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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Trying to manipulate my schedule for this month so I can be off more around Christmas. At the moment, Santa and I will be flying at midnight on Christmas morning. Anyone who thinks Santa does not ask FedEx for help getting presents to people on Christmas ought to look at my schedule. We have lots and lots of airplanes flying at midnight on Christmas morning.
  2. Sometimes you can't sleep because you are over-tired. That happens to me occasionally. Then the harder I try to sleep, makes it only worse. What works for me is a really hot shower and then reading. Somehow my eyes just start to close and I have to make sure that I turn off the light and put away my glasses and book. If you pull out one of your text books that is really boring, you probably would go to sleep fast. I have tried the counting backwards from 100 to 1 and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. There is a hypnosis/relaxation thingy I have on my iPod and that will work. Sometimes it takes more than one time, but eventually it works. The most amount of times it has taken is five, if I remember correctly. That was a particularly stressful night.
  3. Found one of my pictures of the aquarium in Atlanta. Here it is: It has a wonderful architectural flair. Next time I plan on going inside and checking it out.
  4. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Glad to hear that you are home safe and sound.
  5. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I agree... have a safe trip and enjoy the holidays!!! Say hello to Phil for us.
  6. Please get that term paper finished and then return. Your grades are great and we don't want them to slip because you are neglecting your studies.
  7. It would be great if you made the team! But I am well aware of what happens... and this is quite disappointing when the same people are selected all the time.
  8. True. I was really happy when the service representative was telling the manager there were no complaints. He was quite restrained because I was standing there, but you could tell he was unamused. Now that I am wireless again, I am very, very happy. I don't like to be tied down.
  9. Well... here is an update. Decided to go have coffee and breakfast in the lobby, which supposedly has wireless. Anyway, the hotel keeps telling me the wireless is working, but I couldn't get on. So, when one of the managers appeared, I had him try and get on. Hee, hee, hee. Now he was the one who was stuck on hold with the Hilton internet support group. The best part was that he was going to 'help' me get on the internet and now he was subjected to the idiot questions from the other end. So he explained that this had been a problem, the service representative told him that there were no complaints from the hotel. Well, he said... I personally called yesterday and reported a large number of guests couldn't access the internet, and I am the hotel manager. *round of applause* So, now the service representative was more than anxious to solve the problem and voila... I am now on wirelessly!!! Except... this is the lobby and I have still to go to my room and see if it still works. Anyway, the first officer and I were going to dinner last night. You know it is a bad sign when the hotel tells you to 'be careful, you don't want to be outside after dark'! WHOA!!! That does not give me a warm fuzzy feeling. So, we took a taxi to dinner at a fantastic restaurant. The food was unbelievably stellar! The had to roll me out of the restaurant as I overindulged. That's a horrible feeling, but I wanted to try everything. Not tonight though. We have a different restaurant planned. Across from the hotel is a mall and I plan to jog a couple times around the perimeter today... as long as it appears like I won't get run over by a car. So, if I don't appear back on, start looking for road kill in Laredo.
  10. Horatio

    My place. :)

    You're almost there. Good luck!!!
  11. Now I am in Laredo and cannot get the wireless to work. It took hours and finally I got a connection with the ethernet, but still for some reason, it does not want to connect wireless. This is torture having to sit the desk connected by a cord. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Do what my dad did: bring a wireless router with you. (or get a longer ethernet cable) I have the wireless router and for whatever reason, the Hilton never seems to work with this at this particular hotel. (Other people have talked about this problem.) And *slaps forehead* I forgot my 25 foot ethernet cable home.
  12. You have a lot to carry around on your shoulders. Lexxscrapham has a great idea about meditation. As he says, it may not bring the answers you seek, but it often does open up other areas of thinking. That is quite a lot of burden for someone so young to have to deal with. *gives Glowurm a hug* Hope your holiday is a great one. Enjoy Canada! Hiro is up there and Arkcher would love to be there, so hope Canada gives you a chance to breathe a bit. The flight is long, so I can only hope that it doesn't tire you out too much.
