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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. This has been an awful week that passed... not one I want to repeat. First I had to put one of my friends to sleep. *cries* Heloise was having some problems where her balance was gone. This created some big problems for her as she could not walk straight and had trouble standing. There were a couple other health problems and both I and the vet suspected a brain tumour. Well, I cried so much. Then I was having some mix-up with the mobile me part of the computer and proceeded to totally eliminate my contacts, AGAIN, but this time it made sure I not only cleaned out my phone, but all the contacts in Adam Z'apple. No recovery, except the contacts I had stored on my iPod. Well, I was going to restore that data and did not have time, as I had to go to work. So, I loaded the backpack with Adam, my iPhone, iPod, my friend's new iPhone, all my back-up cables, Airport Express, etc., passport, all my licenses, identification, credit cards, etc., etc., etc., bungeed everything on the back of my motorcycle and headed off to work. When I got to work, my backpack was gone!!!!! Immediately I retraced my steps, and continued to do so for the next four hours, but absolutely nothing. Knowing I had left my cell phone on, I called. It rang three times and so I knew it had survived the fall off the bike. By eight o'clock that morning, someone had turned it off. Now I knew that someone had my bag. The last two days have been filled with trying to remember all the accounts I access on my laptop, the usernames and the passwords. Changing all the passwords. Next was to try and rebuild my life, one document at a time. You have no idea just how frustrating it is to have nothing but your FedEx ID, and you are trying to replace all your documents. First, most companies or agencies, expect that if you lose 'their' document or license, that is the only one you have lost. The have no provision for anyone who has lost ALL their documents. So, you want to replace this lost document, please send in a notarized, certified letter where you showed a notary you have another form of picture ID. Okay, that can't happen. So, I decide to go to the Apple Store to replace my iPhone. You have to have a "card" to put into the machine to activate the iPhone before you leave the store. Here is the scenario: "Why can't I pay cash?" "Because we need a credit card to put into this machine to activate your phone." "So, it I don't use cards and do not have any cards, or my credit is so bad that no one will give me a card, or I have lost all my cards, then I cannot replace my phone?" "Yup." "How is this possible that I cannot pay you cash?" "Because we need a card." "There is absolutely no other way?" "No." So this goes on for quite some time... and I do mean, quite some time. Then the guy at the Apple Store, Julien, says, "Wait, I have an idea." "Okay" "I will sell you a gift card, and we can put the gift card into the machine." "Great thinking." Now we get that part established and are on the the next problem... AT&T. "What is your wireless account number" "I don't know." "Well, we need that three digit code to verify who you are." "The wireless is tied into my house phone bill, why would I have a wireless account number? Also, I am in Tennessee and the paper copy of the bill is in Florida. Is there a way to look it up online?" "No." "No? Let me understand this. You want me to go paperless and receive my bills online, but there is no way to look up my wireless account number online, why would I want to go paperless?" "I'm sorry, I have to have your wireless account number to activate your cell phone." "But I had the two phones suspended when they were lost and possibly stolen. Can you verify me with anything else?" "No." "So, let me understand this, if I lost the paperwork copy of my phone bill in the parking lot, someone picked it up, then they could activate an iPhone under my name with no additional security checks." "I guess so." "May I please speak to your supervisor. Certainly there is a way to verify the last payment, the bank where the money was dispersed, something to verify who I am." "You can speak to a supervisor, but they will not be able to help unless you have the paper copy of your bill." Well, I won't bore you with any additional idiotic comments by the AT&T people, but finally I managed to get an iPhone... four hours later. Now on to step two, but that is for a different post.
  2. Uck! Memphis was pretty close to the variables you had in Kansas, but a little moderated. We were in the 30's on the cold day and had a high of 89 on the sunny day. Then cold, cold, cold again. GRRRRR.
  3. D: no no. its true. I don't need any help from you, sir. You, Mushroom_king, have one of the most creative minds. It would have been my guess that you would have come up with a phenomenal name.
  4. My trips this month mean I frequent Lubbock, Texas. I really like this town!!!! The town's elevation is about 3240 feet.
