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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Wishing every one have a most wonderful holiday. May this holiday season bring everyone peace, love and happiness. Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas!! Horatio
  2. Oh my goodness... I thought my shredder was going to burn up. Finally I was able to get through the mail and see the floor again. The mail was mounded into a mountain.
  3. Ha, ha. ha... working so hard, at such a young age, that you need a nap. LOL!!!
  4. May the peace, love and joy that this holiday season brings...always be with you, your family and friends.
  5. Leguan!!! How are you? How is life treating you? How is your work? Should we call you Dr. Leguan now? Merry Christmas to you! Would you please fill us in on what has been happening?
  6. Dear Jesusfreak and Shane, We would like to wish you both the greatest of wishes on your wedding. May you both have a long, healthy and wonderful life together. Congratulations. Horatio
  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR TOPAZIA, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! Dear Topazia, Wishing you the most terrific of all birthdays! I hope that the celebration of your birth was the best ever. Our wishes for you are many, many more birthdays to come! Happy Birthday! Horatio
  8. You are definitely not pushing it. The music is beautiful. Everything about the Final Fantasy is quite exceptional. For example, the Final Fantasy artwork is exquisite. I am listening to Joe Satriani, Raspberry Jam Delta-V.
  9. No, it is definitely not just you. I was so overwhelmed with the planning phase, that I finally omitted two of the plans, and opted to head straight back to Memphis. Once I arrived back at the house, the pile of mail was so, so huge, that I could only skim through the pile and pick out the very important items to deal with today. The pile is still quite huge, but at least I have a couple of the most important items taken care of. Tomorrow, I will begin very early in the morning and work until each and every item has been dealt with. *feels the breeze from the Horatio banner* My ducks are definitely not in a row, it is more like I am attempting to herd cats.
  10. So you have heard about the rooftop beds. What a great idea! I like the solar heated mattress. Tesla has started placing solar rooftops on all their cars. If they could just install coffee makers, then life would be perfect. I would love to have coffee being brewed as I drive. Then there would be no need to stop at Dunkin Donuts. As far as weird things being shipped, I know that you have more inside knowledge than I ever would. Ha, ha, ha!!!
  11. LOL!!! I totally understand! There was one song, now I am happy that I can not remember the name, where I had the lyrics all wrong, and I could not get the song out of my head and I could not remember the correct lyrics. It was sooooooo annoying. Today the song is Frosty, The Snowman. I am in deep, deep trouble. I know that I will be stuck with this song locked in my brain, for at least a week.
  12. LOL!!! Most likely he would not feel a thing. Have you ever had those weeks, when you have so much to do, and you can not figure out, logistically, how to get anything accomplished and in what order? That is exactly where I am. I need to be in Santa Monica for a day, I would like to be in Mendocino County this week, and I must be home to get paperwork in before Friday. This makes me feel like I am in a bowl of spaghetti trying to find an end.
  13. Perhaps the person opening the bag might think I was crazy. LOL!!! Fist sized is very easy! I can do that! It is a good thing that I do not have to declare what is in the box, when I ship via FedEx. Now... if you would like to know, for certain, if I am crazy, listen to this one. For my next vehicle, I would like a Rubicon Jeep, complete with a bed on top. And before you think I made this up, they do make a variety of beds, complete with mattresses, for the top of your Jeep. But... I am meeting all kinds of resistance. My thinking is that if I wanted to wander around in the middle of nowhere, and then spend the night, I could just climb on top of my Jeep and go to sleep. There is only one drawback... I would not have a coffee maker for the morning. That is one item that has not been invented yet.
  14. Of course I remember!!! *wonders if everyone's email addresses are up to date*
  15. LOL!!! Jigg... you do not have hands... you have paws. I am sort-of listening to NPR. It is playing on the radio, but I am only half-listening.
  16. LOL!!! You are too nice. I am part of your fan club, so the feelings are mutual. This last week, I was helping my friend move into a furnished apartment. The landlord thought the place was clean. Oh, not even close. We spent the week cleaning. In addition, a carpet and furniture/upholstery cleaning company was called to take over. The only things remaining are the blinds, the walls and the silk plants. We are cleaning the silk plants and then sticking them in plastic bags, so that when we move out, we can just take them out of the bags and they are still clean. Ha, ha, ha!!! There was so much dust that you could write messages in the inches of dust. I am very happy that all that dust is gone. After another day of cleaning, life will be excellent and I can return to Tennessee.
  17. For some reason, when I am camping, I still can not become accustomed to getting dressed without a shower. You wake up, get dressed, go out and take photographs, then head to breakfast. The very next thing after breakfast, is to take a shower and put on clean clothes. But then you are thinking... tomorrow, I have to wake up and put on the dirty clothes again. LOL!!! But, I do plan on purchasing some of those hand warmers to heat up my clothes.
  18. LOL!!! It will be coming! Any particular size that you would prefer? LOL!!!
  19. WOW!!!! That is fantastic! I could listen to that over and over again. This is beautiful. Thank you so very much.
  20. Whoo Hoo!!! How much money to I have to send you for making me feel special? Thank you so very much.
  21. LOL!!! How did I not respond to this? Cold clothes are awful. That was really awful, but after the first night, I decided to place my clothes in the bottom of my sleeping bag to keep them warm. Ha, ha, ha. If I could only find a different way to keep my clothes warm, then I would do it. Perhaps one of those hand warmers placed inside an insulated bag to heat up my clothes.
  22. I will send you a piece. LOL!!! Then you can tell me what you really think. LOL!!!
  23. Ohhhhh, I believe I could make an exception. Go for it. See if it works, please.
  24. *blushes* Ohhhhh, thank you so very much. But, I am so very good at hijacking topics. LOL!!!
  25. So, if you need a few extra presents, just let me know. LOL!!!
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