better this time of year because I associate winter with love (long story). It's just... circumstances. I'm now watching The Producers for the trillionth time so I'm laughing. Winter and snow always remind me of Dr. Zhivago. I'm always telling myself to read that book, but nowadays I'm too lazy and just read Jodi Picoult. It snowed last night, but rather pathetically. I have not read any Jodi Picoult. Snow... I don't want to see any snow, except in pictures!!!
  21. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Something to thing about, not all friendships have the same intensity and no one friend is liked more or less. They are just on different planes. Satisfying different needs. With that being said, I think you will need to take the initiative with some of your friends and ask them to get together. Don't wait for them to ask you. If you want to do something, then suggest it to someone else and see if they are available. If someone says they can't, ask someone else, don't let the answer make you feel as though they are rejecting you. It may just be that they are truly unavailable. As for other activities... what I was suggesting is that you find a different group of people. All the activities you are in consist of the same basic theme... music and same basic people. You need to expand into a different arena, a different and interesting group to enlarge your circle of friends. For example, Mega Wolf has the marching band group, but she also is involved in the 4-H club. Two totally different themes, but sometimes with some of the same people. This was an example of my thinking. For example, I have the motorcycle group, the music group, the arts and antiques group, the work group, the exercise group and then I have my couple of close friends. Sometimes they overlap, sometimes they are not even close. Each group brings something to my life that makes me who I am. The band/music group just does not seem to give you what you are looking for.
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