  5. *cries* TBFOF!!!!! I am so sorry you are going through this. Ever considered food allegies? Gluten allergies? I'm grasping at straws, but food allergies would be my next thought. *gives TBFOF the biggest hug ever*
  6. Do you ride a bicycle? You can learn to ride a motorcycle. Why do you have to learn to drive a car first? Just pick a college in a warm climate. I think most states have some thing about needing to be qualified to drive a car before they let you use a motorcycle on thier roads... I appreciate the asthetics of a motorbike, shoot, that's one of the subfolders in my "random stuff off the internet" folder, but I wouldn't want to operate one.. well maybe one of those itty bitty cars that are considered motorcycles for safety reasons. My next car is going to be a smart car.
  7. China is not my only option, I could also live in Hong Kong. Of course, they are also under Chinese rule, but I leave the country to fly. So, I could still be the mod.
  8. I bid to fly Hong Kong and thought it would be great to live in China for 2 to 3 years. Now I am just waiting to see if I have been awarded the bid. The company has delayed the results for about one week. News to follow. Of course, everyone has voted No, except for me. So.....
  9. Do you ride a bicycle? You can learn to ride a motorcycle. Why do you have to learn to drive a car first? Just pick a college in a warm climate.
  10. I am torn between the butterfly and the bridge at night as my favorite! Is that the Tappan Zee Bridge? Your phone took an awesome picture of the bridge at night. The reflection off the water is beautiful!!!! The butterfly came out so clear with beautiful colour. Today I am in Appleton, Wisconsin... let me see if I can get outside without freezing to death. There should be a good picture opportunity here. The butterfly was taken outside, during gym class. The teacher was standing directly behind me, so I snapped a picture quickly through the fence, and was surprised it came out so clear :] First I must say that I do believe you have a very good eye for composing a great photograph. When I see some of the fantastic photos you have posted, I do urge you to take some classes in photography. You could have a great hobby/future in this field. Now, back to the butterfly... I love that picture. Your phone presented a beautiful shot!
  11. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Jesse you would be spectacular in the computer science field!!!! With what you have accomplished with your game, I definitely think gaming track courses should be a must for you. You do have talent in this area. When you do a job that you love, it is not like working at all. I hope you follow your heart.
  12. OREGON TRAIL \o/ I think you need to get a motorbikes. cause you keep having dreams about them. and watching movies about them. I agree!!! You need a dirt bike or ninja so we can ride together! No Harleys!!! Glad the Harley turned into a yak.
  13. Great information! Thank you so much for posting this. I had forgotten about the blanket and going to the bathroom anywhere. Great points.
  14. I can't remember what bridge that is. Grrrrr. You should know as I believe you had talked about driving across the bridge in one of your posts. At first I thought it was the George Washington Bridge, then I thought it was the Newburgh-Beacon Bridge, but then I couldn't make up my mind. TBFOF... where are you??? H-E-L-P-P-P-P-P-P-P please ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? I drove across the TZ bridge yesterday. Horatio was closest with the Newburgh-Beacon Bridge. Thank you for letting me know. I was confusing myself with which bridges are which. Do you know which one now? Absolutely.
  15. Please do have your mother call your vet and make sure he/she is an exotic pet vet. This is really important as you do not want to be searching at the time of an emergency, should one happen. Also, it you find a stuffed animal, some hedgehogs like to cuddle up to a stuffed animal. It should be fairly plain with no extra buttons, bows or places where your hedgehog would get into the stuffing. This creates some warmth and also gives them a buddy. Other hedgehogs like a plastic toy to push around in the cage. Not too big, but just something to play with. Fred probably won't be trying to lick him anytime soon as that probably hurt.
