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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Horatio

    My place. :)

    She sounds like a selfish person. She needs to room with a person such as herself, that does not want to give in at all. Of course she probably wouldn't get it. I don't think I could be as nice as you are. You get The Red Rose Award for being so very nice.
  2. I really don't have any pros and cons as I would be doing the same job, just in a different location.
  3. *gives TBFOF a really big hug* Please let us know the results and how you are doing.
  4. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Exactly! She has tons of books and comic books (probably thousands of comic books). I might try talking to her sometime today to see about working out some quiet hobbies for her. Maybe get her into sewing or origami or something. I've got some great origami books at home, and she can easily make square shaped paper from normal paper (origami paper is expensive). And sewing can be cheap if you get the remnant fabrics from wal-mart or something. I mean, if I didn't have a computer, there are *tons* of other things I could be doing that aren't video games, and even then, there's a nice big screen TV downstairs that's usually not being used. Oooh....maybe I can pay her to hem my pants for me one of these days. Superior idea. Sad that you are the one who has to come up with creative ideas. You have lots of patience. The actions and thoughts you have shown, indicate you will be a fantastic teacher. Let's hope she works with you.
  5. And you have to write a 1000 word essay on this???? Yeah, but there's plenty to write about: the textbook I'm using even has a section comparing the two types of cells, thereby making my job a lot easier! I'm on the internet waiting for the latest episode of "Ugly Betty" to finish streaming. Ugly Betty is great! My schedule needs tweaking and then I am going to look for some other apps for my phone.
  6. TBFOF... I am so sorry that you are having such awful headaches. Morphine and you still had the headache pain?!?!?!? Oh my, that is horrible. You missed Phantom of the Opera... I know this made you unhappy. And the ER until 03H00... how terrible for you. Gastrowhatever... how do these connect? I don't understand how this creates the migraine. I had chest pains and trouble breathing which is why I really went in, and my doctor was there two hours later than he was supposed to be, and I think he just wanted to get out of there, so he told me it was something with my esphogus and gave me nexium. Uhhhhhhhhhh. Oh... TBFOF... you really had a bad night. Do you think there is a different doctor that you could consult?
  7. You certainly have been under an enormous amount of stress. You seem to be holding up well. I admire you for this.
  8. Snow. Spring is coming here. Sun and temperatures around 12 °C. Finally. I already had a ride on my Honda. Cute little hampsters. China. Interesting. Well, would be a great experience to meet the people there. I think it is a good chance get an own impression of what is going on there. The media only talk about censorship, violation of human rights, pollution and so on... Thanks! Snow is for the north, not the south. No one knows how to drive in the snow and we had a zillion accidents. Now the Robo group is up to five. Horst, the short-haired Panda, reminds me of your black-hooded rat. I will try and get a picture, but he is really shy. It would be fantastic to see China first hand. My plan would be not to live in Hong Kong, but to live in Guangzhou. Before I left, I would study Mandarin and hopefully be able to construct a simple sentence. Of course, I can still be the moderator here, the only difference is that I could post pictures of China instead of the USA. China?! Wow. That is a long way off! Did you vote in the poll??? Do you think moving to China for a few years is a good idea? I didn't vote, because I'm not sure! Haa, I hate making decisions when I don't have to Yet somehow, I keep getting elected as class president... If you are getting elected as class president you must be very good at making decisions even though you don't like to. Pleeeeeeaaaaasssssssssseeeeeeeeeee vote.
  9. And you have to write a 1000 word essay on this????
  10. TBFOF... I am so sorry that you are having such awful headaches. Morphine and you still had the headache pain?!?!?!? Oh my, that is horrible. You missed Phantom of the Opera... I know this made you unhappy. And the ER until 03H00... how terrible for you. Gastrowhatever... how do these connect? I don't understand how this creates the migraine.
  11. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    I suppose the end of initiation holds my answer then. If it stops bothering me, then maybe the group isn't the best thing for me. I might still be able to try it next year, if I can attend the same school as a grad student and keep being involved. At least I have 11 months to make my decision now. It's better than 1 day, at least, like it was this year. That sounds like a great plan. Hope it all works out for you. Do you plan to attend grad school for math? If not, what area of study?
  12. Snow. Spring is coming here. Sun and temperatures around 12 °C. Finally. I already had a ride on my Honda. Cute little hampsters. China. Interesting. Well, would be a great experience to meet the people there. I think it is a good chance get an own impression of what is going on there. The media only talk about censorship, violation of human rights, pollution and so on... Thanks! Snow is for the north, not the south. No one knows how to drive in the snow and we had a zillion accidents. Now the Robo group is up to five. Horst, the short-haired Panda, reminds me of your black-hooded rat. I will try and get a picture, but he is really shy. It would be fantastic to see China first hand. My plan would be not to live in Hong Kong, but to live in Guangzhou. Before I left, I would study Mandarin and hopefully be able to construct a simple sentence. Of course, I can still be the moderator here, the only difference is that I could post pictures of China instead of the USA. China?! Wow. That is a long way off! Did you vote in the poll??? Do you think moving to China for a few years is a good idea?
