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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Now that is a superbly stellar idea. Something that would look very, V-E-R-Y good on your college resume!!! I say suggest the idea now and get a team rounded up prior to the end of the school year. This is the greatest idea yet! I'll help. ~Liz So would I. We could all go out to Mega Wolf's house and help her.
  2. Because of my reviews? LOL ~Liz Absolutely! Yours and Mushroom_king's review of Bedtime Stories. So, actually there are three on my list. Cool. More reviews listing what I've seen recently but don't feel like reviewing. : Two movies I've seen already...but watched (both) for the second time this weekend... My Cousin Vinny... (One of I think two r-rated movies I've seen...along with Billy Elliot)(and in...6 days I'll be able to get in r-rated movies by myself. woo. it's like the only privelege that comes with turning 17.) Baby Mama both funny! ~Liz My Cousin Vinny is really funny. I like watching that one.
  3. My hamster-sister has her actress profile there.
  4. Now that is a superbly stellar idea. Something that would look very, V-E-R-Y good on your college resume!!! I say suggest the idea now and get a team rounded up prior to the end of the school year. This is the greatest idea yet!
  5. Creepy is right. He will probably turn out to be one of those 57 year old guys in his underwear stalking young girls on the internet.
  6. Because of my reviews? LOL ~Liz Absolutely! Yours and Mushroom_king's review of Bedtime Stories. So, actually there are three on my list.
  7. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    We went on vacation there a few years ago! I liked it there, the aquarium is amazing, and so is watching the boats come in and the walk around the lake. Of course, that was during the summer I've heard horror stories about the winters there. Stay warm! I will have to check out the Aquarium. Watching the water and boats is wonderful. I tried walking along the lake, but the snow was really high and I wasn't making much progress. When the snow goes away, I will try the lake walk then.
  8. It works and looks great!!! More art... More art... M-O-R-E.....A-R-T!!!!!!!!!!! Horaaaatiooooo. Doooooo the meemeeeeeee. Dooooooo eeeeeeeet. I have to pick a different art program... this one isn't working. My favourite is #6!
  9. Horatio

    My place. :)

    *taps paw* Sorry... we can't wait. Get Phil to take a couple! lol I tried to get a picture with my phone to send Phil yesterday, but the lighting in my livingroom was awful. *taps paw again* We're waiting.
  10. YES I DO! NOW, I'M OFF TO GO EAT SOMEONE'S PARENTS! Get 100 posts... NOW!!!
  11. It works and looks great!!! More art... More art... M-O-R-E.....A-R-T!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Horatio

    My place. :)

    *taps paw* Sorry... we can't wait. Get Phil to take a couple!
  13. Horatio

    My place. :)

    You could always wait until the blue is gone and then donate it. Your hair is so beautiful!!! My hair is short now! It's not as pretty as it was long, but it's still cute. The hair people took my hair for locks of love anyways to see if they'll take it, which is pretty cool. And Phil can come over for dinner tomorrow! That's great. I think they could just take out the blue pieces and still use the remaining hair. So... where's the picture?
  14. OH PICKLES. I did the wrong codes. I'm used to dA's codes. No patience for some of the people on You Tube.
  15. Okay... there is no place on earth for humans that should be this cold... Duluth, Minnesota... when we landed this morning, it was -19 C. Oh my goodness... it took my breath away.
  16. That's even worse. Of course, when I wake up and am trying to remember and it is all fuzzy and jumbled, I am not certain if it was fuzzy and jumbled when I was dreaming or my trying to recollect.
  17. Nutzky... you have not been online since the 22nd of November and frankly I am worried. You are in my thoughts, heart and prayers for being safe in Iraq. Hopefully you are okay, but just out of touch. We would love to hear from you soon. Horatio
  18. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Little steps... that is a perfect way to get things accomplished. Great news that you are IMing. Perhaps your friend is busy with other things, but I hope he is okay. I totally understand your concern as I have not heard from my friend Nutzky since the 22 of November. That is way, way too long for someone to be over in Iraq and not being in contact. At this point I am getting worried. If you get time, please add a post to Nutzky's topic. I'm heading there now. Very happy to see you stop in. At the moment, I am in Duluth, Minnesota and it was -19 C when we landed last night. *screeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmm ouch*
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