  16. Sorry I missed this, but I would have used an 'H" name. Harrison is a great name! You posted the first post while I was working so I couldn't get here until now. I'm so sorry to have not replied earlier. Do you have a large wheel for him? Hedgehogs need at least two square feet to play in and definitely need a wheel to run. Another thing to remember is you will most likely have to clean the wheel at least once every day. They have a tendency to urinate in the wheel. It was my understanding that European hedgehogs were illegal to own. Only the African hedgehogs were legal. Of course, this just might be a Florida law. If you move, please remember to check the laws of the state you are moving to as some states have laws saying it is illegal to own a hedgehog. Don't forget that if Harrison gets sick, you will need to find an exotic pets vet, so I suggest you contact the pet store where you purchased him and get the name of someone now, before you have an emergency. One other thing to consider, hedgehogs don't like temperatures below 70 degrees F. If the temperature in your room is lower than this, Harrison will start hibernating and this is not healthy for him. Also, please make sure he is not underneath a fan. Please do post lots more pictures. The one with the two cats and the puppy is a great shot. Look at the black and white cat peering down into the cage. Good luck with your new buddy!!! Please
  17. I can't remember what bridge that is. Grrrrr. You should know as I believe you had talked about driving across the bridge in one of your posts. At first I thought it was the George Washington Bridge, then I thought it was the Newburgh-Beacon Bridge, but then I couldn't make up my mind. TBFOF... where are you??? H-E-L-P-P-P-P-P-P-P please ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? I drove across the TZ bridge yesterday. Horatio was closest with the Newburgh-Beacon Bridge. Thank you for letting me know. I was confusing myself with which bridges are which.
  18. Oh my. I hope he is doing better.
  19. Trying to figure out the problem with my contacts. I did something, but who knows what I did. Ugh!
  20. When is the concert? You don't have to make a decision today, do you? What I would consider when making your decision is how people treat you all the other days of the year. If they have other life priorities and don't have time for you, then they need to be put on the bottom of the list. Think of the people who are your friend the entire year, not just when they want to go to the concert. If you can wait until your mother returns, I would definitely ask her opinion. I'm glad I'm not in your talons. Its in September so I have plenty of time. I don't have to make a decision today but I have to be very careful not to offend anyone with this. I think the best option would be to stick to the two-tickets-per-family rule because that way it'll be fair. The tickets all sold out in 4 hours of them going online so getting more is almost impossble. I watched a news report a couple of hours ago featuring people who queued up in London for the tickets: one lady was 7 months pregnant and had stayed in the line overnight. The lady who was first in the queue had been there since early Wednesday night! These people have clearly not heard of the internet... the website DID slow down to a trickle (a quarter of a million people descended on the websites offering tickets) but if I - a casual fan - managed it then I'm sure others can. But I suppose the chances are much slimmer online. Gruh. Today has been one crazy day! I had a nap around 1 because of having so little sleep and I was awoken by the flat buzzer. As I thought it was part of my dream (I dreamt I was chasing a rat with a broom in a dimly-lit room) so my heart was going crazy out of fear! I need to calm down. Sounds like you have plenty of time and a great plan. Trying not to offend anyone will be hard, but it sounds like your are really smart about this. Maybe the people who were physically in line, had dial-up at home and thought this would be faster. LOL
  21. I can't remember what bridge that is. Grrrrr. You should know as I believe you had talked about driving across the bridge in one of your posts. At first I thought it was the George Washington Bridge, then I thought it was the Newburgh-Beacon Bridge, but then I couldn't make up my mind. TBFOF... where are you??? H-E-L-P-P-P-P-P-P-P please ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ! ?
  22. When is the concert? You don't have to make a decision today, do you? What I would consider when making your decision is how people treat you all the other days of the year. If they have other life priorities and don't have time for you, then they need to be put on the bottom of the list. Think of the people who are your friend the entire year, not just when they want to go to the concert. If you can wait until your mother returns, I would definitely ask her opinion. I'm glad I'm not in your talons.
  23. I am torn between the butterfly and the bridge at night as my favorite! Is that the Tappan Zee Bridge? Your phone took an awesome picture of the bridge at night. The reflection off the water is beautiful!!!! The butterfly came out so clear with beautiful colour. Today I am in Appleton, Wisconsin... let me see if I can get outside without freezing to death. There should be a good picture opportunity here.
  24. *applause so loud LifesEagle has to cover her ears* Amazing!!!! You did great!!!!!!! How awesome!!!!!!!!!!
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