  13. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Next year we're hoping for an apartment, which means we each have our own rooms and this won't matter so much. That would be an ideal living situation!!!
  14. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    I know the group would bring stress, but I have trouble imagining it being much more stressful than NOT being in it has been so far. And at least I'd be doing something productive. I wish I could've gone for it instead of trying to measure out how much more work it is, etc...I guess you can never know those things until you actually commit yourself to something. To be fair, I didn't think it would've been my last chance to join, but now I know that they don't take in members in the fall, and I graduate next spring. Once the initiation is over, hopefully it won't bother you anymore. My firm belief is that you made the right decision.
  15. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Please don't regret not joining the band group. Had you joined, you might have put much more stress on yourself. You are quite responsible, this being mid-terms, I think you would have been subjected to worrying about studying, tests and the band group. If you get a studio, I think you would really like it. My gut feeling is that you would not become withdrawn. To have a place by yourself does make you more responsible, but it also is nice when you want to study or have friends over, it is all on your time and you are not worried about interrupting someone else. This guy sounds like it might be an option. Either way, good luck!!! There is no doubt in my mind that you will receive all A's on your mid-terms. This is a wonderful way to start out your Easter break. Life sounds like it is going okay for you. Thank you for the update.
  16. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Hope all is well with you Jesse.
  17. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I sent it up to you. LOL
  18. Snow. Spring is coming here. Sun and temperatures around 12 °C. Finally. I already had a ride on my Honda. Cute little hampsters. China. Interesting. Well, would be a great experience to meet the people there. I think it is a good chance get an own impression of what is going on there. The media only talk about censorship, violation of human rights, pollution and so on... Thanks! Snow is for the north, not the south. No one knows how to drive in the snow and we had a zillion accidents. Now the Robo group is up to five. Horst, the short-haired Panda, reminds me of your black-hooded rat. I will try and get a picture, but he is really shy. It would be fantastic to see China first hand. My plan would be not to live in Hong Kong, but to live in Guangzhou. Before I left, I would study Mandarin and hopefully be able to construct a simple sentence. Of course, I can still be the moderator here, the only difference is that I could post pictures of China instead of the USA.
  19. I wish Schimmislick were here... I need someone who knows how to program a bot.
  20. The use of no stirrups is great practice, especially if she has you posting without stirrups. Closing your eyes? You are much braver than I am. I would probably lose my balance and fall off. Did you learn something from closing your eyes? The point of taking the stirrups away and telling us to ride with our eyes shut (in trot at one point - she took the reins away to guide us so I was suspended on Flo with only the saddle to keep me on!) in order to gain a knowledge of how the horse moves so we can move to learn with it and gain a centre of balance. I'm going to have extra lessons in my easter break and possibly my best friend will have a few lessons with me, so it's all looking very promising. I went home for the weekend. It was all very sad as people kept on mentioning my uncle by accident. I went to see my grandparents yesterday and even though they have The Great British Reserve - the whole idea of having a 'stiff upper lip' and acting as stoic as possible - my grandma had a few teary moments. I also saw a few of my uncle's children. I haven't seen one of my other cousins who just had a baby a few weeks ago: everyone is worried that she'll stop producing milk under all the stress. The funeral is on Wednesday and I have to go back home tomorrow. So it has been a very emotional few days. You didn't tell me if YOU gained anything from the exercise of closing your eyes. Did she have you posting without your stirrups? It will be really fantastic if your Easter break turns out to be a riding holiday. How fantastic for both you and your friend. You know we all are praying for you and your family. Your grandmother is having such a hard time as it is very difficult for a parent to lose a child. No matter what age the death occurs. If your cousin stops producing milk, at least there is formula. Not that this is what she would like, but with stress, there might be vitamin deficiency which is also not good for the baby. *hugs for you*
  21. There is a possibility that I may consider moving to China for a few years. What do you think? Whatever your vote is, please make a post and let me know why you came to that decision. Thank you.
  22. So happy to know I was missed! But certainly not nearly as much as we all have missed you!!! Please do find a couple minutes to check in and stay with us. Jesse makes appearances every now and then when his studies allow him a minute. Jesusfreak you have seen. Kep has promised to return for a visit. Leguan posts a few times a week. The Grim Hamster Lord makes appearances in the government topic and then there is everyone else that you have heard from. Glowurm's story is phenomenal and I have a new poll in my topic in Hampsterdance Talk. Mega Wolf will be thrilled to see your post in the Relationships Topic. That's just for starters.
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