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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. I have decided that everyone is getting a piece of lava this year. There is so much around here, that I can get everyone's present on one hike. LOL!!! Shipping will be a little costly, but the gifts will not cost me a thing, save carrying them back to the car. I think I might have to make it one two hikes. LOL!!! All the brown is lava and the green center thing is the cone of the volcano. There are over ten extinct volcanoes in this area with lava scattered over thousands and thousands of acres.
  2. Who went out on Thanksgiving night to begin their shopping? Not me. And I did not even go out on Black Friday. And today, I did not go shopping. Hmmm, I think I may have missed all the terrific sales.
  3. How many days until Christmas??? I need to do my Christmas shopping and the holiday seems so very far away. Why am I procrastinating?
  4. LOL!!! I am listening to classical at the moment. Bach is currently playing.
  5. There are little sacks just for those areas where no facilities exist. For me, getting up without a hot, hot, boiling hot shower is the absolute worst thing in the world. For all of my life, that I am able to remember, I have taken a shower every morning. Camping in a place, where you crawl out of your sleeping bag and get into your clothes, is such a grimy feeling. LOL!!!
  6. Never feel less special that you are having your one year anniversary. The people celebrating their fifteen year anniversaries are getting old and will soon be retiring. LOL!!! Then it will be your turn to celebrate those high numbers. Just think of how fortunate you are to have received a slot and the fact that you are there!!! Congratulations!!!!
  7. T-plus 14 hours past food time. LOL!!! How was your Thanksgiving??? I hope it was terrific. We had far too much food! And this morning, more turkey for breakfast. Now for hot apple pie and vanilla bean ice cream.
  8. Okay... Thanksgiving is only a few days away. Already I am thinking about the turkey, dressing or stuffing, and all the wonderful side dishes that accompany this meal. Let us not forget the dessert. The preparations have already started.
  9. You are quite impressive! Look at all you have accomplished in the past year! Happy work anniversary on the 4th of November. One year and many, many more to come.
  10. Thank you so very much Topazia for the birthday greetings!!! My birthday was very quiet. Just how I like it. Almost eleven pounds! WOW!!! Not doing anything on Halloween is good. There will be lots more Halloweens where you are busy making costumes, handing out candy and trying to get your daughter off a sugar high a few weeks later. LOL!!!
  11. Would you please add the email option so that you know when people post in a particular topic.
  12. I attempted to upload a few photographs, but for some reason they will not upload. Hopefully I can figure out the problem.
  13. WHOA!!!!!! I go camping and away from the internet for a bit, and voila, here are three posts that I totally missed on the first day! Lexxy... it has been ages! How are you? How is life treating you and how is every little thing??? Would you please update me on you and your life? Wildcat... welcome back? What have you been doing? Are you good? What is going on with you? Would you please catch me up on all things Wildcat??? As for me, I went camping in Zion and in a place called White Pocket. Zion was great, but one night the temperature was in the twenties. - Kat - would have loved the cold, but I shivered all night. The next day I went out and bought another pad for underneath the air pad, and a sleeping bag liner. In addition, I changed out my air pad for an insulated air pad. The good news is that my campsite was right next to the bathroom. Our next camping adventure took us out in the back country. Absolutely no facilities whatsoever. Using a special bag as a toilet is very strange. But you must carry out anything you carried in, no matter what the form. During the night, which was back in the twenties, I heard two animals of unknown origin, growling with each other. They were so very, very close to my tent. This night also had me shivering excessively. I was shivering so bad that I was clenching my teeth. Sunrise was a very welcome sight. Just so you know, I bought a sleeping bag that was rated to minus twenty. Ha. I think the outfitter made a big mistake. Perhaps this bag was only rated to positive twenty, not negative twenty. When I get back to Memphis, I am going to head over there and confirm the information. As for other news, I have been hanging out in Utah and Arizona quite a bit. Very beautiful country and fun to hike all over. That is it for me.
  14. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! That was more spectacular than I have ever, even considered. Thank you so very, very much. I greatly appreciate your thoughtfulness and wonderful post. I will fill you in on the details of the camping, hiking, photographing adventure. Please wish me well and that I come back in one piece. LOL!!! Thank you again. By the way, I saved you a slice of birthday cake.
  15. Oh my goodness, Makenzie is growing like a weed! What are you feeding this girl? She is so beautiful. Halloween will be so much fun and I can not wait until I hear all about it. There has been so very much happening and for my birthday, I am going hiking, camping and photographing Zion and the surrounding area. So, you will most likely not hear from me for a few days. I will have more photographs to share, so take care and enjoy Halloween!
  16. Good morning everyone! Are we ready for fall? The mosquitoes are back in full force in Florida. Here is a photograph in Oregon. The dot is a seagull.
  17. LOL!!! A little poop factory. You made me choke on my coffee. LOL!!! I love it. What was MacKenzie's weight when she was born? How many inches was she? It is fantastic that you have lost so much of the weight you gained during your pregnancy. Terrific. Unfortunately, you have to go back to work, as I am certain that being with MacKenzie is such a joy. As for here, I am still working on the renovation. Packing up the place is so very tedious. Ouch! I get a headache just thinking about it. The good news is that I am continually whittling down the stuff to box up. After the renovation is complete, we hope to get this place sold. The great news is that the property values are increasing at an alarming rate. Good for us, but I foresee another real estate bubble bursting. After Memphis, then on to Florida. The sale of the second house will be thrilling. I am looking forward to the day we no longer have stuff hanging over our head and to becoming a minimalist. LOL!!! It is so interesting to see just how much money people waste on unneeded stuff. It would be great to unload all this unneeded stuff to people who just need to have it. That would be terrific. The fun thing is to run around the world and take lots of photographs of interesting locations. I am starting a travel blog. Of course, there are a million travel blogs out there, so I am looking forward to adding travel to my photographic workshop review blog. Wordpress is very easy to use and I am having an interesting adventure in figuring it all out.
  18. Thank you for saying so. I am trying to get more of my images to attach. How are you and your magnificent daughter, Mackenzie, doing? How is Sean doing? Hope you all are doing well.
  19. How fantastic that you both are doing so well. Babies are so strong. I am glad that she is not able to have the arm strength to lift her torso. Good things take time, so I am quite happy that she is not already crawling. Ha, ha, ha... that will come soon enough. It is a very good thing that Sean shaved his beard. Babies seem to be able to grab just enough hairs to pull and ouch does that hurt. So, eliminating the temptation is an excellent idea. I can speak from experience, babies are really strong when it comes to pulling out a hand full of hair. And they are like alligators, once they have those few hairs in their little hands, they absolutely do not want to let go.
  20. Okay... here is the latest. I have been wandering around the country, well mostly the west coast part of the U.S.A., taking photographs. Oregon has a coastline that is extremely beautiful. I fell in love with some of the most terrific starfish and anemones. They are hard to photograph unless you have a waterproof camera. But, when I can figure out why my photographs will not post to the boards, I will put up a million photographs for all to see.
  21. This made me laugh so very hard! Now you know who is really in charge! And no... it is neither you nor Sean. LOL!!! "A squirmy bowling ball strapped to your gut", what a description! Good thing I was not drinking coffee as you made me chuckle.
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