  13. He was an advocate of such. You're not going to catch someone who supports drugs criticizing them. You're not going to catch someone who criticizes drugs supporting them. You can quote him seriously about as much as I can quote NIDA seriously (and I can't, those guys are ridiculous). But that aside, primarily hallucinogenic drugs, especially psychedelics, are the only drugs I can say do not flat out scare me. Of course I'm uneasy about them, but I'm not scared of them. And that's probably the only kind that doesn't scare me. All that aside. Tomorrow, at 11:30 AM, I will be getting on a plane and flying direct to London. askdfgl long flight I then spend a day or two there, before going up to Edinburgh and Fife for the next week. Then I go to Canada for the next five. oh god this is going to be so awesome. Salem is a miracle. He's that boy I mentioned loving in the relationships topic. x'3 Anyway. He comes out of nowhere, Mr. Zoanthrope Salem, and just throws out an idea he had. Ffffffffffffffffar out. I still don't know what to say. I'd say he hit the nail on the head but it's one of those things that you feel 'IT CAN'T POSSIBLY BE THAT SIMPLE' even when it quite possibly could. either way. amazing son of a caskdfgla. I swear I love that boy less than I should. But I pretty much love him more than anyone I've loved before all other friends and relatives included So. Uh. Yeah I don't know what to say about him, really. I sing songs for people I like, because I enjoy singing songs and I tend to express myself better through other people's music. Go figure. But I've started writing music more, all because I haven't heard a song amazingly sappy and romantic enough to sing to him. I make my own. He also got me into clothes- and wig-making - neither of which he has anything to do with, but he does do so much costuming and so well that it's infected me in a slightly different way. =w= And he's an artist. askdfgl he's really really really good, actually. I should upload the picture he drew for me. x'3 along with the one he drew for himself they're just sketchy heads but you know. x'D Artwork © salem Ciello © salem Ebly © me M © hammer but all he could © was the deep blue © ffffff that boy draws the funniest things to music. ono anyway yes leaving tomorrow for six weeks that was really the point of this. c: byebye. Salem is a terrific artist. Those are really good pictures. He sounds like a great person. Hope things work out for you both.
  14. Are new trumpets better? Or are you asking for a better quality trumpet? What makes a trumpet a good one? Are their certain distinguishing characteristics? Well, I'd like a better quality trumpet. lol. Both of mine are student models and not too pretty anymore. As I'm getting closer to being out of high school, I'm wanting a better trumpet. There's certain characteristics of trumpets that make them better, I only know the difference by the ease of playing. XD Also, there's different styles that some trumpets are more specific for. Student trumpets tend to be rounded horns, intended for okay use for all styles. My favorite so far is the Wild Thing. It's pretty good in general, it's a fairly large trumpet. There's different tuning slides, it's a bit weird. The horn itself helps open up sound. My brother has one, it's great. Thank you for the information. I had no idea. The Wild Thing... that sounds pretty interesting. Hope you get one.
  15. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Congratulations!!! You are collecting lots and lots of A's! You only have three pages remaining... that should be pretty easy for you. Good luck!
  16. I'm certain you will only improve. But we want to see the bad and the good.
  17. Or at least one of her multiple personalities.
  18. Now I am in Laredo and cannot get the wireless to work. It took hours and finally I got a connection with the ethernet cable, but still for some reason, it does not want to connect wireless. This is torture having to sit the desk connected by a cord. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
  19. Wildcat!!!!! How nice to see you!!!! Glad you made a guest appearance! Hope we see your smiling face a bit more. Snow... that is the stuff that should remain in Canada. i'd love to come visit more often but things in my life have taken a turn for the better! and busier! i've gotten my grades up, now that i've been able to teach myself geometry! haha and i've become friends with a certain band of three brothers that i love, as in they call my phone. and do mic-chat on aim. i'm as stunned as anyone and i love snow! i lvoe cold! because i get to wear cuter clothes when its cold i have a coat fetish :] It's fantastic to hear that things are going better for you. I love good news! At least for you the snow didn't last. How wonderful to hear that your grades are up and that you have the discipline to teach yourself Geometry!!!! *hands Wildcat The Black Bat Award* You are doing phenomenal! Keep up the good work!!!!! I have to get ready to go to work and this hotel wireless is slower than dial-up, so I need to run. Am flying from Lubbock, Texas to Memphis, Tennessee to Omaha, Nebraska tonight. And I don't want to see snow!!!!!!! Talk to you in a little bit, as soon as I get ready to go. Please do stop in every now and then for a couple minutes. We love seeing you!!!!! *graciously accepts award* ohh, dude hotel "hi-speed" wireless is always awful Actually some are not too bad, but then some are sooooooooo bad I want to scream.
  20. Your poem is fantastic. Now I have to go back and find the story!
  21. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Another marathon paper... hope you get it accomplished and are able to get home soon.
  22. 10th place sounds fantastic! You must have talents that you didn't know about. I wish that you had pictures for us.
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