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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Fantastic pictures!!! I was trying to find my favorite, but there are a bunch of my favorites. Thank you for taking the time to post them.
  2. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Yeah!!!! Enjoy your days off.
  3. Thank goodness he took the pills at school. Had he tried this at home at night, then he might not have made it. Please keep us posted on how he is doing. He will be in my heart for a speedy recovery and for his life to turn around.
  4. Be sure to get myself and Horatio one too. Horatio, I'm going to box myself up, and you can fly us to which ever venue LE gets tickets for! I can do that.
  5. The iPhone continues to amaze me with the quality of the photographs. Sometimes it takes better close-up pictures than my Nikon Coolpix. Of course, TBFOF, you take incredible pictures and if you had this phone, you would have a zillion pictures posted.
  6. Yes!!! You are that awesome!!! Michael Jackson? You are going to stand in line for Michael Jackson???? LOL... Good luck!!! Perhaps you ought to get on line this evening. LOL
  7. Beautiful! Would you mind if I made the one of ... the wooden fence thing my desktop background? Please do. Actually that is the wall from a dilapidated cabin. Here is a picture of the remainder of the cabin. Just a few feet from the cabin on the right side of the path is an old blue car. You picked one of my favorite pictures from today. Thank you so much for wanting to use it on your desktop background!!!! I want the wood from that, it's beautiful! I got three compliments on it last night at WOz rehearsal. They all thought it was one of those preloaded backgrounds. THANK YOU! You just made my day. You are most welcome. What is even more amazing is that the iPhone took that picture!
  8. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Too much sugar! LOL Seriously... how productive you are today. lol I had to, because I knew I wouldn't have time the rest of today. I had class from 2:50 until about now, and will have dinner at 5, then class 6-9, and I have to go to bed at around 10, because I have to get up at 6am tomorrow. Tomorrow looks like another long day for you. How's Phil? Phil, last I checked, was getting over a nasty cold and in a rather bad mood for some reason. I think he's suffering from internet withdrawal. (both hinges on his computer broke, and he doesn't want his grandparents to know about this yet, because they'll yell at him for being irresponsible, when in fact HP just makes crappy hinges (my sister and I have both had to replace a hinge on our computers.). We were keeping in touch through facebook messages because Phil was able to get to facebook through the wireless on his new ipod, but it died and he seems to have left the charger at college, so now we just have text messages, and sometimes his sister's computer) As for today, I'm leaving for home straight from field work today. One thing I have as a rule in my life... never go anywhere without my array of chargers. LOL Please tell Phil to get better soon.
  9. WOW!!! That is really, really awesome! Please introduce your new friend to HampsterDance. We could have a new member!!!!!
  10. If you are looking at it this way, he was a first grader when you were a toddler. Think about those adults who have a ten or fifteen year difference.
  11. You mean Christmas music in July? Actually, it is very good music.
  12. Very green and very good! You look great!!!
  13. You touched upon something I had considered... not everyone has access to a camera. I think we should open it up to drawings or other artwork created by the person posting. What do you think? Maybe have two different categories, one for photographs and one for drawings? Excellent idea! *hands Jesusfreak a green cupcake with green icing* Thank you!!!
  14. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Too much sugar! LOL Seriously... how productive you are today. lol I had to, because I knew I wouldn't have time the rest of today. I had class from 2:50 until about now, and will have dinner at 5, then class 6-9, and I have to go to bed at around 10, because I have to get up at 6am tomorrow. Tomorrow looks like another long day for you. How's Phil?
  15. *applause* *applause* *applause* CONGRATULATIONS !!!!! Glad you enjoyed your riding lesson. Don't forget to bring Flo a carrot when you have a lesson next time.
  16. HampsterKing does not care for that site, but MK knows exactly what it is because I edited her post the same way when she mentioned the same name. Why doesn't HK care for it? Curse you and your mod powers! First, it's a website and then second, it is not the nicest website. Besides, Mushroom_king knew exactly what site you were talking about. LOL
  17. wat Actually photograph, unaltered. A church in Memphis has this in the front yard.
  18. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Too much sugar! LOL Seriously... how productive you are today.
  19. You touched upon something I had considered... not everyone has access to a camera. I think we should open it up to drawings or other artwork created by the person posting. What do you think?
  20. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I had to be up early for my education class, which starts at 8:30am. >_ Ouch. Days that I have field work (like Thursday) I have to be up at 6am. On the days when I am at work, that is about my bedtime.
  21. Beautiful! Would you mind if I made the one of ... the wooden fence thing my desktop background? Please do. Actually that is the wall from a dilapidated cabin. Here is a picture of the remainder of the cabin. Just a few feet from the cabin on the right side of the path is an old blue car. You picked one of my favorite pictures from today. Thank you so much for wanting to use it on your desktop background!!!!
  22. Came up with an idea today while I was in the park. Have a photography contest each month featuring a different colour. To explain further, I am going to start today and this will be a short month. The colour of this month is green. March is green month. As this is only a couple weeks long, we will give it a try and see how it works out. Please submit pictures featuring the colour green. The photograph can be anything that highlights that particular month's colour. You can submit as many pictures as you like. Here are my entries.
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